通过 GCR 恢复的共和国|更新于2021年9月25日

2021年9月25日19:25:44大揭露通过 GCR 恢复的共和国|更新于2021年9月25日已关闭评论791字数 47075阅读156分55秒阅读模式

通过 GCR 恢复的共和国|更新于2021年9月25日

Judy ByingtonMSWLCSW,治疗师,记者,作家,《二十二张脸:珍妮·希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》

"Trust the Plan."…Q


"I will expose my father's killers no matter who they are–even if I have to bring down the government."…John F.Kennedy Jr.


"My fellow Americans,over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country(land of the free)from evil tyrants who wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of Shining Light.On POTUS's(Trump's)order,we have initiated certain fail safes that shall safeguard the public from a primary fallout."…Q,Clear Patriot


"Get Ready.Soon.It's Time."…Donald Trump




"Get ready for a Total Blackout!Black Swan Event will trigger scare events and a global shutdown.Everything will go fast.Be ready!They are warning us.You just need eyes to see it."…Trump+Q Great Awakening

"做好全面停电的准备!黑天鹅事件将引发恐慌事件和全球关闭。一切都会很快过去。准备好!他们在警告我们。你只需要用眼睛就能看到。"......特朗普+q 大觉醒

"If you want success,stay on your knees."…Denzel Washington


***Must Watch***


Friday,24 Sept.4pm EDT Arizona Audit Live Broadcast:https://www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?clientID=6361162879&eventID=2021091005


***Must Read***


Juan O Savin:Do Not Take this Clot-Shot on Pain of your Death!(Transcribed by Kat)|Operation Disclosure Official


God Bless America&Patriotic Music–The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square–Bing video


Judy Note:On multiple occasionsQ has said that near the end there could be reasons to"lose heart"and feel that all hope was gone.Those reasons abounded today,Fri.24 Sept.You must have been as disappointed as I was of today's Mass Media news coverage of the Arizona Audit release that claimed Biden had won,again–when in fact he didn't.They had obviously cheated,lied and tried unsuccessfully to cover up their nefarious ways–again.


Though,could it have been another set up by the Alliance to catch the bad guys?–and were they caught?BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!


Was it possible that on Sat.25 Sept.around 8 pm EDT at the Trump Rally in Georgia,Trump would say"My fellow Americans,the Storm is Upon us?"


If so,would that be a trigger for a shutdown to occur within 12 hours,or by 8 am EDT on Sun.26 Sept?


Just in case,you were advised to have stored away at least 2-3 weeks of cash,food and essential supplies.


Bruce had claimed that on Sat.25 Sept.in Georgiabefore the Trump Rally started,Tier 4B(Us,the Internet Group)would receive emails and 800 numbers to make exchange/redemption appointments.Of course,we've heard that before,but could it be possible?

布鲁斯在星期六宣布了这个消息。925日,特朗普集会在 Georgiabefore 开始,Tier 4 b(美国,互联网集团)将接收电子邮件和800个号码来进行交换/兑现预约。当然,我们以前也听说过,但这有可能吗?

With the fraudulent 2020 Election results now public,all we really needed was a massive Stock Market crash to trigger the Storm.Then the Emergency Broadcast System blackout would activate a Mass Media takeover by the Military on their new Star Link Satellite System–so it could inform the masses of what really took place today.After all,MSM has been warned about reporting fake news–repeatedly.


Bruce also said that Tier 4B could possibly set appointments on Sat.25 Sept.and Sun 26 Sept.and then start those appointments on Monday 27 Sept.–while rumors abounded that Redemption Center staff around the globe were on alert for Monday,while in Zurich test runs on bond transactions were going on in order to be ready for Monday.

布鲁斯还表示,Tier 4B 可能会在星期六安排任命。925日和926日星期日,然后在927日星期一开始这些预约。——周一,全球各地的赎回中心员工都处于戒备状态的传言比比皆是,而在苏黎世,为了准备周一的到来,正在进行债券交易的试运行。

Multiple sources have confirmed that Tier 4B was very likely to be liquid sometime next week,withsome sources reporting we would start appointments on Mon.27 Sept.

多个消息来源已经证实,Tier 4 b 很可能在下周的某个时候变成液体,一些消息来源称,我们将于927日开始预约。

Could it really be possible that our long journey into the Global Currency Reset was ending,while our new adventure in humanitarian work around the globe had just begun?


A.Trump+Q Great Awakening:Today is an important day:Friday Sept.24th.Numerology of today is 20=XX.We've seen this XX a lot lately by insiders like Mr.Pool and others.It looks to be about the Black Swan event like the black Friday where the biggest market crash happens.

特朗普+q 大觉醒:今天是一个重要的日子:924日,星期五。今天的数字命理学是20=XX。我们最近经常看到像普尔先生和其他业内人士这样的 XX。它似乎是关于黑天鹅事件像黑色星期五最大的市场崩溃发生。

The Deep-State doesn't want us to know about the election integrity and Maricopa Audits so they are triggering a lot of False Flag events.They are really scared and don't want you to know that Trump wins and Dems cheated.Remember:The first arrest will shock the world!Hope it's today!


Sat.25 Sept Trump rally:They prepared fireworks to end the rally to celebrate the victory.Hope it will be the time we're all waiting for"My fellow Americans,the Storm is Upon us."


There's several storms coming:


–Peter and Rose tropical storms.


–Solar storms"Internet Apocalypse".


–Volcano La Palma"Fake Tsunami"false flag scare event.(Big Red Wave).Do not fear a real Tsunami.It's all fake propaganda miss information campaign.


Everything is pointing to the massive Stock Market crash and Trump victory that will trigger the Storm and then blackout.


Once he says that phrase,we have 12h to prepare us for the shutdown.Military will be with us everywhere right the next day so that there is not too much protest and violence with the Antifas.


Make sure to listen what he will say at 8pm on Sat.25 Sept.at the rally.It would fit with a Good morning Sunday morning 8am.


Everybody knows it cannot keep going indefinitely.Everybody,all Patriots have had enough of this never ending movie.This game is not easy for anyone and it is time for the END game.The final act is coming and we can all feel it.There's mass resignations and arrests lately that all points to something bigger coming.


Trust the plan.It is perfectly well done.You won't believe how good the end will be.It will be the most EPIC ending we'll ever see.This is The Great Awakening!Light shines bright.Awakening to the truth is not easy for anyone.For those still in deep sleep it will be even harder.


There will be a time to heal after these events.We'll need to be there to help the sleepy ones who are still watching fake media TVs and listening to radio.The enemies are NOT the sleepers,the enemies are the Globalists Satanic Evils.


Keep focused on the real enemies we need to fight,not on the sleepers.You'll see:The Best Is Yet To Come!100%Guaranteed!Trump confirmed it.Keep the faith!The End is near.


B.Arizona 2020 Election Audit:https://populist.press/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/527269906-20210919-Maricopa-County-Forensic-Audit-Volume-III-Results-Details-003.pdf


Judy Note:The above PDF Summary showed that Biden won,and then went on to point out the evidence that Biden's win was based on fraud.

朱迪注:上面的 PDF 摘要显示拜登获胜,然后指出有证据表明拜登的获胜是基于欺诈。

All evidence of fraud presented in the Arizona audit report today will be turned over to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.


A report has already been prepared on the improper actions of the government of the electoral department and the Maricopa County Supervisory Board.The document was submitted to the Arizona State Senate,which may be used today.


The report,for example,provides eyewitness testimony testifying to violations of Arizona law and election procedures:


"I worked at several food service points and witnessed cars with one or two people dropping 20 or 30 ballots at a time.In addition,they were returned ballots several times because they did not have signatures,and I witnessed how they got out of order,signed all the ballots and returned through the queue.I was instructed that we are not allowed to refuse to accept ballots."


"The voting boxes in the location were left open and unlocked,and when I reported this,I was transferred to another place."


By the way,in leaked audio recordings published earlier,Maricopa County supervisor Steve Chukri acknowledges the existence of all these violations.

顺便说一下,在早些时候公布的泄露的音频记录中,马里科帕县主管 Steve Chukri 承认所有这些违规行为的存在。

C.Statement by Donald J.Trump,45th President of the United States of America


The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report!The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes,mystery votes,and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over.The number includes 23,344 mail-in ballots,despite the person no longer living at that address.Phantom voters!The official canvass does not even match who voted,off by 11,592—more than the entire Presidential Election margin.Voters who voted in multiple counties totaled 10,342,and 2,382 ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County.There were also 2,592"more duplicate ballots than original ballots."Just those fraudulent ballots alone total 50,252,and is fraud many more times than the so-called margin of"victory,"which was only 10,457.In addition,election data appears to have been intentionally deleted,and ballot images were"corrupt or missing."This is not even the whole state of Arizona,but only Maricopa County.It would only get worse!There is fraud and cheating in Arizona and it must be criminally investigated!More is coming out in the hearing today.


D.WARNING!STAY OUT OF DOWNTOWN PHOENIX FOR THE NEXT WEEK!Our channel owner was sent this warning in early Sept:"..be aware of possible kinetic action being planned by the Left.They have been bussing and flying in tremendous amounts of military age males into key cities across the country since the day Biden mumbled his way in.It's very likely these are shock troops to create kinetic actions when the audit results come out."


There is a high probability a false flag event will take place in Phoenix to distract&discredit the audit results and the America First movement.They want to bait you into being there.They want to bait you into kinetic action.They want to use you for their narrative.And by"THEY",I mean ANYONE who is planning a rally or protest in Phoenix within the next week…even the"good guys"Don't get distracted.Stay away from Phoenix.


E.AZ Sen.Wendy Rogers Indicates the Next Steps after the'Dramatic','Truthful'Audit Report Is Released:"We expect it to be dramatic.It will be truthful."Today,Arizona will present a report on the audit of the results of the 2020 elections in Maricopa County.One of the speakers will be Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai,a persecuted Big Tech whistleblower of Big Pharma,a scientist and a politician.He has evidence that Biden could not have won Arizona in any way,as he has repeatedly publicly stated,but his materials were instantly blocked and deleted from the Internet.https://www.thefreedomtimes.com/2021/09/23/az-sen-wendy-rogers-indicates-the-next-steps-after-the-dramatic-truthful-audit-report-is-released/

AZ 参议员温迪罗杰斯表明下一步后,"戏剧性的""真实的"审计报告公布:"我们希望它是戏剧性的。这将是真实的。"今天,亚利桑那州将提交一份关于2020年马里科帕县大选结果审计的报告。其中一位演讲者是 Shiva Ayyadurai 博士,他是一位受到迫害的大型制药公司的技术告密者,一位科学家和一位政治家。他有证据表明拜登不可能以任何方式赢得亚利桑那州,正如他多次公开声明的那样,但他的材料立即被屏蔽,并从互联网上删除。Https://www.thefreedomtimes.com/2021/09/23/az-sen-wendy-rogers-indicates-the-next-steps-after-the-dramatic-truthful-audit-report-is-released/

F.Maricopa Audit Report:


As a result of the Arizona Audit Report 41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit,Decertification Where Appropriate,and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives.


Maricopa County Audit Concludes:'Election Should Not Be Certified'


The audit report identifies more than 57K questionable votes,intentionally deleted election files,and other suspicious voting machine activity.

审计报告确认了超过57K 的有问题的投票,故意删除的选举文件,以及其他可疑的投票机活动。

Cyber Ninjas writes,"based on these factual findings,the election should not be certified,and the reported results are not reliable.Major issues identified:


•There were more than 10,000 double votes across county lines.


•Tens of thousands of ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election and could not have physically received their ballots,legally.


•None of the systems related to elections integrity had numbers that would balance and agree with each other.


•The voter rolls and the registration management process itself have many data integrity issues.For instance,over 200 individuals were easily identifiable as likely being the same person but having two different Voter IDs and voting twice in the election.


•Without access to the County's detailed records including personally identifiable information and registration systems it is more likely there were many tens of thousands of improper votes in the election from double voters,deceased voters,voters for which we can find no trace in the public records nor association to their voting address,moved voters,etc.


•Proper voter registration law and procedures were not followed.


•There were unexplained large purges of registered voters,right after the election,of people who had voted in the election.


•There was back dating of registrations,adjustments made to historical voting and voter records,unexplained linking of voter registration affidavits to multiple voters and more.


•Files were missing from the Election Management System(EMS)Server.


•Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.


•Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over,and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.


•On the ballot side,batches were not always clearly delineated,duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers,originals were duplicated more than once,and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of-Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot's movement into the Auditors'care.This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results.


•There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots,on-demand printed ballots,as well as a statistically significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast,suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge."


"None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other.In some cases,these differences were significant."


None of the County's election numbers match.


Ballot images"corrupt or missing."


Election data apparently intentionally deleted.


Illegal ballots counted from people who had moved.


Ballots duplicated"more than once,"missing serial numbers


Files were missing from the Election Management System(EMS)Server.


Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.

EMS 上的选票图像已损坏或丢失。

Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over,and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.


G.BREAKING:Texas Secretary of State's Office Announces FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on 4 Texas Counties:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/breaking-texas-secretary-states-office-announces-full-forensic-audit-4-texas-counties/


H.The Real News for Fri.24 Sept:


Bitcoin Crashes after China rules all crypto-related transactions illegal:https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1441368038691979269


New emails reveal Hunter Biden asked for$2 million plus'success fees'to help unfreeze Libyan assets while his father was Vice President.

新的电子邮件显示,亨特拜登(Hunter Biden)要求支付200万美元外加"成功费",以帮助解冻他父亲担任副总统期间利比亚的资产。

Myanmar's biggest cities hit by power outages–as critics continue to slam social media blackouts


China's central bank declares all transactions of cryptocurrencies illegal,effectively banning digital tokens.Courageous Whistleblower Alleges China"Intentionally"Released COVID At Military Tournament In October 2019.

中国央行宣布所有加密货币交易为非法,实际上禁止了数字代币。勇敢的告密者指控中国"故意"201910月的军事锦标赛上释放 COVID

Australia:Clashes have broken out between police and anti-lockdown protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance War Memorial in Melbourne,Australia.Over 200 arrests have been reported.Queensland Police to be suspended without pay if they don't get a COVID-19 vaccine within the next two weeks.Ongoing huge protests in Melbourne against Pharma-Fascism and DNA manipulating control-Vaccine.

澳大利亚:在澳大利亚墨尔本墨尔本战争纪念馆战争纪念馆,警察和反封锁抗议者之间爆发冲突。据报有200多人被捕。如果昆士兰警察在未来两周内没有接种2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗,他们将被停薪留职。墨尔本正在进行大规模抗议,反对制药法西斯主义和 DNA 操纵控制疫苗。

Victoria Australia getting ready for the end game mass lockdowns.100's of fake police officers getting ready for something big."Global Shutdown."They created an"dark force"army paid by the C×P against the people.Really hope they got infiltrated by the White Hats and soon will turn back against the globalists.


Melbourne Australia:Massive protests yesterday.And massive earthquake 6.0 magnitude today.This sounds fishy!Stay home they said,people didn't listen and protested massively.https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/earthquake-magnitude-56-strikes-near-melbourne-australia-gfz-2021-09-21/


Sweden to lift virtually all#COVID19 restrictions from September 29,scraps vaccine passport plans(for now),the Public Health Agency announced at a press

瑞典公共卫生署在新闻发布会上宣布,瑞典将从929日起取消对 covid19疫苗的几乎所有限制,废除疫苗护照计划(目前)

UK:No jab no job!!!Carers protesting mandatory jabs in Liverpool


Switzerland:Thousands of Swiss residents have taken to the streets throughout September–protesting the country's mandatory health pass.Riot police shoot rubber bullets at anti-health pass protesters in Bern,Switzerland,SRF News reports.

瑞士:成千上万的瑞士居民在整个九月走上街头,抗议国家强制性的健康通行证。SRF 新闻报道,在瑞士伯尔尼,防暴警察向反健康通道的抗议者发射橡皮子弹。

The Office of the Secretary of the State of Texas announces a full forensic examination of the 2020 general election in four Texas counties.


The FDA has approved Pfizer's COVID-19 booster shots for"emergency use by individuals aged 65 and older,as well as high-risk adults."


Two Afghan refugees have been charged with federal crimes in Fort McCoy,including committing sexual intercourse with a minor with the use of force.

两名阿富汗难民在 Fort McCoy 被指控犯有联邦罪行,包括使用武力对未成年人实施性交。

The CEO of Moderna predicts that the pandemic will end and life will become the same next year.


Sweden will lift almost all restrictions on COVID next week."Many people have made great sacrifices in their daily lives.Now it is time for the Swedish people to meet again,"said the country's Health minister Lena Hallengren.

下周,瑞典将取消几乎所有对 COVID 的限制。"许多人在日常生活中做出了巨大的牺牲。现在是瑞典人民再次会面的时候了。"瑞典卫生部长 Lena Hallengren 说。

Collierville High School was closed due to a report of an active shooter in the state of Tennessee.One person was killed,13 were injured.

由于有报道称田纳西州发生枪击事件,Collierville 高中被迫关闭。一人死亡,13人受伤。

A former police officer of the city of Minneapolis in the United States,Derek Chauvin,who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for the murder of George Floyd,decided to appeal the verdict.

美国明尼阿波利斯市前警官德里克·肖文(Derek Chauvin)因谋杀乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)而被判处22年有期徒刑,他决定对判决提出上诉。

Deputy Foreign Minister of the DPRK Lee Tae-song said that South Korea's call for an official end to the Korean War is premature,but the door for dialogue is open if it"renounces its double standards and hostile policies."


The Central Bank of China declares all Crypto Currency transactions illegal.


Fauci says that the US may face a"dark winter",but it can be avoided if Americans are vaccinated to a"very high degree".


The CDC Advisory Group supported Pfizer's proposal to vaccinate COVID-19 million elderly and vulnerable Americans.


The US House of Representatives has passed a bill on financing the Israeli Iron Dome system.


I.Durham Report:"The tolerance ends now."…John Durham


Today Fri.24 Sept.is the start of what they fear the most.


Biden Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Tied to Alleged 2016 Clinton Scheme to Co-Opt the CIA and FBI to Tar Trump:https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/09/23/biden_security_adviser_sullivan_tied_to_16_clinton_plan_to_co-opt_cia_and_fbi_to_tar_trump_795498.html

拜登安全顾问 Jake Sullivan 涉嫌2016年克林顿阴谋联合中央情报局和联邦调查局对付特朗普:https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/09/23/biden_security_adviser_sullivan_tied_to_16_clinton_plan_to_co-opt_cia_and_fbi_to_tar_trump_795498.html

J.Biblical floods or world peace;which is it to be?Benjamin Fulford,Sept.20,2021 Benjamin Fulford Report:"Biblical Floods or World Peace"—September 20 2021|Operation Disclosure Official

圣经中的洪水和世界和平,究竟是哪一个?Benjamin Fulford2021920日本杰明富尔福德报告:"圣经洪水与世界和平"2021920|操作披露官员

The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter(about 300 foot)tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US,the Southern coasts of Europe,and large parts of coastal Africa and South America.

上周,Atlantic Island of La Palma 的一座火山爆发,有可能引发100(300英尺)高的海啸,摧毁美国东海岸、欧洲南部海岸以及非洲和南美大部分沿海地区。

This comes after the Three Gorges Dam in China came under heavy pressure from"once in a thousand-year flooding,"earlier this summer.If the dam burst,as many as 600 million Chinese would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded.


It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake,criminal administration of Joe"rubber mask"Biden faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet.

这些事件发生之际,乔拜登(Joe Biden)虚假的犯罪政府"橡皮面具"(rubber mask)正面临无法在930日之前支付的最后期限,这并非巧合。

On the surface,this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and China,each threatening to flood the other.These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported(in the West)imminent collapse of China's Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about"budget deadlock"in the US government.The Evegrande collapse,if related entities are included,would affect$1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chinese economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US,CIA sources estimate.

从表面上看,这似乎是中美之间高风险的地缘政治扑克,双方都有可能淹没对方。这些威胁似乎与金融战争有关,例如在西方广泛报道的中国恒大集团(Evergrande Group)即将破产,以及有关美国政府"预算僵局"的企业宣传报道。据美国中央情报局消息人士估计,如果将相关实体包括在内,埃夫格兰德的崩溃将影响价值1万亿美元的债务,并可能对中国经济造成的影响几乎与拜登政权违约对美国造成的影响一样大。

That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/China conflict.However,fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society,the French Grande Lodge de L'Orient freemasons,the Swiss-based Octagon group,the Italian P3 freemasons,and the Satanic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders.Parties such as the Chinese Lotus freemasons,the Scotts rite freemasons,the Russians,and others are also involved to varying degrees.

这就是为什么这位消息人士最初怀疑拉帕尔马和三峡问题与中美冲突有关。然而,通过多种渠道进行事实核查,发现了一个更深层次的冲突,涉及图勒协会、法国 l'orient Grande Lodge de l'orient 共济会、总部设在瑞士的 Octagon 集团、意大利 P3共济会以及操纵大多数七国集团所谓领导人的撒旦伪犹太人。诸如中国莲花共济会、斯科茨共济会、俄罗斯以及其他一些党派也在不同程度上参与其中。

The startling discovery was that according to MI6,the thousands of earthquakes followed by the volcanic eruption in La Palma were traced to a"Haarp array"based not in China,but Norway of all places.This is fascinating because last week a Japanese diplomat was murdered in Norway and Norwegian police seized$2 million in cash,according to Asian Dragon family sources.The money was to be used to finance the travel and protection arrangements for Dragon family members to monetize historical Asian bonds.These bonds,in turn,were to be used to finance a massive Western-led project to save the planet that would dwarf China's belt and road initiative.

令人吃惊的发现是,根据军情六处的数据,拉帕尔马火山喷发类型地震后发生的数千次地震,其源头不是中国,而是挪威。这很有意思,因为上周一名日本外交官在挪威被谋杀,挪威警方查获了200万美元现金,据亚洲龙家族的消息来源。这笔钱将用于资助 Dragon 家族成员的旅行和保护安排,以便将历史悠久的亚洲债券货币化。反过来,这些债券将被用于资助西方主导的拯救地球的大规模项目,这将使中国的一带一路倡议相形见绌。

The Haarp array in Norway identified as the source of the imminent disaster in La Palma is located around a massive underground base complex there.This base came under temporary scrutiny in late 2009 as the place of origin of the mysterious"Norwegian spiral."In other words,the Northern European Thule society seems to be involved.We contacted a Thule society source who linked it to events at the Thule airbase in Greenland and"a complicated connection between Greenland and what's under Lake Geneva."Remember,the Octagon group that controls the fake Biden administration is headquartered around Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

位于挪威的 Haarp 阵列被认为是拉帕尔马即将发生的灾难的源头,它位于一个巨大的地下基地复合体周围。2009年底,这个基地作为神秘的"挪威螺旋"的起源地受到临时审查换句话说,北欧图勒社会似乎参与了。我们联系了图勒社会的一位消息人士,他把这件事与格陵兰岛的图勒空军基地的事件以及"格陵兰岛和日内瓦湖下的东西之间的复杂联系联系起来。"记住,控制假拜登政府的八角形组织的总部设在瑞士的日内瓦湖附近。

K.Carlyle Group,Halliburton Getting Rich Off Iraq War:https://bit.ly/2XCU5bH There was a Bush-Cheney connection to the Carlyle Group and Haliburton Company.The Carlyle Group was a front for Saudi Royals Bin Laden family invested.Whatever one thinks of the morality or necessity of our war in Iraq,one thing is undeniable:certain well-placed companies are making millions of dollars off the war.Two companies with close ties to the Bush&Cheney families that are reaping huge profits are the Halliburton Company&the Carlyle Group.

卡莱尔集团,哈里伯顿在伊拉克战争中致富:https://bit.ly/2xcu5bh 布什和切尼与凯雷集团和哈利伯顿公司有联系。凯雷集团是本拉登家族投资的沙特皇室的幌子。无论人们如何看待伊拉克战争的道德和必要性,有一点是不可否认的:某些地位显赫的公司正从这场战争中赚取数百万美元。与布什和切尼家族有密切联系的两家公司获得了巨额利润,这两家公司是哈里伯顿和凯雷集团。

The Carlyle Group is so proficient at raking in government contracts that it is often referred to as the"Ex-Presidents Club."Some of the West's biggest&most powerful political leaders are helping to guide Carlyle through the muddy waters of governmental red tape&are reaping huge benefits in the process.


Another well-connected company that is greatly profiting from the Iraq War is Halliburton,a company formerly headed by Vice President Dick Cheney.

另一家人脉广泛、从伊拉克战争中获利颇丰的公司是哈里伯顿(Halliburton),这是一家以前由副总统迪克切尼(Dick Cheney)领导的公司。



Imagine,if you dare,your free will and fantasy allowing you to envision the most mind-wrapping methods that your body could endure to heal the human body.These alien technologies were suppressed for decades via the Military-Industrial Complex and DC politics and alphabet government agencies;that's correct,alien technologies!


Envision a place where physics meets with reversed technology and engineering,where light years meet with human contemplation respecting the laws of people,animals,and the earth's environment.


Have we as a human race become VEXED by the Military-Industrial Complex and the DC Political Boogiemen,whereby our history as a civilization was coveted from unimaginable truths residing between fact and fiction like the Wizard of Oz behind the iron curtain,controlling and manipulating all aspects of our life here on earth,from our food,belief systems,health,environment and more.

作为一个人类,我们是否已经被军事工业复合体和 DC 政治邪恶势力搞得焦头烂额,因为我们的历史是一个令人垂涎的不可思议的真理,它存在于事实和虚构之间,就像铁幕后的绿野仙踪,控制和操纵着我们在地球上生活的方方面面,从我们的食物、信仰体系、健康、环境等等。

Secret Space Whistleblower Jared Rand,and Editor of"Stillness in the Storm,"is one of the latest alleged secret space insiders to step forward.In conversation,he talks about the highly advanced off-world technologies such as tachyon healing chambers,portal technology,resurrection beds,replicators,and rejuvenation pills;he is not the first nor the last person to discuss these covert patented technologies.


These life-altering inventions are literally from out of this world.They involve the ability not only to grow back missing limbs and cure diseases yet rejuvenate the atoms and cells in the body and reverse the aging process.


This AI-Computer program would create healing within the body,renewing it systemically through a painless atomization process,unaffecting the(memory,wisdom,knowledge,qualities,etc.)where the patient lies in the med-bed and goes into a deep sleep.It is hard to wrap our heads around a concept,so Sci-Fi could recreate a missing body part or a complete rejuvenation of reversing decades and layers of age.@MedbedsTechnology


Trained healthcare professionals would manage these devices as these miracle med-beds identify DNA while scanning the body for imperfections,then uses plasma and tachyon technology with a controllable AI computer to treat according to the person's desire.In-depth health maintenance will provide a holistic approach along the lines of naturopathy,Ayurveda,homeopathy,and many others.The practices of these devices will not be used in allopathic hospitals but other appointed clinics.When the patents are released to the public,they will be protected against the greed and political establishment that have infiltrated every arena of our lifestyles.These devices will not replace healthcare,only be an adjunct to it as there are many other patents to be released that will compliment the likes of med beds.

训练有素的医疗专业人员将管理这些设备,因为这些神奇的医疗床在扫描身体寻找瑕疵的同时识别 DNA,然后使用等离子体和超光速粒子技术,配合可控的人工智能电脑,根据患者的需要进行治疗。深入的健康维护将提供沿着自然疗法,印度草医学,顺势疗法和许多其他线路的整体方法。这些设备的做法将不会用于对抗疗法医院,但其他指定的诊所。当这些专利向公众公布时,它们将受到保护,免受已渗透到我们生活方式各个领域的贪婪和政治权威的侵害。这些设备不会取代医疗保健,只是它的一个附属品,因为有许多其他专利将被发布,将补充喜欢医疗床。

Some of the very first people to receive healing sessions will be those suffering the most painful and severe conditions,and eventually,through time,it is said that every household will have its own devices.


Rand mentions several technologies that certain extraterrestrial people have covertly shared with selected groups on earth for decades.


As part of a research team,Jared Rand claims to have tested and verified all the technologies'effectiveness.He also claims there are two specific pills to rejuvenate anyone within 24 hours.

作为研究团队的一员,Jared Rand 声称已经测试并验证了所有技术的有效性。他还声称有两种特效药可以在24小时内使人恢复活力。

There are massive patents and inventions to heal every ill known to man,yet most of us realize why these inventions have been withheld from seeing the light of day.The elite will never allow this as it will tap into the government and globalist greed.


On issues of healing the environment,there is a stunning approach silently existing that cleans the waterway,oceans,soil,and plants,and more,which is a 600 million-year-old microbe;once this is properly fermented,it has the ability to clean up oil spills,and after the cleanup,it exhausts itself,leaving only nitrogen and oxygen behind.


M.International Child Sex Trafficking:


These articles were published in 2020,the facts of which were just now coming to Light:



Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury|Politics|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)


Military Continues Child Rescue Out of Underground Tunnels Across the Globe|Politics|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)

美国军方继续从全球地下隧道中营救儿童|政治|beforeitsnews.com 新闻

N.COVID/Vax Hoax:

N.COVID/Vax 恶作剧:

Doctor Says He'Accidentally'Injected Babies With COVID Vaccine at Full Adult Dosage:https://resistthemainstream.org/watch-doctor-admits-on-live-tv-he-accidentally-injected-babies-with-covid-vaccine-at-full-adult-dosage/?utm_source=telegram

医生说他意外地给婴儿注射成人剂量的 https://resistthemainstream.org/watch-Doctor-admits-on-live-tv-He-Accidentally-Injected-Babies-With-COVID-Vaccine-at-Full-Adult-Dosage/?utm_source=telegram 疫苗

Doctor Rima Laibow Exposes Globalist Genocidal Plot:https://odysee.com/@HumanitysVault:a/Doctor-Rima-Laibow-Exposes-Globalist-Genocidal-Plot:d?r=7tcrx6MrMcYky4v8fHughbTVNuNpUZsu


Not only has the decision to be injected with an experimental RNA vaccine shown to often be fatal,it can condemn your offspring to a dystopian future.And there is no reset button.It's forever.Get the unvarnished truth about gene-splicing and the CRISPR technology that's now impacting all of us.If your sex partner has been injected with one of these substances you need to watch this episode.https://tv.gab.com/channel/theveryfirstbible/view/risky-crispr-sex-worries-grow-over-614b91ec75cd548dd8cb639d

注射实验性 RNA 疫苗的决定不仅往往是致命的,而且会将你的后代置于一个反乌托邦的未来。而且没有重置按钮。这是永远。了解关于基因剪接和 CRISPR 技术的真相,它们正在影响着我们所有人。如果你的性伴侣被注射了这些物质中的一种,你需要看看这一集。

In 2017 Peter Daszak ADMITTED Fauci funding for Wuhan Coronavirus research.New footage of a medical conference shows Daszak admitting his EcoHealth Alliance group's controversial Coronavirus research WAS in fact funded through Dr Anthony Fauci's National Institutes of Health agency.

2017 Peter Daszak 承认 Fauci 为武汉冠状病毒研究提供资金。一个医学会议的新镜头显示 Daszak 承认他的生态健康联盟组织有争议的冠状病毒研究实际上是由 Anthony Fauci 博士的国立卫生研究院卫生组织资助的。

"Do NOT Allow Them to Inject Your Children",BioTech Analyst Issues Chilling Warning-by Karen Kingston.


WORLD BOMBSHELL:Leaked DARPA document,DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized skin penetrating nano particle spike proteins.

世界炸弹:泄露的美国国防部高级研究计划局文件,DRASTIC 分析证实对人类的攻击使用雾化皮肤穿透纳米粒子尖峰蛋白。

Fauci's agency caught funding another study involving controversial organization reportedly involved in Chinese COVID-19 research.

Fauci 的机构发现了另一项研究的资金来源,据报道这项研究涉及一个有争议的组织,这个组织参与了中国的2019冠状病毒疾病研究。

Study shows half of America gearing up to wage legal war against Biden over unconstitutional Covid vaccine mandates.


O.Restored Republic Upcoming Events:


On 11 Sept.Trump called for 21 Days of Prayer,which takes us to Oct 2nd as in the Q Mickey Mouse Clock with its hands on 10&2.

911日。特朗普号召进行21天的祈祷,这将把我们带到102日,就像 q 米老鼠钟的指针在102上一样。

Sat.Sept.11 to Sat.2 Oct:Q post 2903:Within the next 21 days(from 11 Sept.2021 to Sat.2 Oct.2021)BIG,BIG,BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.21 Days of Prayer=7+7+7 WhipLash347:7 Presidential Messages,7 EBS Alerts,7 Kingdoms.

星期六。911日至星期六。102:q post 2903:未来21天内(2021911日至星期六)21天的祈祷=7+7+7 WhipLash347:7总统信息,7 EBS 警报,7王国。

On Sat.18 Sept.the Cabal surrendered and in no coincidence as the time of activation of Trump's Executive Order 13959 Declaration of War against Big Corporations.Now going forward any False Flags by the Cabal and/or if the Mass Media failed to cover 2020 Election Fraud,Covid Vax hoax events,or not allow Durham to go forward,unobstructed,in his Fisagate indictments which included Obama,it would break the deal and immediately launch the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law worldwide.


On Fri.24 Sept.2020 Election Fraud would be exposed with release of Arizona Audit,while Georgia,Minn,Penn and others were looking at election fraud in their states and the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case to reinstate Trump.https://t.me/Jeanine_Pirro_Official/153


Sat.25 Sept.Trump's Got Big Plans For Saturday:https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/09/trumps-got-big-plans-for-saturday-including-fire-works-here-are-all-the-details/


Fri.1 Oct Restored Republic Active Q:Red October,Red Alert.

星期五101日恢复共和活跃 q:红色十月,红色警报。

White Hats would cause a Black Swan Event,which was an occurrence that deviated beyond what was normally expected of a situation and extremely difficult to predict.Terrible events would happen–a fictional World War III scenario aiming to shake people awake.Sirens in all national military command centers would warn of a Nuclear Warfare.It would introduce a global State of War.


Seven Presidential messages from Trump-Team would soon be sent to every phone in the world,after which service would be disconnected.This won't last long.All you need was a connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies.The Emergency Broadcast System would be broadcast by 10 countries,covering the globe.


Power supply to be interrupted:The global power cut would consist of switching to Tesla power.


This would block the media worldwide and lead to activation of the Quantum Systems as part of project Quantum Star Link broadcasting in languages of Bulgarian,Chinese,Czech,Danish,English(American)English(British),Estonian,French,Greek,Hungarian,Italian,Lithuanian,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian Slovenian,Spanish and Swedish.


To destroy the media,QFS would implement Cyber Attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams.These included the White House,the Getty Museum near Los Angeles,Vatican,Buckingham Palace,CERN on the French-Swiss border and the Three Gorges Dam in China.MOSSAD media satellites would be destroyed.

为了摧毁媒体,QFS 将实施网络攻击,摧毁34座建筑物和水坝。其中包括白宫、洛杉矶附近的盖蒂博物馆、梵蒂冈、白金汉宫、法瑞边境的欧洲核子研究中心和中国的长江三峡水利枢纽工程。摩萨德的媒体卫星将被摧毁。

During these Ten Days of Darkness Military court sessions would be broadcast.


Airplanes and trains would be grounded.


There would be a unique Water Event:destruction of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam.Below the dam were 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a Cyber Attack launched from space.There was also a large laboratory where Andrea chrome was produced.The water of the dam would fall on the city of Wuhan.In recent months,the population of the area was evacuated.


The Three Gorges Dam destruction was one of the most important elements of the Big Event and would finish off the C×P(C×e Communist Party)and the World Media.


Events would certainly lead to a collapse in the Stock Market.The Stock Market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months–losing 95%of Crypto Currencies values and would inevitably collapse.


Disaster events that triggered a State of Emergency would activate the army to deliver food and vital products around the world.


GESARA/NESARA would launch.


P.To Set Your Zim Redemption and/or Currency Exchange Appointment:The following was in my opinion only and could easily have changed.Official instructions would come with publication of the Secured Website.

设置您的 Zim 赎回和/或货币兑换约会:以下只是我的看法,可以很容易地改变。官方的指示将随着安全网站的公布而出现。

In order to redeem Bonds and/or exchange foreign currencies at the higher rates you must go to a Redemption Center within the days allotted for such exchanges/redemptions.If you go to a bank they will give you the lower rates as shown on the Forex for that day.


Notification to set appointments at Redemption Centers would come out by way of letters to your email accounts.Those emails would contain a link to a Secured Website.That Secured Website link would also be published on various Dinar websites as well as be in a Restored Republic via a GCR Update.

在赎回中心设置约会的通知会以信件的形式发送到您的电子邮件帐户。这些电子邮件将包含一个安全网站的链接。该安全网站链接也将发布在各个迪纳尔网站,以及在恢复共和国通过 GCR 更新。

To access an appointment at a Redemption Center,go into the Secured Website where it would ask you to verify that you are you,after which you would be given an individual 800 number to call to set your redemption/exchange appointment.


While you could send the Secured Website link to anyone you wished,your individualized 800 number could only be used by you and only once to set your appointment.


Q."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele

22 Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two multiple personalityby Judy ByingtonForeword by dr.Colin a.Rossm.d.RAW:dr.Colin Ross-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."

警告:珍妮生动地描述了她如何在5岁的时候,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看儿童祭祀仪式,并且为了拯救 Divine Intervention(电影),差点自杀——这和其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没什么两样。崇拜撒旦的犯罪者似乎来自美国公司的中央情报局,伊丽莎白女王的,光照派银行家庭和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织,下至克林顿,好莱坞,Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。他们是由管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团资助的——正是这个组织正处于被全球货币复位激活而垮台的过程中。难怪特朗普总统会说,"这些人都病了。"

R.Satanic Holidays:


Help Save the Children:From Fri.29 Oct.to Mon.1 Nov.was the major Satanic Holiday of All Hallows Eve,or Halloween.Children and teens were forced by local and global elite Satanic Covens to participate in sexual orgies with Demons and blood sacrifice of any age human,male or female.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please help children and teens forced into this worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you have observed,especially in your neighborhood.Report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

请帮助被迫崇拜撒旦的儿童和青少年,向法律实体报告你所观察到的任何撒旦活动,特别是在你的邻居。向当地执法部门报告可疑的撒旦活动。因为众所周知撒旦教徒会渗透到警察局,所以你可以通过联系美国移民与海关执法局来掩盖你的行踪:美国移民与海关执法 https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form 和联邦人口贩卖网站:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

Called To Rescue


A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/

You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children


If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence:https://ourrescue.org/ https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

如果你想加入拯救国际性交易中的儿童的行列,请联系地下铁路行动和/或非营利组织的 Tim Ballard,拯救无辜:https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4tmi8yxcu&feature=emb_rel_end

If you have been affected by sexual abuse or violence,for help and support contact:US:Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453.UK:BBC Action Line
如果你受到性虐待或暴力的影响,寻求帮助和支持联系:美国:儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线1-800-422-4453。英国:BBC 行动热线

S.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children全球货币重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于孩子们的这不是钱的问题。
It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

它是关于儿童的——成千上万的营养不良和精神受到创伤的儿童,为了纪念撒旦,他们被强奸和谋杀,这样他们的精英肇事者就可以获得权力和统治世界。特朗普总统在宣誓就职前的第一个上午采取的官方行动是访问中央情报局总部,向这些全球精英经营的国际儿童性交易集团宣战。让我们斋戒祈祷,为这几百万的小孩子祈祷,他们现在正从全球各地的阴谋地下通道中被营救出来,并且正在被隔壁的邪恶巫师所折磨和杀害。让我们也为世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祷告。古老的禁食和祈祷教义在10:30:32这里得到了解释:我现在没有,也从来没有收到过写我的更新和文章的 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks
Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to Martha who works 24/7 to expose what's really going on;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

一个巨大的感谢你给那些献身和勇敢的英特尔提供者谁希望保持不为人知;玛莎谁的工作,每天24小时揭露什么是真正的发生;谦虚的野火女士谁善于揭露真相;布拉德谁做了伟大的研究;波尼 b 谁暴露了什么是真正发生的根本原因和肯谁揭示几乎无限的英特尔恋童癖帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义努力中一切顺利,并期待着在另一方看到你们,我们将共同努力,使所有人的生活更加美好。

Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy




  • 本文由 发表于 2021年9月25日19:25:44
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