Starship Earth:The Big Picture 星际飞船地球:大局
June 26,2021 2021年6月26日
Let us hope the Ohio rally goes off without a hitch and everyone has a wonderful day.So far RSBN has had some audio issues.There has never been anything like this in politics before with patriots sleeping in their cars and lining up for days to get access to a venue to hear the President speak.Trump has rock star status in not only America,but the world.
让我们希望俄亥俄州的集会顺利进行,每个人都有美好的一天。到目前为止,RSBN 有一些音频问题。爱国者们睡在他们的汽车里,排队几天才能进入会场听总统演讲,这在政治上是前所未有的。特朗普在美国乃至全世界都是摇滚明星。
Here's the link to watch the rally where over 31,000 were already watching on YouTube while the President wouldn't be taking the stage for hours yet:
这里是观看集会的链接,超过31000人已经在 YouTube 上观看了集会,而总统还没有上台几个小时:
? President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21
Saturday, June 26, 2021: Join the RSBN crew for all day LIVE coverage as President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, holds a ...
They recommend we download an RSBN app from the Apple store,Amazon,etc.for our devices in case YouTube decides to terminate their livestream.
他们建议我们从苹果商店、亚马逊等网站下载一个 RSBN 应用程序,以防 YouTube 决定终止他们的直播。
But what have we here?
Q The Storm Rider has more intel and encouragement for us.
We understand the military posturing we're hearing about is intended to come to a head in an apparent but carefully contrived world war scenario,as we've said.It's part of the"scare events"that Q told us were planned to get the undivided attention of the snoozers and advance to the next phase of"The Plan".
That will trigger the world's militaries to launch into"mass arrest"mode to remove their corrupt government officials.No matter what happens,remain calm and know that the Patriots are in control.This is"the storm"and we will come out the other side to a whole new world.
The John McAfee update is interesting.Let's not assume that putting the"kill switch"material out there means he is dead.They could release it anyway and John could be safe somewhere.Let's hope he is.Link to Telegram.
约翰·迈克菲的更新很有趣。我们不要假设把"终止开关"的材料放在那里就意味着他已经死了。不管怎样,他们都可以释放它,约翰可能在某个地方安全。但愿如此。链接到 Telegram。
John McAfee activated a'Kill Switch'when the announcement was made that he had committed suicide in his jail cell.
The Amazing Team of analysts at the Awakening Channel HAS DISCOVERED THE EXACT LOCATION AND DATA OF THIS KILLSWITCH.
It appears that the Killswitch is transferring documents via binary code non-stop since the switch was activated and we will shortly post ALL THE INFORMATION.
看起来,自从开关被激活以来,Killswitch 一直在通过二进制代码不停地传输文件,我们将很快发布所有信息。
When we post the information we will need assistance from all of you to help discover and decipher all of the data.
Q:Queen Romana,will we be placing#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers inside Schools accross the Country?
A:Yes.#InterGalactic_MedBeds_Chambers will be installed inside Schools,community Centres,etc.
*These#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers technologies were#GIFTED to"The We The People/Humanity long time ago.But,were stolen and hidden by the DeepState/Cabal/evil fake Royal Families and elected Politicians,to continue their pharmaceutical Industry profiteering.
We now have control over these#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers technologies and they are being mass produced for the,"We The People of the World".*
London is holding more anti-lockdown protests.Wow.A lot of people are engaged in this movement now.
There are protests in Scotland,as well,with video in this Telegram.
在苏格兰也有抗议活动,在 Telegram 上有视频。
Well,well,well.We have an update on the UK's Matt Hancock after his tryst with an aide was exposed along with the improprieties connected with that relationship."Build back better."The little twerp.
There was a thought-provoking video on the Real Kim Shady Telegram channel that went in a little different direction as far as interpreting an early Q drop.
Real Kim Shady Telegram 频道上有一个发人深省的视频,在解释早期的 q 下降时有点不同的方向。
It suggests that the arrest of George Floyd was the"first arrest".What do you think about that?Link to Telegram.When will the first sealed indictment be unsealed?
它表明,乔治·弗洛伊德的被捕是"第一次被捕"。你觉得怎么样?链接到 Telegram。第一份密封起诉书什么时候开封?
Dec 17,2019 5:03:45 PM EST 2019年12月17日东部时间下午5:03:45
Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID:4e4d4a 4e4d4a No.7538263 第7538263名
First indictment 第一次起诉[unseal][开封]will trigger mass pop awakening.会引发大规模流行音乐的觉醒
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.第一次逮捕将核实行动和确认未来的方向
They will fight but you are ready.他们会战斗,但你已经准备好了
Marker 标记[9].
There is always interesting chatter in social media platforms and this one is predictive.Maybe.We'll see.
In the next 3 weeks
Expect the Actor/ Biden/
To make even weirder statements
? SHOCK<<for the sheep
<>Crash ⚠️ ?><
在接下来的三个星期里,希望演员/ Biden/做出更加奇怪的声明
/////What I'm told is..Biden clone is told to make a scene and to cause PANIC>>for his own party and MSM must watch..
>>White HATS controlling Biden
////我被告知。.拜登的克隆人被告知要制造一个场面并引起恐慌>>为他自己的政党和 MSM 必须观看。.>白帽党控制拜登
We are almost there folks
Sadly,the direction the story about the collapsed Surfside condominium in Florida is putting the blame on the failing structure of the building.It seems highly unlikely it would be from a cracked slab or something minor and gradual.Why would it collapse so quickly,and so completely?Why would it disintegrate as it did?
There is a deep fire,they say,and smoke complicating rescue efforts.Trump is a builder.I wonder what he has to say about this event.He certainly had an immediate opinion about the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Does it matter that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have a home a block away?
伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)和贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)在一个街区之外有一个家,这重要吗?
From cracked slabs to offshore blast:What probe into Surfside condo collapse might look at
Ivanka Trump&Jared Kushner Pitch in After Surfside Condo Collapse
For those who think"smart"devices are the bee's knees,you should know that nearly all tech is hackable and remotely accessible if someone chooses to do so.Ask one or two pilots who are still alive who experienced their planes being taken over remotely via the Boeing Honeywell Uninterruptible Auto Pilot technology revealed by former Marine and commercial pilot Field McConnell.
The smart meters and smart appliances in our homes,security systems,hand-helds,anything can be used to surveil,track,spy on,and listen in on our lives and as evidenced by the following article,control our property.
In the world the control freaks of the New World Order had planned for us,there would be no such thing as privacy.Particularly with the chips and nano tech they planned to force on us for our bodies,they would know where we are at any moment,our heart rate,our activity,state of mind,everything.
'Smart'Thermostats in Texas Homes Are Being Accessed Remotely and Turned Up Due to an Energy Shortage
The crew wants everyone to see this video from Bonfire Guy that shows us a lot of what has gone on in the background that we perhaps didn't understand fully and its impact on current events and our future.We've shown you videos featuring some of this material before so it may be a partial repeat but it's very good.
工作人员希望每个人都能看到这个来自 Bonfire Guy 的视频,它向我们展示了背景中发生的很多事情,我们可能还没有完全理解,以及它对当前事件和我们未来的影响。我们之前已经给你们展示了一些这种材料的视频,所以它可能是部分重复,但是它非常好。
The Great Awakening by Bonfire Guy
大觉醒作者:Bonfire Guy
Romana Didulo in Canada tells us she is closely affiliated with the Cdn/US military/Earth Alliance and left this Telegram yesterday:
加拿大的罗曼娜·迪杜洛告诉我们,她与 Cdn/美国军方/地球联盟关系密切,昨天她在电报中写道:
Q:Queen Romana,will we be placing#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers inside Schools accross the Country?
A:Yes.#InterGalactic_MedBeds_Chambers will be installed inside Schools,community Centres,etc.
*These#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers technologies were#GIFTED to"The We The People/Humanity long time ago.But,were stolen and hidden by the DeepState/Cabal/evil fake Royal Families and elected Politicians,to continue their pharmaceutical Industry profiteering.
We now have control over these#Intergalactic_MedBeds_Chambers technologies and they are being mass produced for the,"We The People of the World".*
All sorts of individuals and groups are standing up.
Nothing is what it seems.Those of us who innerstand that face have a better handle on just what the heck is going on.This is a spiritual battle for our very existence and we are engaged,open-minded,and curious.Jetson White fans may enjoy this latest upload.
Synopsis 4–Why Technology is Necessary for Humanity's Exit
The Q Team has told us all along what the future holds but the layers upon layers of meaning were not always clear.
Nov 07,2018 1:12:06 PM EST 2018年11月7日东部时间下午1:12:06
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI!!mG7VJxZNCI ID:ebc49e No.3783812 第3783812名
We are going to show you a new world.我们将向你展示一个新的世界
Those who are blind will soon see the light.盲人很快就会看到光明
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.一个美丽而又勇敢的新世界就在前方
We take this journey together.我们一起踏上这段旅程
One step at a time.一步一步来
Faith is very much needed in these unique and confusing times.When Trump says,the best is yet to come,he means it.
Have a great weekend,all.~BP