一月份,三重“接种”疫苗的死亡率飙升495% ; 所有新的covid感染病例中有80% 完全被注射

2022年3月2日08:06:27其他揭露一月份,三重“接种”疫苗的死亡率飙升495% ; 所有新的covid感染病例中有80% 完全被注射已关闭评论5982阅读模式


The plandemic of the “fully vaccinated” rages on as the latest data shows that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who took the jabs.


Public Health Scotland (PHS) is reporting that an astounding four out of every five covid hospitalizations and deaths are jabbed, meaning only 20 percent of hospitalizations and deaths blamed on covid are occurring in the unvaccinated.

苏格兰公共卫生组织(PHS)报告说,令人震惊的是,每五例因感染而住院和死亡的人中有四例是被注射的,这意味着只有20% 的因感染而住院和死亡的人是未接种的。

According to the figures, cases were down overall in February compared to January. However, the bulk is still comprised of fully vaccinated individuals, including the triple-vaccinated.


The data shows that the latest “wave” of negative health outcomes is occurring in three-pricked people, a demographic in which the death rate soared by 495 percent in the month of January.

数据显示,最新一波的负面健康后果发生在三重注射人群中,这一人群的死亡率在一月份飙升了495% 。

“Overall cases have dropped in the last month in all demographics significantly compared to the number of cases recorded between 11th Dec and 7th Jan 22, but in both months the vaccinated have accounted for the vast majority of cases,” reported the Daily Exposé.

《每日曝光》报道说: “与12月11日至1月22日期间记录的病例数相比,上个月所有人口统计学数据中的总病例数都有显著下降,但在这两个月中,接种疫苗的病例占了绝大多数。”。

“The main difference between the two months is that the double vaccinated accounted for the majority of cases between 11th Dec and 8th Jan 22; recording 145,890 cases, but the triple vaccinated accounted for the majority of cases between 8th Jan and 4th Feb 22; recording 46,951 cases.”

“这两个月的主要区别在于,12月11日至1月22日期间,双重疫苗接种占大多数; 记录145,890例,但在1月8日至2月22日期间,三重疫苗接种占大多数; 记录46,951例。”

The plandemic would already be over were it not for the “vaccines”

如果不是因为 "疫苗",大流行病早就结束了。

It turns out that the case rate is dropping substantially among the unvaccinated while it continues to rise among the fully vaccinated, and especially among the fully-fully vaccinated who are getting three shots or more.


Between December 11 and January 7, the non-jabbed population accounted for just 15 percent of all new cases of the Fauci Flu. One month later from January 8 through February 4, that percentage dropped to less than 13 percent.

在12月11日至1月7日期间,没有接种疫苗的人群只占 Fauci 流感新增病例的15% 。一个月后,从1月8日到2月4日,这个比例下降到不到13% 。

Meanwhile, the vaccinated population accounted for 85 percent of all new cases between December 11 and January 7, with just 9 percent of those cases occurring in the one-dose vaccinated. (Related: Cases of covid among the fully vaccinated in Taiwan are also way, way up.)

与此同时,在12月11日至1月7日期间,接种疫苗的人口占所有新病例的85% ,只有9% 的病例发生在接种一剂疫苗的情况下。(相关报道: 在台湾,完全接种疫苗的人群中的感染率也在大幅上升。)

Thirty-two percent of all new cases in the vaccinated category occurred in the triple vaccinated while 59 percent occurred in the double vaccinated.

在所有接种疫苗类别的新病例中,32% 发生在三重接种者中,而59% 发生在双重接种者中。

“But fast forward one month and we find that the vaccinated accounted for 87% of cases, with the one-dose vaccinated accounting for 4% of those cases, the double vaccinated accounting for 33% of those cases, and the triple vaccinated accounting for 63% of those cases,” the Exposé further reported.

“但是快进一个月,我们发现接种疫苗的病例占87% ,其中一剂疫苗占4% ,双重疫苗占33% ,三重疫苗占63% ,”《揭露》杂志进一步报道。

“This means that despite cases falling among all demographics they actually fell the most among the not vaccinated, single vaccinated, and double vaccinated, with the lowest drop coming in the triple vaccinated. This doesn’t make sense if the Covid-19 vaccines are effective. Clearly they are not, at least when it comes to preventing infection.”


As for hospitalizations, the unvaccinated are doing better and better overall while the fully vaccinated are doing worse and worse overall.


The PHS data shows that hospitalizations among the unvaccinated fell by -24 percent in January compared to in December. Hospitalizations among the triple vaccinated, meanwhile, increased by an astounding 88 percent.

PHS 数据显示,1月份未接种疫苗者的住院率比12月份下降了24% 。与此同时,接种了三种疫苗的人中,住院率增加了惊人的88% 。

“The vaccinated population accounted for 75% of hospitalisations between 11th Dec and 7th Jan 22, with 7% of those hospitalisations among the one-dose vaccinated, 46% of those hospitalisations among the triple vaccinated, and 47% of those hospitalisations among the double vaccinated,” the Exposé further reported.

《曝光》进一步报道: 「在12月11日至1月22日期间,接种人口占住院人数的75% ,其中一剂疫苗接种住院人数占住院人数的7% ,三剂疫苗接种住院人数占住院人数的46% ,而双剂疫苗接种住院人数占住院人数的47% 。」。

“But fast forward one month and we find that the vaccinated accounted for 80.5% of hospitalisations, with the one-dose vaccinated accounting for 6% of those hospitalisations, the double vaccinated accounting for 26% of those hospitalisations, and the triple vaccinated accounting for 68% of those hospitalisations.”

「但一个月后,我们发现接种疫苗的人数占入院人数的80.5% ,其中一剂疫苗占入院人数的6% ,两剂疫苗占入院人数的26% ,三剂疫苗占入院人数的68% 。」

This originally appeared on Uncanceled News.


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