According to Cobra, one of the monitoring and mind control mechanisms used by the dark forces is the scalar network on the physical plane. It is created with cell phone towers, cell phones themselves, and Wi-Fi networks
根据 柯博拉的说法,黑暗势力使用的监控和精神控制机制之一就是物理层面上的标量网络。它是由手机信号塔、手机本身和无线网络创建的
For example, it is possible to map human bodies through walls using WiFi signals.
例如,可以利用 WiFi 信号通过墙壁绘制人体地图。
Over the past few years, the dark forces have also been promoting 5G network and try to create another layer of electromagnetic fence to prevent the veil from dissolving and to reinforce quarantine Earth.
在过去的几年里,黑暗势力也一直在推动5G 网络,并试图创建另一层电磁屏障,以防止面纱溶解,并加强隔离地球。
Furthermore, Chimera-controlled US Space Force wants to use 5G network as a defense line against positive extraterrestrials.
此外,由奇美拉控制的美国太空部队希望利用5G 网络作为对抗外星人的防线。
And during the pandemic, it became common knowledge that 5G base stations seriously compromise the immune system.
在大流行期间,人们普遍认为5G 基站严重损害了免疫系统。
Currnetly, the Light Forces are doing some operations to counteract the growth of the 5G networks. So, despite the 5G network is growing and it is not being stopped, it is growing slower than the dark forces wanted.
As Cobra suggested in the interview with the Sisterhood of the Rose, it is beneficial to do a mass meditation to counteract these scalar and 5G networks.
正如 柯博拉在与玫瑰姐妹会的访谈中所建议的那样,做一次大规模的冥想来抵消这些标量和5G 网络是有益的。
We suggest doing this meditation daily at 3:15 PM UTC. You may also do this meditation at other times and as frequently as you wish.
Here are the instructions for this meditation. The suggested duration of this meditation is 15 minutes.
1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to counteract the scalar networks around the planet.
3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
4. Visualize a bubble of Light around the energy field of your body. Visualize this bubble of Light protecting you from the scalar waves of the 5G and Wi-Fi networks, cell phone towers and the cell phones.
观想在你身体的能量场周围有一个光的气泡。观想这个光泡保护你免受5G 和 Wi-Fi 网络、手机信号塔和手机的标量波的伤害。
5. Now, visualize a Violet flame on all the facilities supporting the scalar networks around the planet. Visualize them being disintegrated.
Victory of the Light!