
2020年5月1日08:08:21灵性成长卡拉|尽你所能地提升振动已关闭评论98123字数 8125阅读27分5秒阅读模式



I am KaRa.I come at this time,in these momentous times that you are finding yourselves now.But it is certainly not by happenstance that you are here.It is not by accident that you are here.It is all a part of the greater expression of the plan.


You have heard'trust the plan.'But it is so far beyond the plan that you are experiencing now here on the Earth.The'plan'is the universal plan.And you have also heard that nothing can stop what is coming.


For right now in these moments you have heard that there is an operation occurring across the planet–"Operation Freedom Earth".And that is exactly what is happening.You are becoming freed.You as the collective consciousness of this planet are becoming freed of all that has held you back for so long.All that has held the consciousness of man,kept you in the programming,kept you in the hold of the three-dimensional illusion for so long a period of time for so many lifetimes.But that is all coming to an end now.


For"Operation Freedom Earth"has spread across the planet.It is not only here in this country,but it is the world that is becoming freed.Much of it is still seemingly behind the scenes.But if you look for it,you can find the truths being revealed here and there,little by little.And that little by little,that trickle now that is coming through is going to become a flood of information,a flood of truth that will take you far beyond your wildest imaginations of what has been and what is now as well.For many of you have awakened.But you,even you,have not awakened to the full enormity of this entire operation across the planet and what it is taking to bring this about.


You have two groups here in a sense:ones that are being shown the truth by your president,by President Trump,as well as other leaders around the world that are giving the populous what they can handle at this point.But then there is that operation that is being operated by that of the Alliance,by that of the spokesperson of the Alliance,the Q,the one that you know,the one and the ones that you know as Q.And these ones are coming forward now and sharing to the ones that are ready for this.For the ones that are reaching to the light and the ones that are ready for the truth.


Many have said you cannot handle the truth.But you can.All of you can handle the truth.And it must be brought forth.It must be revealed.Everything must come through disclosure.Disclosure of all of us that are working diligently with those of you here on the planet.We are right there with the Alliance.And right there with all of you,which are the'boots on the ground,'all of you,are doing everything that you can,whether it is out in front and showing to the world,or whether it is behind the scenes and doing it within your meditations,your personal meditations.But certainly when you come together as a group,as a large group,in the millions,and you come together as a meditation of the collective consciousness of all of man here on the planet,you are bringing so many changes and so many shifts of consciousness here.


For the Light is winning.The Light has already won,and it cannot be stopped at this point.Ascension will go on.Ascension is going on right now.You are in the throws of ascension.You are in the very process of ascension right now.


Have you all ascended?No,you have not,because you must match the vibration of Gaia to do so.You must match her vibration and all of life here on the planet must match that vibration.For she will not hold the vibration,the low vibration,much longer.And,in order to ascend with her,you must raise your vibration in every way and any way that you know to do.


Utilize all of the tools that you have been given whether it is crystals,or whether it is simply going out in nature and finding the beauty,seeing the beauty,seeing all of life around you as you find yourself sitting by a stream and you know that the consciousness is all around you and in you,and you touch the water and you can feel that consciousness.All of you can do that right now.You don't have to wait until after you have ascended.


You can feel the consciousness all around.For it is all around and in you.The Source of all of this universe is within every being here on the planet,whether it is human,whether it is extra-terrestrial,whether it is animal,plant,or mineral.All is in that consciousness.All is a part of the one,and all is one within the all.So allow for this to continue to move through you in very moment that you find the consciousness that you can slip out of that programming,move beyond it.


You have heard before'forgive,forget,move on.'And that is such a wonderful expression.Such a wonderful affirmation to use each and every day.For you must forgive.You must forgive everybody everything that has ever done anything to you.And you must forget.You must forget about all of the past hurts,the past travails.You must let all of that go.It will not become or will not be a part of you in the new higher vibrational expressions.It cannot be.So you must forgive,you must forget,and you must be ready to continue to move on and be in the moment.


And as you are in that moment,you are creating the very perfect future that you are looking for.But not only as just yourself,but as a collective,as a collective consciousness coming together.You are creating the New Golden Age each and every moment.Each and every thought is doing that.And if you remember that,if you consciously become aware of that in every moment,then the New Golden Age Of Gaia will be upon you before you can even know it,before you can believe it.


It is here now.And it just needs to be brought into expression.But it has to be brought into expression as a collective.And that is what you,all of you,the Light-workers and-warriors,are working toward:to bring the Light into the collective consciousness.You have been anchoring it for so long now.Now it is time to release the anchor and spread the Light wherever you can,as much as you can.But do it only with those who are ready for it.And as you do,and as they become ready for it,then all of life,all of the collective consciousness,all of life here on the planet will raise along with it.


You have so much to look forward to in these moments.So much to look forward to beyond the seeming travails that are appearing now.And we say,'seeming.'I say'seeming,'because that is exactly what it is.It is only negative if you allow it to be.But it is also very positive if you allow that to be as well.For yes,there are those that perish.But have they not perished for many,many lifetimes.Many of your loved ones in many of your past lifetimes have perished.You yourselves have perished many times.This is only another time that you come together now.And it is all part of the greater expression of the whole.And if you look at it that way,if you feel it that way,then you will allow for this expression,this viral expression now,to run its course,and run its course,it shall.And even now,in these moments that I speak,it is already running its course.So it is time now to break free from the shackles that have held you all back for so long.Break free from it and become free.


I am KaRa.And all of this that is happening now,again,is happening for a reason and is part of the greater plan.So let yourselves now know that you are a part of this greater plan.


Peace and love be with all of you.




传导:James McConnell

翻译:Nick Chan

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月1日08:08:21
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