Compiled Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"
编辑于2023年8月22日星期二美国东部时间上午12:01作者: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗师,记者,作者: “二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格”
World War III Began on Tues. 8 Aug.
When Cabal DEW Attacks Decimated Maui Hawaii
And With Parents Murdered, Over 1,200 Hawaiian Native Children Went Missing
Suspected Taken By Our Own US Inc. Deep State FEMA
US Marines In Maui Right Now Hunting The Perps
While The Deep State Continued To Create Chaos Across The Globe
Help Native Hawaiians Who Lost Everything – Homes, Businesses, Loved Ones, Children
Donate By Paypal:
The World, Every Nation, Every State Was Under Not National, But Global Martial Law.
Deep State Planning Another Lockdown in Sept. and Oct. To Control The 2024 Election
深层国家计划9月和10月的另一次封锁。为了控制2024年大选,又一次封锁即将到来?和 CHARLIE WARD 一起(
It is only wise to have a month's supply of food, water, cash and essential supplies in storage for your family and to share with others.
You'll Never Walk Alone, from Carousel - The Tabernacle Choir - YouTube
When you walk through a storm当你走过暴风雨
Hold your head up high抬起头来
And don't be afraid of the dark不要害怕黑暗
At the end of the storm在风暴的尽头
There's a golden sky金色的天空
And the sweet silver song of the lark还有云雀甜美的银色歌声
Walk on, through the wind
Walk on, through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown虽然你的梦想被颠覆
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart继续前进,继续前进,心怀希望
And you'll never walk alone你永远不会独自行走
You'll never walk alone
Judy Note:
- On Tues. 8 Aug. over 1,200 Native Hawaiian children
went missing from Maui. Were they still alive?
Over 1,200 Hawaiian Children Missing, Parents Believed Murdered by Deep State FEMA | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (
- 8月8日星期二,超过1200名夏威夷土著儿童从毛伊岛失踪。他们还活着吗?超过1200名夏威夷儿童失踪,父母相信被深州联邦应急管理局谋杀犯罪全明星 | 新闻之前( )
- The Deep State has been busy causing chaos across the Globe with their Weather Manipulation and DEW Attacks: OPERATION INCINERATE LAHAINA: Secret Details of the "Shock and Awe" Execution Plan – Gladio-style DARPA-Directed - American Media Group (
- “深层国家”一直忙于在全球范围内制造混乱,他们的天气操纵和DEW 攻击: 行动焚烧 LAHAINA: “震惊和敬畏”执行计划的秘密细节-格拉迪奥风格的国防部高级研究计划局指导的美国媒体集团(
- As of Sun. 20 Aug. there were fires from DEW Attacks engulfing Kelowna British Columbia; Alexandroupoli, Greece; the islands of Maui and Oahu, Hawaii; Oregon; Washington State, plus several buildings in New York
- 从 Sun 开始。8月20日 Kelowna British Columbia、亚历山德鲁波利、夏威夷的毛伊岛和瓦胡岛、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州以及纽约州的一些建筑物都遭到了地表导弹的袭击
- There was a serious life threatening Sandstorm in Iran.
- 伊朗发生了严重威胁生命的沙尘暴。
- There was serious flooding in Dongguan City of Guangdong Province, China; Tottori City, Japan; Buenos Aires; San Pedro; Sula of Honduras; Santa Rosalía and Sur, Mexico.
- 中国广东省东莞市、日本鸟取市、布宜诺斯艾利斯、圣佩德罗、洪都拉斯苏拉、墨西哥圣罗萨里亚和苏尔发生了严重洪灾。
- Hurricane Hillary had devastated Baja California and was threatening unprecedented flooding throughout California and Southern Nevada.
- 飓风希拉里摧毁了下加利福尼亚州,并威胁到整个加利福尼亚州和南内华达州前所未有的洪水。
- On Sun. 20 Aug in addition to flooding water, a 5.5 magnitude Earthquake erupted near Los Angeles.
- 8月20日,除了洪水泛滥,洛杉矶附近还发生了5.5级地震。
- There were 15 states on a list slated for Cabal DEW Attacks. Direct Energy Weapons were facing Texas, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Florida, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Oklahoma.
- 美国共有15个州被列入“阴谋集团”攻击名单。直接能源武器面对的是德克萨斯州、亚利桑那州、蒙大拿州、新泽西州、新墨西哥州、华盛顿州、俄勒冈州、科罗拉多州、佛罗里达州、加利福尼亚州、内华达州、爱达荷州、怀俄明州、犹他州和俄克拉荷马州。
- Sun. 20 Aug. Baja California In Ruins! Hurricane Hilary Destroys Mexico & Moves To USA! - Wild Weather US | Weather | Before It's News (
- 8月20日。废墟中的下加利福尼亚!飓风希拉里摧毁墨西哥,并移动到美国!- 美国野生天气 | 天气 | 新闻之前( )
- Mon. 21 Aug. Invade the Getty Underground Cities: Latest Disclosure Intel: Invade the Getty - Underground Cities - 'Insider Tells All' (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 星期一8月21日。入侵盖蒂图片社地下城: 最新披露情报: 入侵盖蒂图片社-地下城-“内部人告诉所有”(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- Mon. 21 Aug California: Major damages on I-10 in both directions in Palm Springs.
- 星期一8月21日加利福尼亚州: 棕榈泉 I-10公路双向大面积损坏。
- Sun. 20 Aug: Massive fire burning at fertilizer plant in Bell County, Texas. Multiple fire departments were called to a fire at American Plant Food Corporation in Bartlett.
- 8月20日: 德克萨斯州贝尔县化肥厂发生大火。巴特利特的美国植物食品公司发生火灾,多个消防部门接到报警。
- California: San Bernardino County Sheriff Evacuation Order for the communities of Oak Glen, Forest Falls, Mountain Home Village, Angelus Oaks, and NE Yucaipa for incoming storm system.
- 加利福尼亚州: 为橡树峡谷、森林瀑布、山家村、安吉拉斯橡树和东北尤卡帕等社区发出圣贝纳迪诺县警长疏散令,以应对即将到来的风暴系统。Https://
- Hurricane Hilary Threatening Catastriophic Floods Across California:返回文章页面飓风希拉里威胁加利福尼亚洪灾译者: - California: 5 Earthquakes recorded just now California Ojai. Last one recorded was 9.2 depth. Looks like a DUMB is getting obliterated and tunnels are being flooded. Isn't this a popular area and surrounding areas where loads of Celebs live.
- 加利福尼亚: 刚刚记录的5次地震。最后一次记录是9.2深度。看起来有个哑巴被毁了,隧道被淹了。这是不是一个受欢迎的地区和周围的地区,那里住着许多名人。
- Whole of Washington State is under inferno alert as wildfires continue to burn
- 整个华盛顿州都处于火警状态因为森林大火继续烧毁
- Greece: Farmers make firebreaks to try to slow down an out-of-control fire that has been raging for two days in Alexandroupoli, Greece. A State of Emergency has been declared and 13 villages have been evacuated.
- 希腊: 在亚历山德鲁波利,农民为了减缓已经燃烧了两天的失控的火势而建造防火墙。已宣布进入紧急状态,13个村庄已被疏散。
- ALERT – Martial Law in Russia: Russian Security Services Suggested Putin Fire Shoigu, Impose Martial Law and Start General Mobilization - American Media Group (俄罗斯戒严: 俄罗斯安全部门建议普京解雇绍伊古,实施戒严并开始全面动员-美国媒体集团(
- NEW YORK: Major fire burned many businesses to the ground for land theft.
- 纽约: 大火烧毁了许多盗窃土地的企业。
A. Global Currency Reset:
- Mon. 21 Aug. TNT Call: The RV is going to occur in the coming days. It should be by the end of the month. There will not be a float first. When the rate changes, it will be $3.41 or $3.81 outside of Iraq. The Iraqi government is serious about stopping the corruption. The citizens are being told that in the coming days the rate is going to change and the corruption will be dealt with. Spectacular arrests will be made this week.
- 星期一8月21日。TNT 电话: RV将在未来几天内发生。这个月底应该就可以了。首先不会有花车。当利率变化时,在伊拉克以外的地区将是3.41美元或3.81美元。伊拉克政府对制止腐败是认真的。市民们被告知,在未来几天,税率将发生变化,腐败问题将得到解决。这周会有大规模的逮捕行动。
- Charlie Ward: Tier4b will be able to exchange foreign currencies after the Global Currency Reset is announced.
- 查理 · 沃德: 在全球货币重置计划宣布后,Tier4b 将可以兑换外币。
- The Global Currency Reset was expected to be announced at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South Africa on Tues, Wed. and Thurs. 22-24 Aug.
- 金砖国家峰会将于8月22日至24日星期四在南非约翰内斯堡举行,届时预计将在 Tues 宣布全球货币重新调整。
- Shelton Levert just said the Paymasters will start paying Tier3 AFTER BRICK's Summit. Summit ends on the 24th.We know the providers accounts have the money in the banks, but cannot spend it. Maybe Shelton was right when he said they were paid in fiat and those custodial accounts have to be converted to USN. He said that is happening now. I think they are running the algorithm audits on the new quantum platforms that are in beta, to remove glitches, to launch and announce to the public at large a new banking quantum system implementation. I believe they are working to get this done, ASAP.
- Shelton Levert 刚刚说,出纳员会在 BRICK 峰会后开始支付 Tier3。峰会24号结束。我们知道提供者的账户在银行里有钱,但是不能花。也许谢尔顿说得对,他们是法定支付的那些保管账户必须转换成 USN。他说这正在发生。我认为他们正在测试中的新量子平台上运行算法审计,以消除故障,启动并向广大公众宣布一个新的银行量子系统的实施。我相信他们正在尽快完成这项工作。
- Thurs. 17 Aug. MarkZ: "I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August and bankers are still looking at around Sun.
20th Aug."
- 8月17日星期四。MarkZ: “我已经得到保证,伊拉克的计划将在8月份完成,银行家们仍在考虑周日前后的交易
- Bruce: On Thurs. 17 Aug. or Fri. 18 Aug. Bond Holders were to receive new NDAs. They had to sign and return those NDAs to Wells Fargo by Fri. night 18 Aug. They would receive emails Sat. 19 Aug. that would give them access to funds on Mon. 21 Aug. or Tues. 22 Aug. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should receive notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
- 布鲁斯: 8月17日星期四或8月18日星期五。债券持有人将获得新的保密协议。他们必须在8月18日星期五晚上之前签署并将这些保密协议交还富国银行。他们会收到电子邮件,星期六。这将使他们在8月21日星期一或8月22日星期二获得资金。Tier4b (我们,互联网集团)应收到预约通知,并于8月22日或8月23日星期三开始预约。
- Fri. 18 Aug. Texas Snake: "Some very positive steps are being taken behind the scenes which all point to a very positive week upcoming. Hang in there, folks."
- 8月18日星期五。Texas Snake: “幕后正在采取一些非常积极的措施,这些措施都预示着一个非常积极的一周即将到来。坚持住,伙计们”
- Fri. 18 Aug. Wolverine: "Wells Fargo Bank has received the cash release codes. The redemption of financial instruments has just begun. The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of Redemption's registered global asset redemption program. Clearance from Reno arrived at 9pm. On Sat. 19 Aug. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will be
the calls for direct managers" - 8月18日星期五。金刚狼: “富国银行已经收到现金释放代码。金融工具的赎回才刚刚开始。这些基金的全球推出刚刚在世界各地举行,标志着赎回的注册全球资产赎回计划的开始。来自里诺的许可在晚上9点到达。在星期六。8月19日上午11点至下午2点是直接经理的电话
- Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: "Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd, Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Not sure it will be that dramatic, but there will be an announcement."
- 8月18日星期五。房车亮点迈克 · 巴拉: “最近我听说: 周一。8月21日,伊拉克与黄金或黄金支持的货币挂钩,美元贬值。银行家们在周二醒来时看到了这一点。8月22日,伊拉克在星期三发表了某种声明。8月23日。不确定是否会如此戏剧化,但肯定会有消息宣布。”
- Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit where major financial changes will be announced.
- 8月22日星期二。8月23日星期三和8月24日星期四是金砖国家峰会,届时将宣布重大金融改革。
B. Redemption Centers
- Redemption Center appointments are to receive monies owed to us from NESARA/ GESARA funds and also for those wishing to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds.
- 赎回中心的任命将收到来自 NESARA/GESARA 基金欠我们的款项,也适用于那些希望兑换外币和津巴布韦国债的人。
- Appointment times will be done in three separate groups: ages 24-44, 45 to 60 and 61 and older. The 61 and older will go in first.
- 预约时间分为三组: 24-44岁、45-60岁和61岁及以上。61岁以上的会先进去。
- You will have 8-12 days to get to your appointment.
- 你有8-12天的时间去赴约。
- At your appointment you will set up your Quantum Account which is identified by your own biometric positive energy. (criminals with negative energy will not be given access to a Quantum Account).
- 在你的预约,你将建立你的量子帐户,这是由你自己的生物识别正能量确定。(负能量罪犯将不能使用量子账户)。
- You will also receive your Quantum Access Bank Card called Quack which is unique to you based on your biometric energy. No one can access that account but you.
- 您还将收到您的量子访问银行卡称为嘎嘎,这是独一无二的,您的基础上,您的生物识别能量。除了你,没人能进入那个账户。
- You will also receive a laptop that connects to the Star Link Satellite System and from which you can access your Quantum Account.
- 您还将收到一台笔记本电脑,连接到星际链路卫星系统,从中您可以进入您的量子帐户。
C. Global Financial Crisis:
- Russia Confirms BRICS+ Nations Will Launch New Joint Gold-Backed Currency to Counter US Dollar Dominance:
- 俄罗斯确认金砖国家将推出新的联合黄金支持货币以对抗美元主导
- :
- BRICS, Dollar Collapse:
- 金砖国家,美元崩溃:
- List of Banks Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan!
- 与「优质资助计划」系统相连或正在「优质资助计划」系统相连的银行名单-「优质资助计划」 + 「即时支付结算系统」信托计划!Https://
- At least 74 countries (perhaps 40 more by Summit time) have qualified with their own gold/asset-backed currency to attend the BRICS Summit Tues. 22 Aug. to Thurs. 24 Aug. in Johannesburg South Africa where they will be making an announcement on the Global Currency Reset.
- 至少有74个国家(到峰会时间可能还有40个国家)有资格使用自己的黄金/资产支持货币参加8月22日至8月24日星期四在南非约翰内斯堡举行的金砖国家峰会,他们将在会上宣布全球货币重置。
D. Restored Republic:
- "I Tom Fairbanks, received a call late last night (Sat. 19 Aug.) from the military informing me that there is something really big about to happen. Reading between the line, (because the message is in code), I am told that the Military Alliance is ready to act, either in stopping defensively, or taking out offensively, the enemies of the United States and the World."
- ”我是汤姆 · 费尔班克斯,昨晚深夜接到一个电话。8月19日)从军队告诉我,有一些真正的大事即将发生。从字里行间(因为信息是用密码写的) ,我被告知,军事联盟已经准备好采取行动,要么停止防御,要么进攻,消灭美国和世界的敌人。”
- Decoding the Imminent EBS: Military in Training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System即将到来的电子广播解码: 军队应急广播系统实施训练
E. Help Save Our Constitution – It's Hanging By A Thread:
(VIDEO 1.08.46) Flight of the Brunson Brothers - A Nick Alvear Film (
帮助拯救我们的宪法——悬而未决(视频1.08.46)布伦森兄弟的飞行——尼克 · 阿尔维尔的电影( )
- SCOTUSLetter.pdf ( ( )
- Add Your Letter of support of the Brunson Cases to the Supreme Court: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- 请将您对布伦森案件的支持信函送交最高法院: 布伦森兄弟音乐请愿书最高法院..。
- Loy Brunson Petition: The U.S. Supreme Court scheduled an October conference where they will consider a possible hearing on the case.Your prayers and support are much appreciated!
- Loy Brunson 请愿书: 美国最高法院计划在10月召开一次会议,考虑是否可能就此案举行听证会。非常感谢你们的祈祷和支持!
- Loy Brunson, whose Voter Fraud Case is at Supreme Court, asks Every Patriot to become involved in fighting for our Constitution:
- 最高法院的选民欺诈案的负责人洛伊 · 布伦森要求每一个爱国者都参与到为宪法而战的 中来
F. Ongoing battles for Freedom against our corrupt judicial system were being waged by Patriots on their own Dime:
- Freedom to Exercise our Right to Free and Fair Elections: The Brunson Brothers were trying to make Congress adhere to concepts of our Constitution by suing Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
- 行使自由和公平选举权的自由: 布伦森兄弟起诉国会没有调查2020年选举中选民舞弊的指控,试图让国会遵守我国宪法的概念。
- Freedom from Harassment From the Privately Owned US Inc.'s IRS: For over five years
Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling the Goliath IRS which took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS. - 免受美国国税局的骚扰: 五年多来,芭比娃娃和肯 · 克罗马尔一直在与巨人国税局作斗争,后者拿走了他们全部支付的房屋和所有财产,即使他们在联邦税务法院赢得了官司,裁定他们没有欠国税局的钱。
- Freedom of Parents to Have Control Over and Raise their Own Children: Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and Tom Fairbanks were battling a corrupt legal system including Child Protective Services who were ripping children away from their parents without a legal basis to do so.
- 父母控制和抚养自己孩子的自由: 阿蒙 · 邦迪、迭戈 · 罗德里格斯和汤姆 · 费尔班克斯正在与腐败的法律体系作斗争,包括儿童保护服务机构,这些机构在没有法律依据的情况下将孩子从父母身边夺走。
G. Donations were Needed in these Battles for our Freedom - But you get COOL Liberty stuff!
- Tom Fairbanks, who filed the Criminal Complaint for Defendants Bundy and Rodriguez, is a good friend of "Barbie & Ken" Cromar, who are friends with the Brunson Brothers - Raland, Deron, Gaynor and Loy, whose case is at the US Supreme Court charging Congress with treason for certifying the 2020 election without reviewing 100+ allegations of fraud and election violation.
- 汤姆 · 费尔班克斯(Tom Fairbanks)提交了针对被告邦迪和罗德里格斯的刑事诉讼,他是“芭比和肯”克罗马尔的好朋友,克罗马尔与布伦森兄弟(Brunson Brothers-Raland,Deron,Gaynor and Loy)是朋友。布伦森兄弟的案子正在美国最高法院审理,他们指控国会在没有审查100多项欺诈和违反选举规定的情况下,为2020年大选提供认证,犯有叛国罪。
- All try to help each other financially by sharing donations
pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page: - 所有人都试图通过分享捐款来互相帮助,这些捐款用于印刷、邮资、旅行、邮寄以及向罪犯和法院提供法律文件的服务。您的捐赠可以帮助创造奇迹!看看奇迹捐赠能给你带来什么好东西。购物页面:
- Phil's Intel Bulletin! The Event: EBS, NESARA and GESARA, Med Beds, GITMO,VIP Arrests, BRICS, QFS – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!菲尔的情报公告!事件: EBS,NESARa 和 GESARa,医疗床,关塔那摩监狱,贵宾逮捕,金砖国家,QFS-世界在灾难事件的边缘摇摆!
- Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) - American Media Group (为军事 GESARA 和 NESARA 紧急广播系统做好准备(EBS)-美国媒体集团(
1. The Global Martial Law Unveiled
Not just a political maneuver or a publicity stunt, this tweet will serve as the catalyst for the initiation of a worldwide martial law, a state of enforced and pervasive military control. One might ask, why? The answer lies beneath layers of secrecy, known to a few: the activation of GESARA and NESARA.1.全球戒严令公布不仅仅是一个政治演习或宣传噱头,这条推文将成为启动全球戒严令的催化剂,一种强制和普遍军事控制的状态。有人可能会问,为什么?答案隐藏在层层保密之下,只有少数人知道: GESARA 和 NESARA 的激活。 -
2. GESARA/NESARA: The Hidden Truth
For those unacquainted, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) are said to be the revolutionary frameworks designed to reset our current global economic system. By activating these, the powers that be will effectively start dismantling the existing cabal-controlled governments, performing a massive cleansing operation. We are looking at an estimated 500,000 sealed indictments worldwide getting exposed.2.GESARA/NESARA: 隐藏的真相对于那些不熟悉的人来说,全球经济安全与改革法案(GESARA)和国家经济安全与复苏法案(NESARA)被认为是旨在重置我们当前全球经济体系的革命性框架。通过激活这些权力,将有效地开始瓦解现有的阴谋集团控制的政府,执行一个大规模的清洗行动。我们估计全世界有50万份密封起诉书被曝光。 -
3. [Seven Trumpets]: The Signs of Transformation
As these dramatic shifts start, the ordinary citizen will be alerted through a series of signals – the "Seven Trumpets", EBS text messages that act as alarms to stay tuned to televisions, radios, or phones. These aren't your regular notifications. They are the clarion calls heralding the significant events to follow.3.【七个喇叭】 : 转变的迹象随着这些戏剧性的转变的开始,普通市民将通过一系列的信号——“七声喇叭”,EBS 短信作为警报器来保持对电视、收音机或手机的收听。这不是你平时的通知。它们是预示着接下来重大事件的号角。 -
4. Communication Blackout: The World In Silence
In the impending scenario, envision a world where every global military force combines strengths with the United States to enforce a total media blackout. All media, internet, phone, and TV programs will grind to a halt. However, there is a silver lining. Emergency services remain operational, ensuring citizens can still reach out for help in dire situations.4.通讯中断: 沉默的世界在即将到来的情况下,设想一个世界,每一个全球军事力量与美国结合的力量,实施全面的媒体中断。所有的媒体、互联网、电话和电视节目都将陷入停顿。然而,也有一线希望。紧急服务仍在运作,确保市民仍能在危急情况下伸出援助之手。 -
5. Ten Days of Darkness: The Global Awakening
This universal martial law is said to come with its set of challenges: ten days of communications blackout. But it isn't just silence. Throughout these days, global emergency broadcast systems will tirelessly operate, presenting to the world an eight-hour documentary. This film won't be your usual blockbuster. Instead, it will showcase the raw, unfiltered truths about global fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests, and legal proceedings. Played three times a day, 24/7, it aims to enlighten every soul about the hidden atrocities.5.黑暗的十天: 全球觉醒据说这种普遍的戒严法带来了一系列的挑战: 十天的通讯中断。但这不仅仅是沉默。在这些日子里,全球紧急广播系统将不知疲倦地工作,向世界播放一部长达8小时的纪录片。这部电影不会是你平时的大片。相反,它将展示关于全球欺诈、腐败、恋童癖、逮捕和裁判的原始、未经过滤的真相。每天播放三次,每周七天,每天24小时,旨在启发每个灵魂关于隐藏的暴行。 -
6. The Dawn of a New Era: Transformation
The darkness will lift eventually, revealing a new horizon. After ten intense days, we will find ourselves connected to a brand-new network. It isn't just an upgrade; it's a rebirth. We aren't merely talking about a faster internet. The very foundations of government, education, finance, health, trade, and commerce will undergo a metamorphosis.6.新时代的黎明: 转变黑暗终将消散,揭示一个新的视野。紧张的十天过后,我们会发现自己连接到一个全新的网络。这不仅仅是升级,这是重生。我们谈论的不仅仅是更快的互联网。政府、教育、金融、卫生、贸易和商业的基础将经历一次蜕变。
H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican, Housed in China's Three Gorges Dam:
- THE MONTAUK PROJECT is run by the US Inc. where they illegally recruited runaway kids for Mind Control purposes. In Mind Control they rape and torture children. The torture is so traumatic that it splits the developing thinking patterns of the brain into multiple personalities that can then be controlled by calling forth the name of the personality. It is more effective the younger the child is.
- 蒙托克项目由美国公司运营,他们非法招募离家出走的孩子用于精神控制。在精神控制中,他们强奸和折磨儿童。这种折磨是如此的痛苦,以至于它将大脑发育中的思维模式分裂成多个人格,然后可以通过呼唤人格的名字来控制这些人格。孩子越小,这种方法就越有效。
I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:
- Deadly Chemicals in the at home Covid test. We know this… huge red pill for normies.
- 家庭冠状病毒疾病测试中的致命化学药品我们知道这个... 给普通人的大红色药丸。
- Dr Shentani from Harvard: "Ivermectin
is also known for killing certain forms of cancer." - 哈佛大学的 Shentani 博士说: “伊维菌素也可以杀死某些癌症。”
- Recipients of Bill Gates' Favorite Vaccine Were Found to Die at 10x the Rate as Unvaccinated Children. A Danish study looked at thirty years of records. And they found that girls who had received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die than unvaccinated children. "And they were dying not of things that anybody had ever associated with a vaccine," stated RFK Jr. "They were dying of anemia and bilharzia (snail fever) and malaria and dysentery (bloody diarrhea) and pulmonary respiratory issues like pneumonia. And nobody had ever connected the dots ... until the Danish scientists came in and actually looked at the data."
- 比尔盖茨最喜欢的疫苗接种者死亡率是未接种疫苗儿童的10倍。一项丹麦的研究观察了30年的记录。他们发现接种过 DTP 疫苗的女孩死亡率是未接种疫苗的儿童的十倍。小肯尼迪说: “他们死于贫血、血吸虫病(蜗牛热)、疟疾、痢疾(血性腹泻)和肺部呼吸道疾病(如肺炎)。直到丹麦科学家进来实际研究数据之前,没有人把这些点联系起来
J. Voter Fraud:
- Fox News finally admits
the election of 2020 was rigged & admits that Big Tech, the Democrat Party, the CIA, & the Fake News conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election against President Donald J. Trump! - 福克斯新闻终于承认2020年大选被操纵,并承认大科技、民主党、中央情报局和假新闻合谋操纵2020年总统大选反对唐纳德 · J · 特朗普总统!
K. Bank Fraud:
List of Banks Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan!与优质金融服务系统有联系或正在联系的银行名单-优质金融服务 + 即时支付结算系统信任计划! -
Four huge banks with hundreds of branches to shut over a dozen more within days - is one going near you?四家拥有数百家分支机构的大型银行几天之内就要关闭十几家分支机构——其中一家离你很近吗?
Kat Espinda is a whistleblower, child advocate, truth teller and light worker who was arrested. She has been fighting for the children, and has uncovered proof of fraud against her bank. "I was put in JPOD #3 in the Benton County Jail, which I was told after getting out it is the worse area with the crazies during my stay. They are treated like pigs in there and the food is pig slop. By accident? Please support me in my fight against the banks. I am fighting for a better world for all of us! Please email Benton County Sheriff Thomas Kroskrey, and let him know what you think about the arrest. Please support me in this fight for freedom. We need to hold these people accountable, and the more people that respond to the call, the more progress we will make in the fight. I appreciate all of you and thank you for your support during this time." Espinda 是一名告密者,儿童权利倡导者,讲真话者和被逮捕的光之工作者。她一直在为孩子们奋斗,并且发现了银行欺诈的证据。“我被安排在 Benton County Jail 的3号初专实验室,出来后我被告知这里是疯人院最糟糕的地方。他们在那里被当作猪一样对待,而且食物是猪食。意外吗?请支持我对抗银行。我在为我们所有人争取一个更美好的世界!请给本顿县治安官托马斯 · 克罗斯克里发邮件告诉他你对逮捕的看法。请支持我为自由而战。我们需要让这些人负起责任,响应号召的人越多,我们在这场斗争中取得的进展就越大。我感谢你们所有人,感谢你们在这段时间给予我的支持。”
L. Med Beds:
- Q & A about Med Beds | Everything You Need to Know about Med Beds & How Quantum Med Bed's Are Revolutionizing the Medical Field (New Video) - American Media Group (关于医疗床的问与答 | 你需要知道的关于医疗床和量子医疗床是如何革命性的医疗领域(新视频)-美国媒体集团(
- Med Beds in the US:
- 美国的医疗床:
- High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA:
- 高科技医疗床技术被 DEEP STATE 压制并由 NEsara GESARa 发布:
- Nikola Tesla also invented medical treatments that involved the use of Electomagnetism & Light to treat a wide variety of disease. The devices would emit oscillating waves of various frequencies consisting of low frequency pulsing magnetic fields to treat pain, acoustic vibration machines to detoxify organs of the body, high frequency cancer killing radio waves and ultra high frequency ultraviolet light to create ozone to deactivate viruses. "The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind." -Nikola Tesla.
- 尼古拉-特斯拉还发明了利用电磁和光来治疗各种疾病的医疗方法。这些设备会发出各种频率的振荡波,包括治疗疼痛的低频脉动磁场、为身体器官排毒的声波振动器、杀死癌症的高频无线电波以及产生臭氧以去除病毒的超高频紫外线。"我所做的一切,都是为了利用大自然的力量为人类服务"。尼古拉-特斯拉
- Med Beds: - 医疗床:
- Med Beds in The USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds – Proof Compilation! –
- 美国医疗床: 为什么沉默?美国医疗床位计划详情-关于医疗床的问与答-证明编辑!Https://
- YES, The Existence of Med Beds is a Confirmed Fact – VIDEO Proof Compilation! –
- 是的,医疗床的存在是一个确认的事实-视频证据编辑!-
M. The Real News for Mon. 21 Aug. 2023:
- In 1823 the Rothchilds took over all financial operations of the Catholic Church.
- 1823年,罗斯柴尔德家族接管了天主教会的所有金融业务。
- Bill Gates Hanged at GITMO Ahead of Schedule:
- 比尔 · 盖茨被吊死在关塔那摩
- According to sources, MSM news has been given the word to report the truth or the military will come in. The existing reporting is treason.
- 据消息人士透露,MSM 新闻已经下令报道真相,否则军方将会介入。现有的报道是叛国罪。
- The Satanist Illuminati Chain of Command:
Latest Disclosure Intel: Invade the Getty - Underground Cities - 'Insider Tells All' (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 撒旦教光明会指挥链: 最新披露情报: 入侵盖蒂图片社-地下城市-“内部人告诉所有”(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- BREAKING: There has emerged a Cell Phone Video of DC officer on Jan. 6 saying "we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd" They're ADMITTING it! How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction? Release the J6 tapes!?
- 爆炸性新闻: 1月6日,一段华盛顿警官的手机视频出现了,视频上说“我们在人群中扮演反法西斯”,他们承认了这一点!那天有多少警察和联邦探员在卧底?有多少人煽动暴力和破坏财产?发布 J6磁带! ?
N.The value of your birth certificate €14,393.94 per month
您出生证明的价值 每月 14,393.94 欧元
- Nineteen million euros, that's the average value of your birth certificate traded on the New York Stock Exchange. The return is your collateral account (managed/plundered by the state simulation using "double-entry bookkeeping"). So if you lived to be 110 years old, you would be entitled to 172,727 euros for each year of your life. This 172,727 euros divided by 12 months results in 14,393.94 euros per month for living expenses.
- 一千九百万欧元,这是你的出生证明在纽约证券交易所交易的平均价值。返回的是你的抵押账户(由使用“复式簿记”的状态模拟管理/掠夺)。因此,如果你活到110岁,你每年将有权获得172,727欧元。这172,727欧元除以12个月,每月的生活费用为14,393.94欧元。
- This should also make it clear why so many asylum seekers are lured here. (Be motivated by bombings of their homeland) They also get a collateral account created here. (legalized human trafficking)]
- 这也应该说明为什么这么多寻求庇护者被吸引到这里。他们还在这里建立了一个抵押账户。(合法人口贩卖)]
- Everything is paid for in advance when you are born.
- 当你出生的时候,一切都是提前支付的。
- Your birth certificate is on the stock exchange - 你的出生证明在证券交易所 https://
- The fraudulent Maritime Legal System EXPOSED - PIRATE LAW
- 欺诈性海事法律制度暴露-海盗法律
- THE BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE - END OF GOLD STANDARD - START OF the FIAT DEBT SLAVE SYSTEM - 金本位的布雷顿森林会议: 菲亚特债务奴隶制的开端译者: pestwave 菲亚特债务奴隶制的 :
- The Committee of 300 & the United Nation Organization's Treasury Certificate
- 300人委员会和联合国组织的财政证书
O. Must Watch Videos:
- Mon. 21 Aug. Situation Update:
Judy Byington Urgent: Deep State DEW Attacks & Weather Manipulation - Unite Against the Cabal - WWG1WGA - Special Intel Report for Monday 21 Aug 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 星期一8月21日。情况更新: Judy Byington 紧急情况: 深州DEW袭击和天气操纵-联合起来对抗阴谋集团-WWg1wGA-2023年8月21日星期一英特尔特别报告(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- Sun. 20 Aug. X22 Report:
X22 Report Live: The People See The "Fifth Column", Narrative Shift, Crosshairs Are Now On Obama! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( - 8月20日。X22报告: X22报告现场: 人民看到“第五纵队”,叙述转移,十字瞄准现在对奥巴马!- 必须的视频 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( )
- Sat. 19 Aug. SGAnon: SG Anon File 59: Trump-Loyal US_Mil in Hawaii, Climate Lockdowns/Emergency on Deck, USSC State-Secrets Privilege (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 8月19日。特朗普-忠于美军在夏威夷,气候封锁/甲板上的紧急情况,美国南加州大学国家机密特权(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
P. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
朱迪(P. Judy)关于你所在社区的儿童受到恶魔仪式虐待的笔记:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈流出。
There's certainly no
help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
Q. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
问: 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士——罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 YouTube 视频
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救而几乎自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年女巫团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”
R. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
S. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报F供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们站在另一边,在那里,我们将一起为所有人创造更美好的生活。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy