This is one of the most heart-wrenching stories you will read. It is imperative that you watch the video in the link to understand what is at stake here.
New Zealand surgeons are REFUSING to operate on a critically ill four month baby who needs urgent heart surgery. Why? Because the parents want to assert their right to use un-vaxxed blood. There are TWENTY blood donors lined up to give blood - yet the surgeons will not use that blood. They insist that vaxxed blood is safe, despite overwhelmingly evidence to the contrary all over the world.
Now the NZ High Court is serving papers to take the baby away from their parents and perform the operation without their consent. PLEASE pass this message and link on. Liz Gunn is the NZ equivalent of Lara Logan and Liz Crokin. She is heroic and has been vilified by the NZ media, many of whom were her former colleagues in television.
现在,新西兰高等法院正在发送文件,要求将婴儿从父母身边带走,并在未经父母同意的情况下进行手术。请传递这个消息和链接。Liz Gunn 在 NZ 相当于劳拉 · 洛根和丽兹 · 克罗金。她是一位英雄,并受到 NZ 媒体的诋毁,其中许多人是她以前在电视台的同事。
I defy anyone to look into the eyes of that beautiful baby boy and not be moved to tears. This is a wise old soul who has come to Earth to teach humanity the most profound lesson of all. His mother says that you can see in his eyes he knows what is going on. Indeed.
Prayers for this brave Kiwi family. We Are With You.
“Update on the baby in Starship Hospital needing the unvaxxed blood at the choice of the parents.
Sam and Cole’s baby is needing a heart operation to repair his valve.
They have requested unvaxxed blood to which the hospital has made a stand against saying there’s nothing wrong with vaxxed blood.
They had a meeting with The Drs and surgeons last Friday, Reporter Liz Gunn was present too.
上周五他们和医生们开了个会,记者 Liz Gunn 也在场。
The Drs ended up walking out and now Sam and Cole have been served papers from the high court to remove their baby from their custody and medically experiment on him against their wishes so please do all you can to put this story out there.”
Thank you, Light Warriors. Whether it is millions fighting for their freedom in Brazil and China, or two parents in New Zealand fighting to save their baby - we must stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light