作者: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗师,记者,作者: "22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的22个多重人格的非凡生活的内幕。"
This is it.
The Hour is Upon Us.
I'm bringing in the Storm of the Century – History in the Making.
"They Won't Be Able to Censor, Nor Silence Us and They Certainly Won't Win."
Dinesh D'Sousa's "2000 Mules" Documentary on 2020 Election Fraud Release Sat. 7 May https://2000mules.com/https://www.truethevote.org/
Dinesh d'sousa 的"2000骡子"纪录片《2020年选举舞弊》5月7日星期六 https://2000mules.com/https://www.truethevote. org/
And So It Begins
"Burn it All Down, They Say."
Democrats, Leftists Call for Violence Following Leaked SCOTUS Abortion Ruling:
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/burn-democrats-leftists-call-violence-following-leaked-scotus-abortion-ruling/ "I've noticed that everybody who is for abortion has already been born."
…President Ronald Reagan
罗纳德 · 里根总统
"Patriots' Indomitable Spirit to Build Free Republics Across the Globe"
Special Edition: Bound for Glory - #4267 & #4476 Music & the Spoken Word On Location (thetabernaclechoir.org)
特别版: 为荣耀而战-# 4267 & # 4476音乐与外景口语(thetabernaclechoir. org)
In 1803 after President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from France, St. Louis became the Gateway to the US West as explorers, trappers, miners and scores of wagon trains and steamships carried hopeful pioneers to a new beginning.
These were pioneers in every sense of the word who were establishing vibrant communities despite isolation, starvation, disease, disappointment and the harshness of the very land they hoped to settle. Year after year they set out in courageous pursuit of new frontiers.
Once again as Patriot Pioneers, we will capture and burn to ashes those who worship Satan in an evil quest for money and power, and then create Nations that ring the bell of Freedom to herald in a new beginning for We the People across the Globe.
Judy Note:
To my knowledge no Intel has changed on timing of the Global Currency Reset, which officially rolled out on Sun. 1 May.
We expected Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments by Wed. 4 May, Thurs. 5 May or Fri. 6 May – with appointments beginning that, or the next day, according to Bruce.
我们预计4b 层(我们,互联网集团)会在5月4日(星期三)或5月5日或5月6日(星期五)之前接到通知,安排赎回/交换预约。
Today Tues. 3 May some bond holders received codes for their accounts, but their accounts weren't activated and likely wouldn't be until Tier 4B received their appointments, according to Bruce.
今天是5月3日星期二,据布鲁斯说,一些债券持有人收到了他们账户的密码,但是他们的账户并没有被激活,而且可能要等到4b 层收到他们的预约信息之后才会激活。
Tier 1 and Tier 2 have already been paid out, according to Bruce.
根据 Bruce 的说法,一级和二级债券已经发放了。
Tier 2 (the Whales who have already received 15% of their monies) have already paid off our national debt, plus were paying for NESARA out of the remaining 85%.
第二层(鲸鱼已经收到了他们的钱的15%)已经偿还了我们的国家债务,加上支付了 NESARA 剩余的85% 。
Tues. evening 3 May MarkZ: "We have had two very solid confirmations from Tier 3 that they received small bank wires (compared to what they are owed). They were Test Wires, and that tells us (imo) that real money has started moving in Tier 3. This is exciting. I think this is fantastic news."
5月3日星期二晚上 MarkZ: "我们从第三层得到了两个非常可靠的确认,他们收到了小额银行汇款(与他们所欠的相比)。它们是测试电线,这告诉我们(imo)真正的钱已经开始在第三层转移。这是令人兴奋的。我觉得这是个好消息。"
On Sat. 30 April Fleming wrote: "Venezuela and Iraq have both fulfilled the ISO 20022 requirements and agree to participate in world trade with ISO 20022 compatible digital currency. A State-backed, Asset-backed CBDC. This is the completion of the list of "first basket" countries we've been waiting for. According to Military contacts, this is all we've been waiting for."
在星期六。4月30日弗莱明写道: "委内瑞拉和伊拉克都满足了 ISO 20022的要求,并同意使用 ISO 20022兼容的数字货币参与世界贸易。一个国家支持的,资产支持的 CBDC。这是我们一直在等待的"第一篮子"国家名单的完成。根据军方联系人的说法,这是我们一直在等待的。"
Twenty-Three out of 210 nations have changed their currencies to be gold/asset-backed. The rest would soon follow in order for their country to be accepted for international trade.
MarkZ: There are five Tiers of folks exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty; Tier 2-Whales-Elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc; Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc; Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to Intel - internet groups (all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn - the general public.
马克兹: 有五个阶层的人交流。第一层-政府和皇室; 第二层-鲸鱼-精英与货币平台,公司等; 第三层-海军上将集团,美国美洲原住民,CMKX,大型教会团体(如摩门教徒)等; 第四层-所有数十万关注英特尔的互联网团体(我们所有人)。第五层——那些从来没有关注过的人——普通大众。
Judy Note: MarkZ referred to "large church groups (like the Mormons) being part of Tier 3." It is my understanding that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (more commonly known as the Mormons) was included in Tier 3 because they have a very large investment in the GCR, the proceeds of which they have designated to go to their most comprehensive humanitarian program set up in the world – with multiple humanitarian programs already active and staffed in most nations. The Church also has had for many years, very comprehensive food production, storage and welfare programs throughout the globe that were already set up to help those in need.
Judy Note: MarkZ 提到"大型教会团体(如摩门教徒)是第三层的一部分。"我的理解是,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(通常称为摩门教)之所以被列入第三梯队,是因为他们在 GCR 有非常大的投资,其收益被指定用于他们在世界上建立的最全面的人道主义项目——在大多数国家,已经有多个人道主义项目在积极开展并配备了人员。多年来,教会还在全球范围内设立了非常全面的食品生产、储存和福利项目,以帮助那些需要帮助的人。
A. Tues. 3 May 2022
The Big Call, Bruce:
Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#:
A. 2022年5月3日星期二 The Big Call,Bruce: The bigcall. net 667-770-1866 pin123456 # :
Tier 4B was still going this week Wed, Thurs or Fri for notification – with appointments beginning the next day.
4B 层本周仍在进行周三、周四或周五的通知——预约从第二天开始。
There would be a change in the US Presidential Administration around Fri. 13 May.
NESARA would kick in sometime from today through 18 May.
NESARA 将从今天开始到5月18日。
A Universal Income will be available for senior citizen retirees.
Today Tues. 3 May some bond holders received codes for their accounts, but their accounts weren't activated and likely wouldn't be until Tier 4B received their appointments.
今天是5月3日星期二,一些债券持有人收到了他们账户的密码,但是他们的账户并没有被激活,而且可能要等到4b 层收到他们的预约信息之后才会激活。
Tier 1 and 2 have already been paid out.
Tier 2 (the Whales who received 15% of their monies) paid off our national debt and paid for NESARA out of the remaining 85%.
第二层(鲸鱼们收到了他们15% 的钱)偿还了我们的国家债务,并且从剩下的85% 中支付了 NESARA。
On Sat. 30 April a Redemption Call discussed the rolling out of the Med Beds
For all Zim Bond redeemers a $100 T Zim note was equal to $100 T US Dollars
对于所有的 Zim 债券救赎者来说,一张100吨的 Zim 钞票相当于100吨美元
Those redemption monies would be put in a Quantum Account.
For Zim Bond holders who do not have a project, 1% of those monies in their Quantum Account would be put in a Primary Account – from which you would have immediate access.
对于没有项目的 Zim 债券持有人,其量子账户中1% 的资金将存入一个主要账户——您可以立即从这个账户进入。
For those Zim holders who don't have projects, their monies in the Primary Account would be put in a long term payout that would earn interest – the interest of which would be dependent upon the length of the long term payout.
对于那些没有项目的 Zim 持有者来说,他们在基本账户中的钱将被存入一个长期支付账户,这个账户将产生利息——利息将取决于长期支付的时间长短。
For those Zim holders who don't have projects that interest received in their Primary Account would be put in a Secondary Account – from which you would have immediate access.
对于那些没有项目的 Zim 持有者,他们的主要帐户收到的利息将被放在一个次要帐户-从这里你可以立即访问。
For Zim Bond holders who have projects, 10% of those monies in their Quantum Account would be put into a Primary Account – from which you would have immediate access.
对于有项目的 Zim 债券持有人来说,其量子账户中10% 的资金将被存入一个主要账户——从这个账户你可以立即访问。
For Zim Bond holders who have projects interest on those monies in their Primary Account would be 6 1/2 % to 8%, perhaps 10% dependent on your negotiation about your project.
对于 Zim 债券持有人来说,如果他们的主要账户中有这些资金的项目利息,那么利率将在6.5% 到8% 之间,也许10% 取决于你们就项目进行的谈判。
For Zim Bond holders who have projects those interest monies earned in your Primary Account would be put in a Secondary Account – from which you would have immediate access.
对于 Zim 债券持有人谁有项目,这些利息钱在您的主要帐户将存入一个次要帐户-从您将有立即访问。
B. Apparent Schedule:
Last week: Poultry and turkey farms in Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah were destroyed due to "Bird Flu" – therefore contributing to the food shortages.
上周: 爱荷华州和从缅因州到犹他州的其他28个州的家禽和火鸡养殖场由于"禽流感"而被毁,因此造成了食品短缺。
Sun. 1 May Global Currency Reset rolled out. Declass: Fox News release info on 2020 Election Fraud.
Mon. 2 May Declass: Roe vs. Wade overturned leaked out,
Disney Secrets exposed: Underground Tunnels & Cages/CIA Drug & Human Smuggling and connections to Occult Pedo Epstein Island.
五月二日: 罗伊诉韦德案被推翻泄露,迪士尼秘密曝光: 地下隧道和笼子/中央情报局毒品和人口走私以及与神秘的 Pedo Epstein 岛的联系。
Tues. 3 May Declass: Big Pharma fraud – birth abnormalities experienced by pregnant female soldiers following the Pfizer vaccine. Doctors that concluded the vaccine to be safe were employed by Pfizer or owned shares in BioNTech. Not reported in MSM, though alternative media released that banks reported that a recession was coming, the US largest bank, the Bank of America,
was in a collapse as was Europe's largest bank, Deutsche Bank, while thousands of banks across the Globe were being closed or bought out.
5月3日星期二揭秘: 大型制药公司在使用辉瑞公司的疫苗后,怀孕的女性士兵经历了生育异常。得出疫苗安全结论的医生受雇于辉瑞公司或拥有生物技术公司的股份。MSM 没有报道,尽管另类媒体发布的消息称,银行报道经济衰退即将来临,美国最大的银行美国银行(Bank of America)和欧洲最大的银行德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)也已经破产,而全球数千家银行正在关闭或被收购。
Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world
Wed. 4 May to June 3rd is 30 days. June 3rd was lizards Platinum Jubilee (The People's Jubilee instead maybe). Done in 30. This would also align with Protocol 19 at beginning of June (perhaps after the 3 day blackout for flip. 3-6 June). …Whiplash347
5月4日到6月3日是30天。6月3日是蜥蜴的白金禧年(也许是人民的禧年)。30年后完成。这也符合6月初的19号协议(也许在3天的翻转停电之后)。6月3日至6日)。... Whiplash347
4 May Canada scheduled Emergency Broadcast System test.
Thurs. 5 May GCR funds available to all tiers.
星期四5月5日 GCR 资金可用于所有级别。
Sat. 7 May Dinesh D'Sousa's 2000 Mules about 2020 Election Fraud documentary release.
5月7日星期六 Dinesh d'sousa 的2000骡子关于2020年选举舞弊的纪录片发布
Wed. 11 May (5.11) 2 Year Delta coming up Q4211: We are ready to unleash hell. Memes ready? Q https://qposts.online/post/4211
星期三5月11日(5.11)2年三角洲即将到来 Q4211: 我们准备好释放地狱。 meme 准备好了吗
By Fri. 13 May Biden would be out, Trump would be in as US President.
Sometime from Wed. 4 May to Wed. 18 May NESARA would kick in.
C. Restored Republic:
"Welcome to the main event, patriots. It's Show Time – a show so big that will leave everyone speechless. They are not ready for it! Every lie will be revealed. Prepare backups. Archive everything. They will try to shut us down, but they won't stop us. We will prevail. God Bless You All." …Q17X
"欢迎来到重头戏,爱国者们。现在是表演时间,一场大到让所有人无言以对的表演。他们还没准备好!每个谎言都会被揭穿。准备好备份。归档所有资料。他们会试图关闭我们,但他们不会阻止我们。我们会胜利的。上帝保佑你们... Q17X
CERN Emergency Alert: CERN activated May 2 2022. Stephen Hawkins, Nuclear Physicist: "The God Particle found by CERN could destroy the Universe."
CERN 紧急警报: CERN 于2022年5月2日启动。斯蒂芬 · 霍金斯,核物理学家: "欧洲核子研究委员会发现的上帝粒子可能会毁灭宇宙。"
Smoking gun evidence surfaces linking Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's shady foreign business deals: Will his DOJ indict? For years rational, thinking Americans have suspected Joe Biden is as corrupt as his son, Hunter Biden, and brother, James Biden: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-02-evidence-links-joe-biden-hunters-shady-business.html
确凿的证据表明,乔 · 拜登与亨特 · 拜登可疑的海外交易有关: 美国司法部会起诉他吗?多年来,理性思考的美国人一直怀疑乔 · 拜登像他的儿子亨特 · 拜登和弟弟詹姆斯 · 拜登一样腐败
Food Shortages: US Rembrant Foods killed 5.3 million chickens as a result of "bird flu" last week. The cull was repeated at poultry and turkey farms in Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah.
食品短缺: 美国伦勃朗食品公司上周因"禽流感"导致530万只鸡死亡。在爱荷华州以及从缅因州到犹他州的其他28个州的家禽和火鸡养殖场,这种扑杀行为再次发生。
Global Economy Crash: Shanghai cargo congestion could bring down the world economy.
Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world. The big banks that would not sign onto the new Quantum System are collapsing, or being bought out.
全球经济崩溃: 上海货运拥堵可能拖累世界经济。世界各地成千上万的小银行倒闭。那些不愿意签署新量子系统的大银行正在崩溃,或者被收购。
Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade, which was based on a Lie!
https://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/09/us/key-abortion-plaintiff-now-denies-she-was-raped.html "Burn It All Down!" - Democrats, Leftists Call for Violence Following Leaked SCOTUS Abortion Ruling: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/burn-democrats-leftists-call-violence-following-leaked-scotus-abortion-ruling/
Removing Roe v Wade/planned parenthood v Casey makes it a State's Rights issue which means states can ban abortion but also states that keep abortion legal theoretically will be able to permit late term abortions that federal oversight previously deemed illegal.
Pentagon and American firms found involved in Ukrainian military biolabs. Russia's top investigator told RT that Moscow identified Pentagon officials involved in funding of Ukraine's alleged Bio-weapon Labs that developed viruses to be released on the general public and jabs that contained poisonous materials causing a variety of health problems including Heart Attacks for healthy people. https://www.rt.com/russia/554898-russia-investiagtes-ukraine-biolabs/
五角大楼和美国公司被发现参与乌克兰军事生物实验室。俄罗斯最高调查员告诉俄罗斯电视台,莫斯科确认五角大楼官员参与资助乌克兰所谓的生物武器实验室,这些实验室开发的病毒将向公众发布,并且含有有毒物质的疫苗会导致各种健康问题,包括健康人的心脏病发作。Https://www.rt. com/russia/554898-russia-investigagtes-ukraine-biolabs/
D. Tues. 3 May Charlie Ward: Drip. Drip. Drip.
5月3日星期二查理 · 沃德: Drip。 Drip。 Drip。
The masses are slowly being shown the truth, if you told them the full truth they would not believe it.
Election fraud is exposed, check out Dinesh D'Sousa's 2000 Mules available from on May 7th (Trailer available on Rumble now).
选举舞弊被揭露,看看 Dinesh d'sousa 的2000骡子从5月7日开始上市(预告片现在可以在 Rumble 上看到)。
Big Pharma fraud...more truth to follow on the birth abnormalities experienced by female soldiers following the Pfizer vaccine.
大型制药公司的欺诈行为... 更多关于辉瑞公司接种疫苗后女性士兵所经历的生育异常的真相。
All human trials phase 1, 2 and 3 excluded pregnant and breast-feeding women. Developmental studies were done on 44 pregnant rats for 42 days.
The doctors that concluded the vaccine to be safe were employed by Pfizer or owned shares in BioNTech.
E. Tues. 3 May JFK Jr.: May will be a month of upheaval.
5月3日星期二小肯尼迪: 5月将是动荡的一个月。
May will be a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed.
The current president is disgusting to people not only in the United States but all over the world.
In a few days we will send something that will destroy and expose these Kabbalahs.
F. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Disney Secrets: Underground Tunnels & Cages/CIA Drug & Human Smuggling/Occult Pedo Epstein Island! Facilities for the torture of children can be found all over the world, including in underground tunnels under Disneyland in Florida. Disneyland also regularly sent tourist boats full of children to Epstein Island in the Caribbean, many of whom never returned. Sources claim that the movie is "Monster Corporation" which describes the "fuel" that is collected by terrorizing children, concerns the Adrenochrome: https://is.gd/VEVsLd
迪士尼秘密: 地下隧道和笼子/中情局毒品和人口走私/神秘的爱泼斯坦岛!虐待儿童的设施遍布世界各地,包括佛罗里达迪斯尼乐园地下的地下隧道。迪斯尼乐园还定期派遣满载儿童的游船前往加勒比海的 Epstein 岛,其中许多儿童再也没有回来。有消息称,这部电影是"怪物公司",描述了恐吓儿童收集的"燃料",涉及肾上腺素铬: https://is.gd/VEVsLd
How Family Visiting Disney Discovered Someone Was Tracking Their Every Move: https://resistthemainstream.org/how-family-visiting-disney-discovered-someone-was-tracking-their-every-move/?utm_source=telegram
Destiny Rescue, to save children from Child Trafficking:
Destiny Rescue,to save children from Child Trafficking: https://youtu.be/0llarUnFsx
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie flew to Ukraine, to Lviv. The first video with her was made in a coffee shop (a child with headphones, who did not pay any attention to her, has already become a meme). She left an autograph on the menu and went to drink coffee. Later, Jolie visited the city hall and Lviv railway station. A video about how Angelina Jolie admits to participating in the satanic rituals of the Illuminati can be viewed here: https://rumble.com/vulmc3-angelina-jolie-admits-to-participating-in-satanic-rituals..html
好莱坞女演员安吉丽娜 · 朱莉飞往乌克兰,前往 Lviv。她的第一段视频是在一家咖啡店里拍摄的(一个戴着耳机的孩子,根本没有注意到她,已经成为了一个迷因)。她在菜单上留下了签名,然后去喝咖啡。后来,朱莉参观了市政厅和利沃夫车站。关于安吉丽娜 · 朱莉如何承认参加了光照派的撒旦仪式的视频可以在这里查看:
G. Biden Crime:
Big Tech Censored Criticism of Biden more than 600 Times: https://presidentialhill.com/big-tech-censored-criticism-of-biden-more-than-600-times/
H. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
US: Rembrant Foods killed 5.3 million chickens as a result of "bird flu" last week, and then almost all of its employees were laid off. "They cooked these birds alive," said one of the Rembrandt employees involved in the cull. The cull was repeated at poultry and turkey farms in Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah.
美国: 伦勃朗食品公司(Rembrant Foods)上周因"禽流感"导致530万只鸡死亡,之后几乎所有的员工都被解雇了。一位参与扑杀的伦勃朗员工说: "他们把这些鸟活活煮熟。"。在爱荷华州以及从缅因州到犹他州的其他28个州的家禽和火鸡养殖场,这种扑杀行为一再发生。
On Friday Indonesia announced that it would ban the export of palm oil: "This is part of the global plan of the HMM clique to starve humanity to death. President Jokowi instructed HM to do this to his own country," a CIA source in Asia said.
上周五,印度尼西亚宣布将禁止棕榈油的出口: "这是 HMM 集团全球计划的一部分,目的是让人类挨饿至死。Jokowi 总统指示 HM 对他自己的国家这样做,"一位 CIA 在亚洲的消息人士说。
The Shanghai cargo congestion could bring down the world economy: https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/the-shanghai-cargo-congestion-could-bring-down-the-world-economy/ss-AAWPaSt?ocid=mmx&PC=EMMX01
I. Global Financial Collapse:
Deutsche Bank, EUs biggest bank: "We will get a major recession," Deutsche Bank economists wrote in a report to clients on Tuesday. (Not reported in MSM).
德意志银行,EUs 最大的银行: "我们将面临一场严重的经济衰退,"德意志银行的经济学家周二在一份给客户的报告中写道。(未在 MSM 上报道)。
UKs biggest banks: "I can't see it getting any better': could the UK be heading for a recession?" (Not reported in MSM)
英国最大的银行: "我认为情况不会有任何好转": 英国是否正走向衰退(MSM 没有报道)
Bank of America, U.S. biggest bank was in a collapse and bought out by smaller bank. "Bank of America warns 'recession shock' is coming." (Not reported in MSM).
美国最大的银行美国银行破产,被小银行收购。美国银行警告说'经济衰退冲击'即将来临。"(未见 MSM 报道)。
Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world.
The big banks that would not sign onto the new Quantum System are collapsing, or being bought out.
Wells Fargo Bank has come into full control of the White Hats for the RV.
Weakest currencies in the world, Victor Mochere: https://victor-mochere.com/top-20-weakest-currencies-in-the-world
世界上最弱的货币,Victor Mochere: https://Victor-Mochere. com/top-20-Weakest-currencies-in-the-world
Russia Is Returning To The Gold Standard And China Is Going To Be Next: https://twitter.com/QTRResearch/status/1521456469308231682?s=20&t=hY-vFb09JR6dvPNexdyE6Q
J. Russia/Ukraine War Between the Deep State and White Hats:
Pentagon, US companies involved in Ukraine military biolabs – Russia's top investigator: https://www.rt.com/russia/554898-russia-investiagtes-ukraine-biolabs/
Joe Biden sent: 13.6 Billion aid package to Ukraine, then1.3 Billion in April, 350 Million in February, 800 Million in March and another request for 33 billion. Hundreds upon hundreds of millions connected into billions, connected to 80 years of trillions. The Deep State was funneling money into Ukraine through the CIA, Blackrock money laundering system.
拜登向乌克兰提供了136亿美元的一揽子援助,4月份为13亿美元,2月份为3.5亿美元,3月份为8亿美元,另外还有330亿美元的援助请求。数以亿计的资金连接到数十亿美元,连接到80年来的数万亿美元。Deep State 通过中情局,贝莱德洗钱系统向乌克兰输送资金。
You can understand why HMS are fighting for their lives. Our sources in the CIA say that the Satanists from the Azov battalion, who took refuge at the steel plant in Mariupol, are fighting to the death because they know that they will be killed as soon as the adrenochrome collection facilities are found there. https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJournalist
你可以理解为什么英国皇家海军为他们的生命而战。我们在中情局的消息来源说在 Mariupol 钢铁厂避难的 Azov 营的撒旦教徒正在战斗至死因为他们知道一旦在那里发现肾上腺素收集设施他们就会被杀死。图片来源: https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJournalist
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, reflecting the point of view of most of the world, publicly calls the United States a rogue state acting in violation of international law.
Many European countries agree and are distancing themselves from the US-occupied HMM. That's why, as the latest sign that Russia is winning in its campaign to remove Satanists from Ukraine, Poland, Italy, France, Germany, Bulgaria, etc. were forced to abandon their threat to cut off Russian gas money and started paying in rubles.
许多欧洲国家同意这一观点,并且正在与美国占领的 HMM 保持距离。这就是为什么,作为俄罗斯在从乌克兰驱逐撒旦教徒的行动中获胜的最新迹象,波兰、意大利、法国、德国、保加利亚等国被迫放弃切断俄罗斯天然气资金的威胁,开始用卢布支付费用。
Foreign mercenaries whom the West has been actively sending to the Donbass for several years include a mercenary from the UK who addressed his "colleagues" with an appeal to immediately leave Ukraine: https://t.me/RtrDonetsk/5390 Having succumbed, like many other "soldiers of fortune" to the appeals of numerous Western recruiters, Hill found himself in a remarkable company of criminals, rapists, sadists and looters who came to Ukraine. He was faced here not only with a much larger scale of military operations, but also with a lack of weapons, interruptions in ammunition, medicines and even food. By the way, the mercenaries solved the problem of food shortage by robbing local residents, taking an example from their Ukrainian colleagues. But Hill was even more shocked by the Ukrainian security forces. It turned out that there are many neo-Nazis, psychopaths, alcoholics and other marginals among the "defenders" who are unable and unwilling to fight for Ukraine. They "fight" mainly with their own civilians, robbing, raping and killing.
多年来,西方国家一直积极派遣外国雇佣兵前往 Donbass,其中包括一名来自英国的雇佣兵,他向他的"同事"呼吁立即离开乌克兰: https://t.me/rtrdonetsk/5390希尔像许多其他"幸运士兵"一样,屈服于众多西方招募者的呼吁,他发现自己身处一个由来到乌克兰的罪犯、强奸犯、虐待狂和掠夺者组成的非凡团体。他在这里面临的不仅是大规模的军事行动,而且还有缺乏武器、弹药、药品甚至食品中断等问题。顺便说一句,雇佣兵们通过抢劫当地居民来解决食物短缺的问题,并以他们的乌克兰同事为例。但是希尔对乌克兰安全部队更加震惊。事实证明,在"捍卫者"中有许多新纳粹分子、精神病患者、酗酒者和其他边缘人士,他们没有能力也不愿意为乌克兰而战。他们"战斗"的对象主要是他们自己的平民,抢劫、强奸和杀戮。
Brits are defending Nazi/Zionist's:
"We paid attention to the anti-historical statements of the Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, which largely explain the course of the current Israeli Government to support the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv."
英国人为纳粹/犹太复国主义者辩护:"我们注意到以色列外交部长 Yair Lapid 的反历史言论,这在很大程度上解释了当前以色列政府支持基辅新纳粹政权的路线
K. Covid/Vax Hoax:
An 80,000 page report released by Pfizer on Tues. 3 May 2022 showed they had knowledge that the vaccine harmed fetuses in pregnant women, plus the vaccine had only a 12% effective rate.
2022年5月3日星期二,辉瑞公司发布了一份80,000页的报告。报告显示,他们知道疫苗会伤害孕妇的胎儿,而且疫苗的有效率只有12% 。
The bosses of HM have already stated that they want to force people to take vaccines that change their genes (to domesticate them) if they want to get a portion of insect protein. Perhaps that is why our sources report that David Rockefeller Jr. is working on projects for the production of insect feed in the Philippines.
HM 的老板们已经表示,如果人们想获得一部分昆虫蛋白质,他们希望强迫人们接种改变基因的疫苗(驯化它们)。也许这就是为什么我们的消息来源报道说大卫洛克菲勒二世正在菲律宾从事昆虫饲料生产项目的原因。
Babies are Delivered Alive and Their Hearts Cut Out Without Anesthesia to Develop Vaccines.
The bottom line is that Pfizer has legal immunity from prosecution if its "vaccine" against Covid-19 harms people or does not work (except for fraud, which is notoriously difficult to prove), but it does not have such immunity if it misleads investors. In order not to mislead investors, Pfizer must disclose significant risks and uncertainties.
归根结底,如果辉瑞针对2019冠状病毒毒疾病的"疫苗"伤害了人或者不起作用(除了欺诈,这是出了名的难以证明) ,它有法律豁免权免于起诉,但如果它误导了投资者,它就没有这种豁免权。为了不误导投资者,辉瑞必须披露重大风险和不确定性。
Union College Student Booted for Rejecting Vaccine
Booster After Having Serious Side Effects. https://resistthemainstream.org/union-college-student-booted-for-rejecting-vaccine-booster-after-having-serious-side-effects/?utm_source=telegram
译自: http://resistthemain.org/Union-College-Student-boot-for-rejection-Vaccine-Booster-After-Having-Serious-Side-Effects/? utm _ source = telegram
L. The Rest of the Real News for Tues. 3 May 2022: Anonymous | CERN EMERGENCY ALERT the portal has been opened #demons #angels - YouTube
L.The Rest of The Real News for tuesday. 3 May 2022: Anonymous | CERN EMERGENCY ALERT 2022年5月3日: 匿名者 | 欧洲核子研究委员会紧急警报门户已经打开 # 恶魔 # 天使-YouTube
CERN Emergency Alert: CERN activated May 2 2022. Stephen Hawkins, Nuclear Physicist: "The God Particle found by CERN could destroy the Universe."
CERN 紧急警报: CERN 于2022年5月2日启动。斯蒂芬 · 霍金斯,核物理学家: "欧洲核子研究委员会发现的上帝粒子可能会毁灭宇宙。"
In 1934 the LA Times reported on a lost Lizard City
found beneath LA, CA. It is said the city was destroyed and no longer there but was that a lie? Military reports of an underground network of tunnels and bunkers exist under the city with connections to other bunkers. The clues to finding the tunnels and entrances are in plain sight if you know where to look.
Elon Musk has just introduced a smart, portable, off-grid, yet a robust Tesla Home for affordable living ($10,000).
Elon Musk 刚刚推出了一款智能的,便携的,离网的,但是强大的特斯拉家居(价格10,000美元)
Jetson One Flying Machine:
Jetson One Flying Machine: https://www.youtube. com/watch
VoC Documentary - Episode 1 - Moon the Map of the Earth:
VoC 纪录片-第一集-月球地图: https://youtu.be/qeVn8gCys38
May 2 2022 Public and International Notice of Fraud in Progress Bank of England JPMorgan Chase and Co. Gentlemen, Ladies: Please find attached a copy of our Federal Court Order mandating discovery and recoupment of American Trust Assets and consider this your complete Notice.
May 22022 Public and International Notice of Fraud in Progress 2022年5月2日英格兰银行摩根大通银行。先生们,女士们: 请查阅附件中的联邦法院命令副本,该命令要求发现和追回美国信托资产,并将此视为您的完整通知。
115 persons are implicated in crimes against the peace and security of mankind, of which 63 have been indicted. Naturally, these figures are far from final.
No matter what the Western media and propaganda outlets are saying, everyone can see that Ukrainian troops prefer to surrender whenever they get the chance.
Sadistic torture of Russian POWs by Ukrainian neo-Nazis has no justification.
Precisely identified: the circle of individuals involved in biological research for military purposes in Ukraine. The list includes US officials from the Department of Defense and a number of American contractors.
精确识别: 参与乌克兰军事用途生物研究的个人圈子。这份名单包括美国国防部官员和一些美国承包商。
Since 2005, the amount of US funding of biological research programs in Ukraine exceeded $224 million.
What court will try Ukrainian nationalists is still an open question. We are considering several options. The principles of universal jurisdiction allow national courts to try such cases. We also support the idea of setting up a specialized tribunal for this purpose. The key thing is to ensure that the court or tribunal in question is fair and unbiased.
M. What Should Be In, But Never Made the Headlines:
Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
海军陆战队,海豹突击队营救2100名关在笼子里的儿童,青少年 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Who's Who in Those 144,000 Sealed Indictments About to be Served | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
在即将提交的144,000份密封起诉书中,谁是谁? | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Obama, Clinton, Pelosi Among Those Expected Charged with Treason, Sedition | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
奥巴马,克林顿,佩洛西被指控犯有叛国罪,煽动叛乱罪 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Pelosi Charged With Treason | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
佩洛西被控叛国罪 | 政治 | 新闻之前
Majority of Congress Said Charged With Pedophilia and High Treason | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
大多数国会议员说他们被指控有恋童癖和叛国罪 | 政治 | Before It's News (beforeitsnews. com)
N. Treason, Conspiracy, Sedition:
Russia Gate Revealed: Pompeo Investigation into the House Intelligence Committee revealed Swalwell, Schiff and Pelosi connected to Hillary Clinton/Obama Cabinet Members took Intel from the CIA (also involved) and gave it to reporters to create a narrative about Trump.
俄罗斯之门曝光: 庞皮欧对众议院情报委员会的调查显示,斯沃韦尔、希夫和佩洛西与希拉里 · 克林顿(Hillary Clinton)有关。奥巴马内阁成员从中央情报局(CIA)获取情报(也参与其中) ,并将情报交给记者,以编造有关特朗普的故事。
Last week House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes said "Durham Report coming soon!"
上周,众议院情报委员会代表 devinnunes 说: "达勒姆报告即将出炉!"
Last month they arrested 700 CIA Agents across the world, who gave debriefings on foreign interference in the U S. Elections – that connected to a German CIA farm which was then raided.
Many of the CIA Agents were also involved in the leaks in the Russia Gate Investigation. Haspel and FBI Head Comey was named inside several investigations connected to 2020 Election fraud, Treason and Sedition.
They were
now trying to shut down Social M – labeling them as terrorists or White Supremist fractions.
Many Election Fraud Media Outlets have been taken down.
O. The Storm of the Century:
There was lots of division going on over SCOTUS Leak.
关于 SCOTUS 泄密案,有很多分歧。
What's really interesting was that they readied barricades around the Supreme Court Building BEFORE the leak happened.
Many believe the whole scenario was a False Flag to cover the release of the 2000 mules nationwide film release (about exposure of the 2020 Election Fraud).
Many believe that the leak was connected to Events that would trigger riots.
My personal belief was that Judge Robert's assets were confiscated by the Military in 2018 (29 billion $) and he was forced to play out the Events connected to the exposure and Fall of the SCOTUS.
我个人认为,罗伯特法官的资产在2018年被军方没收(290亿美元) ,他被迫重演与 SCOTUS 的曝光和垮台有关的事件。
All three branches of the US Government were captured operations and were under foreign occupation.
On 21 Jan. 2022 at 12:00 am the US Military took legal control of the U.S. through Laws of War that were activated after 12 months (since January 20 2021 the Biden Administration had a chance to come forward, expose the Foreign occupation and come clean – which they didn't. By the Laws of War of the Department of Defense the Military legally took over 12 months later.
The whole Twitter, Ukraine, 2020 Election Fraud exposure, SCOTUS leaks, etc. were planned. Why? Because it would expose other Deep State countries, Elites, Presidents, Prime Ministers, organizations, the UN, NATO, DAVOS, Black Rock, Elites, Medical Mafia industry, Big Tech worldwide, MSM worldwide – the whole corrupt system.
整个推特、乌克兰、2020年选举舞弊曝光、 SCOTUS 泄密等事件都是计划好的。为什么?因为它会暴露其他深层国家,精英,总统,总理,组织,联合国,北约,达沃斯,黑岩,精英,医疗黑手党产业,世界范围内的高科技,世界范围内的男男性接触者-整个腐败系统。
The Plan was happening and the movie was taking place. Unfortunately, people die in War. Not everything is clean.
Laws of War happening right now. Continuity of government started in 2017. We were inside the Devolution Plan.
P. Musk: From Nazis to White Hats
马斯克: 从纳粹到白帽子
We are also witnessing a major split in the ranks of the ruling oligarchy of the United States. Elon Musk from Tesla, apparently, got out of control and now openly supports the "white hats". This is significant because Musk is the son of the famous Nazi rocket scientist Werner von Braun, according to Japanese intelligence sources and confirmed sources of the US Space Agency.
我们还目睹了美国寡头统治阶层的重大分裂。特斯拉的埃隆 · 马斯克显然失去了控制,现在公开支持"白帽子"。根据日本情报来源和美国航天局确认的消息来源,马斯克是著名的纳粹火箭科学家沃纳 · 冯 · 布劳恩的儿子,这一点很重要。
Von Braun, considered by many to be the head of the US space program, made some interesting confessions when he died of cancer. He said the US would try to control the world by creating space-based weapons. They would justify the huge expense by inventing fake enemies. First the Russians, then the terrorists, then the third world lunatics, then the asteroids and finally, "the funniest thing, the aliens, this will be the last card, and all this is a lie," he said.
被许多人认为是美国太空计划负责人的冯 · 布劳恩在死于癌症时做了一些有趣的坦白。他说,美国将试图通过制造太空武器来控制世界。他们会通过发明假的敌人来证明这笔巨额开支的合理性。首先是俄罗斯人,然后是恐怖分子,然后是第三世界的疯子,然后是小行星,最后,"最有趣的是,外星人,这将是最后一张牌,所有这一切都是谎言,"他说。
CIA sources tell us that the public life story of Elon Musk is a huge lie and that from the very beginning he was a cover for the commercialization of Nazi high technologies. Sources associated with Musk have given us evidence that electric car technology has been suppressed for a long time. Here we see the charging of electric cars in 1917. Next we see a video of electric taxis with quickly replaceable batteries operating in Spain in 1943. https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJournalist
中情局消息来源告诉我们,埃隆 · 马斯克的公众生活故事是一个巨大的谎言从一开始他就是纳粹高科技商业化的幌子。与马斯克有关的消息来源已经给了我们证据,电动汽车技术已经被压制了很长一段时间。这里我们看到的是1917年电动汽车的充电情况。接下来是1943年西班牙电动出租车使用快速可更换电池的视频。Https://t.me/benjamin fulford journalist 本杰明 · 福尔德记者
Q. Tues. 3 May Fleming: The non-Compliant US Part 2
星期二。3五月弗莱明: 不合规的美国第二部分
If it is true that the US Gov Inc., is caught in a vice of no escape. If it is true that the US Gov Inc., is bankrupt. If it is true that the US Gov Inc. has been dealt with, then there is a potential of an offer and compromise.
If it's true that the Supreme Court is overturning Roe v Wade, then, we have turned a corner. The proof is here. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473
Remember, We the People have no rights under the existing Admiralty Laws - the Law of the Sea. In Common Law though, sovereignty is the principal overarching factor, with all laws supporting the individual's sovereignty. It is obvious that a Return to Constitutional Justice is now afoot, with the leak by the Supreme Court about Roe v Wade.
The proof that We the People are Sovereign, with all Rights to self-determination. That any US nationals have the ability to "Lift Yourself Up by the Bootstraps," once again. That freedom of choice becomes possible, is a benchmark we can hold high.
Looking back there was no way that We the People could have known what was coming. Yet the Shift brings much needed change that paves the way for the Safety and Security, the health and longevity, of One and All. We are seeing this right now.
R. Must See Videos:
Tues. 3 May Situation Update:
5月3日星期二情况更新: https://rumble. com/v13erlj-Situation-Update-5322. html
Mike Adams Interviews Monkey Werx: CIA Rendition Flights Are Continuing as Traitors Face the Music (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
麦克 · 亚当斯采访猴子沃克斯: 中央情报局的引渡航班仍在继续,叛徒面临惩罚(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Mon. 2 May Situation Update:
Situation Update: Biden Regime Manufactured Food Crisis! Biden Admin Caught In Food Processing Plant Destruction Scheme! Military Has Election Results! Trump Won! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
5月2日星期一情况更新: 情况更新: 拜登政权制造粮食危机!拜登行政官员卷入食品加工厂销毁计划!军方获得选举结果!特朗普赢了!- 我们人民新闻 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Ben Fulford: Fences Around Federal Reserve Building In DC, Mariupol Adrenchrome Harvesting Facility, Kamala Harris Arrested, Elon Musk Son Of Werner von Braun Nazi Tech. Rep. Flips To Whitehat Side, Fake Pope Promoting Aliens!! | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
马里奥波尔联邦储备大楼周围的围栏卡玛拉 · 哈里斯被捕,埃隆 · 马斯克沃纳 · 冯 · 布劳恩纳粹科技公司之子。众议员转而支持白帽党,假教皇支持外星人!新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
X22Report: Boom Week Ahead! Teams On Standby! Waiting For The Green Light! No Sleep In DC! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
X22Report: Boom Week Ahead X22Report: 繁荣周即将来临!各队待命!等待绿灯!华盛顿夜不能寐!新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
S. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities," by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
作者: Judy Byington,前言作者: Colin a. Ross 博士原文: Colin Ross 博士-罗伯特大卫斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证了撒旦的儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到了人类的牺牲
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和被神圣介入拯救,几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者似乎是由美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织起来的,一直到克林顿、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们的资金来自同一个掌管我们全球货币体系的阴谋集团——正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置和恢复世界各共和国的活动所摧毁。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"
T. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,我一直在应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者受害者的要求,调查撒旦宗教仪式虐待儿童的事件,他们是撒旦领导人及其女巫团的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所,当地警察局,县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后屠杀进入了国际组织的第九圈撒旦邪教,它逃出了梵蒂冈。
There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
U. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations: https://wsbt.com/news/nation-world/crime-that-hides-in-plain-sight-fbi-releases-warning-signs-of-human-trafficking
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
联邦调查局孟菲斯分局(24小时开放)(901 -)747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip
提交匿名举报 fbi 政府。
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form
美国移民/海关执法局: https://www.ICE. gov/webform/hsi-tip-form
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
联邦人口贩卖网站: https://www.state. gov/humantrafficking/
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/
拨打855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue. org/
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
蒂姆 · 巴拉德(Tim Ballard)地下铁路行动: https://ourrescue. org/
Saving Innocence:
https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end
拯救无辜: https://savinginnocence. org https://www.youtube. com/watch
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
美国: 国家儿童帮助虐待儿童热线1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
USNCMEC 紧急受害者帮助24小时热线: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
联系国际刑警组织: http://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol http://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime
欧洲刑警组织热线电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime
EU Hotlines:
欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotline/national-hotline _ en
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Global: human trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers 全球: 人口贩卖热线号码: https://www.abolishion. org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers
Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/
人口贩卖帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
BBC Action Line
英国: 儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线
V. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置,恢复共和国和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
让我们斋戒,为这数以百万计的小人们祈祷,他们现在正从世界各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被拯救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团所折磨和杀害。让我们也为那些在世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在这里解释了10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube. com/watch? v = 4mb9gu6dmks
W. Judy Note:
I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
朱迪注: 我现在没有,以前也没有收到过写我的更新和文章的钱。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童。
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for at least 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking that time to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些尽心尽力、勇敢的情报供应商,他们希望保持默默无闻; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她全天候工作,揭露真相; 感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究; 感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真相背后的原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 q,重置终于来临了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy