通过 GCR 恢复共和国特别报告2|截至2021年4月14日

2021年4月15日10:24:59大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国特别报告2|截至2021年4月14日已关闭评论1.1K6字数 27250阅读90分50秒阅读模式

通过 GCR 恢复共和国特别报告2|截至2021年4月14日


Divide They Try,Fail They Will,for Where We Go One,We Go All to Support POTUS,Follow Q and Trust Plan

他们分而治之,他们会失败的,因为我们去哪,我们全力以赴支持恢复共和国的总统,跟随 Q 和信任计划

Patriotic Music-The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square-Bing video


Judy Note:Notification at Any Time!Military on Extreme High Alert and Readiness!


According to our Military Intel Contact Tier 4B notification could happen at any time on Wed.-Thurs.14-15 April.

根据我们的军事情报联系人4B 级通知可能在星期三的任何时候发生。414日至15日星期四。

A High-Up Source on Wed.14 April:"According to a source in the Pentagon there were three Quantum Financial System tests conducted.All three tests were good without interference.They stated,'We are there.'There was nothing left to do.Iraq was waiting on us.Their CBI was awaiting our UST to flip the switch.Fully expecting a this week outcome."


Restored Republic:


On Fri.9 April hundreds of satellites in the new Starlink Communication System were activated and sometime very soon would take over all Mass Media to enforce a temporary Martial Law worldwide.


There would be Ten Days of Darkness where uncensored news about the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day(24 hours a day)on all Media networks worldwide.


Expect the Biden Administration to go out,Trump Administration to go in,along with a possible Stock Market crash,planes and trains grounded,Internet go down and occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system.

预计拜登政府将退出,特朗普政府将进入,随之而来的可能是股市崩盘,飞机和火车停飞,互联网中断,以及由于转向新的 Telsa 免费能源系统而偶尔发生的电力中断。

Q:Watch the Water:


Weather Authority Washi Ton DC,Q:Tues.April 13 2021 8:00 pm EDT until Wed.14 April 2021 12:00 am EDT expect up to one half foot of inundation above ground level in low lying areas due to tidal flooding shoreline in the District of Columbia.It was suspected that Alliance Special Op forces were flooding the tunnels that were buried two miles beneath Capitol Hill.


Since January 2021 US Marines had rescued thousands of children being tortured by the Cabal in the tunnels.C*e Communist Party soldiers were also found hiding in the maze of tunnels that ran throughout the US.


Breaking News:Marines,Chinese Soldiers,Mass Gunfire,Arrests,Trump!-Must Video|War and Conflict|Before It's News


New Dark Outpost:Military Fights Underground War,Deep Underground Bases|Paranormal|Before It's News


List of DUMBs by State–Complete List of Military Underground Bases in USA(video)|Politics|Before It's News



4:08 Gene Decode cont.:It's so disgusting and so decrepit with all these parties that the previous President's before Trump with$16,000 for pizza and hot dog parties…we all know what that means…


4:21 Gene Decode cont.:We didn't see$16k of anything being shipped in there…they're just paying the ca/bal for the privilege to use what they had stored down there[children,women]…under congress,under senate,under the supreme court…everything under there it's just…beyond…I mean…there's no real words to say…


7:14 Gene Decode cont.:They ship it through the coasts(drugs)…the borders into China…they're taking out those DUMBS in China right now…it's in progress


The Evergreen Child Trafficking Ship Evergiven blocked the Suez Canal from Tues.23 March to Mon.29 March,causing billions in loss of international trade.Evergiven was surrounded by smaller ships owned by Bezos,Buffett and Murdock,which were trying to save their cash crop enclosed in 20,000 containers stacked six stories high.That crop included Weapons of Mass Destruction such as an Atomic Bomb and a new CV-21 virus to spread throughout the world.US Navy Seals,Russian Special Ops and OUR Protection Team discovered 1,366 dead bodies and rescued 1,245 trafficked children,teens and adults.

323日星期二至329日星期一,长荣儿童贩卖船封锁了苏伊士运河,造成数十亿美元的国际贸易损失。Evergiven 被贝佐斯(Bezos)、巴菲特(Buffett)和默多克(Murdock)拥有的小型船舶所包围,这些船舶试图拯救装在2万个集装箱中的现金作物,这些集装箱堆积在6层楼高的地方。这些农作物包括大规模杀伤性武器,如原子弹和一种新的 CV-21病毒,它们将在全世界传播。美国海豹突击队、俄罗斯特种部队和我们的保护小组发现了1366具尸体,并解救了1245名被贩卖的儿童、青少年和成年人。

Scott McKay:Major Evergreen Update,Church Leaders Controlled(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News

斯科特·麦凯(Scott McKay):主要的长荣更新,教会领袖控制(视频)

Trafficked Children,Bodies,Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal|Politics|Before It's News



Scott McKay:Major Evergreen Update,Church Leaders Controlled(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News

斯科特·麦凯(Scott McKay):主要的长荣更新,教会领袖控制(视频)

Scott McKay:The Tipping Point Intel Report(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News

Scott McKay:引爆流行的转折点 Intel Report(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News 英特尔报道(视频)

Wed.14 April Interesting Email from"Coach Jerry":


Hello again,


A job well done,Ms Byington,especially holding fast to the truth..."Notification At Any Time!"(Smile)


You are inspiring tens of thousands who heads are literally spinning with stories of everything from Chinese Elders in place,to secret espionage missions;from Evergreen Ships impounded to EBS and beyond.A wild ride to be sure.

你们激励着成千上万的人,他们的头脑中充斥着各种各样的故事,从中国的长老到秘密的间谍任务,从被扣押的长荣船到 EBS 以及更多。毫无疑问,这是一段疯狂的旅程。

"Notification At Any Time"however,rings through with a dynamic message of consistency...Indeed it's a bold proclamation as The Alliance seems to be prepared for BOTH immediate&imminent military action,while simultaneously being prepared for an extended game as well.


Timing wise,this could go either way.Nonetheless,I think it's a wise strategy on the part of The Alliance.


Do you recall last year,how I referred to"beans and bullets"?Referring to The Alliance'cutting off the fiscal capabilities of the[D]eep[S]tate?




This is the war going on right now,Judy.


The[MSM]media,the political,treasonous sell-outs,the[C]abal,/[D]eep[S]tate,etc.are merely pawns in the big picture and real big money opposition.It's flat out cyber and communications technology warfare in real time!


The entire monetary system of Big Pharma,the Military Industrial Complex and corrupt technology companies must be brought to their respective knees.


These demonic companies are,WERE,the real financial resources for everything from[A]ntifa,to[BLM](surface rioting),to the Satanic atrocities and destruction of children both above and below the earth.


The current mealy mouthed,lying,politicians and corrupt media are just"Window Dressing"for the dark corrupted undertow of these billionaire bastards.


I believe the currency reset,the QFS,(money protection),the Durham report(exposure),the military communications take-over(the 10 days of re-education of world consciousness via shocking information),will be the final blow!


While dark influences will forever be present...the craziness and politically supported demonic crap you once described going on in your own backyard,for example,will be stopped!


How can I be so confident?Because after the geopolitical,QFS,Durham,Julian Assange and military"hammer"falls,we will personally be empowered to stop it!


Thank God!


Until that glorious day,my friend,remember your own words of encouragement...


"Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!"…Judy


Yes we will!!!


Thank you again Judy...continued prayers.




Coach Jerry


PS:My military police"boots on the ground"is repeating his stance"extreme high alert"and readiness(no other details of course per his deployment).


A.Wed.14 April US VP John F.Kennedy Jr.Telegram:


April 13,2021 Statement by John F.Kennedy,19th Vice President of the United States of America:"Yesterday I went to Washington state to take control of the situation.I decided to increase the National Guard soldiers in this state.Communists lost the control of their D.C.Can you imagine the panic in D.C?I wish you the best of luck."-Vice President John F.Kennedy


People are being brainwashed by the mainstream media.Turn off your TV and research.


We could set up an interesting debate.Fauci vs Fauci.All the things Fauci said previously vs.all the things he is saying now.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making a fool out of Fauci,the Democrat Communist Governors and their fear monger media propagandists.

佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)正在愚弄福奇、民主党共产党州长以及他们的恐惧传播媒体宣传者。

Can a Obama supporter please name something productive he's done since being in office?I'll wait...


Unlike Obama,President Trump made America a better place and he would continue that.Trump will reclaim the throne soon and a lot of people will be gone for the good of our country,starting with Biden and the ones who are pulling the strings.Don't lose your hope lions.There is light at the end of the tunnel.


President Trump approved the Trump Coin under one condition–to be FREE so that all patriots can have it!This made Democrats angry.Why?Because the Coin's price is expected to skyrocket over$300 when he is back in office.Thousands of Democrats order these coins because of financial reasons and millions of patriots order it to show their strong hope and support to the patriotic ideology represented by President Trump.Pelosi and Schummer launched a whole campaign to ban this coin via social media.However,they just cannot stop the patriotic wave.You can get one for you and the members of your family.Get your coins today or democrats will get them before you!https://www.coinsforeveryone.club/chuck-tweet/


If you see high gas prices,shelves out of stock of your favorite items,or even a gas shortage thank a Democrat or a RINO…They caused this mess.


If Facebook is going to fact check Donald Trump,I must assume the platform will also be fact checking Joe Biden

如果 Facebook 要核实唐纳德·特朗普,我必须假设这个平台也会核实乔·拜登

I will not take the Gates Vaccine.It's dangerous for my health.


Trump is the only president to stand up to outfits like WHO and finally say if you want our money,then we are going to have a say in how you run your organization.In the past it was almost like being taxed without representation.


I'm old enough to remember when 65 million people in the USA got Swine Flu,in 2009,under Obama-and it was barely mentioned on the news.


Why was 1 penny from taxpayers being sent to a lab in Wuhan,CHINA?We have billions upon billions of a trade deficit each year with C*a and the Obama Admin was sending millions to a lab in Wuhan,C*A.Something is off.The stench of Obama treachery is all over this.


Obama and Fauci visited Wuhan lab in 2015.If You Know You Know


I don't buy anything from Amazon.Amazon is under control of Globalists and Leftists.They sold Adrenochrome in Amazon under the name of caps.Patriots,boycott Amazon.


Things liberals pretend they love when they think they can twist it for their agenda,but blatantly hate the rest of the year:


1.The Constitution


2.The Bible












8.The military


Did I leave anything out?


Liberals want to make a lot of money and kill children.That's disturbing.


If the media will not report news,then we'll report news and become the media.


Wow.Democrats are so pathetic.Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.Democrats are literally praising Iran–a country mind you,that kills Christian people.They are praising Sulimani–a man who was responsible for killing hundreds of American troops.


Panic in D.C.was bigger than you thought.Just wait and see it.


CNN Paid Antifa Agitator at Capitol Riots—Now We've Got Receipts to Prove It.


Trump 2024?No.He Won 2020!He is the 19th President of the United States.


B.Wed.14 April US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Telegram:


Be careful in major cities my friends hussains antifa&soros BLM..Start the RAGE../DS/RACE WARS.Across the world the riots also start.Season of the Fires.The great EVENT comes closer.Clarity.8 8 21.[post]Events.Mj12.We are not alone.You will love the ending.

在大城市要小心,我的朋友 hussains antifa&soros BLM.Start the RAGE 开始愤怒。./DS/RACE WARS 种族战争。世界各地的骚乱也开始了。火灾季节。伟大的事件越来越近。清晰。8821.[post]事件。Mj12.我们并不孤单。你会喜欢这个结局的。

NEW:22 state Republican Attorneys General send letter to Biden,congressional leaders arguing DC statehood is'unconstitutional.'(Fox News)


It's time for Project Veritas to go after DC pedophile Members of Congress!


FDA And CDC HALT Johnson&Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine!https://thetruereporter.com/fda-and-cdc-halt-johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine/


NEW:22 state Republican Attorneys General send letter to Biden,congressional leaders arguing DC statehood is'unconstitutional.'(Fox News)


The United States has a Space Force of more than a hundred armed vehicles capable of space flight.There are several underground bases full of them.The U.S.Navy controls them.Trump has visited one of the bases.China and Russia are a decade behind us in that technology.Word.


C.Q Drop 12-22-2017 ID 42aOeb:


Yellow Brick Road


F-1 Speech–history









Wuhan Deep State Central


Big Pharma


Vaccine/Virus labs


Adrenochrome Harvesting'Organ Harvesting'Silk Road


BTC–Child Trafficking Coin


All goes back to the Khazarians


Bill Gates&George Soros Labs


D.30 Aug.2018 Snow White 3 Now Offline:7 CIA mainframe supercomputers down.Spy satellites offline.Mainframe Snow White 3,4,6,7 offline.Stats offline include Corona 1,4,8,16 dark.

2018830日白雪公主3现在离线:7台中央情报局主机超级计算机关闭。间谍卫星离线。主机白雪公主3467离线。离线状态包括Corona 14816黑暗。

E.Wed.14 April
Operation Disclosure Intelligence Alert(Full Report)for April 12,2021


The Deep State Cabal is attempting to spark military conflict via the situation in the Ukraine and the South China Sea as potential conflict with Iran failed.This is being done through the Deep State Cabal's connections to both regions.The Ukrainian government became a Deep State Cabal puppet during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution.The C*P(C*e C*ist Party)is part of the Deep State Cabal.


Military conflict keeps the Deep State Cabal's Military Industrial Complex alive.The Deep State Cabal thrives on war and suffering.Russia is aware of their games and will take action if necessary.Q confirmations continue to occur as time passes.More people are awakening to the Deep State Cabal's corruption and human rights abuse worldwide.

军事冲突使得深州阴谋集团的军事工业复合体得以存活。深州阴谋集团在战争和苦难中茁壮成长。俄罗斯意识到了他们的游戏,如有必要将采取行动。随着时间的推移,q 确认继续发生。越来越多的人开始意识到深州集团在世界范围内的腐败和侵犯人权。

COVID-19 is causing people to awaken to the risks of vaccinations as people worldwide are having adverse reactions to the vaccine.COVID-19 cases are also being inflated worldwide to enforce lockdowns and keep the Big Pharma monopoly rolling.In the Philippines for example,hospitals are encouraging patients to claim they're infected with COVID-19 to obtain free health care.Trump winning the US election in 2016 was a major defeat for the Deep State Cabal.What we're seeing now is their attempt to regain power through military conflict and COVID-19.Remember where COVID-19 originated from.


Exposing the Deep State Cabal is the goal.This is the Great Awakening.Humanity will thrive once they're gone.NESARA/GESARA is the Earth Alliance's agenda.First contact,free energy,anti-gravity,med beds,quantum financial system,and more will become reality.Think Star Trek.Trust the plan.Keep the faith.

我们的目标是揭露深州的阴谋集团。这是伟大的觉醒。一旦人类灭亡,人类将会繁荣昌盛。NESARA/GESARA 是地球联盟的议程。第一次接触,自由能源,反重力,医疗床,量子金融系统等等都将成为现实。想想《星际迷航》。相信这个计划。保持信念。

F.Military Intel Contact:Exchange/Redemption Instructions:


Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/redemption rates.


Take all of you currencies with you starting with the highest down to the lowest.


Have a three to four page summary of what project(s)you are doing that includes your background and interests and how many jobs you are creating.


If you have Zim they will be offering you a default package.You do not have to take the default package if you would rather go for a higher rate to cover what you need for your projects.

如果你有 Zim,他们会提供一个默认的软件包。如果你想要一个更高的费率来支付你的项目所需的费用,你不需要使用默认套餐。

If you have Zim you will not be eligible for the contract rates on the Dinar or Dong.

如果你有 Zim,你将没有资格获得第纳尔或越南盾的合同价格。

If you do not have any Zim then you will be eligible for the contract rates on the Dinar and Dong.

如果你没有任何 Zim,那么你将有资格享受第纳尔和东南亚货币的合同价格。

If you ask for the contract rates you might need a humanitarian project or investment in the international Humanitarian projects they will present to you.


You will be getting a debt card with two percent on it that will carry you for two weeks till you get to see your wealth managers.


If you have currency then you can take the full amount at your appointment.


On the Zim and large payouts they will want you to take the structured payout,monthly,every three months,six months,or yearly on a payout up to 100 years(depending on how many years you wish to have it paid out).

Zim 和大额支付上,他们希望你每月、每三个月、每六个月或每年支付一次,最长可达100(取决于你希望支付多少年)

Do not forget the following:


a)Two forms of picture ID


Drivers License


Birth Certificate




b)Proof of Residence


Utility Bill


Cable bill


Bank Statement


One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA(Non Disclosure Agreement)that could last six months to five years,depending on the amount of funds that you have received.


You will find out more after you get to the Redemption Center.


At all times be very polite,do not get angry,or arrogant because if you do you might not be able to exchange or redeem and you will not be able to go to another center to do it.


G.International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:



PizzaGate–24 of the Nastiest Characters&Locations Made up of Nightmares|Politics|Before It's News

PizzaGate-24 the nasty Characters&Locations Made up of Nightmares|Politics|Before It's News 披萨门-24个最恶心的角色和地点

Out of the Shadows Documentary:Out Of Shadows(Documentary)https://drcharlieward.com/out-of-shadows/


Satan Full Documentary:Synagogue of Satan Full Documentary by A C Hitchcock-300 Truckloads of Bullion Were Simply Driven Away From Fort Knox!Must See Video!|Prophecy|Before It's News


Pedo-Empire Website,5 Books,49 chapters Free Online:https://pedoempire.org

Pedo-Empire Website5 Books49 chapter 免费在线:https://pedoempire.org

Satanic pedophilia:https://pedoempire.org/book-4-in-print-linked-table-of-contents/


H.CV-19 Hoax:


Robert F.Kennedy Jr.WARNS:Don't take a COVID-19 vaccine under any circumstances|EU|Before It's News


If you take these experimental vaccines,not only you void your life insurance policy,but your health insurance policy too.Now,the Red Cross will NOT accept your blood too.The new jabs can cause blood clots in the brains,heart attacks,strokes and changes your DNA slowly.

如果你接种了这些实验性疫苗,不仅你的人寿保险单无效,你的健康保险单也无效。现在,红十字会也不会接受你的血液。新的注射会导致大脑中的血凝块、心脏病发作、中风以及慢慢改变你的 DNA

I.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:


April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.

421日至26日至51日是下一个撒旦节日,称为 Grand Climax Da Meur Corpus De Baahl,根据专业治疗师从他们撒旦仪式性虐待(SRA)客户的童年记录中整理出来的邪恶节日的神秘日历。

Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies,culminated with a human sacrifice of a female,age 1-25–the more innocent the better,followed by eating their flesh and drinking the Adrenochromed blood.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.


Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated children and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

请向当地执法部门报告可疑的撒旦教活动。由于众所周知撒旦教徒会渗透到警察部门,你可以通过联系美国移民和海关执法局(ICE):https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form 和联系联邦人口贩卖网站:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org

如果你想加入拯救儿童免遭国际性贩卖的行动,请联系地下铁路行动和非营利组织拯救无辜的 Tim BallardHttps://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch

J."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele


Jenny Describes a Satanic Child Sacrifice:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4


WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."

警告:珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和为了神的干预(电影),几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追随者的犯罪组织似乎来自美国公司的中央情报局,伊丽莎白女王,光明会银行家庭和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教,直到克林顿,好莱坞,Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。他们是由同一个阴谋集团资助运行我们的全球货币系统正是这个组织被激活的全球货币重置搞垮了。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"

K.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Was All About the Children

全球货币重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是为了孩子们

It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些愿意保持默默无闻的英特尔供应商们;感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相;感谢玛莎,她不停地昼夜不停地工作,以辨别假新闻中的真假;感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究;感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真实情况的根本原因;感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救了孩子们。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。

Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy




  • 本文由 发表于 2021年4月15日10:24:59
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