通过 GCR 恢复共和国|更新于2020年7月3日

2020年7月3日19:56:46大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国|更新于2020年7月3日已关闭评论7556字数 11281阅读37分36秒阅读模式

通过 GCR 恢复共和国|更新于2020年7月3日

202073日星期五12:01 am EDT by Judy ByingtonLCSW,治疗师 ret,记者,作者,"22张面孔:珍妮·希尔和她的22个多重人格的非凡生活。"

Source:Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note:The Global Currency Reset started internationally at 12:01 am Wed.1 July.China released the GCR and started exchanges in the Far East that exceeded over 500,000 exchanges.

朱迪注:全球货币重置于71日星期三中午12:01在国际上开始。中国发布了 GCR,并开始在远东地区进行交易,超过50万个交易所。

According to Fleming's Military Intel Contact in the US on Thurs.evening 2 July funds were in accounts and fully accessible to start Tier 4b.The release of Secured Websites(and thus personal 800#s to obtain your appointment to exchange currency and redeem Zim)could happen at any moment from now through Mon.6 July,although Bruce said it would more likely happen on Tues.7 July.

根据弗莱明的军事情报联系人在美国星期四晚上72日资金在帐户和完全可以启动第4b 层。从现在开始到76日,任何时候都可能发布"安全网站"(以及个人800#s,以获得兑换货币和赎回 Zim 的约定),不过布鲁斯表示,这更有可能发生在77日的周二。

Groups and Paymasters were reporting that they would have appointments to exchange/redeem at least by Mon.6 July–which was 120 days before a Presidential Election of 3 Nov.–that would fit requirements that elections be held within 120 days after announcement of NESARA–expected over this Fourth of July weekend.


On Wed.1 July US Treasury officials were doing a massive cleanup in Zurich of questionable people trying to take advantage of the reset.They had moved their operations from the US Treasury to Zurich,though were now under arrest.


The Thurs.2 July 2020 New Hampshire arrest by the FBI of Jeffrey Epstein's confidant Ghislaine Maxwell,was a huge step toward ending the political,Hollywood and global elites'international child sex trafficking ring.


USMCA-United States Mexico Canada Trade Deal became effective 1 July 2020.


Canada would have a financial blackout from Thurs.2 July to Thurs.9 July.


US Congress would be leaving beginning Fri.3 July to take another"Vacation"–the Democrats lasting through August.


Fri.3 July would see President Trump make important announcements at the National July 4 Celebration at Mount Rushmore,likely about the US Dollar returning to a Gold Standard and implementation of a debt forgiveness law,NESARA/GESARA.


If you wanted the Contract Rates on your currency exchange you must make your appointment within the first seven days after the Secured Websites came out.Zim redeemers should try to set appointments within the next four days.We would have 30 days to exchange at the Contract Rates.It was believed the general public would begin exchanges at the new international rates around mid-July.


A.Thurs.July 2 2020 The Big Call,Bruce:

A.202072日星期四打电话,布鲁克。Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1.Sources were telling us that the Global Currency Reset started internationally at 12:01 am Wed.1 July.China released the GCR and started exchanges in the Far East that exceeded over 500,000 exchanges.

1.消息来源告诉我们,全球货币重置从71日星期三12:01开始。中国发布了 GCR,并开始在远东地区进行交易,超过50万个交易所。

2.In the US on Wed.1 July at 2:15 pm groups and cores all started,though it was just in emergency and travel funds that was paid out.


3.There was a possibility of Tier 4b being notified of the Secured Website and thus 800#s Mon.afternoon 6 July,though more likely it would be on Tues.7 July.

3.有可能第4b 层被通知的担保网站,因此800#s 周一下午76日,虽然更有可能是在77日星期二。

4.We would see some announcements from Trump in celebrations either Fri.3 July at Mt.Rushmore or Sat.4 July in Washington DC.Those announcements would likely be on NESARA/GESARA,a return to the original Republic,Common Law,a return to the Gold Standard and the new US Note.

4.我们将在73日星期五在 Mt.Rushmore 或星期六的庆祝活动中看到特朗普的一些声明。74日华盛顿特区。这些声明可能会出现在 NESARA/GESARA 上,回归到最初的共和国,普通法,回归到金本位和新的美国纸币。

5.Overnight last night Wed.1 July 65 individuals were arrested.Beginning this morning Thurs.2 July 168 high value arrests would take place and complete by midnight Fri.3 July.


6.There were 2,200 small banks not connected to the QFS that have become the target for siphoning monies.At 12:05 this morning Thurs.2 July arrests of those doing that were completed.These banks were getting higher servers to be completed in six days.


7.The Zim currency was on par with our dollar as of 1 July.

7.71日起,Zim 货币与我们的美元等值。

8.Iraq had done everything they needed to do as of 1 July.


9.There was a coin shortage going on because the US Treasury was collecting silver coins to melt down to make new coinage in silver half dollars,quarters and dimes that should come out this weekend.


10.We are going to get new gold coins in high denominations$5,000,$10,000,$15,000,$20,000 gold coins.They are not collectible but would be used as legal tender.



Attorney General Bill Barr has confirmed that an Intelligence Community-instigated and Comey-led investigation was"spring-loaded"to go after President Trump and"ignored all exculpatory evidence"–a very serious accusation that could culminate in charges of Treason against big name players including former US President Barak Obama.Obama has also been accused of in 2015,authorizing millions in US funds for the Chinese Wuhan Laboratory to develop the COVID-19 virus.

美国司法部长 Bill Barr 已经证实,一项由情报机构发起并由科米领导的调查是对特朗普总统和"无视所有辩护证据""弹簧装置"-一项非常严重的指控,最终可能导致对包括前美国总统巴拉克奥巴马在内的知名人物的叛国指控。奥巴马也被指控在2015年授权数百万美国资金用于中国武汉实验室研发新型冠状病毒肺炎病毒。

Banks were reporting a shortage of Federal Reserve dollars and coins as they continued to take US coinage out of circulation in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and new silver coinage.


UK Chase Bank has frozen millions of accounts-Are they going through a Reset?


On Tues.30 June Trump's Press Secretary reported they had arrested over 1,000 protestors or Antifa members believed to have committed crimes.By that same date the military reported they had completed over 16,000 arrests of high profile Deep State Operatives–thought to include politicians,DC agency bureaucrats,well-known Hollywood stars,Main Stream Media journalists and news anchors who had been active in Crimes against Children,Treason,trying to stop the RV,redeeming ZIM for the Cabal and crushing the economy for the purpose of negating Trump's chances of being re-elected.

630日星期二,特朗普的新闻秘书报告说,他们逮捕了1000多名抗议者或 Antifa 成员,他们被认为犯有罪行。同一天,军方报告说,他们已经逮捕了超过16000名知名的深入国家行动人员,这些人包括政客、华盛顿特区机构官员、知名好莱坞明星、主流媒体记者和新闻主播,他们曾积极参与反对儿童罪、叛国罪、试图阻止 RV、为阴谋集团赎回 ZIM 以及为了否定特朗普再次当选的机会而破坏经济。

Overnight Wed.1 July 65 individuals were arrested.Beginning Thurs.2 July 168 high value arrests would take place and complete by midnight Fri.3 July.


Coincidentally also on Tues.30 June,the Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Kimmel TV Shows were cancelled,while Oprah Winfrey negated all plans through the end of 2020.Several months ago the US Military were actively investigating a tunnel beneath the ocean where children were thought to have been smuggled from Oprah's private island to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Island.




D.AI正在编程的人去追杀特朗普总统,Cyrus Parsa:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEYZiHsy-KA使用A.I.CodingA.I Algorithmic操纵人们的思想、观点、情绪和大脑化学,跨越了整个媒体、google和其他各种平台,将人们与智能手机和物联网以及人工智能产生的各种应用程序连接起来,对特朗普总统进行了三个基本层次的攻击,这并不排除中国特工、情报机构和其他大的技术实体故意设计人工智能系统,并创建了团队,以改变和设计人们对特朗普总统和国家的看法。

E.COVID 大流行?真的吗?

必看的视频:深州的'大流行'::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy03wjnGjYc历史上最大的大众媒体掩盖,2015年,奥巴马在深海国家的指导下,授权为中国武汉实验室提供数百万美元的资金,用于开发新型冠状病毒肺炎病毒。随后,他们计划在选举年释放病毒,导致全国经济停滞。在纽约、新泽西、加利福尼亚、密歇根和宾夕法尼亚,人为地夸大了 COVID 的死亡率,包括将老年人送进疗养院而不是医院治疗,而海军医院的船只却空空如也。

(Natural News)A professor and infectious disease expert from Italy says that the Wuhan Coronavirus(COVID-19)is already fizzling out,and that a vaccine for it will probably already be obsolete by the time it arrives.



The US Department of Health,under blessings of the World Health Organization,has offered financial incentive to doctors and hospitals to diagnose people as having passed away from COVID,whether or not that was the cause.A multitude of doctors and nurses across the nation have publically complained that they and their hospitals were being ordered to bypass typical treatment protocols and put patients with any sort of breathing difficulty on ventilators that could likely result in fatalities.

在世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的支持下,美国卫生部(US Department of Health)向医生和医院提供经济奖励,鼓励他们诊断人们是否已经从 COVID 去世,不管这是否是死因。全国各地的许多医生和护士都公开抱怨说,他们和他们的医院被要求绕过典型的治疗方案,把任何呼吸困难的病人放在可能导致死亡的呼吸机上。




Contraland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnFlSvDycY0&feature=youtu.be

The upcoming Mon.3 Aug.2020 was named"Satanic Revels,Sexual,Oral,Anal,Vaginal,Female Ages 7-17."The monthly Satanic Holiday used the perpetrator's own children whom they tortured in sex orgies,baptism in a mixture of urine and blood and participation in human sacrifice,after which they forced the little ones to eat the flesh and drink the Adrenochrome blood from the pineal gland of the traumatized victim.This information came from an Occult Calendar put together by professional therapists using accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.According to the calendar such Satanic Holidays,celebrated at least monthly across the globe,were based on abuse so traumatic that it severed the child's developing thinking patterns to mind control them into multiple personalities in order for the perpetrators to have lifelong control over their victims.

即将到来的202083日被命名为"撒旦狂欢,Sexual,Oral,Anal,Vaginal,Female Ages 7-17"每月一次的撒旦节日使用了施害者自己的孩子,他们在性交狂欢中折磨他们,在尿液和血液的混合物中进行洗礼,并参与活人祭祀,然后他们强迫小孩子吃肉,喝受害者松果体中的肾上腺素红血液。这些信息来自于专业治疗师根据他们的撒旦仪式性虐待(SRA)客户的帐户整理出来的神秘日历。根据日历,这样的撒旦节日----全球至少每个月庆祝一次----是建立在虐待的基础上的,这种虐待造成了极大的创伤,以至于切断了孩子正在发展的思维模式,使他们能够控制自己成为多重人格,以便施暴者能够终身控制受害者。

Please be aware of any Satanic activities around you and report such to local authorities.Warn teens about the dangers of Satan Worship,which always included participation in pornography,sex orgies and killing small animals as preparation for raping children and participating in human sacrifices at the higher Satanic Coven level.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police and other legal entities,also fill out the ICE form below,detailing your observance,including your report to police and how they handled it:https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form.

请注意你周围的任何撒旦活动,并向地方当局报告。警告青少年撒旦崇拜的危险,其中总是包括参与色情,性狂欢和杀害小动物作为准备强奸儿童和参与人类祭祀在更高的撒旦女巫集会的水平。因为众所周知撒旦教徒会潜入警察和其他法律实体,所以也请填写下面的 ICE 表格,详细说明你的遵守情况,包括你向警察报告的内容和他们如何处理:

如果你希望加入拯救国际性交易中的儿童的行列,请联系 Tim Ballard,地下铁路行动:




Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy




  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月3日19:56:46
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