Source:Dinar Chronicles
The White Dragon let everyone know that these delays were not going to be tolerated much longer.They were pressing for start by first half of next week so that contract dates did not have to be changed again.
An attorney who works with the Admiral said:"The RV is done.The final release starts with Yellow Dragon Bond Notes,then Petchilli Bonds,then ZIM.They should be done by mid-week next week."
Trump and his team of about 40(DoD,UST,WH,State Dept)were trying to expedite and speed up the release sequence tasks from the security,legal,administrative and political sides that would stop or delay the release timing.Notification could come out at any time between now and mid-next week to start T4a,b.
The past three weeks of waiting has been largely due to the Covid-19 Corona Virus Scamdemic preoccupying Trump and distracting DoD security teams.The Chinese Elders&the Alliance have been pushing this to go during that time.
This past week Dr.Fauci being sidelined was a sign Trump was putting down the Deep State lies behind the scenes to reopen the economy and release the RV/GCR decisively to accomplish the re-opening.All the delays were being moved out of the way because of the intense need for GCR/RV funds to restart the global economy NOW!!
在过去的一周里,福奇博士被排除在外,这是一个信号,表明特朗普为了重新开放经济、果断地释放RV/GCR,正在抹去"深州"(Deep State)的谎言。由于RV/GCR基金急需重启全球经济,所有的延迟都被移除了!!
This past week behind the scenes,there were a series of arrests,including some high level arrests,tied to both military courts and civilian Common Law courts.The Department of Defense security teams wanted to carefully choose which arrests would be made public this next week,but it would be on the level of Brennan,Comey,McCabe,Mueller,etc.
Over the past week the Chinese Elders had been and continued to push out the GCR/RV release,telling Trump and USA teams to get it out now.
Over the past week funds have been transferred by the Elders into the master accounts for disbursement.The Elders have been pushing money out of the two multi-quintillion dollar funds,the Heritage Funds(founded by the Royals 100 yrs ago)and out of exotic bonds,a series of funds from large packaged funds,assets based on historic bonds valued at higher than ZIM and some high valued(for that reason classified as exotic)Treasury bonds.
Preliminary activities of Tier 3-Tier 4 Paymasters,including the inner&outer core groups(+whales,elites)were on a schedule of release of funds,barring problems,starting this next week,including starting us Tier 4b ZIM and currency holders.
Dinar and Dong RV rates appeared on bank screens and then disappeared overnight,showing that the reset was going through the Quantum Financial System and getting all ready for final release and the Tier 4b triggered shotgun start.All final release work toward a shotgun start next week started on Fri.1 May.
As of Fri.1 May to mid-next week we were in a new window to get things closed out,to release the GCR/RV payouts closed and finished and to get Tier 4a,b started.
As of Fri.1 May the financial,legal and political framework of the GCR/RV release had been established globally and the reset preparations were done.It would roll out slowly so that they could catch the bad guys.There would be a lot of disinformation to throw the bad guys off track.
As of Fri.1 May Trump started formally reopening the country and economy requiring the RV/GCR release of funds next week.
As of Fri.morning 1 May at 2 am EDT the Forex updated,and a release algorithm was run,identifying release risks to RV currencies--Iran and Saudi A though sanctioned are still in the offering(1st basket)because the Deep State control of these countries has been diminished.
As of Fri.1 May exchanges-redemptions were on a release algorithm,but the Department of Defense security teams needed to modify some things earlier,so they could not start Tier 4b as planned on Fri.1 May,but there was a schedule starting from now through mid-week next week that the leaders(the Royals,Chinese Elders,Trump&his teams of about 40 people in the Department of Defense,US Treasury,State Dept and White House)believe could be kept.
Fri.1 May the Department of Defense security teams confirmed that payouts began but there were some issues(among other things freezing and reversing Deep State currency holder funds transfers),but they said the problems were not major so all things should stay on schedule over the weekend into next week's shotgun start.
As of Fri.1 May the new asset-backed digital dollar was on all trading platforms behind the scenes–that was highly important for getting Tier 4b redemption-exchanges started,as all other countries would peg their RV rates to the USN rate,including the Iraqi Dinar.
Intermediate accounts that legally had to precede Tier 4b payout such as CMKX,Farm Claims,Native American settlements and sovereign accounts,were being paid out from 8:20 pm EDT onward Fri.1 May.The final release sequence was now underway through next week.
Department of Defense was on alert all weekend for 800s#release.This weekend May 2-3 six generals of the Department of Defense in charge of the national and international GCR/RV release were tasking the security teams with making sure that Deep State(1)access to the release funds was contained/controlled(mainly completing global arrests of Deep State operative Tier 3-4a group participants,currency holders&ZIM holders and that(2)Deep State interference in the release process was contained.
There were multiple levels of code implementation even after the codes had been entered into the system.The codes were entered,but all were waiting for the final sequence of events tied to the security,release and authorization codes that both the Royals&Elders implement,along with the USA side(DoD,UST,WH,State Dept teams,about 40 people in DC,Reno,etc.
This weekend the legal and financial framework was established so leaders from each side were moving the final release process forward,including our Tier 4b start for next week.This weekend's payouts to intermediate accounts would be moving things to another lock-down over the weekend.Over the weekend there were a series of audits and reviews moving forward.
On Sat.at 12:30 pm 2 May security and other audits passed,allowing all to move forward.
Sat.2 May 2020:Historical Bonds were being paid out,creating liquidity for down line disbursement.
Overnight Sun.night 3 May there would be one more RV rate lock-in.
The current UST schedule called for 800#notification release as soon as the Intermediate Accounts priority payments were made.Some estimated 800#notifications as early as Sat.2 May,or Mon.4 May.
HSBC and Wells Fargo were being told by the US Treasury,under Department of Defense supervision,that Wells Fargo was to prepare to send out the 500,000+800#notification emails by next Mon.-Tues.May 4,5.The timing depended on agencies cooperating&barring obstacles.
This weekend they were trying to get all priority payments to intermediate accounts so by Mon.4 May it could be firmly established when Tier 4b would start redemptions-exchanges and the shotgun start funds sequence initiated.
Between Mon.4 May and Fri.15 May there were supposed to be at least 12 days of 800#s out for Tier 4b redemption-exchanges,so starting Tier 4a,b was intended by Tues.5 May unless significant obstacles arose.
The Elders were coordinating with the IMF&Trump teams to get this timing done,otherwise there would have to be new meetings between Trump,DoD et al.,Chinese Elders,IMF and the World Court to set new dates.
Next week they all had to get the shotgun start done,including the bulk of Tier 4b redemptions,by Fri.15 May so that the IMF could start the public Tier 5 by Mon.1 June.
Globally GESARA was established and started legally&financially through debt forgiveness to African nations and other countries.GESARA/NESARA would be fully implemented over the next 3-6 months,through about Nov 2020.
Restored Republic:It was common for President Trump in Press Conferences,to stand behind a podium that held the Presidential Seal and in front of a US flag surrounded in gold fringe–meaning we were under Maritime law,or the Law of the Sea,not Constitutional Law.
On Sun.26 April Trump's podium no longer contained the Presidential Seal and he stood in front of seven US Flags with no gold trim on them–meaning the US Corporation was no longer in charge and we were back to functioning under the original Constitution.
Those seven flags were believed to represent 7 trumpets,or the 7 broadcasts that would lay out information on the New Restored Republic.The first trumpet sounded with release of Wikileaks documents on the Internet.The second trumpet sounded with Trump's announcement of the exoneration of General Flynn.Flynn had been falsely accused,tried and imprisoned by the Deep State it was believed,because he knew where all the bodies were buried.
By Wed.22 April Iraq was no longer accepting the fiat US dollar,while the Iraqi Dinar revalued with an in-country rate of$9.87.Zimbabwe had it's own currency and was no longer using the fiat US Dollar.China was no longer trading in the fiat US Dollar.Vietnam was no longer using the fiat US Dollar and the Vietnamese Dong had revalued.Australia had started their RV exchanges.
Thurs.30 April:President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law.He then entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release;the Admiral received the green light and processed the new asset-backed US Note,which was then accepted for exchange internationally.Paymasters became liquid.
The Department of Defense security team had flagged over 1,000 Deep State Operatives currency and Zim holder accounts which were found to be money-laundering RV/GCR funds into Deep State front companies,or the personal accounts of Deep State bad actors like Soros,Pelosi,Obama,Holder,Dorsey(Twitter CEO),Zuckerberg(Facebook CEO),Bezos(Amazon CEO)or Brennan etc.
The operatives were arrested,accounts frozen and fund transfers reversed.The Department of Defense security teams,military and NSA Intel have been arresting over 12,000 of these types over the past couple of months,while over 184,000 federal indictments on global and political elites were being unsealed and served.
On Thurs.30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law,and on the next day on Fri.1 May activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act,and then left for Camp David.
Also on Thurs.30 April Trump entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release,which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note–now accepted for exchange internationally–and Paymasters became liquid.
Fri.1 May 2020:President Trump activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act,and then left for Camp David.
2020年5月1日美国国旗没有边缘,联合国没有国旗::NO FRINGE on American flag!NO FLAGS at U.N.!
1.Our military Intel contact said that intermediate accounts that legally had to precede us in Tier 4b such as CMKX,Farm Claims,Native American settlements and sovereign accounts,were being paid out from 8:20 pm EDT onward Fri.1 May.
2.The final release sequence was now underway through next week.
3.A special thanks to those sending up prayers that Deep State operatives quickly and terminally be weeded out so we could get started as soon as possible next week.
E.2020年5月2日东部夏令时12:52白帽骑士更新:White Hat Paladin:Q,Trump,and the Coming Changes
1.Since Nov.2010 the White Hats have been doing reports–68 so far.
2.Report#35 was about the 3-5 trillion US dollars that went missing through the SWIFT system.
3.On Feb.16 2012 Lord James asked the UK Parliament for an investigation–that exposed the theft of monies by the Cabal.
4.They started the mass arrests in Europe and then over here.
5.Obama was supposed to get arrested,but hasn't yet.
6.Public disclosure would happen after the Cabal infrastructure was taken out,and disclosure began with Flynn exoneration yesterday.
7.Last week at a news conference Trump stood in front of 7 flags without fringe on them.The 7 flags represented 7 trumpets or broadcasts to lay out information on the new Republic.Fringe on the US flag represented we were under Maritime Law,not Constitutional Law.So,the flags without fringe meant we were now under Constitutional Law away from the Cabal.