X22报道|第3200集: 亚伯拉罕 · 林肯警告我们,深层国家设置的道路和调查

2023年10月31日14:36:16最新动态X22报道|第3200集: 亚伯拉罕 · 林肯警告我们,深层国家设置的道路和调查已关闭评论781字数 1394阅读4分38秒阅读模式

[DS]现在正在开创特朗普日后可以用来对付他们的先例。 [DS]正在接受军事情报部门的调查。

X22报道|第3200集: 亚伯拉罕 · 林肯警告我们,深层国家设置的道路和调查

Ep 3200a – Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln Warned Us, [CB] The Target

开国元勋,亚伯拉罕 · 林肯警告我们,[ CB ]目标

Ep 3200b – Confirmed, [DS] Set The Path & Under Investigation, We Can Now Do Things That Were Not Possible

确认,[ DS ]设定路线并接受调查,我们现在可以做一些不可能的事情

X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 30, 5:00 pm EDT

X22报告流向: 美国东部时间10月30日下午5:00


The installed leaders are now rolling back or backtracking on the green new deal, why? The people are awake and they see what they are trying to do. The economy has failed many of the people and the people are getting pissed off at the Biden admin/Fed etc. The [CB] is the target, Abraham Lincoln warned us about the [CB].

已经就职的领导人现在正在撤回或回到绿色新政,为什么?人们清醒了,他们看到了他们正在努力做的事情。经济已经让很多人失望了,人们对拜登政府和美联储等等感到愤怒。[ CB ]是目标,亚伯拉罕 · 林肯警告过我们[ CB ]。

X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 30, 5:30 pm EDT

X22报告流媒体时间: 美国东部时间10月30日下午5:30


The [DS] is now setting the precedent that Trump can use against them later on. The [DS] is being investigated by military intelligence. Soon the patriots will be able to do everything they are doing to Trump to them. Trump will be able to do things that were not possible. The people will be with him, the people will want peace. 

[DS]现在正在开创特朗普日后可以用来对付他们的先例。 [DS]正在接受军事情报部门的调查。很快,爱国者们就可以对特朗普做任何他们正在做的事情。特朗普将能够做到以前不可能做到的事情。人民将与他同在,人民将渴望和平。


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年10月31日14:36:16
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