Ep. 3187a – Fake News Begins To Backtrack On Recession, 2024 In Play
Ep. 3187b – Old FCC Law Gives The President The Power To Shutdown Communications, Playbook Known
X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 15, 6:30 pm EDT
X22报告流媒体: 10月15日,美国东部时间下午6:30
Inflation is destroying countries, Argentina has inflation running at 130%, this will only end in one way. Newsom places another bandaid fix on the inflation problem. Americans are not paying their taxes, the IRS is ready to collect. The fake news and economists are now putting out the narrative that the recession might not happen, 2024 is now in play.
通胀正在摧毁国家,阿根廷的通胀率高达 130%。纽森为通胀问题又贴了一张创可贴。美国人不交税,国税局准备收税。假新闻和经济学家们现在正在散布经济衰退可能不会发生的言论,2024 年的经济衰退现在正在上演。
X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 15, 7:00 pm EDT
X22报告流向: 美国东部时间10月15日下午7:00
The [DS] is pushing everything they have to start the war. They need to cheat in the next election and Covid is not working this time around. Everything the [DS] does shows the people why we need a constitution, closed borders, guns and the rule of law, everything they are doing is now backfiring on them. Rand Paul lets everyone know that the President has the ability to shutdown communications, will Biden use this old FCC law, most likely but they will use and event to accomplish this. Playbook Known.
[DS] 正在竭尽全力发动战争。他们需要在下次选举中作弊,而这次冠状病毒不起作用。[DS] 所做的一切都向人民展示了为什么我们需要宪法、封闭的边境、枪支和法治,他们现在所做的一切都在对他们产生反作用。兰德 · 保罗让每个人都知道总统有能力关闭通讯,拜登会利用这个旧的联邦通讯委员会法律,很有可能但他们会利用和事件来完成这个。剧本已知。