Ep. 2920a – The Biden Administration/[CB] Have Backed Themselves Into A Corner, No Way Out
Ep. 2920b – [DS] Using Election Delay Tactics, [FF], Fraud Exposed, Red Tsunami Hitting
[ DS ]运用选举延迟策略,[ FF ] ,揭露欺诈,红色海啸袭击
The Biden administration is now trapped in the agenda of the [WEF]/[CB], there is no way out. The people are seeing the economy break down and the they know who is responsible. People are having a difficult time with auto payments and making ends meet and the [Fed] actions are having the opposite effect.
拜登政府现在被困在 [WEF]/[CB]的议程中,没有出路。人们看到经济崩溃,他们知道谁该为此负责。人们在汽车支付和收支平衡方面遇到了困难,而(美联储)的行动正在产生相反的效果。
The [DS] is now panicking over the red tsunami, the followed the agenda of the [WEF]/[CB] and they have pushed the people to the precipice. The people are now pushing back by not voting for the them. The [DS] is now pushing a [FF] by delaying the votes, they know they won’t have the ability to cheat so they are trying to make the Trump supporters angry, they want a civil war, this will not work, Trump the patriots are ready with countermeasures.