X22报道|第2796集: 央行将人民推向悬崖,特朗普信号11.3验证

2022年6月11日20:22:53最新动态X22报道|第2796集: 央行将人民推向悬崖,特朗普信号11.3验证已关闭评论3233字数 1439阅读4分47秒阅读模式

[DS] 正在竭尽全力,J6听证会无效,骚乱无效,特朗普和人民正在关注他们所做的一切,他们有责任去掉旧的保守派,用新的保守派取而代之。

X22报道|第2796集: 央行将人民推向悬崖,特朗普信号11.3验证

Ep. 2796a – The [CB]/[JB] Have Pushed The People To The Precipice, Time Has Run Out

Ep.2796a-[ CB ]/[ JB ]把人民推向了悬崖,时间已经过去

Ep. 2796b – Trump Signals 11.3 Verifies, New Guards Will Replace The Old Guard, It’s The People’s Duty

Ep. 2796b – -特朗普信号11.3验证,新卫队将取代旧卫队,这是人民的责任



The people are reaching the economic precipices, they realize the Fed and the corrupt politicians lied to them, inflation and fuel prices are out of control and they are doing nothing about it. The people know why this is happening, there is no coming back.



The [DS] are now pushing everything they have, the nothingburger J6 hearing will not work, the riots will not work, Trump and the people are watching everything they do and it is the duty to remove the old guard and replace them with the new guard. But without seeing it the people would not know how bad it is and how corrupt it really was. The founders knew that one day this would have to be done, not by violence, not by force but by the people coming together and removing the corrupt by voting in a landslide.

[DS] 正在竭尽全力,J6听证会无效,骚乱无效,特朗普和人民正在关注他们所做的一切,他们有责任去掉旧的保守派,用新的保守派取而代之。但是如果没有看到它,人们就不会知道它有多么糟糕,有多么腐败。开国元勋们知道,总有一天这件事必须完成,不是靠暴力,不是靠武力,而是靠人民团结起来,通过压倒性的投票清除腐败。


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年6月11日20:22:53
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