Ep.2609a–The Patriots Accelerated The[CB]Plan So It Was Easy To Spot
Ep.2609b–When Information Is Free&Transparent It Is A Threat To The[DS],The[DS]Poked A Bear
The picture for many is becoming clearer and clearer.The people can now see how the Fed takes from the poor and gives to the rich.The[CB]system is breaking down,fuel prices are surging world wide,supply chain issued are felt all over the world,the people had to see the true plan of the[CB],hyperinflation is coming.
Trump and the patriots are ready for the next phase the control of information.Trump and the patriots have been working on a system that will rival Twitter,YT,FB etc.These[DS]platforms will no long have the control over information,the fake news will no longer be able to spin the truth without the support of social media.The truth telling platform will change all of this,the[DS]poked a bear and now its roaring,buckle up it's going to be glorious,the best is yet to come.