Ep 2546a–The[CB]/[DS]Are Saying The Quiet Part Out-loud,Keep Watching&Listening
Ep 2546a-[CB]/[DS]大声说出安静的部分,继续观看和倾听
Ep 2546b–National Preparedness Month,The Initial Wave Will Be Fast&Meaningful
Ep 2546b-国家准备月,初始波将是快速和有意义的
The[DS]/[CB]is now saying the quiet part out loud,each day that passes they tell you in which direction they are going,soon they will be much more forceful and they will push harder.Everything we are witnessing has been accelerated so people can see very clearly on what their plans are.
September is National Preparedness month,why was this specifically told to us.The[DS]is now backed into a corner,they are pushing everything they have and now people have reached the precipice and people around the world have started to protest.Europe was the test bed and now it's coming to the US and people are organizing and preparing to protest.The founding fathers have warned about this.The patriots are prepared and ready to push the plan,the clock is ticking down for the[DS].The unsealing of indictments and arrests are going to come fast and they will be meaningful.People will see the truth,the fact and the entire corrupt system is going to be brought down.