X22报告|第2945集: 埃隆警告说,如果美联储提高利率,他们应该为经济崩溃负责,公布 Twitter 文件只是热身行动

2022年12月12日14:12:51最新动态X22报告|第2945集: 埃隆警告说,如果美联储提高利率,他们应该为经济崩溃负责,公布 Twitter 文件只是热身行动已关闭评论4621字数 1371阅读4分34秒阅读模式


X22报告|第2945集: 埃隆警告说,如果美联储提高利率,他们应该为经济崩溃负责,公布 Twitter 文件只是热身行动

Ep. 2945a – Elon Warns That If The Fed Raises Rates They Are To Blame For The Economy Collapsing

Elon 警告说,如果美联储提高利率,他们将为经济崩溃负责

Ep. 2945b – Release Of Twitter Files Is Just The Warmup Act, Declass, Pain, Treason, Sedition, Justice

发布 Twitter 文件只是热身行为,解放,痛苦,叛国,煽动,正义

X22报告 发表于2022年12月11日


The [WEF] is moving forward with their plan, as they do it is going to backfire on them. John Kerry wants the American taxpayer to pay for other countries climate. Elon comes out and points the finger at the Fed.

(世界经济论坛)正在推进他们的计划,因为他们这样做会适得其反。约翰 · 克里希望美国纳税人为其他国家的气候问题买单。埃隆出来指责美联储。


The Twitter files are being released, the public is starting to see the infiltration, this is the open act. The people must be told the truth slowly so they can digest the information. Once the public digests the information the other facts with documents will be released. The [DS] is feeling pain every step of the way. They [DS] panic is real and they might try to shut down communications. This will not work, Trump and the patriots have all the leverage. Nothing can stop this, nothing. 



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