Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
来源: 盖亚的黄金时代作者: Steve Beckow
December 9, 2023
Ring of Fire on Christmas Day 2023?
I see that some intel gurus are predicting that the emergency broadcasts will start on Friday, Dec. 15.
If that were the case, and the EBS spanned ten days, that would make its end be Christmas Day, Dec. 25.
如果是这样的话,EBS 的时间跨度是10天,那么它的最后一天就是12月25日的圣诞节。
I predict that the Ring of Fire will occur at the end of the ten days of broadcasts; according to this schedule, that would be on Christmas Day 2023. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
我预测火环将在十天的广播结束时发生; 根据这个时间表,那将是2023年的圣诞节。那不是很棒吗?
Download The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at
下载火之环: 为盖亚打开的行星之心
We’re going to need it by then. Let’s look at events in more detail and from a more general perspective.
The programs on Starlink will run 8 hours three times a day. They’ll reveal the truth of what’s been happening on this planet since as long back as we care to remember. Adamu recently discussed the ancient roots of today’s deep-state Illuminati. (1)
It will culminate in asserting that the deep state that rules today – or did – is Satanist, cannibalistic, pedophilic … in a word, given to evil behavior…. Once most of the population has picked itself up off the floor when the names are read out, it’ll give the good news, which we’ll come to in a minute.
它将在断言深层国家统治今天-或曾经-是撒旦崇拜者,食人族,恋童癖... 总之,给予邪恶的行为... 。一旦大多数人在读名字的时候从地板上站起来,就会传来好消息,我们马上就会知道。
This will only be half the picture. This is boots-on-the-ground, eyes-on-the-prize reporting.
There will be a whole lot more happening behind the veil that empirical-materialists and deep-state scientists don’t recognize. (2) For that we’re going to need strong channels to keep us informed, not so much of the Global Alliance’s plans, but of the Divine Plan.
After being flattened by all the bad news of Planet Earth, I believe we’ll come to all the good news. G/NESARA, replicators, free energy, med beds, Ascension, what’s not to like?
And at the end of the good news – that is, on Dec. 25 – I think will come the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love (Solar Flare, Event, Singularity), that so many channeled sources have talked about since a very long time.
在这个好消息的最后——也就是12月25日——我认为将会出现火环,爱之波(太阳耀斑,事件,奇点) ,这是很长一段时间以来很多渠道都在谈论的。
It’s that Ring of Fire that I want to focus on here.
I think the Ring of Fire will come at the end of the ten days of broadcasts and will not only set us all back on our feet, but see the departure of many dark souls. And it’ll unite those who remain with a passionate love for life, liberty, and the pursuit of … happiness, yes, but also enlightenment. (3) Humanity will feel united in this shared experience of the most profound love we’ll have ever known.
我认为火环会在十天广播结束时到来,不仅会让我们重新站起来,还会看到许多黑暗灵魂的离去。它会团结那些热爱生命,自由,追求... 幸福的人,是的,但也会开悟。(3)人类将会在这个我们所知道的最深刻的爱的共同经历中感到团结。
That’s the way I’d do it if I were in charge, which, thankfully, I’m not.
Let me just save time by quoting from our sources on the Ring of Fire. Notice the range of them discussing it.
Beinsa Douno, early 20th Century ascended master: For those who cannot bear [the vibrations], it will be a Fire which will either consume them or will cause them to pass through great suffering. This will prepare them to awaken and receive Love [in Ascension]. …
贝因萨-杜诺,20 世纪初的升天大师: 对于那些无法承受[振动]的人来说,这将是一把火,要么吞噬他们,要么让他们经历巨大的痛苦。这将为他们[在升天时]觉醒并接受爱做好准备。...
Everything old and impure will burn in it. After man passes through this Divine Fire, the Kingdom of God will come to Earth [i.e., Ascension]. I say: when the Fire of Love comes, some people will become luminous; but others will burn, will pass through repentance.
所有古老和不纯洁的东西都会在里面燃烧。在人类通过这神圣之火之后,上帝的王国将来到地球[即扬升]。我说: 当爱之火来临时,有些人会变得明亮; 但是其他人会燃烧,会通过悔改。
This Wave of Fire will soon pass over the world and purify it. (4)
Ring of Fire will Uplift Us after the Dark Days
Jesus through John: Humans everywhere are about to have a collective awakening into full conscious awareness of each of their own individual and most beautiful creative states of brilliance as One with Source, eternally in that Presence. (5)
耶稣通过约翰: 世界各地的人类都将有一个集体的觉醒,进入对他们自己的个体和最美丽的创造性光辉状态的全意识觉醒,就像一个有源头的人,永远在那个存在中。(5)
Federation of Light: Yet, dearest Blossom, dearest Souls, … that which is to excite you … that which is to lift your Vibrational Energies into a much Higher place is yet to come … and when it does … gradually, so as not to bemuse … your spirits will soar. (6)
光之联邦: 然而,最亲爱的花儿,最亲爱的灵魂,... ... 那些让你兴奋的... ... 那些让你的振动能量提升到更高境界的事情还没有到来... ... 当它到来的时候... ... 渐渐地,为了不让你困惑... ... 你的精神将会飞翔。(6)
光之联邦: 快乐... 绝对的快乐... 来抵消你所经历的黑暗日子,将提升你地球母亲的振动,以及此刻她的一切。(7)
It Ends the Rule of the Dark
White Cloud via Blossom, 2021: Bring your world into the Light and rid it of the darkness for it is the Divine Plan that you do so. (8)
白云通过花朵,2021: 把你的世界带入光明,摆脱黑暗,因为它是你这样做的神圣计划。(8)
Matthew Ward: A tsunami of [lovelight’s] high vibrations is the means whereby violence will be ended. (9)
马修 · 沃德: 海啸般的(爱之光的)高振动是结束暴力的手段
Blossom: Will the dark ones still be able to function after this Wave of Love has taken place?
Federation of Light: No. … That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light, such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected.
光明联盟: 不。... 那些即将到来的,布鲁森,那些‘这个事件’将带来的,是这样的光,这样的能量变化... 为了/为了... 所有的一切。无论是星球上还是星球外。这就是为什么我们说“所有的眼睛都在你们的星球上”,因为这是一切提升的一部分... 因为一切都是相连的。
This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. … The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’. … Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.
B: For real?
FoL: Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings. … We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe. (10)
是的,真正的布鲁森。因为在这些“顽皮的人们”的整个身体和灵魂中携带的能量是如此“不健康”,以至于爱的波浪... ... 其中的力量... ... 将导致这些存有崩溃,因为它不可能在波浪带来的振动频率中生存。我们知道这听起来可能有些牵强,因为你们的程序已经如此“正常化”所有对这些事情的想法都会让你们相信这些事情都是虚构的。(10)
When will It Come?
White Cloud via Blossom Goodchild, 2021: You will experience the change … after more upheaval, I am sad to say. But it has to reach a point where it can no longer continue. [Like the present moment?]
2021年,白云通过百花好孩子: 你将经历变化... 在更多的剧变之后,我很难过地说。但它必须达到一个不能再继续下去的地步。[喜欢现在吗? ]
And, when that time comes, that wave of love, that energy of love will sweep over, through, within your planet. You know this because it was shown to you before you came and you agreed that you would put up with all you are putting up with now in the knowing that this wave of love, this Event if you like, will take place.
And when it does the change in vibration upon your planet and within [you] will feel so different from the way you are feeling now. Do you believe me? Do you know this inside of you? Do you feel this inside of you? Because if you don’t go back inside until you find it. (11)
The Grand Finale of This Stage of Ascension (Not the Culmination)
Jesus: We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process [i.e., the Ring of Fire]. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory [i.e., Ascension], but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. …
耶稣: 在你觉醒的过程中,我们正在接近这个阶段的大结局[即,火环]。这并不是伟大觉醒中最壮丽、最奇妙的事件(即扬升) ,但它将是人类有史以来经历过的最令人兴奋、最令人振奋的事件。...
Heart-centered consciousness is the state [you will then experience] in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely-guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form. (12)
Time to Reach the Finale Though
Archangel Michael through James MacConnell: Trust in yourself through this process, in yourselves individually and as a collective, to bring about this great change so that the Great Changeover and the Solar Flash can happen. It is only waiting. The God Source is only waiting for you to trigger the event, you, as the collective, to trigger it. …
米迦勒通过詹姆斯麦康奈尔: 相信自己通过这个过程,相信自己个人和作为一个集体,带来这个伟大的变化,使伟大的转变和太阳闪电可以发生。它只是在等待。上帝之源只是在等待你们去触发这个事件,你们,作为集体,去触发它。...
You are creating this part of the plan, and moving yourselves more and more into the timeline of your choosing. The old timeline is not for you. You have moved beyond it. You have passed beyond the point of no return. Not that any of you would want to return. All of you are here to move on and continue on with the Ascension process. And to once and for all end this part of the journey, to end the show, end the movie. For indeed you are watching a movie. And it is time to reach the finale of that movie. (13)
Background: How is All This Going to Work?
背景: 这一切将如何运作?
Blossom: So the Sun is our link to Source energy?
Blossom: 所以太阳是我们与源能的联系?
FoL: We have spoken before of your Sun (that you are aware of) being the gateway to the Divine Source. Therefore, THIS DIVINE WAVE OF LOVE HAS TO COME FROM WITHIN IT. … Once this wave begins to flow … there shall be more to follow. (14)
FoL: 我们之前已经说过你们的太阳(你们已经意识到)是通往神圣源头的大门。因此,这神圣的爱的波动必须来自它的内部。... 一旦这股浪潮开始涌动... 接下来还会有更多的浪潮。(14)
Blossom Goodchild: Can you tell us about the solar flash that carries the wave of love please?
布鲁森 · 古德柴尔德: 你能告诉我们关于承载着爱的波动的太阳闪光吗?
Federation of Light: The actual ‘flash’ itself as it leaves the Sun … will trigger a few of … the main circuits /switchboards [of the monoliths]… which in turn will Energetically connect with all the others, for they are all … ready … in place. All ready and interconnected through their routes. (15)
光之联邦: 当它离开太阳的时候,真正的“闪光”本身,将会触发一些,主电路/配电板,这些主电路/配电板反过来将会与所有其他的相连接,因为它们都... 准备好了... 就位。都准备好了,通过他们的路线相互连接。(15)
Blossom: What happens when [activation of the monoliths] happens?
布鲁森: 当[巨石的激活]发生时会发生什么?
FoL: They are of much Power … beyond your comprehension, or anyone of Earth. When ‘ignited’, when ‘activated’ … and ‘at play/in play’ … their ENERGY will enable a huge Magnetic, Energetic, Electrical Wave … of both Sound and Movement. (16)
FoL: 他们有很大的力量,超出了你们的理解范围,超出了地球上任何人的理解范围。当“点燃”,当“激活”... 和“游戏/玩耍”... 他们的能量将使一个巨大的磁力,能量,电波... 声音和运动。(16)
Federation of Light: Yes. We cannot begin to explain the enormity of this. It is imperative for Earthly strategies to be in place … along with certain Planetary/Star alignments … in order for EVERYTHING to come together in THIS DIVINE PLAN. In order for the END OF THE DARKNESS and the BEGINNING OF THE LIGHT WORLD to flow into position. As you can imagine, Blossom … the complexity of this Plan is far from a ‘walk in the park.’ (17)
光明联盟: 是的。我们无法开始解释这个问题的严重性。地球的战略必须到位,连同某些行星/恒星的排列,以便一切都在这个神圣的计划中走到一起。为了让黑暗的终结和光明世界的开始流入正确的位置。你可以想象得到,布鲁森,这个计划的复杂性远不止是在公园散步那么简单。’(17)
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: Some of you may be very tired and need a lot more sleep. Quite a few of you are being affected by all of the solar activity, which is necessary for the activation of the wave of love, also known as the Solar Flash. …
来自昴宿星高级理事会的米拉: 你们中的一些人可能非常疲惫,需要更多的睡眠。相当多的人正在受到所有太阳活动的影响,这是激活爱的波动所必需的,也被称为太阳闪光。...
There are some who do not believe in The Event but they will experience it regardless. The best thing to do now is to allow your body what it needs if you experience some of the energies from the solar activity. This has sped up rapidly in the last few months. (18)
Let’s create the collective intention that the Ring of Fire happen on Christmas Day 2023. What a gift that would be to humanity!
Download The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at
下载火之环: 为盖亚打开的行星之心。
Because of repeated malware attacks, the Golden Age of Gaia only links to its own sites now.
(1) “The Dark Elite (Illuminati) exposed – How their hidden hands control you,” at [].
(1)“黑暗精英(光照派)暴露-如何他们隐藏的手控制你,”在[ ]。
(2) Empirical materialists believe that only what we can sense is real. Higher dimensions are not sensible. Neither are archangels, our souls, or God. And certainly not communicating with extraterrestrials.
(2)经验唯物主义者认为,只有我们能感觉到的东西才是真实的。更高的维度是不可感知的。大天使、我们的灵魂或上帝也不是。 当然,与外星人交流也不可能。
(3) The purpose of life is enlightenment. The purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment: “O Thou I!” See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at
(3)生命的目的是开悟。生命的目的是上帝应该在我们开悟的那一刻遇见上帝: “啊,我!”参见《生命的目的是 的启蒙》
(4) “Beinsa Douno: The Wave of Divine Fire,” July 3, 2021, at From “Eradication of the Old,” The Wellspring of Good, at, accessed 21 Feb. 2005.) [No longer accessible.]
(4)《贝萨 · 多诺: 神圣之火的浪潮》 ,2021年7月3日,  ; 《根除旧世界》 ,《善的源泉》 ,,2005年2月21日[无法访问]
(5) “Jesus Through John: You are Doing what you Incarnated to do, You are Being,” August 11, 2022, at
(5)《通过约翰的耶稣: 你正在做你投生所要做的,你正在存在》 ,2022年8月11日,。
(6) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, April 30, 2023,” April 29, 2023, at (Hereafter, FoL.)
(7) “FoL, August 29, 2020, at
(8) “Blossom and White Cloud Update, July 2021,” at
(9) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023, at
(10) FoL, July 25, 2021,” July 24, 2021, at
(11) “Blossom and White Cloud Update,” ibid.
(12) “Jesus Through John: Nothing can Forestall or Circumvent the Divine Will,” May 1, 2021, at
(12)《通过约翰的耶稣: 没有什么可以预先阻止或绕过神的意志》 ,2021年5月1日,
(13) “Archangel Michael: Trust… Trust the Entire Process,” through James MacConnell, October 1, 2023, at
(13)《米迦勒: 信任... ... 信任整个过程》 ,詹姆斯 · 麦康奈尔,2023年10月1日,。
(14) FoL, July 7, 2019, at
(14)佛罗里达 ,二零一九年七月七日。
(15) FoL, July 13, 2021, at
(15)佛罗里达 ,二○二一年七月十三日。
(16) FoL, March 21, 2021, at
(16)佛罗里达 ,2021年3月21日。
(17) FoL, March 21, 2021, at
(18) “Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 31, 2023,” April 1, 2023, at
(18)“2023年3月31日,来自昴宿星高级委员会的米拉通过瓦莱丽 · 唐纳”,2023年4月1日,。