Starship Earth: The Big Picture
Oye! Oye! It is time to engage, folks. Hear the call.
注意! 注意! 是时候交战了,伙计们,听到召唤。
To begin today, we have a must-listen communiqué from Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recorded yesterday, March 11. It’s 1 hr. 51 minutes at Before It’s News, who state it is well worth the time to listen and it is interesting stuff concerning various kinds of warfare.
今天开始,我们有一份必须收听的迈克尔-弗林中将昨天(3月11日)录制的公报。它有1小时。51分钟,在 "新闻之前"(Before It's News),他们表示这是非常值得一听的,它是关于各种战争的有趣内容。
He begins by discussing the bank collapse and whether we should be withdrawing our funds which would create bank runs and what the strategy of the banksters might be.
I’m just beginning to listen but Gen. Flynn is fired up and I agree we would do well to listen to this as the enemy’s intention is similar to Covid where they want to get people afraid so they will act irrationally and respond exactly the way the globalists want us to so he delivers the Rules of Engagement we must recognize to win this war. He also says DO NOT GET THE JAB BECAUSE IT IS WEAPONIZED.
It’s true: what is unfolding on our plane[t] is not just “politics”. It is so much larger than that. Evil is being ushered out of our realm as quickly as possible while most people don’t even understand what is happening or what is at stake. Video at the link below or watch on
这是真的: 在我们这个层面上展开的不仅仅是“政治”。它比那要大得多。邪恶正在被尽可能快地赶出我们的领域,而大多数人甚至不知道正在发生什么,或什么是利害攸关的。点击下面的链接观看视频或者在 上观看。
Here are additional updates from Telegram:
以下是来自 Telegram 的补充更新: TRUTH Channel, [3/12/2023 10:46 AM]
JUST IN – Silicon Valley Bank on Friday paid out annual bonuses to some eligible U.S. employees, just hours before the bank was seized by the U.S. government – AxiosNewsTreason. com 真相频道,[3/12/202310:46 AM ]就在本周五,硅谷银行向一些符合条件的美国员工发放了年度奖金,就在几个小时后,该银行被美国政府接管—— Axios TRUTH Channel, [3/12/2023 10:46 AM]
JUST IN – Etsy warned sellers that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has caused delays in processing paymentsNewsTreason. com 真相频道,[3/12/202310:46 AM ] JUST IN-Etsy 警告卖家,硅谷银行的倒闭导致了处理支付的延迟
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General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message to Humanity
迈克尔 · 弗林将军向全人类发布紧急信息
As the coming events unfold, some folks will need a laxative, others Immodium, depending on their constitution and preparedness or wokeness.
Collin Rugg on Twitter: "NEW: Bank run in Los Angeles at a First Republic Bank branch.Biden's America: Bank lines today, bread lines / Twitter"
NEW: Bank run in Los Angeles at a First Republic Bank branch.Biden's America: Bank lines today, bread lines
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Has Repercussions In Israel
The SVB Israel website at this time made no mention of the collapse, but David Cohen, General Manager of SVB Israel, stated on social media, “Over 12 years ago, I started my chapter at SVB with the aspiration to build a solid and trusted brand for SVB in Israel.”
SVB Israel 网站当时没有提到这次倒闭,但 SVB Israel 总经理戴维 · 科恩(David Cohen)在社交媒体上表示: “12年前,我开始在 SVB 工作,希望为 SVB 在以色列建立一个可靠、值得信赖的品牌。”
Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said he is closely monitoring the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, which has led to a major crisis in the high-tech world. Link to Telegram.
And when will it affect eBay, Amazon, and everything else? When will supply chain be affected? Do folks see now why we need to have cash on hand? If the banks go down, no ATMs, can’t order anything online or buy gas with a credit card. Some say we have no idea how the barter system will be demanded. What? No gas? On yer bike! Get that scooter out.
它什么时候会影响到 eBay、亚马逊和其他所有的东西?供应链何时受到影响?大家现在明白我们为什么需要现金了吗?如果银行倒闭,没有自动取款机,不能在网上订购任何东西或用信用卡购买汽油。有人说,我们不知道如何将易货制度的要求。什么?没有汽油?骑上你的自行车!把摩托车开出来。
There is good news, however. Queen Romana of Canada stated on Telegram:
Q & A
Question: HRM Queen Romana, what happens to our Cities/Towns [Corporations] that may go bankrupt or already bankrupted. The same question about Banks going bankrupt.
问: 人力资源管理女王罗马纳,我们的城市/城镇[企业]发生了什么,可能会破产或已经破产。关于银行破产的同样问题。
Answer: Every City / Town and The We The People of the Kingdom of Canada is and will be cared for. Keep Calm
答: 加拿大王国的每一个城市/城镇和我们人民现在和将来都会受到照顾。保持冷静
I believe that applies in every country, and that none of us need to be concerned for those who did not prepare, are elderly, have limited mobility, etc. I think that’s where the Walmarts, etc. the military commandeered may be used to provide essentials for civilians if and when the need arises throughout this process. Just speculation. The normies have to learn and accept that the world is not okay and that there are big problems to get sorted before we can enjoy an easy, abundant, “normal” life again.
Here is a longer take on the situation from Telegram:
You are in the hardest part of the PLAN!!!… Where everything is intensifying, growing quickly on both sides of the War… /// It’s like a head on collision you are witnessing….. The extreme mental pain that is being felt will intensify>>> VACCINES will change from experimental >>MANDATORY<< …….你正处于计划中最困难的部分! ! !... 一切都在加剧,战争双方都在迅速发展...///就像你正在目睹的正面碰撞... ..。正在感受到的极端精神痛苦将会加剧 > > 疫苗将会从实验 > > 强制 < ..。
///AT ALL COST YOU JUST REJECT THE VACCINES!!!!!<<<///不惜一切代价拒绝接种疫苗
You must practice your free WILL .. Stand strong in the hardest part of the fight…////你必须练习你的自由意志. . 坚强地站在战斗的最艰难的部分...////
>You may not see that alot of people who have already taken the first jab are now becoming angry, because they are being told to take more and more vaccines (contrary to what the word toll before ..”take the vaccines to regain freedom”.. They now know that was a lie and vaccines companies are coming after their kids and they are being told to take boosters shots..) The lies CDC NIH NIAIH WHO ect. All promoted keeping changing.. Those narrative is changing monthly and the sleeping Sheep are beginning to see the lies more and more slowly<<< you don’t see the data but the Rage growing is true!!!!你可能看不到许多已经注射了第一针的人正在变得愤怒,因为他们被告知要注射越来越多的疫苗(与之前的“注射费”这个词相反)。接种疫苗,重获自由”。.他们现在知道这是一个谎言,疫苗公司正在追查他们的孩子,他们被告知要注射疫苗。.)疾病预防控制中心的谎言。全部晋升,不断变化。.那些叙述每个月都在变化,沉睡的绵羊开始看到谎言越来越慢 < < < < 你没看到数据,但愤怒增长是真的! ! ! !Many vaxed people are growing Angry and concerned they are part of Agenda….. And they are beginning slowly to seek outside information from the mainstream media…>>> CNN Newsweek ect [MSM]… Has the lowest ratings of the 21st century//))许多心烦意乱的人越来越愤怒,担心他们是议程的一部分... ..。他们开始慢慢地从主流媒体寻求外部信息... ... CNN 新闻周刊等[ MSM ] ... ... 收视率是21世纪最低的)
I know many PATRIOTS and ANONS are losing hope and waiting and waiting and waiting and want proof something is happening…(I could tell you hundreds of thousands into the Millions,, lawyer’s, doctors, nurses, WHITE HATS, high ranking officials. Military personal, Truth Speakers, Podcasters, leakers are all doing their part in EXPOSING the truth of the scamdemic….. But to most people just want to see results instantly/confirmation/ …… The sad truth is…..I have WARNED LONG AGO.. .>>GAME THEORY/NASH EQUILIBRIUM/NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT<<< must take place….. This part of the War/Chess move is essential…我知道许多爱国者和无名氏正在失去希望,等待,等待,等待,等待,想要证明一些事情正在发生... (我可以告诉你成千上万的百万,律师,医生,护士,白帽子,高级官员。军方人士、真相发言人、播客、泄密者都在尽自己的一份力量揭露丑闻的真相... ..。但是对于大多数人来说,他们只是想马上看到结果/确认/... ..。可悲的事实是,我早就警告过你。..游戏理论/纳什均衡点/濒死文明事件 < < 必须发生... ..。战争/国际象棋的这一步很重要。
And many will suffer PAIN …很多人会遭受痛苦。
THIS_EVENT will be extremely painful to witnesses and feel like all hope is lost….. But in the last final moments/ THINGS WILL CHANGE as planned)这个事件对目击者来说将是极其痛苦的,感觉就像失去了所有的希望... ..。但是在最后的时刻/事情会按计划发生变化)THIS WORLD EVENT GAME THEORY must happen!!….
So the people of the world will never again let medical tyranny be again controlled by the World BANKING Masters> and ELITES who controlled and created all Wars and poverty the past Thousand years… These same CABAL control the bioweapons that was released, control the DEEP STATE GOVERNMENTS that control pedophilia rings, drug smuggling, distribution and sales.. Human trafficking networks…… THIS GREAT WAR YOU ARE IN AND WITNESSING WILL INTENSIFY TO HUGE MOMENTS OF EVENTS THAT WILL TEST YOUR SPIRIT MIND AND BODY TO BREAKING POINTS AND LOST HOPE MOMENTS<<<<这个世界事件博弈论必须发生! !....因此,世界人民再也不会让医疗暴政再次被世界银行大师和精英们所控制,他们在过去的一千年里控制并制造了所有的战争和贫困... ... 这些阴谋集团控制着释放的生物武器,控制着控制恋童癖团伙、毒品走私、分销和销售的深层政府。.人口贩卖网络。这场伟大的战争,你正在和目睹将加强到巨大的时刻的事件,将测试你的精神和身体的突破点和失去希望的时刻
It had to be this way
In the end>>
最后 >
//))) The military can not step in.. Till most people turn against the System>>DS….}} That is currently happening by all the lies CDC WHO NIH NIAIH SEPI GAVI PFIZER GPMB WEF /FACEBOOKS SOCIAL MEDIA IS PORTRAYING> and the sheep are waking up to LIES
MORE CONTROL(//))军队不能介入。.直到大多数人反对这个系统 > DS... ... }目前疾病控制中心的所有谎言正在发生,这些谎言正在被社会媒体描绘,羊群正在被谎言唤醒 更多的控制
Anger is building world wide<<
The forced vaccination is a TRIGGER<<<many TRIGGERS
TRIGGERS..>>INCOMING<<愤怒正在世界范围内蔓延 强制接种是一种触发 触发. . > > 传入
STAY VIGILANT PATRIOTS WORLD WIDE…. Your inside the hardest part of the 21st century全世界的爱国者们保持警惕... ... 你们的内心是21世纪最艰难的部分
@QTheRedWaveRider777 @ QTheRedWave Rider777
Impatience and fear will not serve us. We’re playing the long game in what General Flynn called our “crisis period”.
Have you ever seen the rain? It never rains in California, but it pours, and when the levee breaks the fire department in Pajaro drove through town with a loud speaker and told everyone the water is coming and to prepare/evacuate. Why does it seem like California is always under attack: fires/DEWs, drought, flooding, earthquakes, chemtrails, abnormal snow, high winds, power outages… Video on Telegram.
你见过雨吗?加利福尼亚从来不下雨,但下起了倾盆大雨,当堤坝决堤时,Pajaro 的消防部门开着大喇叭穿过小镇,告诉所有人洪水即将来临,并做好准备/撤离。为什么加利福尼亚似乎总是受到攻击: 火灾/露天水源,干旱,洪水,地震,化学药品,异常降雪,大风,停电... ... 电报视频。
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services on Twitter: "Mandatory Evacuation orders issued for the Community of #Pajaro due to a #LeveeBreak. Please heed evac warnings/orders. Pajaro River levee broke early this morning resulting in active flooding. #Evacuate if told. #TurnAroundDontDrown @Cal_OES @CaltransHQ @CAgovernor / Twitter"
Mandatory Evacuation orders issued for the Community of #Pajaro due to a #LeveeBreak. Please heed evac warnings/orders. Pajaro River levee broke early this morning resulting in active flooding. #Evacuate if told. #TurnAroundDontDrown @Cal_OES @CaltransHQ @CAgovernor
In the UK there are massive power outages. Could be important operations unfolding there.
UK power cut hits 31,000 as homes plunged into darkness across 10 regions
The Q team did tell us that not everyone would be able to accept reality. Here’s a delta for yesterday March 11—and there were 16 of them.
Q 小组确实告诉我们,不是每个人都能接受现实。这是昨天3月11日的三角洲,一共有16个。
It’s wakey-wakey time for some of the normies. Here’s a 3-minute rant from a man who’s just now getting it after learning of Matt Hancock’s email that spoke of launching their next various to “frighten the pants off everyone”. Link to video. Poor chap.
有些正常人该起床了。这是一个刚刚得知马特 · 汉考克的电子邮件的男人发出的3分钟的咆哮,他在邮件中谈到了他们的下一个变化,以“吓跑所有人”。链接到视频。可怜的家伙。
Tironianae posted the following by Susan W. yesterday on Telegram:
Tironianae 昨天在电报上发布了以下内容:
Patriots and Frog Family
There are 16 Deltas for today. Please go to Qalerts. app. ——> deltas——>today!
You will find several of them very enlightening.今天有16个三角洲,请到 Qalerts 应用程序ーー > 三角洲ーー > 今天! 你会发现其中几个非常有启发性。
I know I sound like a broken record but reading the Q drops will definitely help us to match up not only what is happening but helps us to gauge what stage in this war (movie) we truly are at.
我知道我听起来像一个破纪录,但阅读 Q 滴肯定会帮助我们不仅匹配正在发生的事情,而且帮助我们衡量在这场战争(电影)中我们真正处于哪个阶段。
We have been prepared for quite awhile. Many of us for years…we had the luxury of learning and awakening over time. Those that are still asleep…that refused to accept the truth….will not have our same “luxury” of time. Being force fed the truth all at once will not be an easy road ahead for them so be prepared to help walk them thru it. Initially only answer the questions that they ask. Help them by telling them where to look for more info. Save your favorite videos and posts now. Being prepared always meant more than just having our food, water and living essentials ready.
我们早就准备好了。多年来,我们中的许多人,都有学习和觉醒的机会。那些还在睡觉的人... 那些拒绝接受事实的人... 将不会有我们同样的“奢侈”时间。对他们来说,一下子被灌输真理并不是一条容易的道路,所以准备好帮助他们走过这条道路。最初只回答他们提出的问题。通过告诉他们在哪里可以找到更多的信息来帮助他们。现在保存你最喜欢的视频和帖子。做好准备不仅仅意味着准备好食物、水和生活必需品。
We were always the ones chosen to awaken the masses. That particular job does not end at this finish line. The sleepers will need us more on the other side of the finish line than they ever did before. You, my frog family have become the educators, healers and rebuilders of the future. You were chosen for this time in history. You were chosen for a reason. There are no coincidences. Oh comon admit it…even with everything we have had to go thru…to withstand…this is the greatest time to be alive. We are not only watching history being made we are a very essential part of it. We are the warriors and army that God chose to rise up and defeat evil….not only in our homes or country but worldwide. We are the ones that helped take on Satan and WON! We did what was once thought as impossible. Yes, we are battle-weary but we keep moving forward. We will make it thru the storm. We have this! We always did because unlike the rest, we let go and let GOD…we became FULLY RELIANT ON GOD. We are His F.R.O.G.s. No one can stop what is coming…what is here now. Trump and the White Hats are on the offense now. Everything always had to be played out legally. We had to do it the right way.
我们总是被选中来唤醒大众。那个特别的工作不会在这个终点线结束。在终点线的另一边,潜伏者比以前更需要我们。你们,我的青蛙家庭已经成为未来的教育者,治疗者和重建者。你被选中在历史的这个时刻。你被选中是有原因的。世上没有巧合。得了吧,承认吧,即使我们经历了这么多,才能承受住,这也是活着的最好时光。我们不仅看着历史被创造,我们也是其中非常重要的一部分。我们是战士和军队,上帝选择起来,打败邪恶... ... 不仅在我们的家园或国家,而且在全世界。我们是帮助挑战撒旦和胜利的人!我们做了曾经被认为是不可能的事。是的,我们厌倦了战斗,但我们继续前进。我们会挺过风暴的。我们有这个!我们总是这样做,因为不像其他人,我们放手,让上帝... 我们变得完全依赖上帝。我们是他的前任,没人能阻止即将发生的事,现在发生的事。Trump 和 White Hats 现在进攻了。所有的事情都必须合法解决。我们必须用正确的方法。
God is in control. Evil is being wiped out. You chose wisely when you chose to answer God’s whisper. Let’s see it thru to the end. Let’s make the light brighter. We are sheep no more!!! We are slaves no more!!! We are God’s Chosen Army and we are the Light! We always were. Dark to Light. We win… we won!!! Satan and his minions are now fearing us. WE have nothing to fear. We broke their control over us when we united to save our children. We did this for all humanity…so our children and grandchildren could experience something that was stolen from us…freedom! The best is yet to come! Embrace every moment. God has chosen his army wisely! Godspeed Patriots! Love and Light to all.上帝掌控一切。邪恶正在被消灭。当你选择回应上帝的耳语时,你的选择是明智的。让我们一直看到底。让我们把光明点亮。我们不再是绵羊了! ! !我们不再是奴隶了! ! !我们是上帝选中的军队,我们是光明!我们一直都是。从黑暗到光明。我们赢了... 我们赢了! ! !撒旦和他的手下现在害怕我们了。我们没什么好怕的。当我们联合起来拯救我们的孩子时,我们打破了他们对我们的控制。我们这样做是为了全人类... ... 让我们的子孙后代能够体验到从我们这里被偷走的东西... ... 自由!好戏还在后头呢!拥抱每一刻。上帝明智地选择了他的军队!祝你们成功,爱国者!爱与光。
Mar 三月 ❤️❤️❤️ 3/8/23
So we have a cholera pandemic to look forward to, as well? You’ll love this. The WHO sees it as connected to climate change—like everything else. It would be a “catastrophic contagion” and would affect children!
This is a cabal wet dream. Good thing we are reasonably certain Bill Gates was executed in India years ago for killing or maiming 70,000 children with his “polio vaccine”. 20 min.
这是个阴谋集团的春梦。好消息是,我们有理由相信,几年前,比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)在印度因使用“小儿麻痹症疫苗”杀害或残害7万名儿童而被执行死刑。20分钟。
Bill Gates alerts next pandemic as W.H.O. warns Cholera could be next | Redacted with Clayton Morris
世界卫生组织警告霍乱可能成为下一个流行病,比尔 · 盖茨发出警告
And that’s not all. There is this threat looming as well, they tell us. Link to Telegram.
They are warning you of a cyber ‘pandemic’, where recovery will require Digital ID to connect to the new internet.
The crew brings us the next installment from retired Lt. Colonel Riccardo Bosi of the AustraliaOne Party in Oz and his brilliant assessment of this war and how it will affect us. What a prize he is and when these three get together it’s fascinating and fun.
摄制组为我们带来了澳大利亚一党退役中校里卡多 · 博西在奥兹的下一部分,以及他对这场战争的精彩评估,以及它将如何影响我们。他是一个多么有价值的奖品,当这三个人聚在一起的时候,这是令人着迷和有趣的。
There is a chime going off during this video, probably Telegram. I had the same issue with closing all the Telegram windows and still getting chimes going off until I shut down and rebooted because I could never figure out where it was coming from
Bosi says he can’t decide if Oz or Canada are the craziest places for tyranny.
1 hr. 49 minutes. Nice and long but I could have gone for more.
战地记者: 3月9日,Jean-Claude & JANINE 更新分析
It’s open season on Humanity now, but also on the parasites.
Shelter in Place Order for Hazardous Material Incident in Lancaster City, PA
From Real Raw News… as you may have heard people asking if John Fetterman is alive or not… and we heard Dianne Feinstein was hospitalized as well. Some claim this isn’t a valid news source but we know some of it has been so, you decide.
Fetterman, Feinstein Died at Hospitals
Because some of the most horrific and challenging truths will involve Human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse at the hands of the cult that has been running the world, we will continue to share important testimony because much of it may need to be told multiple times before the average person can accept it.
It is only natural to reject what is so foreign and repulsive to us that we don’t want it to be true. While it is true that these acts are not something Humans would do—what the masses don’t understand is that it isn’t the average Human doing it, and it’s a long, long story.
The former Reverend Kevin Annett of British Columbia, Canada has been exposing the appalling and repeated Crimes of Church and State for many years. He interviewed a very brave Dutch psychologist named Toos when she stated her childhood experiences at satanic rituals and “elite” Human hunting parties involving European royals, members of the church, etc.
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的前牧师凯文 · 安内特多年来一直在揭露教会和国家犯下的骇人听闻的重复罪行。他采访了一位非常勇敢的荷兰心理学家托斯,当时她讲述了自己童年时代在邪恶仪式和“精英”人类狩猎聚会上的经历,这些聚会包括欧洲皇室成员、教会成员等。
Her testimony is difficult to hear and difficult to believe for the Human psyche, but we are assured it is true as others have also come forward with the same or very similar stories which represents the reality of the lifestyle and proclivities of the monsters who have controlled us for a very long time. It is time to expose it, stop it, and deliver appropriate justice. 1 hr. 27 min.
full testimony here
视频注释: 警告非常恶心狗屎完整的证词在这里
Testimony of Toos Nijenhuis – Ritual Child Sacrifice in the Vatican
图斯 · 涅真惠斯的证词——梵蒂冈的儿童祭祀仪式
More from Kevin Annett on the First Nations genocide in Canada and mass murders in other places like Ireland can be found at his website, Murder By
更多关于加拿大第一民族种族灭绝和爱尔兰等其他地方的大规模谋杀的信息,可以在他的网站上找到,Murder By
So, in the coming days what kind of clown acts can we expect? Will anything be real, serious, or biblical? Historic? Definitely historic!
Ariel on Twitter: "To the doubters...To the naysayers...To the skeptics...To the whiners...The 1st sealed indictment is about to commence. Your world is about to become undone. Your illusion of it will collapse on itself. All timeliness will converge at that point. You have been warned. / Twitter"
To the doubters...To the naysayers...To the skeptics...To the whiners...The 1st sealed indictment is about to commence. Your world is about to become undone. Your illusion of it will collapse on itself. All timeliness will converge at that point. You have been warned.
Before I leave you today I want to share something we too often forget:
And then I found a new video from SG Anon, File 44 which I have not yet enjoyed but soon will. 53 min.
然后我发现一个新的视频从 SG 匿名,文件44,我还没有享受,但很快将。53分钟。
What Sort of Spiritual Power Lies Within the Human Being? The Answer Will Surprise and Delight You
什么样的精神力量存在于人类之中? 答案会让你惊喜
Enjoy your weekend. It’s going to be wild and wooly for awhile, folks. Just stay calm and try to enjoy it if you can. ~ BP
周末愉快。接下来的一段时间,将会是狂野和毛茸茸的,伙计们。保持冷静,如果可以的话尽量享受。~ BP