Starship Earth: The Big Picture
The volume and quality of the information coming out now is off the charts. There is no doubt about what is happening on this planet and no one can tell us with any credibility that “nothing is happening”. That’s their wet dream. There is so much happening the cabal/deep state is all a-jitter and can’t believe the massive assault unleashed on them. It IS the ‘storm’.
And right on cue [Q] , we have video of the Nurnberg [Nuremburg] Q Construction site in Germany. It must be a good sign. Link to Telegram for short video.
就在这个时候,我们看到了德国纽伦堡 Q 建筑工地的视频。这一定是个好兆头。链接到短视频电报。
When we look at, for example, the view from an experienced eye of the infrared drone footage of the “illegals” crossing the US border at Eagle Pass, Texas, it seems the alarm has been sounded because they actually appear to be soldiers, not a rag-tag, random stream of illegal aliens. We were warned about this, and a few months ago saw what appeared to be incoherent “demons” manifesting when they were apprehended by Border Patrol.
例如,当我们从一个有经验的人眼中看到德克萨斯州鹰嘴关的 "非法移民 "穿越美国边境的红外无人机镜头时,似乎已经敲响了警钟,因为他们实际上似乎是士兵,而不是一群衣衫褴褛、随意流动的非法移民。我们被警告过这一点,几个月前,当他们被边境巡逻队逮捕时,看到似乎是语无伦次的 "恶魔 "表现出来。
Now we see this very uniform group of people who do appear to be more military in style than isolated knots of civilians.
Kerry Cassidy posted on Telegram:
凯丽 · 卡西迪在电报中写道:
synths? androids WTF?
合成人? 机器人卧槽?
For those not on Telegram, here is that Fox news footage again. Looks too organized to be the previous groups we saw straggling in.
I am confident the White Hats are fully aware and are tracking or even apprehending these invaders to protect the American populace. We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes to do that, but we know we have off-world help, and the technology available to monitor, track, and if necessary, eliminate the enemy is far beyond what we understand to be in use.
In the Great White Gulag they are amping up their assault on the protestors in the Freedom Convoy, free speech, and the right to protest the government. Just the typical Nazi tactics. The government no longer represents the People; it satisfies itself.
Head of public service said government needed to use ‘full force’ against convoy
Canada is deep in doo-doo. Segregation is taking us back decades. It’s insane.
We have a new citizen journalist/vlogger in our midst who was brave enough to share their very first video about the research they found into the number 17 and a prophet I was unaware of who happens to be the 17th prophet and is still with us. Great job for a first video, right down to the creative use of red and white. Give her a ‘rumble’, please. 8 min.
Ben Fulford’s writeup for November 21 is interesting, as always, beginning with the following:
本•富尔福德(Ben Fulford)11月21日的报告一如既往地有趣,开头如下:
If you think in biblical terms, then the most likely candidate for the anti-Christ is David Rockefeller Jr.
He and his family are behind the entire Covid scamdemic and vaccine crimes committed over the past few years. That is just the tip of the iceberg too. Arresting him and confiscating his family’s assets would bring world peace and usher in a new golden age of unprecedented prosperity.
…it would have been easy to have Rockefeller killed when he was in Yokohama but doing that would only mean he would be replaced by another family member as the Babylonian God king. What is needed is for him to go public on trial for war crimes. He also needs to lose control of the fortune 500 companies, the UN etc.
This ‘movie’ is actually more of a soap opera and people are going to find it very difficult to believe the truth when they finally hear it. Now that I think about it, it’s also a ragout of spaghetti western, crime drama, spy thriller, porn show, comedy, horror flick, and snuff film all tossed together in a most distasteful—but intriguing—stew. It’s the kind of train wreck you cringe at but can’t look away.
It’s getting more gruesome by the day.
The full scale of the crimes committed have not yet been revealed but we need to keep up the assault. Link to Telegram.
If you live in Arizona and experienced problems voting or witnessed election irregularities, please file a complaint using this link.
Arizona Attorney General’s Office (
View this content on www.azag.gov亚利桑那州总检察长办公室( ) 请访问 查看此内容
We have to keep pushing the disgusting truths out there, and this is one of them. Human Trafficking is the biggest money-maker for the cabal. SGAnon posted this. 1 minute of your time.
我们必须不断揭露那些令人作呕的真相,这就是其中之一。人口贩卖是阴谋集团最大的摇钱树。SGAnon 发布了这个。占用你一分钟时间。
Child Sex Slavery at the Getty
If you have not got the jab of any kind, you can thank your guardian angels. This is mind-blowing. Video at the link. 1 hr. 41 min. or you can read the synopsis there.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich – Suddenly Changed? Personality Changes After mRNA Injection
注射 mRNA 后人格突然改变
The Plan was a success and we have made great headway in the Big Pharma war. We don’t need vaccines of any kind; we have immune systems. It’s time for the brainwashing and carnage to end. Stop vaccinating babies, children, adults, and our pets unless they can come up with something that is 100 per cent safe and effective. The current “vaccines” are neither.
The Band-Aid Has Been Ripped off the Vaccine Agenda: 30% of Parents Now Question the Entire Schedule
创可贴已经从疫苗议程上被撕掉了: 30% 的家长现在质疑整个计划
It’s always a mixed bag of good and not-so-good news.
I asked many times… “Who is REALLY in control of the media?”
我问过很多次... “谁才是真正控制媒体的人?”
The whole circus around Musk’s purchase of Twitter was to get eyes on to reveal the truth about how Twitter operates, and the stealthy moves of all kinds.
围绕马斯克收购 Twitter 的整个马戏团就是为了让人们看到 Twitter 运作的真相,以及各种各样的秘密行动。
No Qincidences. Link to Telegram.
So Twitter & Facebook reactivate Trump at the same time.
所以 Twitter 和 Facebook 同时重新激活了 Trump。
We are The Puppet Masters Now
Patriots are in FULL CONTROL
You didn’t think this was a coincidence did you?
Stage Set
We discussed the bizarre plane crash at the air show in Dallas, and there was also a weird bus crash/rollover recently. Why are these things happening? Just chance? Are they really freak accidents?
It’s always a good idea to maintain a sense of humour. The Babylon Bee has been cheering us up for a long time and they’re back on Twitter now.
13 Billion Dead After Trump Unbanned From Twitter
And tomorrow will be another day. They predicted a cloudy day for tomorrow and sure enough, they were out there spraying their chemtrails, including in front of the sun so it’s all dark in the west now. I have no doubt it will be cloudy tomorrow—and that’s fantastic. I love cloudy days because it seems so much more “fallish” than a clear blue, sunny sky. I need to get in the mood for Thanksgiving. My Christmas cards are done so I can breathe a sigh of relief.
I got groceries for Thursday and while I was taking them inside, Eli hopped up in the back seat and helped himself to an Xmas gift I bought for him. Such a little wanker. He’s worse than a kid. Normally we have to boost him up in the back seat but he did it all by himself so now I know he can if he chooses.
It’s late so I’m going to push the button and count my blessings. Ciao until next time. ~ BP