2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

2022年6月3日10:30:15新人阅读2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球已关闭评论4272字数 7983阅读26分36秒阅读模式
 June 2, 2022 2022年6月2日

2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

It’s summertime, the birdies are singing—along with the crooks who won’t shut up about the crimes committed against Humanity and who dunnit—and we’re audience to the greatest show under the dome.


Doing an image search I just discovered they made a television series based on a Stephen King book, “Under the Dome”. What a Qincidence, eh? Living under a dome. Wonder where he got that idea. It speaks volumes though, doesn’t it?

通过图片搜索,我发现他们根据斯蒂芬 · 金的书《穹顶之下》制作了一部电视剧。真是个巧合,是吧?生活在圆顶之下。真不知道他从哪里得到这个想法的。这说明了一切,不是吗?

2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

For those not on Telegram, you might want to know that at 9:45 Wednesday morning Ezra Cohen left a Telegram alert about another false flag being imminent. Later in the day there was a mass shooting… in Tulsa, Oklahoma near a hospital complex.

对于那些不在 Telegram 上的人,你可能想知道,星期三早上9:45,埃兹拉 · 科恩在 Telegram 上留下了一条警告,说又有一面假旗即将升起。当天晚些时候,在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市一家医院附近发生了一起大规模枪击事件。

Four people killed in mass shooting at Tulsa hospital; gunman also dead


His 4:43 pm post:


False Flag Warning


Avoid mass crowds.


Use extra care at supermarkets and other public spaces.


Avoid your MAGA hat til August.

避免你的 MAGA 帽子直到八月。

[PLAN] to frame MAGA supporters.

[计划]陷害 MAGA 的支持者。

FBI + CIA ploy


Ezra went on to say we need to avoid movie theatres completely, and be ultra vigilant at supermarkets. I guess sporting events would be risky, too. Then at 7:19 pm… Link to Telegram.

以斯拉接着说,我们需要完全避开电影院,并在超市保持高度警惕。我想体育赛事也是有风险的。然后在晚上7:19... 链接到 Telegram。

Daycares at high risk. Especially in Democrat run districts.


BLM infiltrators in positions to possibly allow false flag shooting attacks.

可能允许假旗射击攻击位置的 BLM 渗透者。

FBI planned.


Channel will go dark for now.


Until August at the very least, we need to maintain situational awareness at all times. The current climate in America is prompting people to take their safety and that of their families and community very seriously.


Our friends from Texas now residing in AZ started a shooting school and teach people how to purchase, care for, shoot, and protect. A group of youths they trained won an award at an out of state competition recently so they must do an exceptional job with their students. The instructors are always packing so we know they are en garde every moment.

我们的朋友来自德克萨斯州,现在住在 AZ,他们开办了一所射击学校,教人们如何购买、照顾、射击和保护。最近,他们训练的一群年轻人在州外的比赛中获奖,因此他们必须对学生做出杰出的贡献。教练们总是在打包,所以我们知道他们时刻都很前卫。

Bottom line, though… not happening. Link to Telegram.

底线,虽然... 没有发生。链接到电报。

You can have a FF shooting every day for 365 days straight and Americans still aren’t giving up their gun rights. You’re wasting your time.

你可以连续365天每天都有一场 FF 射击比赛,而美国人仍然没有放弃他们的持枪权。你在浪费时间。

They’re gonna work it though, folks—regardless. Link to Telegram.

他们会成功的,伙计们ー不管怎样。链接到 Telegram。

JUST IN – Biden to address the nation on prime time tonight about gun violence.


He delivered prime time remarks of this sort only once before, to discuss COVID early in his presidency.


That Q prediction about a “hot summer”…

关于“炎热的夏天”的 q 预测..。

And right on Q, what do you know? Another chemical plant explosion and fire—this time in India.

就在 q 上,你知道什么? 又一个化工厂爆炸起火,这次是在印度。

Deepak Nitrite was established 50 years ago.
The firm makes organic, inorganic, fine and specialty chemic ..


2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

The mesmerizing media circus directs the public’s gaze away from their criminal activity and failures, and toward the unimportant and sensational distractions. Between the creepy clowns and high-wire acts, few see the elephants in the room.


We haven’t forgotten about the pedovores, however, and the ongoing operations to expose their Human trafficking surface regularly now in the form of positive headlines—in the mainstream now.


There is a LOT of info coming out now about that.



CFC (Controlled Foreign Corporation) has ]INFILTRATED[
Top Elite Hollywood companies and agencies and is working with Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC)
>>NCSWIC was Established by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY who are currently protecting important assets, movie stars, musicals (Britney Spears) ect.. whom were all used in the human trafficking of Hollywood/CIA/CCP paid owned companies .
These Important WITNESSES have first hand accounts and evidence of pedophilia, satanic rituals, Adrenochrome drugs industry sales and Full information on Hollywood’s 120 year reigns on human trafficking and connections to FBI’s full involvement in the century long Dark Operation into the Satanic cults connected to Bohemian Groves Rockefellers/Rothchilds world wide operations.

NCSWIC 由美国国土安全部成立,目前负责保护重要资产、电影明星、音乐剧(布兰妮 · 斯皮尔斯)等。他们都在好莱坞/中央情报局/中共支付给自有公司的人口贩卖中使用。
这些重要证人拥有恋童癖、撒旦仪式、肾上腺素红色药物产业销售的第一手资料和好莱坞120年统治人口贩卖的全部信息,以及联邦调查局全面参与与波西米亚 Groves rockelers/Rothchilds 世界范围运作有关的长达一个世纪的撒旦邪教黑暗行动的第一手资料和证据。

>>The PLAN is much larger than any person can imagine and has its roots corrected to JFK JR. who created The SPECIAL FORCES>>
-Whom were created to protect the U.S. citizens in case the U.S. Gov.(CENTRAL BANKS) tried creating a totalitarian state!
Lots going on behind the scenes


Stay vigilant!


Subscribe: https://t.me/CodezVII

//订阅: https://t.me/codezvii

Suggest you check out the above brand new channel on Telegram as well as follow along with The Storm is Upon Us; there is a ton of info about John Podesta, etc. and it brings to mind Q’s remarks about “the first arrest”. Will the first arrest be one person… or multiple?

建议你在 Telegram 上看看上面这个全新的频道,以及《风暴降临于我们》(The Storm is Upon Us) ,里面有大量关于约翰 · 波德斯塔(John Podesta)的信息,这让你想起 q 关于“第一次逮捕”的评论。第一次逮捕是一个人还是多个人?

Why have so many attacked General Michael Flynn? Roger Stone? Link to Telegram.

为什么有这么多人攻击迈克尔 · 弗林将军? 罗杰 · 斯通? 链接到电报。

2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

Incidentally, that CodeZVII channel has a /17/ on it. I guess if you reverse code the alphabet, Z would be 1, instead of A, yes? So, ZVII could be “17”.

顺便说一句,那个 CodeZVII 频道有一个/17/在上面。我想如果你把字母表反向编码,z 应该是1,而不是 a,对吧?因此,ZVII 可能是“17”。

When the world finds out about the children, the jig is up, but what will it take to get people to open both eyes and pay attention? To DO something? What will it take to get us to the 50% awake threshold? These people are sick.

当全世界发现了孩子们的存在,一切都完了,但是怎样才能让人们睁开双眼并且注意到呢?做点什么?如何才能让我们达到50% 清醒的阈值?这些人都病了。

I bet Adam schiffed his drawers. Look what’s in them. Full of something. Link to Telegram.

我敢打赌亚当一定把他的抽屉弄皱了。看看里面是什么。里面装满了东西。链接到 Telegram。

2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

The banksters are being exposed—and as you have probably noticed, various lamestream media channels are now putting out bits of truthful news. Here’s a CNN article about Deutschebank CEOs.

银行家们正在被曝光ーー正如你可能已经注意到的那样,各种糟糕的媒体渠道正在发布一些真实的新闻。这里有一篇 CNN 关于德意志银行 ceo 的文章。


I watched the True the Vote hearing from May 31st and it’s clear there is a major operation to expose the fraud and treason in the 2020 election. It was an excellent session and verifies that rather than blowing evidence out of proportion, the team actually left out the slightly questionable material and had very stringent guidelines for what and who to include in their data. Very impressive—and Gregg Phillips assures us something much bigger than the mules is coming in a matter of weeks. You can watch at the link below.

我在5月31日观看了真实选举听证会,很明显有一个重大行动揭露2020年选举中的欺诈和叛国行为。这是一次非常好的会议,证实了这一点,而不是夸大证据的比例,小组实际上遗漏了略有问题的材料,并有非常严格的准则,什么和谁应该包括在他们的数据。非常令人印象深刻ーー格雷格 · 菲利普斯向我们保证,几周之内就会有比骡子更大的东西出现。你可以点击下面的链接观看。


In case you’re wondering… it appears

如果你想知道的话... 看起来

Mr. Pool says there is one more big surprise yet to come. Well, of course there is. We knew the patriots would save the biggest and best for last, because, “the best is yet to come”.


2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球

Maintain situational awareness and be the warrior you came here to be. Be the rock someone you know can stand on in the flood of bad news that is coming.


Speaking of “pool”… Talk soon. Big love from me and little Eli.  ~ BP

说到“泳池”... 回头再聊。我和小伊莱的大爱。 ~ BP

2022年6月2日: 警惕性是爱国者新的最喜爱的消遣方式|星际飞船地球


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