织女星伊沃和阿斯塔 · 谢兰|时间线战争

2022年4月26日18:35:07新人阅读织女星伊沃和阿斯塔 · 谢兰|时间线战争已关闭评论5731字数 9216阅读30分43秒阅读模式

织女星伊沃和阿斯塔 · 谢兰|时间线战争Ivo: You must realize there is a battle going on right now over the timelines between good and evil, Light and dark, and efforts are being made either to allow the dark ones to make the mistakes they are fated to make, or to remove from them the possibility of their taking control – all while respecting the free will of the people on planet earth. This is a monumental task.

伊沃: 你必须意识到现在正在进行一场关于正义与邪恶,光明与黑暗之间的时间线的战斗,并且正在做出努力,要么允许黑暗势力犯他们注定要犯的错误,要么从他们身上消除他们控制的可能性——所有这一切都要尊重地球上人类的自由意志。这是一项艰巨的任务。

We of the GFL do not need Looking Glass Technology – when one is a higher Light entity, you automatically see into timelines and can choose the timeline you wish to experience, because they are all for the learning. However the people of earth via the Alliance, now have that technology as well.

我们 GFL 不需要窥镜技术-当一个人是一个更高的光,你自动看到时间线,并可以选择你希望经历的时间线,因为他们都是为了学习。然而,地球上的人们通过联盟,现在也拥有了这项技术。

When Archangel Michael asks you to send loving white light to particular parts of the planet, or to particular events or to particular people, this is what he is asking you to do – to change or to stabilize the energy within the first timeline, because the occultists are trying to destabilize it so they can overtake it. This war goes on constantly.

当米迦勒要求你发送爱的白光到这个星球的特定地区,或者特定的事件,或者特定的人,这就是他要求你做的-- 改变或者在第一个时间线内稳定能量,因为魔术师正试图破坏它的稳定,这样他们就可以超越它。这场战争持续不断。

Ashtar: There have been strange requests made of you, unusual things said, actions that do not make sense, well this is why. When Mr T told the people of the U.S. to go home on January 6th this is because he could see, by using this technology, what the DS was planning to do and he wanted to ensure that no P had any part in their plans, that you would all be guilt free although some were arrested, because he had created that scenario in the timeline via his words alone. Yes, this is the power of the spoken word, and this is the power that man holds.

阿斯塔: 有人对你提出了奇怪的要求,说了不寻常的事情,做了不合理的事情,这就是为什么。先生告诉美国人民在1月6日回家,这是因为他可以看到,通过使用这项技术,DS 正在计划做什么,他想确保没有 p 在他们的计划中有任何部分,你们都将是无罪的,尽管一些人被逮捕,因为他已经创造了那个场景在时间线上仅仅通过他的话。是的,这就是口语的力量,这就是人类所拥有的力量。

Me: This is really interesting.

我: 这真的很有趣。

Ivo: It is, indeed. It is how we live. We take responsibility for our choices and with this responsibility we are allowed to see what choices we can live out.

伊沃: 的确是。这就是我们的生活方式。我们对自己的选择负责,并且带着这个责任,我们可以看到我们可以做出什么样的选择。

Me: Can the dark ones manipulate the positive timelines?

我: 黑暗势力能够操纵正面的时间线吗?

Ivo: To some extent. They go into the galaxy and create circumstances there with other organic beings or they can manipulate you into doing it for them.


Me: So it’s not just a question of our low vibration keeping us on the artificial timelines but also a question of us… oh I get it.

我: 所以这不仅仅是我们的低振动使我们在人工时间线上的问题,也是我们的问题... 哦,我明白了。

Ashtar: When they can manipulate you into attacking that which is a good effort, such as Mr P liberating the Ukraine, then you are also altering the natural timeline. This is why it is important that people on earth wake up to their manipulation and are no longer able to be deceived – because then you will stop attacking the creation of the natural timeline as it is intended for the benefit of earth and the rest of the galaxy. Your being manipulated often has a two fold effect: it keeps you on the lower vibrational artificial timeline but from there you also attack the natural timelines.

阿斯塔: 当他们可以操纵你去攻击那些好的努力,比如 p 先生解放乌克兰,那么你也在改变自然的时间线。这就是为什么重要的是,地球上的人们醒来意识到他们的操纵,不再能够被欺骗——因为那时你们将停止攻击自然时间线的创造,因为它是为了地球和银河系的其余部分的利益。你的被操纵通常有双重效果: 它使你保持在较低的振动人工时间线上,但是从那里你也攻击自然时间线。

Ivo: In the third dimension, they had you, but when you began to break away and to begin ascension, they began to attack you in order to keep you on the artificial timelines. The artificial timelines are constructed of lies, of lower vibrational energy which they have the technology to manipulate and the use this technology to manipulate your bodies and your minds. Sharon has noted the difference between her third dimensional, lower timeline eating habits and her fifth dimensional higher timeline diet, and because she goes back and forth between timelines to transmute, to stabilize the timelines, her diet pays the price.

伊沃: 在第三维度,他们拥有你们,但是当你们开始脱离并开始提升时,他们开始攻击你们,以便让你们在人造时间线上。人造的时间线是由谎言构成的,是低振动能量,他们有技术去操纵,并使用这种技术来操纵你们的身体和你们的思想。莎伦注意到了她的第三维度、低时间线饮食习惯和第五维度高时间线饮食习惯之间的区别,因为她在时间线之间来回转换,以稳定时间线,她的饮食付出了代价。

Me: I have an ulcer. I have to eat a bland diet. I start my day drinking anti-inflammatory herbal tea’s that calm my stomach.

我: 我有溃疡。我不得不吃清淡的食物。我开始一天的生活,喝消炎的草药茶可以让我的胃平静下来。

Ivo: So you feel the struggle as you go back and forth between the timelines. And you have manifested the consequences of the poor diet you ate for so many years.


Me: Yes. I did. Ulcer, chronic fatigue, low thyroid, bad teeth, bags under my eyes and general crabbiness.

我: 是的。溃疡、慢性疲劳、甲状腺功能低下、牙齿不好、眼袋和全身酸痛。

Ashtar: Some of you may wonder how Sharon is even here today with you, and it is because we have the ability to influence timelines. We put her in places where she is safer, however we have on occasion brought her back to life after she has died, and yes, you have died twice already or rather you have been killed twice already in your lifetime, and you have been reinstated by our turning the timeline back and avoiding the accident. Yes, it was car accidents that you were in. You believe yourself to be a good driver, yes, but other people are not. You have died twice already but here you are, at 60 years old, still with us.

阿斯塔: 你们中的一些人可能想知道莎伦今天是如何和你们在一起的,这是因为我们有能力影响时间线。我们把她安置在她更安全的地方,然而我们有时在她死后把她复活,是的,你已经死了两次,或者说你已经在你的一生中死了两次,你已经通过我们调转时间线和避免事故而复活了。是的,你遇到的是车祸。你相信自己是一个好司机,是的,但其他人不是。你已经死了两次了,但是你在这里,60岁了,还和我们在一起。

Me: I have an account of that on our website. Not mine, but there was a man who messaged me saying he should be dead but he’s still here. He wondered what happened. I’ll link that in for people who are interested. It’s called “Timeline Reversals.” And they can be instantaneous, as was the case with him.

我: 我在我们的网站上有这方面的报道。不是我的,但是有个男人给我发信息说他应该死了,但是他还在这里。他不知道发生了什么事。我会把这个链接到那些感兴趣的人。这叫做”时间线倒转”他们可以是瞬间的,就像他一样。

Do you go into the future or come back from the future in order to change our circumstances here? And does it means sometimes someone has to die? Do they do this? Can you give us examples?


Ashtar: Of course. We do do this. And people have died. I told you about the situation with the Spanish Flu which was a far greater outbreak than what you know it to have been. We turned the timelines around and allowed only enough people to die that desired to leave at the time. Those souls who did not wish to die were allowed to live on.

阿斯塔: 当然。我们确实这么做了。有人死了。我告诉过你关于西班牙流感的情况,那是一个比你所知道的更大的爆发。我们调整了时间表,只允许足够多的人在那个时候死去,并且希望离开。那些不想死的灵魂被允许继续活下去。

You just thought about the plane crash MH-370. It was flying around the Indian Ocean, off track, and then suddenly disappeared.

你只是想到了 mh-370的坠机事件。它在印度洋上空飞行,偏离了航线,然后突然消失了。

Me: I heard it went to a base nearby.

我: 我听说它去了附近的一个基地。

Ashtar: We took it out of the timeline. Yes, people did die.

阿斯塔: 我们把它从时间线上拿走了。是的,有人死了。

Me: There was someone important on it that had to be protected?

我: 上面有什么重要人物需要保护吗?

Ashtar: There was. We needed them to side with us. An IBM executive was aboard the plane, having just accepted a new position with Malaysia which would coincide with Chinese development in technology.

阿斯塔: 有。我们需要他们站在我们这边。一位 IBM 高管也在飞机上,他刚刚接受了与马来西亚的一个新职位,这个职位将与中国的技术发展相吻合。

Also on the plane were 20 staff members from a US technology company which makes powerful microchips for industries, including defense.


We had to remove these people from the timeline as their contribution to semi-conductor technology would have sped up the microchip implanting initiative several fold. They are safe and now working with us.


Me: I’ll bet they were shocked!

我: 我打赌他们一定很震惊!

Ivo: Nobody on earth right now should be shocked to know they are that important to earth’s future. Nobody.


Me: Interesting. So that’s why that plane had to go down.

我: 有意思。这就是为什么那架飞机必须坠毁的原因。

Ashtar: It didn’t go down. It was removed. There were parts found which were planted to give the relatives some closure as you call it.

阿斯塔: 它没有倒下。它被移走了。发现了一些零件,这些零件是为了给亲属们一些你们所说的结束。

Me: The people are still alive. Twenty one of them. Okay. Is it possible to put them back in the timeline?

我: 人们还活着。21个。好吧。有没有可能把他们放回时间线?

Ivo: With the knowledge they have, not at this time. The agenda must be squashed first before they can be returned to the planet. There is still too much threat.

伊沃: 以他们的知识,不是现在。议程必须首先被压制,然后才能送回地球。威胁仍然太大。

Me: So MH 370 was a white hat operation?

我: 这么说 MH 370是白帽子公司?

Ashtar: It was. We can easily steer your aircraft technology as well.

阿斯塔: 是的。我们也可以很容易地掌控你们的飞机技术。

Me: Can we assume that things like this are being done all the time?

我: 我们可以假设这样的事情一直都在发生吗?

Ashtar: It would be possible to say this. We remove people, we insert people. We provide them with histories so that they fit in easily. They have the correct memories which we implant. We have many technologies to manipulate the timelines.

阿斯塔: 可以这么说。我们移除人员,我们插入人员。我们为他们提供历史,使他们容易适应。他们有我们植入的正确的记忆。我们有很多技术来操纵时间线。

At times people need not even be inserted, we can create holographic events and holographic memories of people.


Me: I’m reminded of the Mandela Effect they keep talking about.

我: 我想起了他们一直在谈论的曼德拉效应

Ashtar: We do this too. If the dark ones insert a bad player, we can insert many Light players to work on the experience this dark player creates. We can erase the dark player from the timeline. You have no idea what would have been done to you had we not done so.

阿斯塔: 我们也这样做。如果黑暗势力插入了一个不好的玩家,我们可以插入许多光之玩家来创造这个黑暗势力玩家创造的体验。我们可以把黑暗玩家从时间线上抹去。你不知道如果我们不这样做,你会怎么样。

Me: Oh I have an idea. These people are sociopathic killers that want us dead. That kind of gives me an idea.

我: 哦,我有个主意。这些人是想要我们死的反社会杀手。这让我有了一个想法。

Ashtar: Very well then. We’ll leave at this for now. Now you have a better idea of how we work, and why things are being left as they are at times. It’s for the reveal, nothing more. You must go through an ascension process and this is a process of understanding your environment and learning to control it through self mastery. Nothing less.

阿斯塔: 那好吧。我们暂时就这样离开。现在你对我们的工作方式有了更好的了解,以及为什么事情有时会保持现状。只是为了揭秘,仅此而已。你们必须经历一个提升过程,这是一个理解你们周围环境并通过自我掌握学会控制它的过程。没有比这更糟的了。

Me: Thank you Ivo and Ashtar.

我: 谢谢你,伊沃和阿斯塔。

Ivo: We will speak again soon, my love.


Ashtar: Adonai.

阿斯塔: Adonai。

**Channel: Sharon Stewart

* * 频道: Sharon Stewart



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