This post opens with a brilliant piece of writing from BP at Starship Earth. I just want to say: Ditto. I, too, have been closely researching and writing about the global situation for ten years. And I agree with every word in this excerpt.
Since when do we just pick a date and decide a war needs to end according to the calendar? This is the biggest, baddest war in Human history and people are acting like they're tired of watching a serial documentary and want to get to the climax that ends the season's viewing.
I've been watching these crimes for well over ten years and after extensive research into the White Hats, the Plan, the Q Military Intelligence, Sig-Int, the comms, the Anons, our severed spirituality, fake reality, our friends upstairs, the ruthless nature of the predators and the whole ball of wax, I am STILL in favour of sitting tight and allowing the brilliant minds who crafted this Plan designed to end the evil in this realm and beyond, forever, to bring it to fruition. The frustration factor is off the charts and STILL I am satisfied that we are doing what we are intended to do; that we are playing the roles we signed up to play. (BP at Starship Earth)
Andrew Torba, Gab CEO, is right - the authorities do not have enough staff to enforce business jab mandates. It's the same in New Zealand. Small business owners are complying with the jab mandates for their employees. I asked a local small business owner who is the authority above her forcing this measure on her business. Her reply - 'the government'. Media indoctrination.
Gab 首席执行官安德鲁•托尔巴(Andrew Torba)是对的——当局没有足够的人手来执行商业注射命令。在新西兰也是一样。小企业主们正在遵守员工注射疫苗的规定。我问了一个当地的小企业主,他是她的上级,强迫这项措施在她的企业。她的回答是“政府”。媒体的灌输。
Finally, a message from Pepe Lives Matter.最后,来自 Pepe Lives Matter.的消息
Faith was the key ingredient for keeping one's sanity in 2021 during our dark winter precipice moment.
With the rise of Durham: We now have much more tangible victories to hold onto and it's easier to believe that justice will come. It's been an honor to hold the line with all of you.
We've experienced sorrow together and soon I believe we will all be elated to get to the best parts of this journey. WWG1WGA
I agree. Durham spent four years working behind the scenes with his large team on over 200,000 indictments. Now he is publicly on the warpath. It's going to be BIBLICAL. Stock up on popcorn, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.