
2021年10月30日17:30:14新人阅读织女星的伊沃|健康的血压已关闭评论526字数 21172阅读70分34秒阅读模式

织女星的伊沃|健康的血压This is what seniors brag about! After getting two prescriptions from the doctor around 2013 for high blood pressure, after taking myself off of them, using COQ10 for a while, and most of the time forgetting to take that too…..

这就是老年人吹嘘的东西!2013年左右,我从医生那里拿到了两张治疗高血压的处方,在停止服用这些处方药后,使用了一段时间 COQ10,大部分时间也忘记了服用这些药物... ..。

My blood pressure is now 121/80. It’s perfect!


That would indicate, I think, that there is less constriction in my pipes due to plaque, and that my blood is flowing perfectly.


One way to achieve this at my age – 61 – IS TO STOP STRESSING OVER EVERY BIT OF NONSENSE, AND TO RELEASE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE WHO THREATEN YOUR PEACE OF MIND. And that’s in caps! When you get stressed, find a workable solution and enact it. You can’t change others but you can change the way you react to them, or if not, lessen the time you spend with people who wind you up.


Lose the stress, and lose those who threaten to increase it. It works wonders!


Forget what the doctor tells you! This is your prescription to longevity and a peaceful happy life!

忘记医生告诉你的吧! 这是你长寿和幸福生活的处方!

Ivo: You must learn to discern what is a real problem and what is one that is of your own creation.


Me: I think many people see inconveniences as problems. Perhaps developing a new way of categorizing problems might help people. Like for example, there are problems, there are inconveniences but not terrible problems, there are problems that are urgent, there are problems that are long past due being dealt with, there are things that are not a big deal. I find the more constricted our language becomes, and I’ve noticed too a constriction on the use of adjectives, which are words that modify nouns, and adverbs which modify verbs.

我: 我认为很多人把不便看作是问题。也许开发一种新的问题分类方法可以帮助人们。例如,有问题,有不便但没有可怕的问题,有紧急的问题,有早就应该解决的问题,有不是什么大问题。我发现我们的语言越是受到限制,我也注意到形容词的使用也受到限制,形容词是修饰名词的词,副词是修饰动词的词。

What sounds worse to you?


He has a slight problem. There’s a bit of trouble today, or
He has a big honking dilemma on his hands right now.


Be able to discern which need immediate attention and which can be dealt with later, although realize that if you ignore a little issue long enough it might turn into a great big honking problem, or it might just go away.


By categorizing accurately, it helps you to achieve some semblance of peace in your life. And then there’s being with people who reflect this sane way of seeing things. If, for example, you hang around with drama queens, you’re in for a lot of stress that can ultimately make you very sick.


The people I hang out with now DO NOT cause me any stress, with the exception of my neighbour and I’m working to resolve that problem. I got pre-approved for a mortgage, a very small one, but I got something.


I have disabilities in the name of chronic fatigue and/or fibro, and so I have learned to use automation to simplify my life, and make my self care easier: I got a car and a dishwasher.


I realized I am very dependent on the sun so I have a big three pane window in the room I spend most of my time in.


I have noise, smell and light sensitivities, so I live in a place with only one adjacent apartment. The guy smokes unfortunately but I keep my window open. There is no apartment above mine so no upstairs noise.


I do my housework in ten minute increments and because it’s just me, I keep the place picked up and tidy – the way I like it. That way I’m not stressing over a dirty house. Occasionally I get outside help to help with jobs that are more strenuous or require more manpower.


I organize to keep similar things together and to help me find whatever it is I’m looking for. Everything has its place. So I know when I want my keys, they’re not on top of the cabinet or a table top – they’re ALWAYS in my purse. That helps when brain fog strikes.


I constantly look at dietary improvements to get rid of things like body pain and brain fog. I’m currently on a “clean” diet where chemicals and Omega sixes are kept to a minimum. Some of you asked us about dietary improvements to help with your immune disorders and I would recommend this: improve your diet, take out the wrong oils and include anti-inflammatory oils, take out sugars and increase stevia/monkfruit, and eat clean and organic as well as low carb. There are many video’s on this on youtube and also how to shop for these foods. I also eat a low animal protein form of the keto diet and you do lose weight on it. Losing weight releases old stored chemicals and toxins into your bloodstream for eventual release, so you may not see progress in the early stages of eating clean.

我经常关注饮食方面的改善,以摆脱身体疼痛和大脑迷雾等问题。我目前正在“干净”的饮食,其中化学品和欧米茄六被保持在最低限度。你们中的一些人向我们询问饮食方面的改善,以帮助你的免疫系统紊乱,我建议: 改善你的饮食,去掉错误的油,包括抗炎油,去掉糖,增加甜叶菊/芒果,吃干净的、有机的和低碳水化合物的食物。在 youtube 上有很多这样的视频,还有如何购买这些食物。我也吃一种低动物蛋白的酮类饮食,而且你确实用它减肥了。减肥会将储存的旧化学物质和毒素释放到你的血液中,最终释放出来,所以你可能看不到在吃干净食物的早期阶段取得的进展。

I’m following Lorna van der Haeghe’s allergy protocols to help reduce my allergies and increase the strength of my immune system. Also looking at leaky gut solutions because when bits of food pass through the intestinal wall, the immune system will attack them because they’re not supposed to be in your blood, of course and this will cause food allergies. I’m a celiac with casein intolerance.

我正在遵循 Lorna van der Haeghe 的过敏治疗方案,以帮助减少我的过敏症,增强我的免疫系统。同时也要注意肠漏的问题,因为当食物碎片通过肠壁时,免疫系统会攻击它们,因为它们不应该存在于你的血液中,当然,这会导致食物过敏。我有乳糜泻和酪蛋白不耐症。

The other things I’m looking at reducing is foods or activities that cause excitatory reactions – that stress the adrenals. So any foods that create an adrenal response and kick in the fight, flight, freeze or flee response. Yeah, I commented the other day there’s a fifth part to this adrenal reaction when a human being is excited – film. There’s always someone around with a cell phone to film ongoing chaos and post it to youtube later on. So fight, flight, freeze, flee or film. Ha ha.

其他的事情,我正在寻找减少是食物或活动,造成兴奋性反应-压力肾上腺。因此,任何能够产生肾上腺反应的食物,都会产生战斗、逃跑、冻结或逃跑的反应。是的,前几天我评论说,当一个人兴奋时,肾上腺反应有第五部分。总会有人拿着手机拍摄正在发生的混乱,然后上传到 youtube 上。因此,战斗,逃跑,冻结,逃跑或电影。哈哈。

Ivo: There are many objectives in place to drain your systems of energy on planet earth. And that is the goal – to keep you in a disempowered state, and tiredness would be part of this state. Mind control is set to do this, in order that you continue to excrete adrenalin and remain in a fear-based state. A fear-based human is a disempowered human. The most powerful state of a human is one of calm. That is not where the powers running your planet desire you to be, they prefer you to be overstressed, fearful, running around in a chaotic state, and able to be controlled. The reason so many people on your planet have no control of their lives is because they will not relax long enough to develop it. Sharon is doing this now and you see the results she is achieving. You are more easily controlled by others when you are not in control of yourself, and as we have said for years, this is what is being perpetrated upon you now by your leaders and unseen forces.

伊沃: 在地球上有许多目标在适当的地方耗尽你们的能量系统。这就是我们的目标——让你处于一种被剥夺权力的状态,而疲劳将是这种状态的一部分。为了让你继续分泌肾上腺素并保持在一种恐惧状态,心灵控制就是这样做的。一个以恐惧为基础的人是一个没有权力的人。人类最强大的状态是平静。这并不是你们星球上的力量想要你们成为的样子---- 他们宁愿你们压力过大,害怕,在混乱的状态下到处乱跑,并且能够被控制。你们星球上那么多人无法控制他们的生活,是因为他们不会放松足够长的时间来发展它。莎伦现在正在做这件事,你可以看到她正在取得的成果。当你们不能控制自己的时候,你们更容易被他人控制,正如我们多年来所说的,这就是你们的领导者和看不见的力量正在对你们犯下的罪行。

Me: Yes, better health. And hallelujah for that!

我: 是的,更健康。感谢上帝!

Ivo: Which is another point, as well. Your television, video gaming and youtube are all stressful activities. You are sitting in front of a screen and your body is undergoing a flight or flight response while you are sitting in a stationary position! You have no way of running off the adrenalin and re-setting your system to a normal calm.

伊沃: 这也是另一个问题。你的电视、视频游戏和 youtube 都是令人紧张的活动。你坐在屏幕前,你的身体正在经历一个飞行反应,而你是坐在一个静止的位置!你没有办法把肾上腺素释放出来,重新调整你的身体系统到正常的平静状态。

If you were actually being chased by the supposed saber toothed tiger of your past, you would experience the burst of adrenalin and begin to take appropriate action until the situation is resolved: so you would fight, flee or freeze to escape being eaten by this mammoth and then return to a normal bodily state. However, when you are sitting on your couch watching video’s or tv shows, or gaming games of killing others you are training your brain to expect a daily diet of high adrenalin activity. You are changing your normal bodily and brain state. And your medical knows this already because it acknowledges post traumatic stress disorder, which is the result of a prolonged adrenalized state that becomes the new normal. The fact that you are not running away from anything, but in fact enjoying this adrenalized response while inactively sitting down, is creating a dependency on that state of being as being normal for you and not burning off the adrenalin. In fact it is not. As we said, the normal for a human is to be calm and peaceful. That is the human at its strongest.

如果你真的被过去那只剑齿虎追赶,你会感受到肾上腺素的爆发,并开始采取适当的行动,直到情况得到解决: 所以你会战斗,逃跑或冻结,以逃避被这只猛犸吃掉,然后恢复正常的身体状态。然而,当你坐在沙发上看电视或者电视节目,或者玩杀人游戏时,你正在训练你的大脑去期待每天的高肾上腺素活动。你正在改变你正常的身体和大脑状态。你的医生已经知道了这一点,因为他们知道急性压力障碍是由于长时间的肾上腺素分泌过多导致的,而这种过多的肾上腺素分泌过多导致了新的正常状态。事实上,你并没有逃避任何事情,而是在无动于衷的坐着时享受这种刺激的反应,正在创造一种对你来说正常的状态的依赖,而不是燃烧肾上腺素。事实并非如此。正如我们所说,一个人的正常状态是平静与和平。这是人类最强大的一面。

The human that is in a continually adrenalized state of excitement is not only disempowered, but addicted to their own adrenalin. When you constantly subject yourself to this level of excitement, then anything else by comparison will seem boring. You will become addicted to your own adrenalin, and life will not seem worth living so you will become depressed when you are not in an adrenalized state of excitement.


It is no surprise, then that many of you are what you call “drama queens” who create problems and excitement for the sake of feeling alive.


That is what has been done to you and now it is, yes, for many lightworkers it has become a problem, but it is your life’s work, as it is Sharon’s to undo this problem. Seeking peace, tranquility and a calm mind is the first step, and in so doing, you will move closer to connection with your higher self.


This is what they are attempting to prevent: the ascension of the human being – the connection of the human being with their higher self.

这就是他们试图阻止的: 人类的提升——人类与他们的更高自我的连接。

Me: Yes, through “Warrior World,” software programs where human blood is splatted all over walls as the so-called hero shoots every human they see moving in front of them on the screen. And then you begin to associate a highly adrenalized state with human death and killing. This could get really twisted and contorted in the wrong minds!

我: 是的,通过“勇士世界”软件程序,当所谓的英雄在屏幕上看到每一个在他们面前移动的人时,人类的血液溅得满墙都是。然后你开始把高度兴奋的状态与人类的死亡和杀戮联系起来。这可能真的扭曲和扭曲在错误的思想!

Ivo: And indeed it has! You have no idea of the damage you are doing to yourselves emotionally, mentally and physically, never mind spiritually. However, those who provide the means for you to utilize these things do understand. This you must not forget, my love. It is all by design. Nothing in your lives now is there by accident. Your lives are deliberately crafted by those who understand you better than you do yourselves! The best way to understand what their long term plans are for your society is to see what they are enticing your children with. Then extrapolate the long term effects of these implements upon the human psyche and you will see the future of humanity, if left in their hands.

伊沃: 的确如此!你们不知道你们在情感上、精神上和身体上对自己造成的伤害,更不用说精神上的伤害了。然而,那些为你们提供利用这些东西的方法的人是明白的。你一定不能忘记,我的爱人。这都是设计好的。你们现在的生活中没有什么是偶然发生的。你们的生活是由那些比你们自己更了解你们的人精心打造的!了解他们对你的社会的长期计划的最好方式就是看看他们用什么来吸引你的孩子。然后推断这些工具对人类心灵的长期影响,你将看到人类的未来,如果留在他们的手中。

Interestingly, you believe yourselves to be infallible, yet you are extremely vulnerable. It is amazing that so many have lived to the age that they have.


We in the galaxy do indeed use computers, but we do not use them to kill each other, even if in our imagination. That would be extremely revolting to us. We realize that everyone else is our family because we have had so many lifetimes in our own constellations and abroad, we have collectively parented many children and they in turn our grandchildren, so we understand we are all related. The Vegans and Lyrans especially understand that we are the fathers and mothers of the human race and that all who came after us are our children. Far be it for any of us to want to kill another family member. To kill another is to kill one’s self. Yet you on earth do it in your ignorance and call it a game.


Me: I don’t!

我: 我没有!

Ivo: I realize this, my love, but your neighbours’ 9 and 10 year olds do it daily.


Me: I know. They don’t realize what they’re doing.

我: 我知道。他们不知道自己在做什么。

Ivo: And that is my point, my love. I am telling you what you are doing because at some point, someone must take responsibility. As it happens many of you only take responsibility when you suffer ill consequences for your naivete and then you begin searching for answers to your ailments. Well, we are proposing this regime of peace and tranquility and abstinence from any adrenal spiking and intoxicating foods or substance. A healthy lifestyle must be embraced from the outset, not upon realizing that one is ill.


Me: Yeah, but they told us that to get your teeth filled with mercury would be good for you.

我: 是的,但是他们告诉我们用水银填补牙齿对你有好处。

Ivo: Yes, you have all been misled. I am here to re-direct you, if you will only listen to me.

伊沃: 是的,你们都被误导了。如果你们愿意听我说,我在这里是为了重新引导你们。

I must admit that the naive innocence of the minds that accept these implements into their lives without prior examination of the consequences astounds us! You are like children, who innocently accept anything as good that is given to you, not understanding that those who do do not have your good in mind but rather their own. You all do it. All of you. And all they must do is sell it to you as “progress”.


But there are those, such as Sharon, who are reversing such conditions and reporting on their findings. You believe that food is the means to achieving a peaceful state of calmness, well that is only part of the process. The other part is as you said: eliminate those from your life, eliminate activities from your life, that raise your adrenalin without allowing you to burn it off as it is excreted. This is the normal state of the adrenalin cycle, it is not intended to remain coursing through your veins for hours on end.

但也有一些人,比如莎伦,他们正在扭转这种情况,并报告他们的发现。你相信食物是达到平静状态的手段,那只是过程的一部分。另一部分就像你说的: 把那些从你的生活中消除,从你的生活中消除那些会提高你的肾上腺素的活动,而不是让你在它被排出的时候把它烧掉。这是肾上腺素周期的正常状态,它不会连续几个小时在你的血管中流动。

Me: Makes sense, Ivo.

我: 有道理,伊沃。

Ivo: Indeed, it does.

伊沃: 的确如此。

Many of you are in a highly adrenalized state of anxiousness or stress throughout your day, beginning with, yes, of course, your cup of coffee.


Me: Yes, the best part of waking up is Folger’s in your cup.

我: 是的,起床最好的部分就是你杯子里的福尔杰咖啡。

Ivo: Waking up has to do with sunlight, as we said, not with coffee.



我: 哈哈

Ivo: If you would put as much attention on activities that are calming for you as you do for activities that are inflammatory and excitatory, you would be far better off and able to disconnect from your own adrenalin. Becoming aware of when you are in an adrenalized state of body and mind is important, then learning how to change that is also important. Learning how to avoid it is even more important. And yes, Sharon has done a lot of work in this regard. Again, she has picked her sources for information about the Storm and she has cleverly picked sources that do not excite her or cause an adrenalized rush within her. She avoids dramatic presentations with loudness, bold colours and inflammatory statements of accusation.


Me: Witch hunts.

我: 政治迫害。

Ivo: She also limits how much of it she exposes herself to every day, setting limits in this regard as well. Instead she searches for those who present facts in a way you might discuss the subject over a meal or coffee.

伊沃: 她也限制了自己每天暴露在外的时间,在这方面也设置了限制。相反,她会搜索那些你可能会在吃饭或喝咖啡时讨论这个话题的人。

Me: In other words, normal. Yes, and people keep trying to send me stuff about the Storm. I appreciate your thinking of me, but I choose my sources carefully for the reasons Ivo just stated : so that I’m not dealing with an adrenalized state of fear upon watching their video or program. I happen to know that states of anxiety are often followed by states of depression, and thank you but those are two states I’d rather leave out of my personal constitution.

我: 换句话说,正常。是的,而且人们一直试图给我发关于风暴的东西。我很欣赏你对我的看法,但是我谨慎地选择我的资料来源是出于伊沃刚才所说的原因: 这样我就不会在观看他们的视频或节目时处于一种兴奋的恐惧状态。我碰巧知道紧跟着焦虑状态的往往是抑郁状态,谢谢你,但是这两个状态我宁愿从我的个人体质中剔除。

I think people wonder why I set the boundaries I do, and specify this and specify that – this is why I’m so picky! So my health can improve. I don’t like feeling like shit! I also know that when you over-expose yourself to stimuli, you burn out. I’m already in that state and I’d like to recover. The other thing I know is when you keep overstimulating your adrenals, they’re not going to recharge and you remain in a burnt out state of blahness or oversleeping sometimes for days on end. Does that sound like a life you’d want to live? Well, I don’t either.


Ivo: Yes. And of course, many of you then, in your excited bodily states, reach for a substance to either bring you up or bring you down.


Me: Uppers and downers, yes.

我: 兴奋剂和镇静剂,是的。

Ivo: And you understand which foods do that for you, as well, my love.

伊沃: 亲爱的,你也知道哪种食物对你有好处。

Me: Anger foods are like chips, they’re crunchy. When I’m angry, which really doesn’t happen so much anymore, I crunch on chips (yeah, that doesn’t happen much anymore either!) and when I feel understimulated I eat sugar because I know that it’ll bring me back to a more highly adrenalized state.

我: 愤怒食物就像薯片,它们很脆。当我生气的时候,这种情况已经不常发生了,我会吃薯片(是的,这种情况也不常发生了!)当我感到刺激不足时,我就吃糖,因为我知道它会使我回到一个更高度肾上腺化的状态。

Ivo: Yes. You have no idea how you really are because of your heavily modified mind control, many of you are or were in this state. You do not know how you feel naturally because your body is highly adrenalized. Now this must be undone.

伊沃:是的。你不知道你到底是怎么样的,因为你的大量修改精神控制---- 你们中的许多人现在或者曾经处于这种状态。你不知道你自然的感觉如何,因为你的身体是高度肾上腺化的。现在,这一切必须被解除。

Me: Hmm. This is interesting.

我: 嗯,这很有趣。

Ivo: Yes, there are many interesting things on planet earth at the moment.


It is in fact, also incorrect to expect that once you are aged, that your body will deteriorate, especially at the rate of the human being on earth. This is an incorrect assumption.


Sharon has been learning how to return to health in her later years because the one stressor she could not contend with – the work environment – was taken away from her. She has been relieved of the need to go to work, and with it, the stress that it caused for her.


She still has difficulties with anxiety from time to time, and still reacts to certain people, such as the codependently entitled, and is now seeking new answers to this problem.


Me: I love people who come out of nowhere, complete strangers, to tell me they approve of my life’s choices. My mother used to do that and even that incensed me. I’m not telling you to ask for your approval, I’m telling you so you might consider making the same changes for yourself.

我: 我喜欢那些不知从哪里冒出来的陌生人,告诉我他们赞同我的生活选择。我母亲过去常常这样做,甚至这也激怒了我。我不是让你去征求你的同意,我只是告诉你,这样你就可以考虑为自己做同样的改变。

Ivo: Correct.


Me: The other thing I try not to do is work to deadlines, because I realize that with an impending deadline looming, I will become anxious. So I try not to work to deadline.

我: 另一件我尽量不去做的事情是按时完成工作,因为我意识到随着最后期限的临近,我会变得焦虑。所以我尽量不在截止日期前完成工作。

You have to know your strengths and your weaknesses. I have done a lot to alleviate my anxiety – one way is to have control over my immediate environment. The only thing I don’t have control of over here is the fact I don’t feel safe living in this neighbourhood, but like I say, I am working to change that.


The other thing I do is I get help where I need to. Like the car, which still hasn’t had anything major go wrong with it in its first four and half years. I think it’s got the guys at the dealership completely perplexed, but my car is a star!


I see what you’re talking about here, Ivo, and I see that that’s part of what we lightworkers need to do to help humanity on earth now. We need to teach people how to be calm again, and to prefer that state of being, rather than living in a revved-up stressed out state of perpetual anxiety. Because we know anxiety is about adrenalin, and adrenalin is about adrenachrome.


All of this stuff is linked. All of it. Adrenalin is the physical substance, so there is an energy at unseen levels that’s like an elixir to those unseen entities. It all fits.


Ivo: Yes, they live from your reaction to stress. It does have compounds or elements within it that they can utilize in order to survive. And of course, they stoke your anxiety more and more every chance they get. Sometimes attachments survive with you for a lifetime feeding from your adrenalized state.


Me: Yes, Peter Maxwell Slattery was talking about Multi-Dimensional mastery and I can see this as part of it. We live in a multi-dimensional world with unseen influences that we have to learn to master regardless of whether we see them or not.

我: 是的,彼得 · 麦克斯韦 · 斯莱特里谈到了多维度掌握,我可以把这看作是其中的一部分。我们生活在一个多维度的世界里,无论我们是否看到它们,我们都必须学会掌握它们。

Ivo: Correct. You must learn to take your bodies and your minds out of the highly adrenalized states that they are in, and learn to heal yourselves and to stop feeding the beast!


Me: Thank you, Ivo.

我: 谢谢你,伊沃。

Ivo: My love, you are doing a service for those who are suffering.


Me: I’m happy to share my findings.

我: 我很乐意分享我的发现。

**Channel: Sharon Stewart

* * 频道: Sharon Stewart



  • 本文由 发表于 2021年10月30日17:30:14
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