
2021年8月24日13:31:19新人阅读更高的人体层次和阴谋集团的入侵|theunveiling33已关闭评论9032字数 8194阅读27分18秒阅读模式

August 22,2021


The human body has many higher aspects which are still unknown to the majority and consciously covered up by the scientific establishment(regarded as not provable).This article is meant as a further clarification of how humanity is abused by the cabal.



Humanity is largely unaware of all those higher body aspects exactly because the cabal wants so.Basically if science would really find out something the cabal does not want,‚their'scientists get active in removing the topic and credibility as fast as possible.


We all heard of humans selling their soul in various(partly religious)outlets.However what people do not know is that the cabal wants it all-it does not stop with or is limited to the soul-layer of the body.Everything of the higher body aspects they hid from humanity,they want to control.That is why the cabal only officially told humanity of their physical body itself.And even mainstream religions like christianity limit the knowledge to something like body,spirit and soul.


Bad news is that the cabal already control most humans higher body functions to a degree,taking enormous skills from those betrayed humans and using them against the Lightforces and against liberation of Earth in general.


With this amount of humans whose higher body functions are being controlled by the cabal,the cabal leads a massive army of'their'humans to wage war against the Lightforces and life itself on Earth.That is one of the reasons why the Event(https://2012portal.blogspot.com/)has not happened yet and especially why we do not really see physical progress of the liberation yet.The cabal uses all those manifestation and other high skills of the majority of humans against the progress of the Lightforces and the Galactic Confederation.This is similar to the problem I mentioned in the related previous article on how the low ensoulment of most humans is-which is proportional to how much most humans have lost of their true divine self and skillset.


For those few humans who woke up and claimed part of their higher body functions back,Earth is rather a fake planet than anything else.Those who opened their third eye realize fast that there are suddenly alot of beings against them,insulting them and trying to make their third eye shut as fast as possible again.Those who woke up are insulted as bastards(not validly being given these higher body functions by the cabal-Zetas,Archons and Dracos)and as jews among other insults-as the cabal wants to establish the jew holocaust traumata of being in a concentration camp to those few who woke up.The cabal set up a system on Earth that is designed to become a torture-chamber for those who woke up,as they must be clearly of the Light-usual humans cannot wake up anymore without outside help,help which is given in this time by the Lightforces and the Goddess herself(again,read Cobra for more info on liberation of Earth and the Goddess).So either the cabal activate higher body functions(only for their traitor-humans)or the Lightforces do.If the latter happens,the cabal will try to turn the whole world against you,trying to treat you like a jew in the holocaust,one of their hardest and more recent torture scenarios.They hate people of the Light even more than humanity itself and will try to take everything good out of your life while establishing those traumata.

对于那些少数醒来并声称他们的高等身体机能部分恢复的人来说,地球是一个虚假的星球,而不是其他任何东西。那些睁开第三只眼睛的人很快意识到,突然有很多生物反对他们,侮辱他们,并试图让他们的第三只眼尽快再次闭上。那些醒来的人被侮辱为私生子(没有正当理由被给予这些更高的身体机能的阴谋集团-齐塔人,执政官和德拉科)和犹太人,在其他的侮辱-因为阴谋集团想要建立犹太人大屠杀的创伤,在集中营的少数人醒来。阴谋集团在地球上建立了一个系统,旨在成为那些醒来的人的折磨室,因为他们必须清楚自己是光——没有外界的帮助,普通人类不能再醒来,这是在这个时候由光之力量和女神本人给予的帮助(再次阅读 Cobra 获得更多关于解放地球和女神的信息)。因此,要么阴谋集团激活更高级的身体功能(只对他们的叛徒——人类),要么光之力量激活。如果后者发生了,阴谋集团会试图让全世界都反对你,试图像对待犹太人一样对待你,这是他们最近最难的折磨场景之一。他们恨光明之人甚于恨人类本身,他们会试图从你的生活中夺走一切美好的东西,同时建立那些创伤。

So those who woke up will suddenly see that most humans are rather acting out for the cabal to boycott and sabotage their life as a large percentage of their higher self IS actually controlled by the cabal.It is then some of those waking up think they would be in a matrix as the normal humans around them suddenly seem like programs.And they are programmatic to a degree,as their own control is very limited and in such cases the cabal takes over many humans to make the life of the lightworkers and Starseeds living hell.



It is similar to agent Smith from the matrix turning up everywhere around those who woke up,though it is rather the interdimensional ETs,top archons and dracos(see the hierarchy on the left)which are suddenly trying to get into the Lightworkers private field through those humans and their body layers which the cabal are able to control.


After vaccination,the loss of higher body functions of the average human just intensified-though the vaccination really protects you from the virus to a degree,the plan of the cabal was sinister and partly worked out as well.


Good news is the Lightforces can take over the higher body functions of those humans around you if necessary,too(although this still costs them alot of strength).So if things get tough,you usually will get support.But you might notice people in the distance,those you are not close to,saying or doing strange things or getting insulting as told above.That is the higher body parts of those humans being used against you.While ascending you will inevitably learn to communicate with souls and spirits and,as seen in the illustration above,spirit and soul are part of the human body.So it is not really those humans insulting you but the cabal using their spirit,etheric,soul and other parts to do this.The reason this usually only happens in the distance is because the"bubbles of heaven"(again,read the Portal for background info)are more energy efficient that way and are only kept completely sane/stable in your close surrounding or if it is of higher importance.As a lightworker or Starseed you will sooner or later notice that those alien overlords are after you and that they usually are kept away in a certain distance around you,but steadily trying to invade.Exactly that is the biggest help from the Lightforces for your personal ascension,it is like private providence described back then in the ancient scriptures but even better as it is the final liberation taking place right now and big,big species came to clean those parasitic aliens from the Earth.


Needless to say,realizing that most humans around you are empty shells and were used by those top-cabal in their favor all the time is not easy.As said,then it gets clear that the whole system on Earth is a fake set up in favor of the cabal-it looks like it is fair and works democratic,while it is actually the cabal deciding almost 100%about the things that would really change something for humanity.As well as it is not easy to cope with the enormous cruelty and evil they emit through those humans towards you-then again,the more you can cope with it,the more energy is left for those poor lifeforms who have to get through the cabal-hell as well besides yourself.Everything you can burden on yourself,staying stable despite heavy attacks,is what makes the difference for those who cannot take that much yet-making ascension possible and easier for many poor souls who are still unknowingly trapped by those monsters.So staying strong actually has a big social ascension aspect here and getting stronger to stand and face those monsters has that positive side-effect as well.


Victory of the Light.




  • 本文由 发表于 2021年8月24日13:31:19
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