
2021年8月12日13:55:11新人阅读2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球已关闭评论5591字数 23606阅读78分41秒阅读模式


Starship Earth:The Big Picture 星际飞船地球:大局

August 11,2021 2021811


Big day today.It's Day 2 of Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium and the Emergency Alert System was scheduled to do a test at 2:20 pm to 2:50 pm EDT.


 2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球 :FEMA,in coordination with the FCC,will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System(EAS)and Wireless Emergency Alerts(WEA)today at 2:20 pm ET.


I did not get an alert on my phone,and others said the same.


MistyG  2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球 ,[11.08.21 11:21]
Where's the EAS??


This poll shows 70%of respondents did not get the EBS/EAS.Link to Telegram

这项调查显示,70%的受访者没有获得 EBS/EAS

The Real Kim Shady™️,[11.08.21 11:27]
[Poll:I did not receive the EBS.
I did receive an IOS update notification
Let's take a poll]
–Yes,I received the EBS
–No,Did not receive the EBS
–Yes,EBS&IOS Update Notification
–No,No EBS,Yes IOS Noticfication

真正的金·沙迪姆[11.08.2111:27][民意调查:我没有收到 EBS。我确实收到了一个 IOS 更新通知让我们来做个调查]-是的,我收到了 EBS-没有,没有收到 EBS-是的,EBS&IOS 更新通知-没有,没有 EBS,是 IOS 通知

They began breaking it down by device.82%of those with Androids like mine who responded to the poll did not get the EAS.Others did tests by state and county.DC didn't get a lot of alerts.

他们开始用设备分解它。82%的像我这样拥有机器人的用户对调查结果表示反对,但没有得到 EAS。其他人则按州和县进行测试。华盛顿没有收到很多警报。

I think FEMA failed the test,lol.So much for counting on Homeland Security to protect us.


Queen Romana says the following, and this makes more sense to me:


Canada 2.0,
You've had your EAS/EBS testing done months ago…It was done by Province/Territory.

加拿大2.0,你已经在几个月前完成了 EAS/EBS 测试...它是由省/地区完成的。

Global EBS,will take place when you least expect it. 2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球

全球性的 EBS,将会在你最意想不到的时候发生。

And then WhipLash347 posted the following with respect to a Q drop…

然后 WhipLash347发布了以下关于一个 q 下降..

RE:[EBS]Will the military seize the non compliant broadcasting stations and push out the real EBS tomorrow?

回复:[EBS]军方明天会占领不合规的广播电台并推出真正的 EBS 吗?

They were wrong.


It's almost 1 pm Pacific and I finally am able to view the Symposium video.Wow,these guys are not backing down.


Captain K(Seth Keshel)says he will be reporting in this afternoon.

K 队长(赛斯·凯希尔饰)说他今天下午会来报到。

I am going to be breaking some very big news at 4 PM when I take the stage.


Stay tuned.


Civil disobedience!!!


General McInerny posted the following on Telegram for today:I just saw it at 11:15 my time.

麦金纳尼将军在今天的 Telegram 上发表了如下评论:我在我的时间11:15才看到它。

#WalkOutWednesday NOON TODAY.
WALK OUT OF work,stores,wherever you are,turn off your TV,to protest the mandates!!WalkOutWednesday.net



We've been warned that there would be spotty Internet issues when the hard data started to come out;possible blackouts,power outages,etc.and not surprisingly there were online"issues"yesterday and for me here in Maricopa County,and they continue.My Cox Internet is sooooo sloooowwww this morning.My Protonmail account did things yesterday it never did before,and it's taking forever to open my account on my desk top.No,it's worse than that:

我们已经得到警告,当硬数据开始泄露时,可能会出现网络问题,可能会停电,断电等等。毫不奇怪,昨天出现了网络"问题",对于我在马里科帕县这里来说,这些问题还在继续。我的考克斯因特网今天早上太好了。我的 Protonmail 账户昨天做了以前从来没有做过的事情,而且要花很长时间才能打开我桌面上的账户。不,更糟糕的是:

Oops,something went wrong


There was a problem connecting to Proton.
Please refresh the page or check your connection.


On day one of Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium,over 411K were tuned in to RSBN on Rumble at the time scheduled and other patriots were also streaming in anticipation of the big announcement that would change the world.

在迈克·林德尔的网络研讨会的第一天,超过411K 的节目按预定时间调到了 Rumble 节目的 RSBN,其他的爱国者也在期待着改变世界的重大声明。

The map has been revised to reflect some data revealed during the Cyber Symposium.



We didn't know what kind of censorship might take place when unwanted truth came out and for me,the Internet was very slow,there were interruptions to RSBN's live streaming broadcast of the symposium,and only Telegram was reliable.Twitter and other things I needed were super slow.

我们不知道当不想要的真相出现时会发生什么样的审查制度,对我来说,互联网非常缓慢,RSBN 对研讨会的直播会有中断,只有 Telegram 是可靠的。推特和其他我需要的东西都非常慢。

I couldn't get any videos of the symposium to work around the time of the scheduled announcement(7 pm Central time)but Code Monkey was ready and waiting on Telegram with updates.

在预定的公告时间(中部时间晚上7),我无法获得任何关于研讨会的视频,但是 Code Monkey 已经准备好,正在等待更新的 Telegram

Not this one,either at Lindell TV. I got an error message.

不是这个,也不是在 Lindell 电视台,我收到一条错误信息。


It occurred to me after the long delay with no announcement last night that it might have been a ploy of the White Hats to draw out the deep state to learn how they might attempt to censor earth-shattering information they simply couldn't afford to get out to the public.That would tell them where the weak points are,wouldn't it?


This came out today:


August 11,2021 2021811

The"whistleblower"Mike Lindell claimed would present bombshell evidence of election fraud at the South Dakota Cyber Symposium on Monday allegedly refrained from releasing the data that would irrefutably prove the 2020 election was stolen.This came after her office was raided by the radical far-left Colorado secretary of state.

"告密者"迈克林德尔(Mike Lindell)声称,他将在周一的南达科他州网络研讨会(South Dakota Cyber Symposium)上提交选举舞弊的重磅证据。据称,林德尔没有公布那些能够无可辩驳地证明2020年大选被盗的。此前,她的办公室遭到了激进的极左派科罗拉多州国务卿的突击搜查。

Lindell,who promised to release irrefutable proof that will shock the world at 7 pm at the symposium,explained that he had to convince Tina Peters,the Mesa County Colorado Clerk and Recorder,Colorado to take the stage amid fear of further retaliation by the government after contesting the election results of her county.


"I was bringing people here from Colorado on my plane and why they were on the way here,their office was raided.Why was their office raided?There's a lot of complications out of this—after what happened we don't what they did.It's a scary situation.They are doing their job and all the sudden they take over with fear,"Lindell explained."It will be probably be Thursday,the second part of this would probably be even bigger."


Learn more here:更多信息请点击这里:

Whistleblower With Bombshell Evidence Raided Day Of Exposing Info 


But there was this,while we were waiting last night,from Judge Jeanine Pirro:Link to Telegram


Thank you for your support.


Soon,i will publish very important information on this channel that will change everything.Thank you for your patience.Share my channel with everyone you know so everyone will SEE the TRUTH!



Telegram seems fairly good.Interesting.If they were able to hack it,would they not have done so?


Earlier…I'm having no luck with video of the symposium today.I can't get it to play anywhere.[I amended that above:Now I can watch it.]The video won't do anything on my desktop and on my iPad it plays a few seconds and stops.Maybe a local Phoenix market blackout?Apple is suspect.Some people are able to watch but in the chat we see this:

早些时候...我没有今天研讨会的视频。我在哪儿都不能让它播放。(我在上面修改了一下:现在我可以看了。)这个视频在我的桌面上什么也做不了,在我的 iPad 上它只能播放几秒钟,然后就停止了。也许是凤凰城市场停电?苹果公司是可疑的。有些人可以观看,但在聊天中我们看到:


Someone is hacking the live feed 


Gateway Pundit put this out yesterday but I couldn't get videos to play there,either until this afternoon.


HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT:Dominion Whistleblower Will Make EXPLOSIVE Announcement At 7 PM Proving Election Was Stolen—LIVE-STREAM VIDEO 


CodeMonkeyZ/Ron Watkins is speaking at the Cyber Symposium today so that will be interesting.Like me,you have probably realized since 4Chan/8Chan was hacked and Ron and his father,Jim,took many weeks to make a robust 8kun message board for Q to securely post that they are masters at what they do and totally committed to this movement.Ron seems to have access to information no one else talks about until HE does…hmmmmm.

CodeMonkeyZ/Ron Watkins 今天将在网络研讨会上发表演讲,届时将会非常有趣。和我一样,你可能已经意识到,自从4Chan/8Chan 被黑客攻击以来,Ron 和他的父亲 Jim 花了很多周时间为Q制作了一个健壮的8kun 留言板,以便安全地发布他们是所做事情的大师,并且完全致力于这项运动。罗恩似乎可以接触到其他人都不会谈论的信息,除非他接触到了...嗯。

Sokrates XVII,[11.08.21 09:13]
[Forwarded from CodeMonkeyZ]
Everything was working fine until I started talking.
Then video conference software crashed.
Live streaming platforms started crashing.

[11.08.2109:13][ CodeMonkeyZ 转发]在我开始说话之前,一切都很正常。然后视频会议软件崩溃了。流媒体直播平台开始崩溃。



Sokrates XVII,[11.08.21 10:01]
[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel(Karli Bonne)]
Code Monkey-connection and audio problems–forensic images Colorado before and after dominion update-Colonel Walden explains the problem with that

[11.08.2110:01][视频]编码猴子连接和音频问题——科罗拉多州自治区更新前后的法医图像——Walden 上校解释了这个问题

Sokrates XVII,[11.08.21 10:06]
[Forwarded from CodeMonkeyZ]
The streams are under attack.

Sokrates XVII[11.08.2110:06][ CodeMonkeyZ 转发]流正在受到攻击。

There is plenty of drama around the election,we're learning.When we consider that every market was hacked—it's big,alright.


CodeMonkeyZ posted this on Telegram when Mike Lindell's announcement was over 1 hour late:

当迈克·林德尔的声明晚了一个多小时后,CodeMonkeyZ Telegram 上发布了这个消息:


Feedback on Telegram:


I'm still taking in what's being talked about but with the raid now being brought to light,I'm thinking this was a massive'honeypot'set up by the White Hats.


Let's see what happens…


And this is interesting,too.I had no luck loading Twitter early this morning but now I notice it looks slightly different.Why would that be,you might ask.Maybe there's been a change of hands?Are the White Hats in the process of taking over the comms?

这也很有趣。今天早上我没有办法加载 Twitter,但是现在我注意到它看起来有些不同。你可能会问,为什么会这样。也许换人了?白帽党是否正在接管通讯系统的过程中?

What the deal with this shitty new Twitter font and format?


Romana Didulo continues to educate the public:



Simon Parkes did a Connecting Consciousness Show on Sunday and he provides a general intel update at the beginning,followed by the usual great Q&A from members.His website gave me an error message just now after he said he might have breaking news and I wondered if that was a set-up,too.If you announce something like that,it's a red flag for the cabal;it's like bears to honey.They're going to go after it.Seems they did.It's alright now,though.


It's not business as usual anywhere.Certainly not at the White House.This is hilarious proof.


This is an actual video from inside the Biden White House.What depraved shit is going on in there? pic.twitter.com/WQ71GSSph5

I'm probably going to keep this post short because it's too difficult to work with an Internet this slow.


On the cold-flu front,we're hearing that employers are threatening to deduct$50/mo from the pay of unvaxxed employees.They can't do that.If they actually tried it,what would ideally happen is that all the employees would walk out,including the vaxxed ones.Humanity must stick together and stop allowing the enemy to divide us.


Companies Now Deducting$50 from Unvaccinated Workers'Monthly Paychecks;

Consultancy Firm 公司现在从未接种疫苗的工人每月工资中扣除50美元

Telegram works fairly well for me,it's just a little slow to load and videos won't play as a result.I only use it to read and watch,but those who publish a lot,have chats,etc.are noticing some funny business.Link to Telegram.

Telegram 对我来说相当不错,只是下载速度有点慢,结果是视频无法播放。我只是用它来阅读和观看,但是那些发表很多文章,聊天等等的人注意到了一些有趣的事情。链接到 Telegram


 2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球 2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球


I'm getting comments that Telegram is muting my channel and yours as well.

2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球 2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球2021年8月11日:我有趣的小信息战|星际飞船地球

我收到评论说 Telegram 正在切断我和你的频道

Mike L in The Real Kim Shady Chat
I experienced the same thing with Whiplash..
It happened three times in the last couple of days.

电报(https://t.me/therealkimshady/17394?comment=455613)Mike l 在《真实的 Kim Shady Chat》中我在《Whiplash》中也经历了同样的事情。.在过去的几天里发生了三次。

WhipLash347, however,says it is Apple,Google,etc.who are censoring—not Telegram.So…they can only interfere via the apps…not the Telegram platform directly?Is it beaming in via Quantum satellite???

然而 WhipLash347表示,审查的是苹果、谷歌等公司,而不是 Telegram。所以...他们只能通过应用程序干扰...而不是直接通过 Telegram 平台?它是通过量子卫星传送过来的吗?

If you have Google/Android you must go to www.telegram.org and download the app directly.You won't lose anything related to your account as it's all in the cloud.Once you download,Google might try and warn you not to install.Ignore warning and proceed.You will have 2 TG app versions.One light blue and one dark blue icon.The correct one to keep is the DARK blue.The LIGHT blue is from Google and can be deleted.If you run into an install issue try restarting phone and repeating the process.You can always download the software for your pc and laptop too or use the web interface if you still have an issue.
Web login:https://web.telegram.org/
App direct:telegram.org

如果你使用 Google/Android,你必须到 Google www.telegram.org 直接下载这个应用。你不会丢失任何与你的帐户相关的东西,因为它们都在云中。一旦你下载了,谷歌可能会警告你不要安装。忽略警告,继续前进。你将有2 TG 应用程序版本。一个浅蓝色和一个深蓝色的图标。正确的选择是深蓝色。淡蓝色来自谷歌,可以删除。如果遇到安装问题,请重新启动电话并重复此过程。你也可以下载你的电脑和笔记本电脑的软件,或者使用网页界面,如果你还有问题的话。网络登录:https://Web.telegram.org/应用程序直接:telegram.org

You cannot download app direct for Apple only Google/Android.It won't work for Apple.You'll have to use web interface or desktop/pc application.Also on telegram.org

你不能直接下载苹果专用的 Google/Android 应用程序。这对苹果公司不起作用。你必须使用网页界面或者桌面/pc 应用程序。也可以在 telegram.org 上找到

This is just the beginning.Expect this to happen to more TG accounts moving forward.Once again the problem is with Apple/Google not Telegram.

这只是个开始。预计将有更多 TG 账户出现这种情况。问题再次出现在苹果/谷歌,而不是电报上。

And this post:


Here's the direct Apk for Google/Android.It will not work for Iphone.Don't even try you'll waste your time.You'll have to use web interface direct if you have Apple.

下面是针对 Google/Android 的直接 Apk。它不适用于 Iphone。不要尝试,你会浪费你的时间。如果你有苹果,你必须直接使用网络界面。



Good thing is you can create a homepage icon for the web interface.


If you are having problems with Telegram and can't access the platform,you might want to explore the advice above to get around it.Everyone should be able to access Telegram and apparently it's one of our most stable and reliable messaging platforms.(so far)

如果你有问题,电报和无法进入该平台,你可能想探索上面的建议,以获得它。每个人都应该能够访问 Telegram,显然它是我们最稳定和可靠的通讯平台之一。(目前为止)

See his other posts for resolution on Apple.



In Belgium the farmers had an interesting rally.I had to laugh when I saw them spraying something all over the police.I don't think it was manure,although they probably deserved it.Link to Telegram.



In the Great White Gulag,they want to clamp down even more so the brainwashing of the masses isn't threatened or undone.


O(no!)Canada:Fast-moving Proposal Creates Filtering,Blocking and Reporting Rules—And Speech Police to Enforce Them


Here's the latest vaxxx scare tactic.


RED ALERT:Democrats want to drop people from Medicare and Medicaid unless they agree to be injected with the experimental,deadly vaccine 



NTD:A group of police officers across multiple departments in Switzerland have threatened authorities that they will no longer enforce COVID-19 rules


Link to Telegram

链接到 Telegram

We're not worried about the Patriots being blocked from gaining access to the election machines or software.We already know they have it all.This dog and pony show is for the sake of transparency and showing the public what happened,how the elections in every state were rigged,and that the current administration is corrupt beyond repair.


It's the next phase of the education process.Trump did his,now other patriots and honest leadership take over because it's really not about Trump,it's about the system.The system is rigged.We all know Trump won.The whole world knows Trump won.


The infiltration by the Earth Alliance and the collection of proof of criminality has been ongoing for some time.This is the end game when they show the world just how bad it was and how close we came to the end of our civilization.It's true:Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


I was once an addict... I was addicted to hacking into [their] computers. There is no rush like it. Everything I hacked has been uploaded to the relevant places. NCSWIC

Japan was in the path of a typhoon this week and now there's a warning for the Philippines.They may be destroying undersea bases.


Simon Parkes told us the"weather"is rarely a result of the enemy's tactics any longer.He said it's usually the White Hats.I am having difficulty believing that but I haven't been read in on The Plan.


Tsunami ALERT for Philippines after 7.2 magnitude earthquake hits the coast of Mindanao.



Getty Images


Here's an interesting post from Nicholas Veniamin's Telegram 


"Pay special attention to the Crypto part.Only metals backed coins will survive.i.e.XLM,XRP and few others you may know of."

特别注意密码部分。只有有金属背景的硬币才能存活下来。例如 XLMXRP 和其他一些你可能知道的

There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks.Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.

圣经里有一个很大的场景,他们把现在当作是第三次世界大战,但实际上他们是在激活军队,然后轰炸所有这些撒旦的路基石。制定 GESARA 基金与我们人民重建



What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world?Q showed us them.Vatican,Buckinghan Palace,Whitehouse x 2(USA,Germany),3GD in China.Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible.

什么是一些非常大的撒旦光明会里程碑在世界上?Q 向我们展示了他们。梵蒂冈,巴金汉宫,白宫 x2(美国,德国)

Big Pharma in Wuhan=Israel 


Israel/Khazarians controls C*P.


The Media etc 


34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall.Rods of God/DEW 




Planes&Trains grounded 


Lights/Power switched off 


Changing over to Tesla Free energy


Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good.


99.5%of Crypto gone China Coins.Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.

99.5%的密码中国硬币,进入由贵金属支持的 ISO20022硬币

WW3 Scare Event.Nuke Sirens 


Water Event 


Stock Market Crash 


Global Martial Law


CASTLE ROCK-Scenario Julian Assange.


Quantum Systems.Project Odin Switched on.



Election Flipping via Military Courts–FISA 


Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie–3×8 hr sessions.


10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.

10个国家将运行 EBS,覆盖全世界





The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.


Attached is Q1871 outlining this.

附件是 Q1871概述了这一点

Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.Ron CodeMonkeyz

提到的 Odin 项目是一个强大的反变形工具

Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink.Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.

Odin 计划是 Quantum Starlink 的一部分。我们的新量子系统将受到秘密空间计划的保护,秘密空间计划是阴谋集团无法企及的

Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed.Think people like Alex Jones,Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.


Israeli intelligence–stand down.



Media assets will be removed.


This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites.This will blackout the media worldwide,Switch us over to the Quantum Systems.This is PROJECT ODIN.All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

2527的这一部分告诉你,某种强大的东西将会摧毁摩萨德媒体卫星。这会封锁全世界的媒体,把我们切换到量子系统。这是 ODIN 计划。总而言之,给出了启动军事电子商务系统的理由

If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's&RADIO's in AFRICA,MIDDLE EAST,EUROPE&CENTRAL ASIA.

如果你查阅一月份从美国发射的 TURKSAT 火箭,你会发现它是专门为军事通信服务的,用于非洲、中东、欧洲和中亚的人民电视和广播

THE EVENT has many facets to it.


The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy.Knocking out Media Satellites,QFS,Rods of God on Dams&34 Buildings&much much more.


34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.


They are very significant.


Ie Whitehouse,Royal Castles,Buckingham Palace,Vatican,Getty Museum,Playboy Mansion and the like.


This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818&13848.It is all a show.


Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals(Not Oil/Wars)


Are we still comfy?


Or are we scared?


A little bit of both is normal.


Trump keeps his promises.


Have faith in the Lord Our God.


He will comfort you through the storm.


Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force?


Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too.


If they can turn 10 at once off all together.They can do the whole lot.Welcome to Tesla.




Have a look at all the Global Military"Exercises"now being put in place.


Its all happening in front of you.这一切都发生在你面前

It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History.


Transition to Gesara/Greatness.


Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.


This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already.The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place.The Secret Military Tribunals,Confessions etc.The executions the lot.And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things."





The dots are being connected,folks.You may have seen this video before.We've always been quite sure it's John Podesta.Someone did a voice match on it.Now we're hearing it was John McAfee who leaked the footage to the White Hats.Now McAfee's situation and behaviour becomes a whole lot clearer,doesn't it?It's a very upsetting video even though you can't see much of anything.Like the description of the photos secured as evidence by the Greek attorney Nikos Antoniadis,our eyes don't need to see it to understand what happened


John Podesta Torturing A Little Boy Most Likely For His#Adrenochrome/Viewer Discretion Is Advised


Right after that came up,Michael Jaco posted this:I have not yet listened.

就在那之后,Michael Jaco 发布了这样的帖子:我还没有听。

Are high level Sexual predators about to receive justice?If enough of us say so it will happen.


https://michaelkjaco.com​???????? ???? ????????? ???? ?? ??????? ????: https://unleashingintuition.com​​The Academy of ...

It has been very intense lately,with a lot more coming.It's important to climb out of the depths occasionally for uplifting material.We are winning,and the surprises in the offing will delight us all.Keep fighting,my friends.We aren't asked to do much but we must fight this fight to the best of our ability.Always keep the warriors in your prayers.


BOOOOOOOM!!! pic.twitter.com/6SFIpDwHeM

Q:Cyber-Space Force!Trump's Military Recorded Everything!We Have It All!


Sting Of The Century!


Video at Telegram.

Telegram 的视频。

Ciao possums.See you next time.~BP




  • 本文由 发表于 2021年8月12日13:55:11
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