Operation Disclosure|By Sierra(NZ),Contributing Writer
Starship Earth included a quote in their latest post about how we are all here to fulfil our highest joy–and if that includes getting the virus jab for some people,so be it.(By the way,I love and resonate with the precipice image in the post intro).
February 25,2021:Pushing,Pushing,Pushing to the Precipice2021年2月25日:推进,推进,推向悬崖[视频]
Imagine being so afraid of a hoax virus that the only way you can experience joy again is to have the vaccine.That is the reality for many people on planet Earth right now.
As Light Warriors,we do not have the right to judge the choices of anyone.Criteria for happiness is unique to each person.The outcome of having the jab will be written into each person's soul contract.Maybe this realization will bring peace to those of us whose family members choose to be vaccinated.
For weeks I have been getting my house in order(literally)for…something.On a soul level,I must be aware of the impending big changes.Today I cleaned out my shed,a task I have been procrastinating over for years.It took ten minutes!And I found a couple of treasures.
I have culled out my books and cleared my cupboards.I am now ready for…something.
Here is a great Gab post that sweeps away all doubts and fears about the Alliance plan.The Alliance is working VERY hard behind the scenes–to think otherwise is insulting to their great Divine work.
这里是一个伟大的 Gab 帖子,扫除所有的怀疑和恐惧的联盟计划。联盟正在幕后非常努力地工作——否则的想法是对他们伟大的神圣工作的侮辱。
Finally,AorticWarrior73 on Anonup shares my level of readiness for…something.
I feel like we reached the end.I'm calm.Complete.Done.Not even sure what the'end'is.My head has been busy since Nov 2017.It stopped spinning today.I'm ready.
We Light Warriors have been ready,ready,READY for a very long time.God bless our extraordinary level of patience on this Earth mission.We will be sharing our war stories Upstairs for the rest of eternity.
Here is the link to my blogsite:https://stargatenewsletter.blogspot.com/
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light,