大卫•艾克变形,弗林免罪,解密,CBS 曝光,防5D辐射技术——Nyla Nguyen

2020年5月11日08:30:06新人阅读大卫•艾克变形,弗林免罪,解密,CBS 曝光,防5D辐射技术——Nyla Nguyen已关闭评论1.1K10字数 1281阅读4分16秒阅读模式



大卫•艾克变形,弗林免罪,解密,CBS 曝光,防5D辐射技术——Nyla Nguyen

In this broadcast,I'm sharing 2 new awakenings I had about David Icke.Your mind is going to be blown with what I have uncovered about him.The Declass is happening,Lt.General Michael Flynn has been exonerated,which means a BIG WIN for the Alliance.Flynn has a lot of evidence against Obama and knows all of the malfeasance he has done while in office.Project Veritas has done another great coverage exposing CBS,one more FAKE NEWS organization bites the dust.And finally,we have new 5D technology being introduced to the collective to harmonize harmful 5G EMF radiation.You can now use your wifi and electrical devices without fear of it damaging your DNA and producing oxidative stress in your body.

在这次广播中,我将分享两个关于大卫·艾克的新觉醒。我发现的关于他的事情会让你大吃一惊的。解密正在发生,陆军中将迈克尔·弗林已经被宣布无罪,这意味着联盟取得了巨大的胜利。弗林有很多不利于奥巴马的证据,他知道他在任期间所做的所有渎职行为。真理计划又做了一个伟大的报道,揭露了哥伦比亚广播公司,又一个假新闻组织倒下了。最后,我们有新的5D 技术被引入到集体协调有害的5G 电磁辐射。现在你可以使用 wifi 和电子设备,而不用担心它们会破坏你的 DNA,在你的身体里产生氧化应激

[OpDis Editor Note: n this video,Nyla Nguyen gives an update on David Icke shapeshifting,General Flynn being exonerated,CBS being exposed,and DECLAS information.Also in the video,Nyla talks about new technology that can protet us from radiation.

[OpDis 编者按:I在这个视频中,Nyla Nguyen 介绍了 David Icke 变形的最新情况,Flynn 将军被免罪,CBS 被曝光,以及 DECLAS 的信息。在视频中,尼拉还谈到了可以防止我们受到辐射的新技术]



  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月11日08:30:06
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