Fear,a tool that has kept us as a population under control for decades.
Fear is a form of stress that affects our behaviour and sense of freedom,resulting in reactions of unrest and unease,uncertainty for the future and our survival.
What if you stand in your own power again,and decide for yourself what is good for you,and shape your own life unconstrained,then there is no longer any fear that imposes restrictions on you.
A future without Sallafists and Satanist politics,we are going to shape this ourselves.
Fear is a recipe that politicians and executive leaders have used to keep us away from the truth.
Corona Fear,this is a turning point in human history.
A VIRUS infects the entire system of the Cabal,which should have been a fear threat to unleash Genocide on the world's population by inciting people to take a vaccination.is now gratefully used by the Alliance in favor of the transition and liberation of mankind.
A VIRUS can't be seen unless your name is Greta(Soros)Thunberg,she can see CO2,and now has the CORONA virus herself,she saw it coming and couldn't stop it,LOL.
The fear propaganda about Corona Virus is now turning into the great awakening.
The queues for the Corona Test at hospitals,turns out to be nowhere to be found,on closer examination.
Donald J Trump talking about defeating an invisible enemy,who will be defeated so that the spread of the disease cannot continue and will be eradicated.
唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald j Trump)谈到要打败一个看不见的敌人,这个敌人将被击败,从而使疾病的传播不能继续下去,而且将被根除。
The Patriots have received a Corona Virus gift from the Cabal to make the Cabal completely powerless.
After rain and storm comes sunshine,so be patient and let the storm rage over the world of corruption and the Cabal.
When I take all the information,I get the impression that the Andrechrome produced in Wuhan has been deliberately infected with a Corona Virus,causing Satanists who use children's blood to stay young to be infected after all.
当我得到所有的信息,我得到的印象是,武汉生产的 Andrechrome 已经被故意感染了冠状病毒,导致撒旦使用儿童的血液保持年轻毕竟被感染
That,of course,deserves proper care on the Mercy medical ship.
We had to be patient to experience what's unfolding right now.
So our patience is well rewarded right now.
If the Central Banks no longer have power over the money system,politics is also powerless,since laws all over the world are so twisted that law only applies to the Elite,this will have to be corrected by applying GESARA.
如果中央银行不再对货币体系拥有权力,政治也就无能为力,因为世界各地的法律是如此扭曲,以至于法律只适用于精英阶层,这将不得不通过应用 GESARA 得到纠正
In the US the 2nd article in the constitution is that everyone has the right to defend themselves with armed violence.
We may eliminate any attack on us with an appropriate countermeasure without causing a danger to our environment.
Telecom providers want to roll out 5G-possibly also 6G as soon as possible.
电信运营商希望尽快推出5G 服务——可能还包括6G 服务
It turns out in my observation that Donald J Trump has no idea about the technical ionization of our cells in our body,where 5G is a lethal radiation,because the oxygen atoms turn into ions,and are therefore no longer oxygen,but are part of our monocular composition.
在我的观察中发现,唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald j Trump)对我们体内细胞的技术电离一无所知,而5G 是一种致命的辐射,因为氧原子变成了离子,因此不再是氧,而是我们单眼组成的一部分
This change poisons our body from the inside out,as a result of high frequency radiation.
The rollout of 5G will have to stop worldwide,to stop the genocide on humanity.
Controlling the world's population by means of a police state is in my mind a fascist wet dream that does not fit the GESARA thoughts.
在我看来,通过一个警察国家来控制世界人口是一个法西斯主义者的梦遗,不符合 GESARA 的思想
There is no one who has the right to force someone else to take anything from unwanted products or techniques that are harmful to our health.
Since the protection of the political mafia,telecom companies is no longer possible,we can proceed to protect ourselves,for our family,animals and all humanity.
It is a birthright that we claim against aggression to which we have been exposed.
Since we are not barbarians,I suggest that we first make it clear to the telecom providers that we do not want their service,and they are liable for all the consequences.
I ask currency holders to support the following action:
Purchase measurement equipment to use for locating 5G transmitters.
购买用于定位5G 发射机的测量设备
Hire people who are going to make an inventory of this,and record it with GPS data and photos that will be put in a database per country that will be accessible to everyone.
雇佣一些人来清点这些数据,然后用 GPS 数据和照片记录下来,这些数据和照片将被存入每个国家的数据库,每个人都可以访问
Telecom providers can expect claims if they do not obey the desire of the population to dismantle their Genocide technology system.
If we are not heard,we can take action,and the masts will break down like an iconoclasm or crystal night from the past.
The damage for the telecom companies will be so high that they will go bankrupt,this creates the chance to take over and make the network safe without using WIFI.
对电信公司的损害将是如此之大,他们将走向破产,这创造了一个机会,接管和使网络安全无需使用 WIFI
The goal should be to eliminate as much radiation as possible,by using fiberglass and LIFI technology,this will contribute to less cancer for the world's population.
我们的目标应该是尽可能多地消除辐射,通过使用玻璃纤维和 LIFI 技术,这将有助于减少世界人口的癌症
GESARA is there to liberate mankind from the Cabal with its Genocide agenda 21/2030,there is no 5G in that will make people quiet and insidiously sick and killed. GESARA在那里是为了将人类从阴谋集团的种族灭绝议程21/2030中解放出来,没有5G 在那里将使人们安静和不知不觉地生病和被杀害
Any attempt by harmful radiation,in combination with chemical elements,to influence the behavior of the masses,to control the masses is an act of aggression against humanity and our nature,the MK Ultra program of the Nazis will no longer be allowed to be used when GESARA is in force.
任何有害辐射的企图,结合化学元素,影响大众的行为,控制大众,是对人类和我们的本性的侵略行为,纳粹的 MK Ultra 计划将不再被允许使用,当 GESARA 生效时
It is up to us to transform the world into the court of oaths a paradise for all life on our planet,and to share all the good we have.
We will have to let go of the divisions,in all the forms that have been used to set us against each other,and I hope that this will happen.
Holding on stubbornly to want to dominate over others from politics,religion,or money system will be counteracted by the QFS,as this is contrary to the goal of freeing humanity from slavery.
顽固地坚持想要在政治、宗教或金钱体系中统治他人将被 QFS 抵消,因为这与将人类从奴隶制中解放出来的目标相反
Nobody with common sense wants to be oppressed or to live in tyranny,then you can't grant or force that to someone else without being in violation of GESARA law.没有一个有常识的人想要被压迫或者生活在暴政之中,那么你不能给予或者强迫别人而不违反 GESARA 的法律
Economy is not unlimited or desirable,but that we can live in happiness and peace,without having to worry about the future,which is being manipulated by rulers.
GESARA is a shift of power back to the people,as Donald J Trump repeatedly tells and promises,values of his words are measured in his actions to convert to the new reality and destroy the Satanic Cabal.
正如唐纳德·j·特朗普反复讲述和承诺的那样,GESARA 是权力回到人民手中的一次转移,他言语的价值观是通过他的行动来衡量的,这些行动是为了转化为新的现实,摧毁撒旦的阴谋集团
To help restore nature,HAARP,Cern,Direct Energy Weapon and Chemtrails will be forbidden to use against humanity and animals.
It is imperative that the existing power structure is transformed,and the people take back their own existence and freedom.
They will no longer be centrally controlled power centers like the current Cabal politics,but referendum decisions that are transformed into the interests of humanity,not oligarchies as the property of a few.
It is the art of the currency and fund holders to organize this,with local,regional,national and global planning offices helping to make the transition work well and effectively.
Jumping wildly around with great wealth packages is not the intention but also means taking responsibility for the projects that should serve us all.
It is preferable to think carefully before we really start,and in mutual consultation not to reinvent the wheel.
Form as a responsible fund holder for a team that will help propagate the projects,ensure good guidance through coaching and project guidance,where self-directed teams will carry out various projects.
Evaluate the results and adjust the process if necessary,share this with others project executions of different fund holders,in order to achieve optimal results by effectively working together as an independently responsible currency holder.
The future is what we make of it ourselves,now that the Cabal has been defeated,we will take control of corrupt politics and the governing body in all countries for the benefit of all mankind and the earth.未来是我们自己创造的,现在阴谋集团已经被击败,我们将控制腐败的政治和所有国家的管理机构,以造福全人类和地球
Allow happiness and prosperity into your new world of peace and respect for one another,banish hatred,and cooperate so as not to thwart the happiness of others by persisting in an old false indoctrination from your upbringing or religion.
If we unite,we can realise all the plans for our future.
The Cabal has opened Pandora's box,and falls into his own knife by the great awakening.