February 1,2021:The Reality vs the Illusion
2021年2月1日:现实 vs 幻觉
Starship Earth:The Big Picture
Check out the fortification of the counterfeit capitol of America.Washington DC looks like a war is about to break out.
I guess either the cabal is afraid that We,the People will storm the bastille,or the White Hats have them rounded up.If the criminals can't access the tunnels beneath the capitol,they can't escape that way,either,so it's not a negative situation as I see it.It makes for a great movie.We'll see what happens.
Watch the short video at this link,for sure.
Shocking New Video Of DC Fortification…They FEAR The People!令人震惊的华盛顿防御新视频...他们害怕人民
This is a take on it from Judy Byington explaining some of what has transpired recently.
If you didn't catch it via the comments from the crew,Yellow Rose for Texas showed us interesting footage from space in the vicinity of the sun from the NASA cams.Have you ever seen anything like this on the 6:00 news?Why is reality hidden?
We know a lot is going on behind the scenes as the Earth Alliance deals with the psychopaths.
我们知道,在地球联盟与精神变态者打交道的过程中,幕后发生了很多事情。(Read Full Article:(阅读全文:http://www.starshipearththebigpicture.com/2021/02/01/february-1-2021-the-reality-vs-the-illusion-videos/)