Everything in nature is cyclical
The Central Bank's great reset is not in people's best interest
Freedom and Prosperity will come to all of us
The Financial System is a Pie in the Sky
The Central Banks pretend to offset the real pandemic losses–which includes some 70 million people losing their jobs–by printing and distributing fake money.During the entire year,the loss of income caused by the lockdowns toted to less than$600 billion.But the CBs pumped an additional$8.4 trillion into the economy.
Money creation via debt issuance must be balanced with economic growth.As the debt burden increases,more growth increase is required,and when this growth falters,so does the entire system,unless the excess debt is removed.In other words;Debt is now too far over-proportionated that it kills worldwide the current financial fiat system.
The have gotten the western world into a classic debt trap.When owed too much money,every setback is a crisis.It is,either borrow more,or admit that the bills can't be paid.But sovereign governments have a third option.They have"printing presses,"on which they can create the cash they need,in other words inflating the currency.That does not solve the problem.But it distorts and delays it.And as it runs its course,it turns a simple,honest bankruptcy into a corrupt,catastrophic disaster.
What happened to all that money the Central Banks put into the system?Like water,it has to go somewhere.Some of it was used to buy drugs.Some bought new cars.Some paid off political debts and bought off cronies.Some went into normal consumer spending.But much more went into capital markets.
For,while the Main Street economy turned down,Wall Street turned up.Worldwide,stocks were worth about$80 trillion when the crisis began.Today,less than a year later,they are worth over$100 trillion.
How come stocks be worth$20 trillion or 25%more,in less than 12 months,while the companies they represent are seeing fewer sales and lower profits?Earnings are about 30%below projections made at the start of 2020.
For example;look at the electric car manufacturer Tesla.It ended last year at a valuation higher than all the other major automakers put together.It has cumulative losses of$6 billion,and no plausible way to ever be worth$6 billion,let alone$600 billion.At least Tesla makes something.Other companies that have no products at all.Companies with neither products,sales,nor profits are supposedly worth more than some of the biggest titans of the Industrial Age.An apple pie was priced at 10 US$and that had little changed from the previous year.
At the other side of the pie;Bitcoin started the year 2020 at 8,000 without any physical being,no profits,no CEO,no press secretary,no coffee breaks,no management,no sales,no office.Bitcoin has nothing.And yet,there it is,worth more than 30,000 per coin,and with a total market cap of$579 billion–about equal to Tesla.
在馅饼的另一边,比特币在2020年以8000美元的价格开始运行,没有任何实体存在,没有利润,没有 CEO,没有新闻秘书,没有休息时间,没有管理,没有销售,没有办公室。比特币一无所有。然而,它的价值超过了每枚硬币3万美元,总市值为5,790亿美元——大约相当于特斯拉。
Yes,that are the places were the new printed money went.Not into apple pies,but in the Sky,better known as inflation.That should make every clear-thinking individual suspicious.
Everything in nature is cyclical
The economy in general was smaller in December than it had been in January,and governments were together almost$10 trillion deeper in debt,with the Central Banks"printing"new money at a rate of$200 billion per week just to keep the show going forward.
Almost everything that happened in 2020 was done in bad taste,or under false pretences,outright lies,or self-serving delusions.
This financial disease began long before COVID-19 struck,even long before Donald J.Trump came to Washington.By January 2020,it was well advanced.The economy was then at the tail end of what should have been its longest and biggest boom ever.Yet,instead of making hay while the sun shone,the central banks mowed it down.
这种金融疾病早在2019冠状病毒疾病袭击之前就开始了,甚至早在 Donald j.Trump 来到华盛顿之前。到了2020年1月,它已经进入了高级阶段。当时,中国经济正处于有史以来最长、最大的繁荣期的尾声。然而,各国央行并没有趁热打铁,而是将其夷为平地。
These were the fat years,when governments should have been paying down debt and laying in stores of surpluses for the hard times to come.Instead,it turned out in a deficit for 2020 of$1.2 trillion.It was as if the Pharaoh had gotten it backwards,storing up the grain in the lean years and releasing it when the fat harvest came.
Everything in nature is cyclical.The sun stops shining every day,in other words.People die–even without the coronavirus.Markets boom and crash.Empires decline and fall.
That's just the way it is.Everything changes,but cycles continue.
Prices no longer tell what companies are worth;they just show how willing the Central Bank was to push their stock prices up.Neither have central banks"relief"available to victims of the fake pandemic.They all are bust,broke and penniless.They neither bake bread to offer the hungry,nor weave wool to clothe the naked,or drive nails to house the homeless.All they can do is hand out more fake money.All their"relief"will bring is nothing else than"stimulus"and that makes the economy even weaker.
The Central Bank's great reset not in people's best interest
Easy money is not the answer,small business owners are now seeing the truth,people understand that the Central Bank's great reset is not in their best interest.But be confident;The next phase of the globaleconomy will be decided,
by Trump-Team and not the Deep State CBs.Like most of the corrupt politicians,the financial authorities have committed treason at the highest level.They are the enemy of the people,as they are preparing to crash the financial system for the introduction of their new SDR-fiat money system controlled by the IMF,called the Great Reset.
Because the Central Banks always must be in control,whilst they well know that their paper money is worthless,but nonetheless they change one paper system for another.Usually they create first a World War to obtain the argument for the change,now they use the fake COVID pandemic,but that won't work as the Trump Team is well aware of their motives and intentions.They now tell the populace there will be food shortages and advice to eat weed instead,to build a plausible case story for where the world is heading.But don't worry,the Patriots already knew their plans,and have their counter measures in place.
Freedom and Prosperity will come to all of us
On the other side,Trump Team also is working hard to destroy the private Central Bank monetary system in order to introduce the QFS,controlled by the people,founded on stable gold backed money without inflation.They are going to remove the corrupt debt money system,
and get rid of the corrupt officials and politicians.Opening the avenues for a free and prosperous positive orientated society,founded on the people economy with sound money without taxes,only a sales tax on new hardware items.All debt in the world will be eradicated for a fresh restart with free markets wherein people keep their earned money for themselves and can spend it the way they choose.
另一方面,特朗普团队也在努力摧毁私人的中央银行货币体系,以便引入由人民控制的 QFS,它建立在没有通货膨胀的稳定的黄金支持的货币之上。他们要清除腐败的债务货币体系,清除腐败的官员和政客。开辟自由和繁荣的积极导向型社会的道路,建立在人民经济的基础上,有健全的货币而不用缴税,只对新的硬件产品征收销售税。世界上所有的债务都将被根除,重新启动自由市场,人们把赚来的钱留给自己,可以自由支配。
Since,the Deep State criminals have refused to retreat voluntarily they all will be exposed and rounded up.They all will be revealed at the start of the declassification with the opening of their already prepared indictments,showing who the DS-criminals plain sight that have terrorised and controlled the world for ages.All will come in the open,starting around the 20th of January next,while the election fraud is revealed.Nevertheless,the Deep State will be fighting for their lives till the bitter end,to no avail as this operation is firmly under control by the Patriots and the military.Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the show.
深州的犯罪分子拒绝自愿撤退,他们都将被暴露和围捕。他们都将在开始解密时公布,同时公开他们已经准备好的起诉书,显示是谁的 ds 罪犯显而易见,已经恐吓和控制了世界多年。一切都将公开,从1月20日左右开始,同时选举舞弊被揭露。尽管如此,"深州"将为他们的生命而战斗到底,但毫无用处,因为这一行动已被爱国者和军方牢牢控制。请欣赏这场系紧你的安全带。
At the end of President Trump's speech on January 7th he said:"Our incredible journey is only just beginning."No matter what it looks like,it's all optics;This is the well prepared and planned Military operations that will take care of everything.President Trump won an overwhelming victory and will be since 1776 the first new President of the New Republic of America.
The military is worldwide totally put into operation for the implementation of GESARA Law during the transition from USA Inc.back into the Republic of America,as it has been before 1776.All leaders will be removed.General Flynn will be taking over the reigns during this transition.
在从美国公司回到美利坚共和国的过渡期间,全世界的军队都在全力投入执行GESARA Law,就像1776年以前一样。所有的领导人都将被免职。弗林将军将在这次交接中接管权力。
The swamp rats needed to commit their crime in the course of the last 4 years;and they have now been caught.Like,among other things,the deliberate certification of the fraudulent election by VP Pence and the Congress,is high treason against the nation,punishable by death.
At this moment in time,President Trump is still the President of the United States Inc.until January 20,2021.He has the power to invoke the insurrection act.This Act deals with treason at a military level.He has given everybody ample opportunity to come clean with the fraudulent election:The Supreme Court,the DOJ,the courts,congress,and the vice president.They all went over the corrupt path and decided to certify a–knowingly–fraudulent election.
Do not underestimate President Trump and this military operation.Trump often appears weak before he wins,listen to The Art of the Deal.Twitter and Facebook are now banning–censoring–the President.This opens the opportunity to use the Emergency Broadcast System,set up in 2018 in order to inform all people about all what they will need to hear regarding the next steps.
Trump has said over and over:"we have it all–the evidence."He has also said:"we will never surrender."And,he said:"the best is yet to come!"Do not watch or trust the MSM;they are the satanic deep state liars.Indeed,the best is yet to come,but prepare for a difficult two to three weeks during the transition period,which falls between 20 January and 4 March,after which Donald J.Trump will be inaugurated as the new first President of the American Republic since 1776,which is now back in the hands of the American people.
特朗普一遍又一遍地说:"我们拥有一切——证据。"他还说:"我们永远不会投降。"而且,他说:"最好的还在后面呢!"不要观察或者信任 MSM,他们是撒旦深州的说谎者。事实上,最好的时刻还没有到来,但是要为过渡期间艰难的两到三个星期做好准备,过渡期在1月20日至3月4日之间,之后唐纳德·j·特朗普将宣誓就职,成为自1776年以来美利坚合众国的第一位新总统,现在这位总统又回到了美国人民的手中。
All the stolen Gold worth many Quadrillions have been seized from the Vatican alone,and will worldwide mainly be distributed over the populace.Amazing developments are ahead of us,that will change our lives entirely in positive senses.Freedom and Prosperity will come to all of us.For now,trust the PLAN and have Faith.
If you found this information interesting,explanatory,valuable,and/or insightful,please share it with everyone you know to help awaken and prepare them.And don't forget to put up your national flag showing the world you are awake,and motivate the silent awake majority to follow suit.The more flags out show the cabal is losing their grip of power over us.There is much more enlightening information to follow!You are invited to subscribe free of charge as well as participate in the discussion on the Final Wakeup Call website at http://finalwakeupcall.info/.
如果你发现这些信息有趣、有解释性、有价值和/或有洞察力,请与你认识的每一个人分享,帮助他们觉醒和准备。不要忘记升起你的国旗,向世界展示你是清醒的,并激励大多数沉默而清醒的人们也这样做。越来越多的旗帜显示出阴谋集团正在失去他们对我们的控制。还有更多有启发性的信息可以跟进!你可以免费订阅,也可以参与最后唤醒 http://finalwakeupcall.info/网站上的讨论。
Unity is Power
Our liberation process cannot be stopped anymore.Uniting with others who are like minded people creates and shapes our best reality.Worldwide networks of awakening people are being created,such as in Spain in the Marbella/Malaga area, which attracts an increasing number of participants.In just a few months of existence,the group has grown to more than 425 members.If you would like to apply or learn how to start your own regional or local group,please contact FWC via email. Our future lies in our own hands specifically in small communities that become the foundation of our self-managed society.
我们的解放进程再也不能停止了。与其他志同道合的人一起创造和塑造我们最好的现实。正在建立世界范围的觉醒人民网络,例如在西班牙的马尔韦利亚/马拉加地区,吸引了越来越多的参与者。在成立仅仅几个月的时间里,这个组织的成员已经超过了425人。如果您想申请或学习如何开始自己的区域或当地团体,请通过电子邮件联系 FWC。我们的未来掌握在我们自己手中,特别是小社区,它们成为我们自我管理的社会的基础。
Published earlier than usual due to internet lockdown.
Stay tuned there is more to follow…