A new Q drop features a link to a Washington Times online article.It's about Australian research into the creation of COVID-19 in the Wuhan laboratory.It's an interesting article but nothing new to awakened people.
This Washington Times article is even more interesting.Finally-truth from the mainstream media about the impact of lock down on the American people...
New Q drop number 4324 links to this Lila Rose tweet about Planned Parenthood...
新的Q下降数字4324链接到这个关于国际计划生育联合会的 Lila Rose 的 tweet..
'Breaking:Multiple Planned Parenthood officials have admitted under oath to trafficking the body parts and organs of babies they slaughtered.'
Here is the text in the Q drop below the link...
'These people are sick!'
Some days I find it really difficult to confront the horrible realities of life down the rabbit hole.Today I am confronting a terrible truth about vaccines-that fetal tissue from aborted babies used in vaccines upset the DNA,causing potential gender confusion in an entire generation of children.
有些日子我发现很难面对兔子洞里可怕的生活现实。今天,我正面临着一个关于疫苗的可怕事实——用于疫苗的流产婴儿的胎儿组织扰乱了 DNA,导致整整一代儿童潜在的性别混乱
Twenty years ago,when my daughters were young,there was very little gender confusion.The massive global assault of vaccinations since then has created this heartbreaking situation.It's exactly what the Deep State was aiming for.Why?Less reproduction.They didn't want more people.They were trying to get rid of most of us.
Notice how the previous two sentences were written in the past tense.It's because THE DEEP STATE HAS LOST.
I want to end this post on a positive note.I rarely include links to channeled messages.I make no apologies for including this link.I needed a galactic perspective today.I needed reminding of WHY I am a Light Warrior.This is Commander Ashtar via James McConnell...
Here is an excerpt...
'We in our ships,in my Ashtar Command,in the Pleiadian Command of the Light Forces,and the Sirian Command...all of this is happening to help free not only Gaia,but the entire Solar System,and even yet the Galaxy!To finally bring the entire Galaxy into the Light...So you,those of you that are creating the expression here now on the planet,you are going to reverberate this expression across the entire Galaxy. '(Ashtar via James McConnell)
This has always been a Divine mission.We Light Warriors are taking part in a massive operation-to free the entire Galaxy.We are fighting alongside the finest Light Warriors in the Universe.The bravest of the brave,the strongest of the strong.And WE ARE WINNING.
It sure puts into perspective a bad hair day in lock down.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light