My friend Emma received this message from the Galactics after I visited her last night. The Galactics are watching this movie on Earth unfold from their star ships.
We need to help others to be able to lift their viewpoint from being down here in the movie themselves and experiencing the movie, to being up above watching the movie as though they are not actually part of it but just watching.
Imagine that you are in a comfy theatre. The Galactics 'theatre' doesn’t look like what we know a theatre to be but you can imagine your favorite theatre or what that would look like to you. Maybe it doesn’t look like a conventional theatre either. Take yourself a seat and view as though you’re simply watching, removed from all the drama yourself, just enjoying the show.
What an amazing movie it is...! Think about all the different characters. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Which characters can we not work out? What parts do you want to see more of? What parts are the most intriguing and entertaining to you? Sure there are some scary bits and some sad bits but there are so many funny parts to this movie as well. Have a good laugh at them - they’re there to entertain us.
这是一部多么令人惊叹的电影... !想想所有不同的角色。谁是好人?谁是坏人?哪些字我们不能算出来?你还想看哪些部分?哪些部分对你来说最有趣最有趣?当然,这部电影有一些可怕的片段和一些悲伤的片段,但也有很多有趣的部分。好好嘲笑他们——他们是来逗我们开心的。
This is the way we can remove ourselves from the stress of being here in this experience and put ourselves in a place of feeling calm. We are just watching, removed from it and enjoying the show. We are not worried about the future. We are just here, now, watching this amazing movie.
The most important thing is to learn to function not from a place of fear but from a place of calm. This is what helps us collectively ascend. It's not about running around trying to save everyone or change everything but focusing within and practicing calm.
Remember that fear creates loosh and the dark ones (there aren’t actually many left here now by the way) feed on loosh. That’s why they create narratives that install fear into us. Let’s not feed them anymore. Let’s ignore their stupid babbling and nonsense (no sense). What a load of nonsense they talk...! We’re not interested in any of that - we are watching this amazing movie. It is called The Great Awakening.
记住,恐惧创造了释放,而黑暗势力(顺便说一句,现在这里实际上已经没有多少人了)以释放为食。这就是为什么他们创造的故事会让我们感到恐惧。我们不要再喂它们了。让我们忽略他们愚蠢的胡言乱语(没有意义)。他们真是胡说八道... !我们对这些都不感兴趣——我们正在看这部精彩的电影。它被称为大觉醒。
Thanks, Emma, for sharing this powerful message from the Galactics. As Emma and I discussed this message, we realized that a significant component of our current state of calm can be explained by detachment. We are not attached to timelines, outcomes, fear-based scenarios. We are hovering over it all, watching the movie unfold - along with our Galactic friends. And most importantly, we are living simply, in the moment, minimizing outside distractions.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light