Q帖解密205|后:特朗普 vs 邪教93:特朗普正在赢得的秘密战争。第二部分:了解邪教。

2020年1月2日11:54:59Q帖子Q帖解密205|后:特朗普 vs 邪教93:特朗普正在赢得的秘密战争。第二部分:了解邪教。已关闭评论69614字数 10205阅读34分1秒阅读模式

邪教93把它的触角伸得到处都是。你在电视上看到的大多数人都是邪教的一部分。他们拥有假新闻。他们拥有 H-Wood。他们拥有沼泽地。下面是他们如何使用C_A Hugh Heffner 模型获得所有权力的

Q帖解密205|后:特朗普 vs 邪教93:特朗普正在赢得的秘密战争。第二部分:了解邪教。

Cult 93 spread its tentacles everywhere.Most of the people you see on TV are part of the cult.They own the Fake News.They own H-Wood.They own the Swamp.Here is how they gained all the power they have using the C_A Hugh Heffner model:Img28

邪教93把它的触角伸得到处都是。你在电视上看到的大多数人都是邪教的一部分。他们拥有假新闻。他们拥有 H-Wood。他们拥有沼泽地。下面是他们如何使用C_A Hugh Heffner 模型获得所有权力的:Img28

This is the Cult the Maestro is taking down.This is the reason 93 is coded in the transcripts:Img29


Do you now see where the Ukraine hysteria really comes from?Ukraine was a Cult 93 bastion and many bodies are buried there.We went through the 2 transcripts in my previous articles and the video President Zelensky shared with POTUS.Look how the Mockingbird media is panicking and secretly communicating about it through the Quartz article:Img30

你现在明白乌克兰歇斯底里症真正的来源了吗?乌克兰是一个邪教的93堡垒,许多尸体被埋在那里。我们浏览了我之前文章中的两个副本,以及总统泽伦斯基与美国总统分享的视频。看看《杀死一只知更鸟》的媒体是如何惊慌失措,并通过 Quartz 上的文章 Img30秘密交流

As you can see,the information shared makes this Quartz article extremely toxic.Whoever is connected to it has serious serious serious problems.

正如你所看到的,共享的信息使得这篇 Quartz 文章毒性极大。任何与之有关的人都有严重的问题。

The Impeachment Hoax was Cult 93 trying to gain a position of leverage and obtain to negotiate with the Maestro.


Remember:that's the real Quid Prop Quo they are looking for.


When I was a kid,I had a friend who used to communicate like that.He would show up around lunch time with his hunger and seeing that we were watching TV,he'd ask:how long have you been watching TV since you had lunch?


The Maestro knew exactly what they were trying to achieve and this is why to respond to their list of Swamp'witnesses',he had a secret timeline running in parallel for us to triangulate what each witness was all about.Using the'witnesses'as examples,the Maestro gave us a tour of the Swamp.Look and try to confirm the connections through the Maestro's comms and the testimonies:Img31


For example,to illustrate the Nov 21 2019 Actors,watch Ratcliffe mercilessly demonstrate how painful it is for an actor to forget his script:until 5:44:47


Did you see how Holmes dived into his documents and how he needed his memory refreshed about the most significant event of his career?


Thank you Ratcliffe.


Let's now focus on Nov 20 2019 when the Maestro toured the Apple plant in Austin.Do you remember what he said about Apple?Watch:until 19:26.


Who's standing next to the Maestro?Yes,Secretary Acosta.This is the day his resignation was announced and Epstein is pulled into the conversation.In other words,by visiting the Apple plant the day Sondland was testifying for Shifty before exploding in his hands,the Maestro was saying to Cult 93:"all these shenanigans is about covering your crimes against the children.I've got Epstein and I'm not negotiating with you.Get ready,I'm coming for you".How do I know?Delta between Acosta's resignation and the Apple tour?132.This is the value for UNFORGIVABLE,which is confirmed by the apple and the original sin.

谁站在大师旁边?是的,阿科斯塔部长。就在这一天,他宣布辞职,爱泼斯坦也加入了谈话。换句话说,在桑德兰为希夫提作证的那天参观苹果工厂,这位大师对 Cult 93:"所有这些恶作剧都是为了掩盖你对孩子们犯下的罪行。我有爱泼斯坦我不会和你谈判的。准备好,我来了。"。我怎么知道?在 Acosta 辞职和苹果巡演之间的三角洲?132.这是 UNFORGIVABLE 的值,这是由苹果和原罪所证实的。

Q3109 Shall We Play A Game?Q


I'll give you 5 connections connecting 6 items,can you find the 6th one to close the circle?Hint:analyze the tweets posted the day the Maestro visited the Apple plant.Here are the 5 connections:Img32


Did you find it?


I'll give you another hint:until 4:56


Yes!This is what the Maestro was referring to when he tweeted"if this were a prizefight,they'd stop it",you triangulate with"how many bites of the apple",Holmes and his bionic ear and Bingo:Tyson/Holyfield:Img33

太好了!这就是大师在推特上说的"如果这是一场拳击赛,他们会阻止它",你用"苹果咬了多少口",霍尔姆斯和他的仿生耳朵,还有 Bingo:tyson/holyfield:Img33三角测量

What is the Maestro telling us by pulling Tyson into the riddle?Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed TYSON=93!


Coincidence?Hahaha!Here is the message:Img34


Do you see where this doctored picture is taking us and how powerful it is?


Now question:what's the Maestro's secret to look that way in the picture?Yes,he regularly takes a PHYSICAL to make sure everything is fine.:)Value for PHYSICAL?93!

现在的问题是:什么是大师的秘密,看看这样的图片?是的,他定期进行体检以确保一切正常。Q帖解密205|后:特朗普 vs 邪教93:特朗普正在赢得的秘密战争。第二部分:了解邪教。 PHYSICAL值?93

Time to investigate to figure this out!


Let's watch the Maestro talk about the PHYSICAL:until 38:16


Did you solve his insistence on the tie?


When the Maestro mentioned the tie in addition to the doctored picture tweet and to the PHYSICAL,the C_A Fake News went CRAAAAAZY!Look how the Fake News WaPo fakes serenity in their tweet but insist on the tie by quoting the Maestro verbatim in the linked article:tweet

当这位艺术大师提到这条领带,除了被修改过的图片和肢体语言之外,c a 冒牌新闻变得疯狂!看看假新闻杂志 WaPo 是如何在他们的推文中假装宁静,但是在链接的文章中引用大师的原话来坚持这个领带:tweet

As you can see,the WaPo got TRIGGERED.Total PANIC.Enjoy:Img35

正如你看到的,WaPo 被触发了。全面恐慌。享受:Img35

So you want to know about the tie?


The Maestro gave you the hint right here when asked about Colonel Vindman's Congress testimony:until 11:25


Did you catch it?


He first called Vindman Vinderman and later seamlessly corrected it.Comms territory.Here is the solution:Img36


Do you now see why Cult 93 has a problem sending impeachment to the Senate?The Maestro confirming my earlier decode about wanting a trial where their crimes would become public is one problem,the other is that his comms showed that he had it all about their witnesses.They are neutralized.They can't function anymore.The Maestro summarizes this reality with the question:"Where is the whistleblower?"

你现在明白为什么 Cult 93在向参议院提交弹劾上有问题了吗?大师确认了我之前的解码,关于他们的罪行将被公之于众的审判是一个问题,另一个问题是他的通讯显示他知道所有关于他们证人的事情。他们被压制了。他们再也不能正常工作了。这位艺术大师用这样一个问题来总结这个现实:告密者在哪里

To explain Nervous Nancy's apparent irrationality on the impeachment process,we first need to see that because the Maestro is twelve moves ahead,they failed to secure the leverage they thought they needed to force him into negotiations about their crimes.Second,we need to remember these people are Satanists:


Q3 Many in our govt worship Satan.


Most of the things they do are based on rituals,satanic calendars etc…Did you notice that the impeachment vote occurred exactly 1063 days after Trump's inauguration ceremony?This is Cult 93 asking for help to the IMMORTAL QUEEN=163 in their fight against the Maestro.If you think it's just a coincidence,wait until you see how it's connected to the WaPo article calling for impeachment 19 minutes after POTUS was sworn in.Have you ever wondered why 19 minutes?Here is the answer,it has to praise Cult 93:Img37

他们做的大多数事情都是基于仪式,撒旦历法等等。.你是否注意到弹劾投票恰好发生在特朗普就职典礼1063天之后?这是邪教93请求帮助不朽的女王(IMMORTAL QUEE)=163在他们对抗大师的战斗。如果你认为这只是一个巧合,那就等着看它和《华盛顿邮报》在总统宣誓就职19分钟后要求弹劾总统的文章有什么联系吧。你有没有想过为什么是19分钟?这就是答案,它不得不称赞《邪恶崇拜93:Img37

For all these reasons,the Maestro asked on the day of impeachment to say a prayer.Enjoy how he connected it to the WaPo 19 mn impeachment article through the Q board:Img38

基于所有这些原因,大师在弹劾那天请求做一个祈祷。请欣赏他如何通过 Q board 将其与《华盛顿邮报》19mn 弹劾文章联系起来:Img38

With what you now know about Cult 93 and the Wapo 19 mn impeachment article,can you precisely decode Slotkin's hand sign and the message she was sending?Let's watch again and try to solve:video

有了你现在所知道的《邪恶崇拜93》和《华盛顿邮报》19mn 弹劾文章,你能准确地解码斯洛特金的手势和她发出的信息吗?让我们再看一遍,试着解决:视频

Here is the solution:Img39


When you catch a Clownfish like Slotkin,what do you do?Yes.You go through all her comms to know more.Try to decode this article she wrote about impeachment when she claimed she was still thinking it through:link1


Here is the solution:Img40


This is the one she wrote to justify her final decision:link2


Here is the solution:Img41


Let's pause for a moment and summarize what we've learned about Cult 93 so far:Img42


Now that we have a clear understanding of what Cult 93 is,we are equipped to understand the Maestro's message coded in the NO QUID PRO QUO notes he was holding after Sondland testified and atomized Shifty.Watch and try to analyze:video


First,let's document how the Fake News mocks the Maestro for holding notes and how they prove their ignorance and/or dishonesty:Img43


Second,we understand the Maestro's notes are there for us to decode.We zoom in and focus on the paragraph first letters and how they are aligned.Here is the solution:Img44


Third,to catch the deeper layer of intel,we notice he used 11 letters to code 93 through 149.Here is the second layer of information:Img45


This is it my friends.


The Maestro is opening the door for us to understand what is REALLY going on behind the curtains,multiple layers beyond politics.


Q167 POTUS opened the door of all doors.Expand your thinking.What is the keystone?Q


Those who are familiar with my writings already know that the war we are engaged in is primarily spiritual.This is not allegorical.This is real.We are fighting spirits,some in human form and some in another form:


Q Are we alone?Roswell?Q2222 No.Highest classification.Consider the vastness of space.Q


I wrote in previous articles about God's perfect creation and how the Golden Ratio manifests in various aspects of our lives such as biology,economy etc…


One of the ways Satan and his followers wage war against Mankind is in their attempt to replace the original divine creation and its blueprint with altered versions supported by unverified theories.


Q189 All that you know to be right is wrong.The'cult'runs the world.Fantasy land.


For example,in response to the natural Fibonacci sequence leading to the Golden Ratio,here is Family Y's sequence:Img46


Since we've elected POTUS,these 2 models are at war and,for example,what you are witnessing in the economy,the stock market or in international trade are manifestations of this opposition.


If you pay attention,you will find in the Maestro's tweets updates about this fascinating war.Here is one example among many:Img47


Click here for Part 3.(or simply click"next post"below to go to the archived Post...)



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