瑞典银河真理报|第303期 女神能量~现在急需

2020年12月24日09:59:56灵性成长瑞典银河真理报|第303期 女神能量~现在急需已关闭评论82038字数 4007阅读13分21秒阅读模式


瑞典银河真理报|第303期  女神能量~现在急需Goddess Energy~Needed Urgently NOW 女神能量~现在急需

23rd December 2020


Therese Z Sumner


In the recent interview with Cobra by WLMM group the following question was asked...

在最近的采访中柯博拉 wlm 团队提出了以下问题..

Terry:Okay.Understand.Next question.Is there enough Goddess energy now existing on the surface of the planet?


Cobra:Far from it.We have far too little Goddess energy on the surface of the planet.We will need much,much,much,much,much more.


Terry:Okay,understand,next question.Apart from meditating at the SotR(Sisterhood of the Rose)and how can we effectively spread the Goddess energy throughout the planet?

泰瑞:好的,明白了,下一个问题。除了在 SotR(蔷薇圣女团)中冥想以外,我们如何才能有效地将女神能量传播到整个地球?

Cobra:What is important is not just meditating in a weekly meeting.What is important is to embody Goddess energy in daily life.So those people who are connected with the Goddess energy can invoke that energy and let it emanate through their actions in daily life.This is what is most important right now.


I am informed by my Guides that it will be of absolute necessity that we focus upon this energy for the next 4 years...to compensate for its lacking in our world for so long.


Divine Feminine Energy~Goddess Energy is present when we feel a strong desire to help and support others.This desire to help is not limited to just a couple of people whom we feel might deserve our help.It's a desire that encompasses everyone,even though we might be aware that some people simply would not be open to receiving any of our time or interest in them.


It's truly a desire to make everything as well as possible for everyone.A desire to see everyone finding some happiness and knowing that they are worthy of being cared for~being loved.


Goddess Energy is being willing to forgive everything.It's having an understanding that some people have made the wrong choices,due to lack of self-love~due to lack of belief in there being a lighter,happier path that they could choose.


When a dark path has been chosen,it is not so easy to make a decision to move in the opposite direction.The darkness has a fascination all of its own,because they have discovered how they can be'bigger'{how they perceive things}when they have the power to make others feel less than,or frightened.


Goddess Energy is patient.It can wait and forgive and wait and forgive for as long as it takes.


When we utilize Goddess Energy,we do not need to take responsibility for other people's actions.In fact we never help anyone by doing so.


Goddess Energy allows.It is patiently kind and supportive.It is dedicated to loving unconditionally.It knows that clarity will eventually arise in each individual at a pace that suits their development.


The person with Goddess energy always seeks to understand.Someone who has this Energy can always walk in another's shoes.They can feel the others frustration and desire to be correct,desire to be loved.


Because this Energy can allow,it learns to be receptive to other people's limitations and needs.


It is receptive and accepting,yet at the same time it holds a focus on guiding another in a loving way towards more self-love~self-trust~self-knowingness.


May we all~both men and women~attempt to use this energy in our lives as we move ahead.Utilizing this softer,more caring approach to dealing with all of our relationships,will truly assist the arrival of the harmonious Age of Aquarius at a quicker pace.We are there now today the 22nd December 2020.We have arrived in the Age of Aquarius.Let's all decide to be the wayshowers~the leaders~fulfilling the Mother's desire for Peace.



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