


2021年12月21门户Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

你好!此时此刻,我们心心相印地说,我是 Kejraj。这里所表达的信息是我的观点,我的观点。因为所有的真理都在你的心里等着你。调整进入你内在的光。

The excitement continues to build as we rapidly approach a very powerful energy portal. We speak of the 12/21/2021 gateway, the light of which will be felt at the core of all beings.


All of the major energetical waves that we’ve had in previous years, up until now, will culminate at the 12/21/2021 gateway. In addition with new portals being open, giving Earth and Humanity a great push in this process. This is going to be a huge one.


The light continues to intensify, the Earth and humanity reaching a new energetical peak.


A time to rejoice, for this will be an in your face wake up call. Even those most asleep, won’t be able to help but notice the shift wherever they look.


Now, they can choose to make of this whatever they wish. If just for one second they allow their mind to wonder about this process and what has been unfolding, that will be enough to trigger a new process in their beingness, towards a higher awakening.


These higher waves of light will amplify people’s ‘curiosity’. This will be the start of a new journey for many.


We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to go within. Spend time alone, in nature, get in touch with the Divine in You.


You hold the keys to the Universe’s secrets. It is time to remember who you truly are. This may sound bitter, but the truth is it does not matter how any one else sees you. It does not matter how angels view you, and other higher dimensional beings, or even Creator for that matter. Why do I say this?


In simple terms, no one outside of you can change you. So if you see yourself as a weak, miserable, unworthy being, that is what you will remain. However, if you begin to awaken, give yourself another chance, believe in yourself. Turn to the light within, and realize your true divinity, realize your godliness through self love, you will have forged a new path for yourself, and a brighter future.


The light of the Divine rests within you. The purity, the wisdom, the love, all rests within you in this now moment. The time has come for you to claim your power, and go forward in leaps and bounds.


Use this energy of the 12/21/2021 portal, and uplift yourself into a new reality. You are bound by nothing. Allow this portal to be the New Year for you. A new beginning, where you see yourself, talk, and walk as the master that you are. One who has done this times before, and only needs to REMEMBER.


From heart to heart, I Am Kejraj!

从心到心,我是 Kejraj!


  • 本文由 发表于 2021年12月19日12:34:51
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