大卫推特更新|2020/3/28 得到许可,可以谈论的重要情报

2020年3月29日10:17:03威尔科克大卫推特更新|2020/3/28 得到许可,可以谈论的重要情报已关闭评论2.1K7字数 4437阅读14分47秒阅读模式


大卫推特更新|2020/3/28 得到许可,可以谈论的重要情报

Just found out we got clearance to leak a HUGE piece of intel that I had never expected to be able to talk about.It will come out near the beginning of tomorrow's livestream.This is VERY MAJOR NEWS if it is true,and it sure looks like it could be...stay tuned!



附:琼·惠顿(Joan Wheaton)https://www.facebook.com/转载了这个推特,大卫在其下面的留言:

I'm really blown away that we had 70,000+people join our last global community livestream,if you add up all the numbers.


Oh,the times,they are a changin'!


We are not in the minor leagues anymore.No more bench-warmers on this team.


Suit up,gear up,warm up and get yourself out on the field!This is it!


We spent 5 hours last Sunday going super deep into the mother of all theories.


And remember,solid data is science,not speculation.At this point we are doing an analysis and presentation of factual evidence.


It could just as easily be aired on mainstream media—and hopefully,after you start getting Presidential Emergency Briefings on your phone,that's the new reality we will all be awakening into!


I am so pumped for freedom.You know and I know all the things we have been promised:Antarctic Atlantis,UFOs are real,free energy,anti-gravity,a radical improvement of life on earth,health technology breakthroughs…so many wonderful things.

我是如此渴望自由。你知道,我也知道我们得到的所有承诺:南极的亚特兰蒂斯,ufo 是真实的,自由的能量,反重力,地球生活的根本改善,健康技术的突破......这么多美妙的事情

I had wondered what kind of"rite of passage"we would have to go through to unlock this treasure-trove of new wonderment…and now the path has been made clear.


As a result,now is the time to shift gears a bit and go INSIDE.


This time period before the"Big Announcements"may well be the most important short burst of time in your entire spiritual life…up until now.


Before we know for a fact that it all worked out,there is still time for you to have a spiritual"Leap of Faith"--and enjoy the spring-loaded benefits of a well-informed quantum leap of faith and trust in the goodness of the Universe.


I had planned to go into the deep esoteric implications of this time period a bit earlier in the series,but when I started putting my slides together to present,I had a big chunk of data that had to come through in one piece.


I literally did not know if I would lose my entire YouTube channel to deliver that last broadcast!

我真的不知道我是否会失去我的整个 YouTube 频道来播放最后一次广播

No way I was going to break it up into chunks.One mega-download.


I honestly didn't even know I had been talking for so long…I just had to get it done,one way or another.


No pee breaks either,which I'm sure you noticed!I just get myself into a zone and off the mouth goes…but what comes out is predominantly seen as pure gold!


So NOW it's time for us to predominantly move out of what's going on"out there,"and into what's going on INSIDE.


This is about your personal power,and how you're going to use it in times like these.


You have been trained possibly for years now to think about the times we are now in.This is your activation.I can help steer you through what we all need to do from here on out,for ourselves as well as for others.


The choices you exercise with your power today can have major implications for the rest of your life.


And on Sunday's show,you will see the science to prove that you,as a single person,can have vastly more influence on the rest of the world than you may have ever imagined.


We will also be diving a little deeper into this Secret Stargate topic everybody seems so excited about!


Oh,man,I am going to CRUSH this show!Can you feel it?


This is not a dry run,nor a drill,nor the"fake-out before the real one."This is IT!

这不是演习,也不是演习,更不是"先假后真",这就是 IT

And it is far less violent and lethal than so many of the scenarios I had received briefings about.That alone is Divine Intervention.

而且它远没有我听到的许多情况介绍那么暴力和致命。仅此一项就是21 Divine Intervention(电影)

The link to join me live is right here(note:link did not transfer here;just go to the David Wilcock|Divine Cosmos Official YouTube channel...-J)and I'll remind you again tomorrow.I know you're busy!Right?That couch needs warming…go get it!

现场加入我的链接就在这里(注意:链接没有转移到这里;只要转到 David Wilcock|Divine Cosmos 官方 YouTube 频道...-j),我明天会再次提醒你。我知道你很忙!对吧?那个沙发需要暖和一下...去拿吧

In gratitude and light,


David Wilcock




  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月29日10:17:03
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