Compiled Thurs. 26 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"
编辑: 美国东部时间10月26日星期四上午12:01 by Judy Byington,MSW,lCSW,Therapist ret,Journalist,Author: 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》
BQQM Week Ahead
Biden Preps For War With Iran
Never Forget Why We Started.
It Has Always Been, And Still Is, About God's Precious children,
Whose Innocent Lives Have Been Stolen by the Evil Satanic Child Trafficking Pedophiles.
Military Is The Only Way.
It may be a Dark Winter in 2024. It's only wise to be prepared and store several month's worth of cash, water, food and essential items for yourself and to help others.
Come, Come, Ye Saints (
Come, come, ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear;来吧,来吧,圣徒们,不要害怕辛劳和劳动;
But with joy wend your way.但是快乐会向你走来。
Though hard to you this journey may appear,虽然这段旅程对你来说很艰难,
Grace shall be as your day.愿恩典与你同在。
'Tis better far for us to strive我们最好还是努力一下
Our useless cares from us to drive;我们无用的关心从我们身上驱走;
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell—做到这一点,你们的心就会欢欣鼓舞ー
All is well! All is well!一切都好! 一切都好!
Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?为什么我们要哀悼或认为我们的命运是艰难的?
'Tis not so; all is right.不是这样的,一切都很好。
Why should we think to earn a great reward我们为什么要想着去获得丰厚的回报呢
If we now shun the fight?如果我们现在回避战斗?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take.做好准备,拿出新的勇气。
Our God will never us forsake;我们的上帝永远不会抛弃我们;
And soon we'll have this tale to tell—很快我们就会讲述这个故事
All is well! All is well!一切都好! 一切都好!
We'll find the place which God for us prepared,我们会找到上帝为我们准备的地方,
Far away in the West,在遥远的西方,
Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;在那里,没有人会来伤害或使人害怕;
There the Saints will be blessed.在那里,圣徒会受到祝福。
We'll make the air with music ring,我们将用音乐环绕空气,
Shout praises to our God and King;大声赞美我们的神和王;
Above the rest these words we'll tell—除了这些我们要说的话ー
All is well! All is well!一切都好! 一切都好!
And should we die before our journey's through,如果我们在旅程结束前死去,
Happy day! All is well!快乐的一天! 一切都很好!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;这样我们也就摆脱了劳苦和悲伤;
With the just we shall dwell!我们将与正义同在!
But if our lives are spared again但是如果我们的生命再次被饶恕
To see the Saints their rest obtain,为了让圣徒们安息,
Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell—哦,我们如何让这个合唱团壮大ー
All is well! All is well!一切都好! 一切都好!
Judy Note: As you read this Update I hope you will click the above link to listen to the Tabernacle Choir singing "Come Come Ye Saints" and find comfort in it's meaning.
朱迪注: 当你阅读这个更新,我希望你会点击以上链接,听帐幕合唱团唱“来吧,耶稣圣徒”,并找到安慰,在它的意义。
The hymn was written about the early Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saint pioneers. In the dead of Winter they had been driven from their homes in Nauvoo Illinois (a city they had built out of a swamp). They were awaiting Spring so they could make their way West to the Salt Lake Valley and away from the persecutions they had for years endured because of their beliefs.
这首赞美诗是关于早期耶稣基督后期圣徒先驱教会的。在隆冬时节,他们被赶出了在 Nauvoo Illinois (一个他们用沼泽建造的城市)的家园。他们在等待春天的到来,这样他们就可以向西去盐湖谷,远离他们多年来因为信仰而遭受的迫害。
The hymn has a special meaning to me. My great, great grandfather James Smithies, (who was to be the second conductor of the Tabernacle Choir when they reached the Salt Lake Valley), sat by William Clayton on a hill overlooking the trail West as he wrote the hymn. Clayton had just learned that his wife had given birth at Winter Quarters and both she and the boy were healthy and strong.
这首赞美诗对我有特殊的意义。我的曾曾祖父詹姆斯•史密斯(他是 Tabernacle Choir 到达盐湖谷时的第二任指挥)在写赞美诗时,坐在威廉•克莱顿旁边的一座小山上,俯瞰着西部的小径。克莱顿刚刚得知他的妻子在冬季住宅区生产,她和男孩都健康强壮。
Clayton was so overjoyed at the prospect of a new life with his family and living with the Saints in the Salt Lake Valley that he couldn't sleep, so he and Smithies left Brigham Young's tent to sit on a hill and contemplate their future.
Like those early pioneers, us Patriots of the Q Movement have endured much, and just because of our beliefs, were about to endure more as we forged ahead to create a new peaceful World away from the ravages of War.
像那些早期的先驱者一样,我们 Q 运动的爱国者经历了很多,正是因为我们的信仰,我们将要经历更多,因为我们要继续前进,去创造一个远离战争蹂躏的新的和平世界。
So as the song says, "Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard? 'Tis not so. All is right. Why should we think to earn a great reward, if we now shun the fight? Gird up your loins; fresh courage take; our God will never us forsake.
And soon we'll have this tale to tell — All is well! All is well!"
很快我们就会有这个故事要讲——一切都好! 一切都好!”
- Biden Preps for War with Iran: High Alert! US Prepares War With Iran After 13 Attacks In 48 Hours! - Redacted News | War and Conflict | Before It's News (
- 拜登准备与伊朗开战: 高度戒备!在48小时内发动13次袭击后,美国准备与伊朗开战!- 新闻编辑 | 战争与冲突 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 25 Oct. Situation Report – US on Terrorist Alert:
- 10月25日,星期三,情况报告-美国恐怖主义警报:
- Israel-Palestine World War III: False Flags, crisis actors and Media propagandists are playing out scenarios to support a World War III as planned by the Banksters.
Most of the recent disastrous Events portraying a war against Israel were filmed in advance. They were being played out just like a movie to gain The People's sympathy to financially support a war – which, unfortunately, the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson played into today as he announced the first bill he would introduce to Congress would be in support of Israel. (It makes one wonder if there wasn't a deal made to make Johnson Speaker of the House). - 以色列-巴勒斯坦第三次世界大战:假旗,危机演员和媒体宣传人员正在演出的情景,以支持一个由银行家计划的第三次世界大战。最近大多数描述对以色列战争的灾难性事件都是事先拍摄的。他们就像一部电影一样被放映出来,以获得人民的同情,从而在财政上支持一场战争——不幸的是,新任众议院议长迈克 · 约翰逊(Mike Johnson)今天宣布,他将向国会提交的第一项法案将是支持以色列。(这让人怀疑,是否当初没有达成任命约翰逊为众议院议长的协议。)。
- Putin says President Trump is being prosecuted for political reasons and his arrest shows the "rottenness" of the US political system. In my opinion, he's dead on right.
- 普京表示,特朗普总统因政治原因被起诉,他的被捕表明了美国政治体系的“腐败”。在我看来,他是正确的。
The 1871 Act Of England has been reversed according
to Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes who discussed the problem on live TV. In other words, the Crown of England no longer has any control over US monies or the US Taxpayer – meaning the IRS and Federal Reserve as privately owned entities have been dissolved – they just haven't made it public yet.根据 Jan Halper-Hayes 博士的说法,1871年的《英格兰法案》已经被推翻,他在电视直播中讨论了这个问题。换句话说,英格兰王室不再对美国货币或美国纳税人拥有任何控制权——这意味着作为私有实体的美国国税局(IRS)和美联储(Fed)已被解散——它们只是还没有公开而已。 -
The 1917 Balfour Declaration has been reversed. The State of Israel didn't act on that 1917 Declaration until 1948 when it was deemed Sovereign as a Corporation (of the Khazarian Mafia). That contract as an independent Sovereign nation expires as a Corporation on Tues. 31 Oct. In other words, Palestine would no longer be a legal state of the Jewish people as of the end of October.1917年的贝尔福宣言已被逆转。以色列国直到1948年才对1917年的宣言采取行动,当时它被认为是(哈扎尔黑手党的)主权公司。作为一个独立的主权国家,该合同作为公司于10月31日星期二到期。换句话说,到10月底,巴勒斯坦将不再是犹太人的合法国家。
Unknown to most, the State of Israel or Zionism,
was not formed in 1917 for the Jewish people. It was formed by the Cabal to pit the Jewish people against Palestinians. Most Jewish spiritual leaders do not support the concept of Zionism, nor do the Jewish or Palestinian people support their government's declared war between Israel and Palestine, preferring to live in peace together.大多数人不知道的是,以色列国或犹太复国主义,并不是在1917年为犹太人民建立的。它是由阴谋集团组成的,目的是让犹太人与巴勒斯坦人对立。大多数犹太精神领袖不支持犹太复国主义的概念,犹太人或巴勒斯坦人民也不支持他们的政府宣布的以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战争,宁愿和平共处。 - On Tues. 24 Oct. the 11th Circuit Court accepted an Emergency Marshall Report Writ of Mandamus that allowed Chief Justice Clarence Thomas to rule on a Florida 2020 Election Case that charged fraud, and could invalidate the 2020 national Election.
- 10月24日星期二,第11巡回法院接受了一份紧急马歇尔报告令,该报告令允许首席大法官克拉伦斯 · 托马斯(Clarence Thomas)对指控佛罗里达州2020年选举舞弊的案件作出裁决,并可能使2020年全国选举无效。Https://
- A positive ruling by Supreme Court Justice Thomas would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, usher in Military Law until new elections could be held, and as a sidelight, give the Global White Hat Military full reign to implement GESARA worldwide.
- 最高法院法官托马斯的积极裁决将解散拜登政府和所有国会,引入军事法,直到新的选举可以举行,作为一个侧面,给全球白帽军队全权执行 GESARA 全球。
- With implementation of GESARA comes a new Global Financial System where poverty, hunger and debt would be no more.
- 随着 GESARA 的实施,将出现一个新的全球金融体系,贫困、饥饿和债务将不复存在。
- This new Global Financial System has been operational for months on a Quantum Server that cannot be hacked.
Once implemented, no one but you would be able to control your personal bank account as our debt-based economy was eliminated. - 这个新的全球金融系统已经在量子服务器上运行了几个月,无法被黑客攻击。一旦实施,除了你没有人能够控制你的个人银行帐户,因为我们的债务为基础的经济被消灭。
- Along with elimination of debt there would no longer be burdensome taxes. While Sovereign countries would have their own revised tax system, in the US those burdensome taxes would be
replaced by a flat sales tax of around 15% on new items bought only, while food and medicine would not be taxed. - 随着债务的消除,将不再有沉重的税收负担。虽然主权国家将有自己的修订税收制度,在美国,这些沉重的税收将取代单一的销售税约15% 的新项目只购买,而食品和医药将不征税。
- Global Military rule would also allow the release of useful, but long hidden technologies, such as free Med Bed Treatments that will give our body the ability to heal itself, re-grow limbs, organs and reverse the aging process.
- 全球军事规则也将允许释放有用的,但长期隐藏的技术,如免费的医疗床治疗,将给我们的身体自我愈合的能力,重新生长的四肢,器官和逆转老化的过程。
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update
on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.
朱迪注: 如果您正在阅读本更新,或从行动披露,请注意,该信息已被编辑。对于一个完整的未编辑版本,见 PDF 副本在最后的操作披露官方更新,或阅读一个未编辑版本的谣言磨坊网站。
A. Global Currency Reset History and Rumored Timeline:
- On Thurs. 12 Oct. the Central Bank of Iraq suspended Western Union service for international money transfer of the Dinar in preparation for the Global Currency Reset:
- 10月12日星期四,伊拉克中央银行暂停西联汇款公司的第纳尔国际汇款业务,以便为全球货币重置做准备:
- Iraq joined BRICS and banned cash withdrawals of US Dollars in Iraq:
- 伊拉克加入金砖国家,并禁止在伊拉克提取美元
- Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks worldwide completed the remaining layers of payments, plus the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
- 隔夜星期日。10月15日世界各地的银行完成了剩余的付款层次,国际货币基金组织和世界银行举行了最后一次会议。
- By Mon. 16 Oct. the Dinar was fluctuating in value on the back screens of the Forex, though was mainly around $1.47 to the USD in-country. Also, the RV launch algorithms were said to be ready to go; Dubai 1 had been released and Dubai 2 had almost finished it's launch.
- 到10月16日星期一,第纳尔的价值在外汇的后屏幕上波动,虽然主要是1.47美元对美元的国内。此外,RV 发射算法据说已经准备就绪,迪拜1号已经发布,迪拜2号已经接近完成发射。
- On Thurs. 19 Oct. the White House went red, the same day as the London Stock Exchange halted trading and SEC dropped its lawsuit against XRP, which meant that there was nothing stopping major financial institutions using XRP for very large transactions.
- 10月19日星期四,就在伦敦证券交易所停止交易和证券交易委员会撤销对 XRP 的诉讼的同一天,白宫的红灯亮了,这意味着没有什么能阻止大型金融机构使用 XRP 进行大额交易。
- Fri. 20 Oct. the Iraqi Dinar revalued to a new in-country rate, has been trading on the back screens of the Forex and putting itself in a position for the new International Exchange rate that was soon to be made public according to Iraqi Banks.
- 10月20日星期五伊拉克第纳尔被重新估值为一个新的国内汇率,一直在外汇的后屏幕上交易,使自己处于一个新的国际汇率的位置,根据伊拉克银行的消息,这个新的国际汇率很快就会公布。
Get Ready for EBS Activation: Q says that "After Argentina's election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change and the World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it." …Q Bombshell! EBS Activation on October 22nd: Biden's Retirement, Trump's Return, and the White Hats' Plan Revealed! | Alternative | Before It's News (为 EBS 的激活做好准备: Q 说: “在阿根廷大选之后的太阳报。10月22日一切都将改变,世界将很快没有互联网一段时间。我们正在接近时间线。做好准备”Q 帅哥!10月22日 EBS 启动: 拜登退休,特朗普回归,白帽计划曝光!在新闻出现之前( )
- Mon. 23 Oct. TNT: "We don't know what is holding up the RV. The banks have been able to see the new Dinar Rate on their screens since last (Fri. 20 Oct.)
- 星期一10月23日。TNT: “我们不知道是什么阻碍了 RV。自从去年(10月20日星期五)以来,银行已经能够在他们的屏幕上看到新的第纳尔利率
- Tues. 25 Oct. Wolverine: Hello my fellow patriots. Within a couple of hours people will join others from around the world to launch "The Biggest Global Event Ever Seen in the History of Mankind." We will all walk together and hold hands as one unit in peace and love to embrace this incredible gift from God. Humanity should have new meaning for all of us today once we pass that finish line. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore as we will be united in common goal which is the path to make us humanitarians. God, we give you thanks for what we are about to receive and make me your shield and strength for the journey for I'm about to commence. We have been waiting for 30 years for this to happen but I know that during those years we had to change as human beings by making our hearts pure and for you to see who are the Chosen Ones to take that journey and cross that finish line to see this new world. "Once we cross that finish line, that day should be remembered as a new global holiday where the world declares in one voice: "FREEDOM" Thank you, Father, for leading us all to freedom and I promise that us patriots will commence and continue this humanitarian venture for many years to come. ALL sides are ready to go. The unlock codes arrived on Fri. 20 Oct. from the World Bank."
- 2010年10月25日星期二。金刚狼: 你好,我的爱国者同胞们。在几个小时内,人们将加入其他人从世界各地发起“有史以来最大的全球事件在人类历史上见过。”我们将一起行走,手拉手,团结在一起,和平相处,爱拥抱上帝赐予我们的这份不可思议的礼物。一旦我们通过了终点线,今天的人类对我们所有人都应该有新的意义。我们不能再被我们的微小差异所消耗,因为我们将在共同的目标下团结起来,这就是使我们成为人道主义者的道路。上帝,我们感谢你赐予我们的一切让我成为你的盾牌和力量为了我即将开始的旅程。我们等待这一天已经30年了,但我知道,在这些年里,我们必须通过让我们的心灵变得纯洁来改变人类,让你们看到谁是被选中的人,踏上这段旅程,跨过终点线,看到这个新的世界。“一旦我们跨过终点线,这一天应该作为一个新的全球性节日而被铭记,在这个节日里,全世界用同一个声音宣布: “自由”,感谢你,父亲,带领我们所有人走向自由,我保证,我们这些爱国者将在未来许多年里开始并继续这一人道主义冒险。所有人都准备好了。解锁代码于10月20日星期五从世界银行到达。”
- Wed. 25 Oct. BRICS unveiled BRICS Pay, a new payment platform developed over the past few years. This system is designed to boost trade and financial transactions.
- 10月25日,星期三。金砖国家推出了金砖国家支付,一个新的支付平台在过去几年发展。该系统旨在促进贸易和金融交易。
- EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct? Trump said he was "turning off the friggin lights at Halloween." Did he mean EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct?
- 10月31日星期二启动 EBS?特朗普说他要“在万圣节关掉该死的灯”他说的是10月31日星期二的 EBS 激活吗?
- Starting the fourth week of October Repatriation and Reclamation Allowances would be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since the 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
- 从10月份的第四个星期开始,遣返和填海津贴将发放。偿还的金额将基于自20世纪40年代以来缴纳的联邦税、抵押贷款利息、银行贷款、汽车贷款和信用卡利息——以及这些款项多年来的利息收入。这些60岁及以上的老人将在10月、11月和12月分三个月获得相等的报酬。这些50-60岁的人将在未来12个月内获得补偿,而那些年轻人将在15年内获得补偿,尽管他们必须有工作才能获得资格。
- Starting sometime in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200.
- 从10月份开始,持续三个月的社会保障福利将大幅提高,最高达到5200美元。
- Repatriation Allowances for 60 and older will begin the 18th or 25th of Oct. as the beginning of three equal payments over the next three months.
- 60岁及以上人员的遣返津贴将从10月18日或25日开始,作为未来三个月三笔同等款项的开始。
- Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, although that date could vary.
- 11月1日星期三的目标是完成货币交易所和 Zim 债券的赎回,尽管这个日期可能会有所不同。
- On Sun. 19 Nov. XRP gold/asset-backed digital currency would be official.
- 11月19日周日,XRP 黄金/资产支持的数字货币将正式发行。
- Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless,
all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis. - 从2024年1月1日起,法定美元将一文不值,全球所有货币的比例将达到1:1,社会保障福利将大幅提高,社会保障补贴将按月开始发放。
- In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer "universal basic income" for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
- 在接下来的三到六个月里,罗德里格斯信托基金会将开始为所有符合 GESARA 规定的国家的公民管理“普遍基本收入”。每个人或每个家庭的工资数额将取决于个人/家庭的地位、需要、就业水平和年龄,并将尽可能鼓励人们工作。
- Wed. 25 Oct. The QFS Revolution: Are You In or Out? Have You Started Banking with the QFS? All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS! - American Media Group (
- 10月25日,星期三。QFS 革命: 你加入还是退出?你是否已经开始使用 QFS 进行银行业务?所有银行都在向 QFS 过渡!- 美国传媒集团(
- Wed. 25 Oct. Your Money is Safe in New System, JFK Jr.:
- 10月25日星期三你的钱在新系统中是安全的,小肯尼迪:
B. Global Economic Collapse:
- WARNING: Market Crash Black Monday, Black Swan Event 30, 31 Oct. 2023
- 警告:市场崩溃的黑色星期一,黑天鹅事件 2023 年 10 月 30 日、31 日
- The CEO of HSBC is warning that the World is at a tipping point on debt that threatens to spark a Global reckoning after years of government borrowing binges.
- 汇丰银行首席执行官警告说,世界正处于债务危机的转折点,在经历了多年的政府借贷狂潮之后,债务危机可能引发全球清算。
- The Gold price is rising as BRICS and other countries are stocking up on Gold, using their own currency for payments, which is backed by precious metals and coming away from the Dollar. This is why the West can no longer suppress the true value of gold prices or any other commodities. We are also about to see countries that have had their currencies devalued and suppressed for years under the Cabal slavery system REVALUE big time! We are now witnessing countries around the world dump the dollar and trade within their own currencies. The Fiat Dollar is no longer the global dominant currency - Gold is. Revaluation is coming. …Yorkshire Lass on Telegram
- 金砖国家和其他国家正在囤积黄金,使用自己的货币进行支付,这是由贵金属支持的,远离美元,黄金价格正在上涨。这就是为什么西方国家不能再压制黄金或其他商品的真实价值。我们还将看到那些多年来在阴谋集团奴隶制度下货币贬值和压制的国家大幅度升值!我们现在正目睹世界各国抛售美元,用本国货币进行贸易。菲亚特美元不再是全球主导货币,黄金才是。人民币即将升值。约克郡姑娘的电报
- The global fiat currencies are about to fail! If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective. The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the Re-Valuation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon. The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. I can't wait for this to happen. What an exciting time to be living in.
- 全球法定货币即将崩溃!如果这次崩溃迫在眉睫,在我看来只意味着一件事。房车就在拐角处。RV 代表当前货币的重新估值。新的金融体系即将诞生。新货币将以黄金作为支撑。不再有通货膨胀,不再有凭空赚钱。我等不及了。生活在这样一个激动人心的时代。
- Norway:
World's largest wealth fund suffered more than $30bn loss. Norway's Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, posted a 374 billion crown ($33.80 billion) loss in the Q3, the fund said on Tuesday, hit by a heavy drop of the stocks and bonds value. Equities - its biggest asset class, accounting for 70.6% of its value in the quarter - recorded a 2.1% loss. Fixed income investments, which account for just above another quarter of its assets, returned a loss of 2.2%, and real estate assets of 3.3%. Earlier, the fund posted an all-time record loss of 1.64 trillion crowns (just over $148 billion) for 2022. - 挪威: 世界上最大的财富基金遭受了超过300亿美元的损失。全球最大的主权财富基金挪威政府养老基金全球(GPFG)周二表示,第三季亏损3,740亿克朗(约合338亿美元) ,受股票和债券价值大幅下跌影响。股票——其最大的资产类别,占其本季度价值的70.6% ——录得2.1% 的亏损。占其资产四分之一以上的固定收益投资回报率为2.2% ,房地产资产回报率为3.3% 。早些时候,该基金公布了2022年创纪录的1.64万亿克朗(略高于1480亿美元)的损失。
- Wed. 25 Oct. China: The largest real estate company in the World, China's Evergrande, did not file court documents regarding it's bankruptcy by the requested time.
- 10 月 25 日星期三,中国: 全球最大的房地产公司中国恒大没有在规定时间内向法院提交有关其破产的文件。
- Wed. 25 Oct. Pepe Lives Matter on Telegram: "What I've learned about Gadaffi is that he posed a direct threat to the Central Bank slave system currently implemented around the world. That's most likely why they eliminated him. If you do not understand the importance of the Central Bank Debt System, then you are missing knowledge about a key aspect of Mystery Babylon. This is why they would invade many countries that did not have a Central Bank. It's a veil of debt pulled over people's eyes. It's how they illicit so much power over the masses. And the lack of understanding about this amongst the sheep shows why the word "mystery" is used when speaking of Mystery Babylon. People do understand that they truly live in a Matrix. The future will make our present reality look like a pale initiation. Their system is destined for failure."
- 10月25日,星期三。佩佩在电报中说: “我对卡扎菲的了解是,他对目前在世界各地实行的中央银行奴隶制度构成了直接威胁。这很可能就是他们除掉他的原因。如果你不理解中央银行债务系统的重要性,那么你就错过了关于神秘巴比伦的一个关键方面的知识。这就是为什么他们会入侵许多没有中央银行的国家。这是一层债务的面纱遮住了人们的眼睛。这就是为什么他们非法控制大众。羊群对此缺乏了解,这就说明了为什么在谈到神秘的巴比伦时要使用“神秘”这个词。人们明白他们真的生活在母体中。未来将使我们现在的现实看起来像一个苍白的开始。他们的体系注定要失败。”
- In 2009 Gaddafi, one of the richest men in the world and dictator of Libya, gave his first UN speech. He demanded answers to many conspiracies including who assassinated JFK & MLK.
- 2009年,世界上最富有的人之一、利比亚独裁者卡扎菲在联合国发表了他的第一次演讲。他要求回答许多阴谋,包括谁暗杀了肯尼迪和马丁 · 路德 · 金。
- Black Monday Oct. 30-31: Economic crash leading to the greatest wealth transfer in history. What better day to bring this nation to it's knees than Halloween?
Historic collapse of stock market coming. Historically they happen in October. BRICS nations will cripple the U.S. dollar. November is gonna be crazy. Bitcoin has failed. Bitcoin is the leader of what's coming. This is the start.
- 黑色星期一10月30-31日: 经济崩溃导致历史上最大的财富转移。还有什么比万圣节更能让这个国家屈服的呢?历史性的股市崩盘即将到来。从历史上看,它们发生在10月份。金砖国家将削弱美元。十一月会很疯狂的。比特币失败了。比特币是未来的领导者。这只是开始。
- U.S. banks battling $650,000,000,000 of unrealized losses in securities portfolios. (Moody's).
- 美国银行正在应对证券投资组合中650,000,000,000美元的未实现亏损。(穆迪)。
C. Restored Republics:
- On Wed. 25 Oct. the IG Report, Durham Rebuttal and Barr Rebuttal were released to the public all at the same time of 1:29.
- 10月25日星期三,《检察长报告》、《杜伦反驳》和《巴尔反驳》在1点29分同时向公众发布。
Africa Coups: The world is changing rapidly and power is finally shifting. Africa is a clear example of this; they are finally expelling the Western overlords from their nations. These are the coups that have occurred in French colonies just in the last three years:非洲政变: 世界正在迅速变化,权力终于在转移。非洲就是一个明显的例子; 他们最终将西方霸主赶出了自己的国家。以下是过去三年在法国殖民地发生的政变:
GABON - August 2023
NIGER - July 2023
BURKINA FASO - January 2022
GUINEA - September 2021
CHAD - April 2021
MALI - August 2020
There's another 8 to go within the 14 that form the sphere of French control in Africa.
- Wed. 25 Oct. The Brunson Brothers vs. The Corporate United States of America – Julian Assange's Revelation on the Brunson Brothers' Legal Battle - American Media Group (
- 10月25日,星期三。Brunson Brothers vs The Corporate United States of America-Julian Assange’s Revation on The Brunson Brothers’Legal Battle-American Media Group (
Wed. 25 Oct. Department of Defense Report:
10月25日,星期三,国防部报告:Night vision activated. Under the cover of darkness, Marines participate in combat rubber raiding craft operations in the Persian Gulf.
Sat. 28 Oct. Delta, Next Week BOOM BOOM BOOM …Q
10月28日,星期六,达美航空,下周,BOOM BOOM BOOM... Q
Mon. 30 Oct. Hillary Clinton arrested. HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run.
星期一10月30日。希拉里 · 克林顿被捕。HRC的引渡工作已于昨天开始,对几个国家实施,以防止跨境逃亡。
Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur.
US Marines will conduct the operation while National Guard activated.
D. The Real News for Wed. 25 Oct. 2023:
- Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis and Israel are all terrorists according to Miko Peled, son of an Israeli General, Activist and Author.
- 哈马斯、真主党、 ISIS 和以色列都是恐怖分子,根据以色列将军、活动家和作家之子米科 · 佩雷德(Miko Pered)的说法。
- Warning: America is going to War with Iran and facing the single greatest threat hiding in plain sight." Sorcha:
- 警告: 美国即将与伊朗开战并且面临隐藏在众目睽睽之下的最大威胁
- Wed. 25 Oct. Oregon: Oregon State University has issued an alert that there is a bomb threat involving Starship food delivery robots. They are advising students not to open any food delivery robots and to avoid all robots until further notice as Authorities are responding.
- 10月25日,星期三。俄勒冈州: 俄勒冈州立大学发出警报,有一个涉及星际飞船食品运输机器人的炸弹威胁。他们建议学生不要打开任何送餐机器人,并避免所有机器人,直到进一步通知,因为当局正在作出反应。
- Wed. 25 Oct. Shocking Intel, Charlie Ward:
- 10月25日,星期三,令人震惊的消息,查理沃德:
- 2017 He Started to Clean the Swamp: It's Happening Now! Buckle Up Arrests Nesara Deep State Façade Tumbling Down Its Over | Beyond Science | Before It's News (
- 2017年他开始清理沼泽: 现在就在发生!系好安全带逮捕内萨拉: pestwave 内萨拉深州的外墙摇摇欲坠 | 超越科学 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 25 Oct. Warmongers Exposed: And We Know: Warmongers Exposed! Censoring Continues! Clinton Rocked! Traitors Exposed! OZ! Pray! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (
- 10月25日,星期三。暴露的战争贩子: 我们知道: 暴露的战争贩子!审查继续!克林顿摇滚!叛徒暴露!奥兹!祈祷吧!- 必须的视频 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( )
- President Trump: "Washington (D.C.) has become a dirty, crime ridden death trap, that must be taken over and properly run by the Federal Government. It is, and will be, part of my Election Platform. We will clean it, renovate and rebuild it - and, most importantly, MAKE IT SAFE. Right now it is probably the most unsafe capital city anywhere in the World. With this in mind, there is NO WAY I can get a fair trial on a Biden, Election Interference Indictment, in D.C. Obviously, at the appropriate time, if this ridiculous case should be allowed to proceed forward, which is, according to legal scholars, very doubtful, I will be making a demand for a Venue Change!"
- 特朗普总统: “华盛顿已经成为一个肮脏的、充斥着犯罪的死亡陷阱,必须由联邦政府接管并妥善管理。它现在是,将来也是我的竞选纲领的一部分。我们将清理、翻新和重建它——最重要的是,确保它的安全。现在它可能是世界上最不安全的首都。考虑到这一点,我不可能在华盛顿获得对拜登的公正审判,在适当的时候,如果这个荒谬的案件被允许继续进行,根据法律学者的说法,这是非常值得怀疑的,我将要求更换地点!”
- "Mother (who is really Father) Teresa
was a Child Trafficker and sold babies and children to the Elite. He/She funneled between $50 to $100 million a year to the Vatican. Teresa and his/her son Dr. Fauci were Deep State. The Vatican is empty – all hanged. Fauci also. Nobody wants them to harm our children." …Agents of Innocents on Telegram - “母亲(实际上是父亲)特蕾莎是一个儿童贩子,把婴儿和儿童卖给精英。他/她每年向梵蒂冈捐赠5千万到1亿美元。Teresa 和他/她的儿子 Fauci 博士是深层政府。梵蒂冈空无一人,全被绞死了。福奇也是。没有人希望他们伤害我们的孩子。”无辜者特工的电报
- On September 11th, 1990—exactly 11 years to the day before the events of 9/11—George Bush Sr. announced the emergence of the "New World Order," a phrase which has been repeated time and time again by proponents of a post-democratic One World Government, ruled by an unelected technocratic "elite."
- 1990年9月11日,也就是9 · 11事件发生的11年前,老乔治 · 布什宣布“新世界秩序”的出现,这个词被后民主“一个世界”政府的支持者们一次又一次地重复,这个政府由一个未经选举产生的技术官僚“精英”统治
E. World War III
- Wed. 25 Oct. Bombshell! Phil Intel Breaking News! EBS Was About to Start! - American Media Group (
- 10月25日,星期三。重磅炸弹! 菲尔情报突发新闻! EBS 即将开始!-美国媒体集团(
- Wed. 25 Oct. Son of Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: 'They Are a Globalist Psyop Group' - American Media Group (
- 10月25日星期三,哈马斯领导人之子吹口哨: “他们是一个全球主义的心理战团体”-美国媒体集团(
- Wed. 25 Oct. 2 Billion Will Die in New War Cycle – Charles Nenner "This war cycle is going to be worse than World War II. So, the question is what do we do and where do we go? - American Media Group (
- 10月25日星期三10亿人将在新的战争周期中死去——查尔斯 · 奈纳“这个战争周期将比第二次世界大战还要糟糕。所以,问题是我们要做什么,去哪里?- 美国传媒集团(
- Wed. 25 Oct. WW3 Escalation, 10k US Troops Land in Iran, Strikes on US Bases in Middle East, Media Silent: - 10月25日,星期三,第三次世界大战升级,1万美军在伊朗登陆,袭击美国在中东的基地,媒体沉默:
- Wed. 25 Oct. Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu stated on state TV that Russia has tested its ability to deliver a massive retaliatory Nuclear Strike. Russia will no longer give the US advanced notice on it's Nuclear Tests.
- 10月25日,星期三。俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖 · 绍伊古(Sergei Shoigu)在国家电视台上表示,俄罗斯已经测试了发动大规模报复性核打击的能力。俄罗斯将不再提前通知美国进行核试验。
- Wed. 25 Oct. Yemen: The leader of the Ansarullah movement: "Yemen is ready to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to fight alongside Palestinians."
- 10月25日,星期三。也门: Ansarullah 运动的领导人: “也门准备动员数十万人与巴勒斯坦人并肩作战。”
- Wed. 25 Oct. Egypt and Israel WW3 INFO: It is no coincidence that Egyptian and Israel face each other at short distances with a massive array of tanks. Why did Israel call up 300,000 reservists if they are not currently fighting? Footage from southern Israel. This is just starting... Dark Winter:
- 10月25日,星期三。埃及和以色列第三次世界大战信息: 埃及和以色列用大量坦克在短距离内对峙并非巧合。如果以色列目前没有战斗,为什么要征召30万预备役军人?来自以色列南部的录像。这才刚刚开始... 黑暗之冬:
War Mongers make money on both sides
Israel is the head of the Khazarian Mafia.
Palestinian people are not wanting the war, it's all the politicians
Palestinians hate Netanyahu.
They are trying to drive hatred between the Jews and the Palestinians.
- MacGregor: "We don't want a war. We need to come to terms with reality. It's best to negotiate an end to this thing. Solve the problem. Military power is not the answer. They killed more than two 2000 Gaza. They already killed the Hamas fighters in Israel. Citizens in Gaza paid a terrible price. Collective punishment doesn't work well. Historically collective punishment breeds new enemies. The enemies don't vanish, they get worse. Hamas is not so much people as it is an idea. It is an idea made much more attractive by the brutality meted out to them in the aftermath of these attacks. It's easy to recruit people when their families are killed when their homes are destroyed. Getting the rest of the region involved is not a problem. If Gaza is subjected to the kind of punishment that Netanyahu wants to bring out, the Egyptians are going to have a tough time staying out of it. If they get involved everyone else will pile on. We don't want it. We can't afford it. We are bankrupt. There must be another way..."
- 马盖格: “我们不想要战争。我们需要面对现实。最好谈判解决这件事。解决问题。军事力量解决不了问题。他们杀害了2000多名加沙人。他们已经杀死了以色列境内的哈马斯武装分子。加沙居民付出了惨痛的代价。集体惩罚不管用。历史上,集体惩罚会滋生新的敌人。敌人不会消失,只会变得更糟。哈马斯与其说是一个人,不如说是一个想法。由于这些袭击发生后他们遭受的残酷对待,这一想法变得更具吸引力。当他们的家庭被毁,他们的家人被杀时,招募人员很容易。让该地区其它国家参与进来不是问题。如果加沙受到内塔尼亚胡想要施加的惩罚,埃及人将很难置身事外。如果他们参与进来,其他人就会蜂拥而至。我们不想要。我们负担不起。我们破产了。一定还有别的办法...”
- "The enemies don't vanish, they get worse. Hamas is not so much people as it is an idea. It is an idea made much more attractive by the brutality meted out to them in the aftermath of these attacks. It's easy to recruit people when their families are killed when their homes are destroyed. Getting the rest of the region involved is not a problem. If Gaza is subjected to the kind of punishment that Netanyahu wants to bring out, the Egyptians are going to have a tough time staying out of it. If they get involved in it, you're going to see everyone else pile on. We don't want it. We can't afford it. We are bankrupt. There has got to be another way." …Q Classified on Telegram Wed. 25 Oct.
- “敌人不会消失,他们会变得更糟。哈马斯与其说是一个人,不如说是一个想法。由于这些袭击发生后他们遭受的残酷对待,这一想法变得更具吸引力。当他们的家庭被毁,他们的家人被杀时,招募人员很容易。让该地区其它国家参与进来不是问题。如果加沙受到内塔尼亚胡想要施加的惩罚,埃及人将很难置身事外。如果他们卷入其中,你会看到其他人也加入进来。我们不想要。我们负担不起。我们破产了。肯定还有别的办法。”10月25日星期三电报分类。
F. Biden Crime Family:
- In May 2009 Biden visited Serbia to personally recruit computer hackers there to control Dominion Software in future elections. …Former US Army officer Scott Bennett, Counterterrorist Analyst.
- 2009年5月,拜登访问了塞尔维亚,亲自在那里招募电脑黑客,以便在未来的选举中控制 DominionSoftware。前美国陆军军官 Scott Bennett 反恐分析员。
G.International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China's Three Gorges Dam and in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
- US President Barack Obama flew in from Chicago $65,000 worth of "hotdogs" (pedophile code word for little boys according to the FBI) and "pizza" (pedophile code word for little girls according to the FBI) for a private White House party using clandestine channels.
- 美国总统巴拉克 · 奥巴马从芝加哥飞抵白宫,利用秘密渠道为一个私人聚会准备了价值6.5万美元的“热狗”(FBI 称之为“恋童癖”,FBI 称之为“小男孩”)和“披萨”(FBI 称之为“恋童癖”,FBI 称之为“小女孩”)。
- Wed. 25 Oct. BOOM! The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE (Graphic/Disturbing Content) - American Media Group (
- 10月25日,星期三。砰!希拉里儿童性爱录像带比你想象的还要糟 | The SATANIC SYNDICATE (图片/令人不安的内容)-美国媒体集团(
H. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
- E Coli is in the Vaccines:,approved%20for%20use%20in%20humans. - 大肠杆菌在疫苗中:,approved%20for%20use%20in%20humans。
- CEO of Pfizer at a WEF meeting states: "Our dream and goal is to reduce the human population by 50% by 2023"
- 辉瑞公司首席执行官在世界经济论坛上表示: “我们的梦想和目标是到2023年将人口减少50% 。”
- The US has the worst mortality rate for infants in the western nations. In 1994 Japan ceased all vaccinations for any child under 24 months and their mortality rate for infants dropped by 96%.
- 在西方国家中,美国婴儿死亡率最高。1994年,日本停止了所有24个月以下儿童的疫苗接种,婴儿死亡率下降了96% 。
- The shots were owned and made by the military. Pfizer and Moderna were paid to make it appear like it came from the pharmaceutical industry.
- 这些枪都是军方拥有并制造的。有人付钱给辉瑞和摩登纳,让它们看起来像是来自制药业。
- Stanley Plotkin is the Godfather of Vaccines and a consultant to Moderna, one of the main manufacturers of the Covid Vax. Under oath he admitted to the use of fetal tissue from aborted babies and said that he'd gladly go to hell for what he's done.
- 斯坦利•普洛特金(stanleyplotkin)是疫苗之父,也是冠状病毒疫苗主要制造商之一摩登纳公司(modna)的顾问。在宣誓后,他承认使用了流产婴儿的胎儿组织,并说他很乐意为自己的所作所为下地狱。
- "Alzheimer's is a physician CAUSED disease! It didn't even occur in people over 40 years ago and now it's the #4 killer of people in the USA over age 65. What is Alzheimer's disease? Well, it's the disappearing of your brain's insulation, the Myelin. What is Myelin made out of ? It's made from CHOLESTEROL! If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it's the fastest way to Alzheimer's disease."
- “老年痴呆症是一种由医生引起的疾病!40多年前甚至没有发生在人身上,现在它已经成为美国65岁以上人群的第四大杀手。什么是老年痴呆症?是你大脑的绝缘体,髓磷脂的消失。髓磷脂是什么做的?是用胆固醇做的!如果你坚持低胆固醇饮食或者服用胆固醇药物,这是得老年痴呆症最快的方法。”
- In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes 22,000 vaccines to save one life from COVID. Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."
- 在辉瑞公司的试验中,疫苗组的死亡人数高于安慰剂组,而且需要2.2万种疫苗才能挽救一个冠状病毒疾病的生命。Steve Kirsch: “所以你为了拯救10000人的生命而杀害了150000人。”
I.Wed. 25 Oct. General Patton on Telegram: The Rothschild dynasty goes back to the 16th century. They inbreed to keep the money in the family. They own over 1800 properties all over Europe. They've married into royalty and at this point own own almost every country through their central banking scam.
10月25日。巴顿将军的电报: 罗斯柴尔德王朝可以追溯到16世纪。他们通过近亲繁殖把钱留在家里。他们在欧洲拥有超过1800处房产。他们嫁给了皇室,通过他们的中央银行骗局,他们现在拥有了几乎所有的国家。
J. Wed. 25 Oct. Fulford Report:
- NESARA / GESARA The Dawn of a New World: "The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!" Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
- NESARA/GESARa 新世界的黎明: “贫穷的终结,债务的终结,新黄金时代的开始!”准备迎接这样一个世界: 贫穷、饥饿和债务成为过去的遗迹,取而代之的是全球繁荣和人人享有持久和平!
- NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA: In a monumental shift, NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.
- NESARa 加入 GESARa: 在一个巨大的转变中,NESARA,一个全面的美国经济改革计划,已经把它的命运与 GESARA,它的全球对手联合起来。这一重大声明预示着一场深刻的变革,这场变革不仅将影响美国,还将影响全世界206个主权国家的联盟。这一转变的关键是在 GESARA 内建立新的金融体系。
- A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System: Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a "global gold-standard monetary system." In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.
- 全球金本位货币体系: 一旦 GESARA 成为中心舞台,国际货币基金组织(IMF)将宣布“全球金本位货币体系”的开始在这个新时代,所有剩余的法定货币都将兑换成黄金支持的货币,这是远离纸币的重要一步。在这个复苏的金融体系下,向数字货币的进军将获得动力。
- A Transition Rooted in Simplicity: To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.
- 根植于简单的过渡: 为了确保无缝的过渡,已经做了精心的准备。新的金融系统已经运行了几个月,安全地托管在量子服务器上,不受黑客攻击或未经授权的访问。至关重要的是,财富扩散是这种转变的基石。新的财富持有者更倾向于为人道主义工作做出贡献,最终为所有人创造财富。
- Wealth-Building Mechanisms: This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.
- 创造财富的机制: 这种转变可能导致熟练工人的短缺,而这恰恰是创造财富的催化剂。随之而来的工资和薪水的激增抵消了税收减免带来的价格下降,有时最高可达最终产品成本的80% ,从而引发了通货紧缩。由于免费能源技术,能源成本降低,进一步促进了金融复兴。
- The Future: A Glorious Reality: Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the Cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, re-growing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.
- 未来: 一个光荣的现实: 我们的未来是一幅充满创新和丰富多彩的大织锦。曾经被阴谋集团压制的技术(有些可以追溯到几个世纪前)终于被释放出来。例如,南极洲的原始水域将使干旱地区恢复生机,并为所有动植物注入生机。一个拥有个性化信用卡的世界,能够创造一切的复制者,以及新发现的能够显化我们欲望的意识等待着我们。真正的医疗保健可以使我们的身体恢复活力,使肢体或器官再生,甚至可以逆转衰老过程几十年。
- Liberation from Financial Chains: Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the Cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.
- 从金融链条中解放出来: 货币和传统银行业,这些历史上被阴谋集团用来操纵和控制我们的工具,在一个以债务为基础的经济体系中,将被淘汰。然而,货币将永存。随着全球范围内国家债务的消除,个人和公司的税收将会降低。相反,将对新产品征收大约15% 的统一销售税。
- The Dissolution of the Global Elite's Pyramid: The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one's identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved. People will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.
- 全球精英金字塔的解体: 目前由全球精英、政府和公司主导的金字塔结构已经达到了极限。这种结构使阶级分化和匮乏永久化。当一个人的身份超越物质依恋时,真正的灵性进化就会出现。随着免费能源的出现,先进的交通工具,以及所有人都可以使用的复制者,真正的平等出现了。没有人会被奴役。人们会在充足的自由时间里追求自己的激情,进行反思和创造。囤积变得没有必要了。
- A Vision of Advanced Civilization: In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.
- 先进文明的愿景: 在先进文明中,对食物、住所和交通的关注是过去的遗迹。随着 NESARA 和 GESARA 的展开,我们站在一个繁荣、自由和创新蓬勃发展的世界的边缘,人类精神不受物质关切的负担而高涨。
K.Bloodlines of Jesus:
- Abraham Lincoln was a Kahlooni of the Druze/Jesus bloodline.
- 亚伯拉罕-林肯是德鲁兹/耶稣血统的卡鲁尼人。
- One of President Lincoln's sons
was Omar Lincoln. Omar was the natural father of JFK Sr. JFK Sr. was adopted into the Kennedy family, but was a Lincoln Kahlooni by birth and of the Druze/ Jesus bloodline. - 奥马尔 · 林肯是林肯总统的儿子之一。奥马尔是老肯尼迪的亲生父亲。老肯尼迪被肯尼迪家族收养,但出身于林肯 · 卡鲁尼家族,有德鲁兹/耶稣血统。
- Another son of President Lincoln was William Wallace. William Wallace's son was General Patton. General Patton's son was Donald Trump. Trump was adopted into the Trump family, but was a Lincoln Kahlooni by birth and of the Druze/ Jesus bloodline.
- 林肯总统的另一个儿子是威廉 · 华莱士。威廉华莱士的儿子是巴顿将军。巴顿将军的儿子是唐纳德 · 特朗普。特朗普被特朗普家族收养,但出身于林肯 · 卡鲁尼家族,有德鲁兹/耶稣血统。
L. Join in the Fight for Our Freedoms and Save the Children:
M. The Canadian Vancouver Club has scheduled itself to celebrate Satan's Birthday on Halloween by holding a Satanic Child Sex and Torture Rite starting in the evening to midnight on Sat. 28 Oct.
- You are encouraged to help Save the Childrenfrom this "Horror of Venice Carnival Halloween Event" that evening of Sat. 28 Oct by protesting at the Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings Street in Vancouver, Canada; by writing to the Court at: and by listening this Sunday October 22 to Here We Stand at 3 pm pacific:
- 我们鼓励你们在星期六晚上的“恐怖威尼斯狂欢节万圣节活动”中帮助拯救孩子们。10月28日在加拿大温哥华西黑斯廷斯街915号的温哥华俱乐部举行抗议活动,致信法院,电子邮件:,本周日10月22日下午3点收听 Here We Stand at 3 pm 太平洋:
N. Donate to Operation Underground Railroad – They're Saving The Children End Child Trafficking | Operation Underground Railroad (
为“地下铁路行动”捐款——他们在拯救儿童,终结拐卖儿童行为 | “地下铁路行动”
Sun. 22 Oct. Sound of Freedom and the Face of Evil:
10月22日,星期日,《自由之声与邪恶之面: 》
O. The capitol of the Sovereign Nation of Hawaii in Lahaina Maui has been destroyed. Hundreds of men, women and children were presumed dead. Over two thousand children were still missing. At least 4,500 displaced. Any aid you could give to help those suffering tremendous losses would be greatly appreciated. Be Careful Where You Donate: The Kingdom of Akua Foundation's Malama Lahaina Website was the only official and authorized site solely dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama Lahaina - Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (
位于 Lahaina Maui 的夏威夷主权国家的首都已经被摧毁。Https:// 上百名男女老幼被认为已经死亡。仍有二千名儿童失踪。至少有4500人无家可归。如果您能提供任何帮助,帮助那些遭受巨大损失的人们,我们将不胜感激。小心捐赠地点: 阿库阿王国基金会的马拉马拉哈伊纳网站是唯一的官方和授权网站,专门致力于夏威夷原住民: Malama Lahaina-P p kahi i Holomua 捐赠( )
P. Donations were needed to help Save Our Constitution and battle the IRS – but
you get COOL Liberty stuff! Donations go to the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page:
Q. Support the Fight for our Freedom from the Goliath IRS:
Ken Cromar is sitting in jail after having his fully paid for home and all his possessions taken away by the IRS even though he won his case in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no money to the IRS.
支持从巨人国税局那里争取我们的自由: 肯 · 克罗马尔(Ken Cromar)在国税局没收了他的全部房款和所有财产之后正在坐牢,尽管他在联邦税务法院赢得了他的案子,他没有欠国税局钱。
案件更新: 反对保护令暴露了政府对舆论法庭的恐惧 | 新闻稿 | 新闻之前( )
司法部在现状听证会上揭露了肯 · 克罗马尔的犯罪阴谋增加到军法署的犯罪转交 | 新闻稿 | 新闻发布之前( )
Ken Cromar's mailing address (he can only receive white postcards): Paul Kenneth Cromar #655950 Weber County Jail P.O. Box 14000 Ogden, UT 84412
DONATIONS may be mailed to Ken's son: Talmage Comar 130 W 5300 S Washington Terrace, Utah 84405 OR Venmo: @Talmage-Cromar THREE LETTERS OF SUPPORT FOR KEN CROMAR REVEL HARASSMENT AND CORRUPTION (
肯 · 克罗玛的邮寄地址(他只能收到白色的明信片) : 保罗 · 肯尼思 · 克罗玛 # 655950韦伯县监狱邮政信箱14000奥格登,犹他州84412号捐款可以邮寄给肯的儿子: 犹他州塔玛奇 · 科马尔130w 5300s 华盛顿特勒斯84405或者 Venmo:@Talmag- 克罗玛支持肯 · 克罗玛狂欢骚扰和腐败的三封信( )
R. Send an email or letter of protest to help save a four year old child held hostage by Organ Harvesting Stanford U Children's Hospital, which appeared actively trying to kill her. The Court has ruled against the parent's right to save her.
- The healthy child went in for prolonged diarrhea and was given the drugs Fentanyl, Dexamethasone, Precedex, Ativan, Amlodipine, Kepra, Nicardipine Ceftriaxone, and intubated on a ventilator, actions of which have caused renal and kidney failure.
- 这个健康的孩子因长期腹泻而住院,给他服用了芬太尼、地塞米松、普瑞塞德、安定、氨氯地平、 Kepra、尼卡地平头孢曲松等药物,并在呼吸机上进行了插管,这些药物的作用已经导致了肾脏和肾脏衰竭。
- The family asked for a 2nd opinion and instead Child Protective Services was called. A Court hearing was held without properly notifying the family. Judge Erika Ziegenhorn ruled that the parents have to consent to whatever the hospital deems necessary to prescribe or medical procedure.
- 这个家庭要求第二个意见,结果却叫来了儿童保护服务机构。法庭在没有适当通知家属的情况下举行了听证会。法官 Erika Ziegenhorn 裁定,父母必须同意医院认为必要的处方或医疗程序。
- CPS responsible:
Oregon Department of Human Services : Child Protective Services (CPS) : Child Safety : State of Oregon - CPS 负责: 俄勒冈州人类服务部: 儿童保护服务(CPS) : 儿童安全: 俄勒冈州
- The doctor responsible: Lindsey K Rasmussen, MD Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford University 650-498-6313.
- 负责医生: Lindsey K Rasmussen,MD Lucile Packard 儿童医院斯坦福大学650-498-6313.
S. Must Watch Videos:
- Wed. 25 Oct. Situation Update: Situation Update: Bigger WW3 Escalation Happening Now! 10K US Troops Land! Iran Strikes US Bases In Middle East! Media Silent! Hamas/Hezbollah Cross US S. Border! Another Carrier Group! | War and Conflict | Before It's News (
- 10月25日,星期三。情况更新: 情况更新: 更大的第三次世界大战升级正在发生!一万美军陆地!伊朗袭击美国在中东的基地!媒体安静!哈马斯/真主党越过美国南部边境!又一个航母战斗群!战争与冲突新闻之前( )
- Tues. 24 Oct. Situation Update:
Judy Byington: Red October-Trump Warns, "We Are Heading To WWIII",Biden's Nuclear WWIII Pending, It's Not What You Think, Special Intel Report Tues. 24 Oct. 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 2010年10月24日星期二。情况更新: 朱迪 · 拜因顿: 红色十月——特朗普警告说,“我们正在走向第三次世界大战”,拜登的核战争即将爆发,事情不是你想的那样,英特尔特别报告2023年10月24日(视频) | 备选 | 在它成为新闻之前( )
- Tues. 24 Oct. Situation Update: Situation Update: Bigger WW3 Escalation Happening Now! 10K US Troops Land! Iran Strikes US Bases In Middle East! Media Silent! Hamas/Hezbollah Cross US S. Border! Another Carrier Group! | War and Conflict | Before It's News (
- 2010年10月24日星期二。情况更新: 情况更新: 更大的第三次世界大战升级正在发生!一万美军陆地!伊朗袭击美国在中东的基地!媒体安静!哈马斯/真主党越过美国南部边境!又一个航母战斗群!战争与冲突新闻之前( )
- Wed. 25 Oct. Shocking Intel, Charlie Ward:
Charlie Ward: Shocking Intel -- This Was Unexpected! Oct 24, 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 10月25日,星期三。令人震惊的情报,查理沃德: 查理沃德: 令人震惊的情报——这是意料之外的!2023年10月24日(视频) | 选择 | 在它成为新闻之前( )
T. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈延伸出去。
There's certainly no
help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
U. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔与她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿著,前言,科林 · 罗斯博士医学博士。罗斯博士——罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
V. Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证了撒旦的儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到了人类的祭祀—— YouTube
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救,差点自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的少年巫师团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”
W. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
X. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
朱迪注: 我现在没有,也从来没有,收到钱写我的更新和文章。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童祭祀的真相来帮助拯救儿童组织。
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们站在另一边,在那里,我们将一起为所有人创造更美好的生活。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy