通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2022年9月4日

2022年9月4日17:06:52大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2022年9月4日已关闭评论6441阅读模式
通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2022年9月4日

Judy Note: It is my personal opinion and it appears reasonable that notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) for exchange and redemption appointments would take place AFTER a big Event where Mainstream Media Satellites were taken down and the Emergency Broadcast System came into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System.

Judy Note: 这是我个人的观点,在一个大事件之后,主流媒体卫星被关闭,紧急广播系统在新的星链卫星系统上生效,通知4B 层(我们,互联网集团)的交换和赎回预约似乎是合理的。

There was only a handful of Military Intelligence people who would be informed of when Liquidity release would actually occur, and they weren’t talking. The date would be decided by the Quantum Computer and based on safety issues. Any other dates given by Intel Gurus or others, were pure speculation.

只有少数几个军事情报人员会被告知什么时候真的会释放流动性,而且他们没有说话。日期将由量子计算机根据安全问题决定。情报 Gurus 或其他人给出的任何其他日期,纯粹是推测。

The next few months were promised to be full of turmoil. I have been asked to publish my Restored Republic via a GCR Updates only on Mon. through Friday, with none on the weekends. That will go into immediate effect. Special Reports will be published only under certain situations.

接下来的几个月预计将充满动荡。我被要求在周一到周五通过 GCR 更新发表我的《恢复的共和国》 ,周末不发表。这将立即生效。特别报告只会在某些情况下发表。


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年9月4日17:06:52
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