作者: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗师 ret,记者,作者: 《二十二张脸: 珍妮希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》
“Welcome to the Great Awakening”
“Something Big is Coming and All the Right People are Scared, Very Scared.”
“It’s Show Time.”
…JFK AwakeningQ17
肯尼迪机场起飞 q17
“Trailing Clouds of Glory”
October 11, 2020 – #4752 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)
2020年10月11日-# 4752《音乐与口语》(Music & the Spoken Word) thetabernaclechoir.org
Judy Note:
Tues. 29 March White Hats: Welcome to the Great Awakening, Q
3月29日星期二白帽子: 欢迎来到大觉醒,q
- In the Fall of 2017posts began appearing on anonymous online forums which have since become “the biggest ‘inside’ ‘approved’ information dump in American history,” giving We, The People unprecedented insight into a far-reaching shadow war between patriots (within and outside of government and military) and an evil international Cabal intent on destroying America and quashing its founding principles.
- 2017年秋天,匿名在线论坛开始出现帖子,这些帖子后来成为“美国历史上最大的‘内部’‘得到认可的’信息垃圾场”,让《我们,人民》前所未有地洞察到爱国者(政府和军队内外)与邪恶的国际阴谋集团之间的影响深远的战争,这个集团意图摧毁美国,并推翻其创始原则。
- In Real Time we are witnessing the exposure of past and present crimes of this Cabal, actions to bring them to justice, and the ushering in of a great, Global Awakening.
- 在实时中,我们正在见证这个阴谋集团过去和现在的罪行的曝光,将他们绳之以法的行动,以及一个伟大的全球觉醒的开始。
- You are currently witnessing the END GAME unfold: the Durham Investigation End Game of Hillary Clinton – Obama – CIA – Five Eyes.
- 你现在正在见证一场终结游戏的展开: 希拉里 · 克林顿-奥巴马-中情局-五只眼的达勒姆调查终结游戏。
- The stolen 2020 Electionwas given to the Democrats and Biden Administration in order to set up the greatest Sting Operation in history.
- 被窃取的2020年选举权交给了民主党和拜登政府,以建立历史上最大的圈套行动。
- The purpose of the White Hat Military Sting Operationwas to expose the foreign occupation of all three branches of the US Government.
- 白帽军事诱捕行动的目的是揭露外国对美国政府所有三个部门的占领。
- Records of Military personal and high positioned commanders, Deep State Intel officers and agencieswho colluded with the Plandemic (Fauci, Gates, CDC, NIH, WHO, World Bank, GPMB, ect) were now being secured in sealed indictments.
- 军队个人和高级指挥官、深州情报官员和机构与计划部门(Fauci,Gates,CDC,NIH,WHO,World Bank,GPMB 等)勾结的记录现在被密封起诉。
- The Crime of the Century was unfolding and being exposedby hundreds of thousands of White Hats across the world.
- 本世纪的罪行正在展开,并被全世界成千上万的白帽子暴露出来。
- Bringing down a 6,000 year old Satanic system was happening. Keep buckled up. We were inside a Near Death Experience – with an Event as the collapse. The whole World will see and experience the pain. It had to be this way. Q
- 摧毁一个有6000年历史的撒旦系统正在发生。系好安全带。我们在一个濒死体验中——一个事件作为崩溃。整个世界都会看到并体验到这种痛苦。只能这样了。问
- You were watching a movie: 你在看一部电影:
- China’sPrime Minister XI was working on dissolving the Chinese Communist Party – he had to in order for China to be part of the Global Currency Reset.
- 中国的 sPrime 部长 XI 正致力于解散中国共产党——为了让中国成为全球货币重置的一部分,他不得不这样做。
- Russiahas switched to gold/asset-backed currency and gotten rid of all Kazarian Rothschild influence in Russian banks while taking down the Deep State Head of the Snake via a invasion of Ukraine to free the people of the eight-year reign of their Nazi government and destroy Deep State US Inc. Bio-weapon labs set to release pathogens on the General Public this Fall.
- 俄罗斯已经转而使用黄金/资产支持的货币,摆脱了可萨罗斯柴尔德家族在俄罗斯银行的影响力,同时通过入侵乌克兰打倒了“蛇”的深度国家元首,以解放纳粹政府统治了八年的人民,并摧毁了“深度国家”美国公司。生化武器实验室将在今年秋天向公众释放病原体。
- In the US the Military was in chargeand answered to duly elected Donald Trump in his Mar a Largo Florida office. The Biden Administration was composed of three actors playing Biden functioning from a White House Hollywood movie set, another in Georgia and controlled by the Military White Hats.
- 在美国,军方负起了责任,正式当选的唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在他位于 Largo Florida 的马阿(Mar a)办公室接受了军方的回应。拜登政府由三名扮演拜登的演员组成,他们分别来自白宫的好莱坞电影布景,另一个位于乔治亚州,由军事白帽党控制。
- The UK, Germany and Canadawere inside their own Continuity of Government plans, as were many nations functioning inside a silent worldwide Military Operation designed to take down the Deep State Cabal.
- 联合王国、德国和加拿大都在他们自己的政府计划的延续之中,许多国家也在一个旨在摧毁深层国家阴谋集团的无声的世界性军事行动中运作。
Global Currency Reset:
- On Sat. 12 Marchbanks worldwide were switched to the new SWIFT Global Financial System.
- 星期六. 123月12日全世界的银行转用新的 SWIFT 全球金融系统。
- On Tues. 15 MarchDelta Force took over the Emergency Broadcast System from the corrupt CIA.
- 周二15日三角洲部队从腐败的中央情报局手中接管了紧急广播系统。
- As of Fri.18 March at 6pm EST the fiat US Dollar was no longer being used in International Trade.
- 截至3月18日星期五美国东部时间下午6点,法定美元不再用于国际贸易。
- By 20 Marchthe fiat US dollar was officially dead according to Charlie Ward.
- 查理 · 沃德说,到3月20日,法定美元正式消亡了。
- On 21 Marcha new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System officially began across the globe.
- 21日,新的黄金/资产支持量子金融体系在全球正式启动。
- By Tues. 22 March seven countries began using their gold/asset-backed currencies including Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia. More were likely in the system by now. The US would be the last country to go.
- 到3月22日星期二,包括俄罗斯、中国、印度和沙特阿拉伯在内的7个国家开始使用黄金/资产支持货币。到现在为止,系统中可能还有更多。美国将是最后一个离开的国家。
- The Central Bank of Russia announced that the Russian Ruble currency was gold backed as of 28 March.
- 俄罗斯中央银行宣布,从3月28日起,俄罗斯卢布货币为黄金支持。
- Fleming: Notifications for Fines and Penalties will be delivered by Special Courier. Although these deliveries started this weekendno money has been released – not until Tier 4 notifications start. It’s reasonable then, to believe that by Thursday, 3/31, everything has to be done.
- 罚款和处罚通知将由特快专递递送。虽然这些交付从本周末开始,但没有钱被释放——直到第四层通知开始。因此,我们有理由相信,在3月31日星期四之前,一切都必须完成。
- Redemption Center Staff were scheduled to beginworking full time on 29 March according to Bruce.
- 救赎中心的工作人员预定在3月29日开始全职工作。
- Notification for Tier4B(us, the Internet Group) would happen according to Events, not dates, though several Intel providers claimed that notification to set exchange/redemption appointments was set to go out on 30 March.
- Tier4B 通知(我们,即互联网集团)将根据 Events 而不是日期发出,尽管一些英特尔提供商声称,设置兑换/赎回约会的通知将于3月30日发出。
- The Federal Reserve Note USDwould likely complete cleanup by the end of March according to Bruce.
- 根据布鲁斯的说法,美国联邦储备委员会可能在三月底完成清理工作。
- The new gold/asset-backed US Notewas expected to be available to the general public around the first part of April.
- 新的黄金/资产支持的美国票据预计将在4月上旬向公众开放。
- The fiat US dollar (US Inc. was bankrupted by the Chinese Communist Party and Saudi Arabia according to Charlie Ward)would be phased out by the end of the US Treasury fiscal year in 2022.
- 法定美元(按照查理•沃德(Charlie Ward)的说法,美国公司(US inc.)已被中国共产党破产,而沙特阿拉伯将在2022财政年度结束前逐步淘汰。
- 31 March was the last day of the Federal Reserve, the last day for business of any banks not Basel Three compliant, gold-backed Ruble payments for gas had to be worked out by Thurs. 31 March, plus as of that 31 Marchthe Petro Dollar would have run it’s course and all nations would go back to their own currencies vs trading in the fiat US Dollar.
- 3月31日是美联储(fed)的最后一天,任何不符合《巴塞尔协议三》(Basel Three)、以黄金为担保的卢布支付天然气费用的银行,都必须在3月31日前完成业务,另外,从3月31日起,“石油美元”(Petro Dollar)将自行其是,所有国家都将回归本国货币对法定美元的交易。
- 1 April was the beginningof the first quarter of the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) using the Quantum Computer and new digital currency of Blockchain. From now on trading of all nations would be done with gold/asset-backed currency.
- 4月1日是新量子金融体系的第一个季度的开始,使用的是量子计算机和 Blockchain 的新数字货币。从现在开始,所有国家的交易都将使用黄金/资产支持货币。
- Last YearJuan O Savin said that Donald Trump would be recognized as the US President by April Fool’s Day Fri. 1 April.
- 去年,胡安 · 奥萨文表示,唐纳德 · 特朗普将在愚人节(4月1日)被承认为美国总统。
- US National Emergency would end 10 April.
- 美国国家紧急状态将于4月10日结束。
The Real News for Tues. 29 March 2022:
- UK London:Huge power wipes out traffic lights and electricity across the Capital: Thousands of homes and businesses: 英国伦敦: 巨大的电力摧毁了整个首都的交通信号灯和电力: 数以千计的家庭和企业:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10663937/Huge-power-wipes-traffic-lights-electricity-Capital.html
- Fox News Reported on a White Hat Military Election Sting Operation: Watermarked Ballots in 12 Key States showed that Trump won the 2020 Election. Military arrests of high profile political elites involved in that 2020 Election Fraud have been made and those charged with sedition now reside in Prison Barges at GITMO awaiting Tribunals.
- 福克斯新闻报道白帽军事选举的圈套: 12个关键州的有水印的选票显示特朗普赢得了2020年的选举。参与2020年选举舞弊事件的知名政治精英已被军方逮捕,那些被控煽动叛乱的人现在住在关塔那摩监狱的驳船上,等待法庭的审判。
- CIA officer John Sipher has openly confessed that the CIA rigged the 2020 Election for Joe Biden.Sipher was also among the many “intelligence experts” who falsely discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post back in October of 2020 as part of a “Russian disinformation campaign” designed to discredit Donald Trump: 中央情报局官员约翰 · 西费尔公开承认,中央情报局操纵了2020年乔 · 拜登的选举。2020年10月,许多“情报专家”错误地推翻了《纽约邮报》关于亨特 · 拜登笔记本电脑的报道,斯费尔也是其中之一。这是旨在诋毁唐纳德 · 特朗普的“俄罗斯造谣运动”的一部分:https://en-volve.com/2022/03/28/bombshell-cia-officer-openly-confesses-to-rigging-2020-election-for-joe-biden-and-says-they-would-do-it-again/
- On Mon. 28 March Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed financial dealingsbetween the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on the Senate Floor — and brought the receipts.
- 3月28日,参议员查克•格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley)披露了中国共产党与参议院议员亨特(Hunter)和詹姆斯•拜登(James Biden)之间的财务交易,并带来了收据。
- In 2013 the IRS Admitted that Taxes were voluntary when questioned by a Congressional Representative: 2013年,美国国税局承认税收是自愿的,当被一位国会代表质问时:https://www.bitchute.com/video/M2sU4mccR5f2
- Z was the name of the Russian Military Operation to Liberate Ukraine – the country that was considered the Head of the Deep State Snake.Putin “invaded” Ukraine with a mandate to free the Ukrainian people from their Nazi dictated government (present for the last eight years), to bring down the Central Banking system and to destroy 33 US funded and run illegal Bio-weapon labs that were doing involuntary human experiments on the Ukrainian people, plus were set to release pathogens on the general public (targeting Russians) this Fall. All three targets remained on schedule to be accomplished by 1 April.
- Z 是俄罗斯解放乌克兰军事行动的名称——这个国家被认为是“深层国家之蛇”的首领。普京“入侵”乌克兰的任务是把乌克兰人民从纳粹统治的政府手中解放出来(这个政府在过去的八年里一直存在) ,摧毁中央银行系统,摧毁33个由美国资助和运营的非法生物武器实验室,这些实验室正在对乌克兰人民进行非自愿的人体实验,此外还计划在今年秋天向公众(针对俄罗斯人)释放病原体。所有三个目标都按计划在4月1日之前完成。
- Russian troops found evidence in the Ukraine Bio-weapons labs that the CV-19 “virus” was manmade andcreated in those Ukraine Bio-weapon labs. Fauci, Joe Biden and Obama were among several global elites said to have received a cut in proceeds from the CV-19 vaccines.
- 俄罗斯军队在乌克兰生物武器实验室发现证据,证明 CV-19“病毒”是在乌克兰生物武器实验室人工制造的。据说,包括福奇、拜登和奥巴马在内的几位全球精英从 cv-19疫苗获得的收益中受到了削减。
- Pfizer documents released by order of the Court on 1 March revealed 9 pages of adverse affectsof the Vaccine including blood clots that had lead to frequent deaths of the newly vaccinated, while Fauci was still pushing genocide by vaccination especially for children. Fauci was said to have made billions off the sale of the vaccine.
- 辉瑞公司在3月1日发布的法院命令文件中披露了9页有关疫苗的不良影响的文件,其中包括导致新接种疫苗的人频繁死亡的血凝块,而福奇仍在通过特别针对儿童的疫苗接种来推行种族灭绝。据说福西通过销售疫苗赚了数十亿美元。
- The financial newspaper The Economist recently headlined: “Get Ready for a World Currency– the Largest Transfer of Wealth in Planet Earth’s History. New Stock Market, Global Governments, Banks, Companies, Hedge funds, Bonds, ETF’s, Real Estate etc.”
- 财经报纸《经济学人》最近的标题是: “为世界货币做好准备——地球历史上最大的财富转移。新股市场、全球政府、银行、公司、对冲基金、债券、 ETF、房地产等。”
- That Global Currency Reset happened on Sun. 20 March,while the SWIFT Global Financial System was no more.
- 全球货币重置发生在3月20日,而 SWIFT 全球金融系统不复存在。
- This week most BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China) were trading in gold-backed currencies, plus Europe de-pegged from the US Dollar, while Indonesia de-pegged from the fiat US Dollar last week.
- 本周,多数金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)交易的货币都是黄金支持的货币,加上欧洲与美元脱钩,而印度尼西亚上周与法定美元脱钩。
- 31 March was the last day of business for any bank that was not Basel 3 compliant and the last day for the Federal Reserve.The Fed was absorbed into the Treasury one year ago and given a year to close down shop.
- 3月31日是所有未遵守《巴塞尔协议3》的银行的最后一天,也是美联储的最后一天。一年前,美联储被并入财政部,并被给予一年时间关闭商店。
- 1 April theQuantum Computer and new digital gold/ asset-backed currency using Blockchain would be fully activated.
- 4月1日量子计算机和使用区块链的新数字黄金/资产支持货币将被完全激活。
- Major White Hat Yoshinori Ohsumi was a Cell Biologist who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his research on how cells renew their content in a process called Autophagy.Yoshinori and Dr. Robert Malone unveiled the secrets of mRNA and created a natural solution of cell renewal that forces Autophagy in the human system. This means you can renew your cells, restore your immunity and get rid of damaged cells post Covid, post Chemo and even post Covid vaccination. 大隅良典是一位细胞生物学家,他在2016年获得了诺贝尔医学奖,因为他研究了细胞如何在一个叫做自噬的过程中更新它们的内容。Yoshinori 和 Robert Malone 博士揭示了 mRNA 的秘密,并创造了一种细胞更新的自然解决方案,这种方案强制人体系统中的细胞自噬。这意味着你可以更新你的细胞,恢复你的免疫力,并摆脱受损的细胞后的 ovid,化疗,甚至后的 ovid 疫苗接种https://bit.ly/CellXStore
- Madison Cawthorn Talks about the ‘DC elites’ Having Orgies and Doing Cocaine: 麦迪逊 · 卡索恩谈论华盛顿的精英们纵欲和吸食可卡因:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/asking-madison-cawthorne-talks-dc-elites-orgies-cocaine-video/
Global Financial Crisis:
- Kremlin says all options as to how Ruble payments for gas will be worked out by 31 March.
- 克里姆林宫表示,所有关于如何支付天然气卢布的选择都将在3月31日前敲定。
Covid/Vax Hoax:
- Zev Zelenko WarnsThe World About Big Pharma’s Assassination List: Zev Zelenko 警告世界关于大型制药公司的暗杀名单:https://thetruereporter.com/dr-zev-zelenko-warns-the-world-about-big-pharmas-assassination-list/
- TX Federal Judge Grants Class Action Status To Navy SEALS In Lawsuit Against Secretary of Defense Austin Over Vaccine Mandates: TX 联邦法官在针对国防部长奥斯汀的疫苗诉讼中授予海豹突击队集体诉讼地位:https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/2022/03/28/breaking-tx-federal-judge-grants-class-action-status-to-navy-seals-in-lawsuit-against-secretary-of-defense-austin-over-vaccine-mandates/
- Russian “invasion” of Ukraine: 俄罗斯“入侵”乌克兰:
- People of Energodar Ukraine: A Russian army leafletsays all financial debt is written off. The Russian forces control Melitopol, Berdyansk and other towns of Zaporozhye [central south]. Civilian life is returning there – people can go home, humanitarian aid is being regularly delivered, stores are open, pensions and welfare are being paid. Consumer debt and any debt for utilities is being written off, moreover, the cost of utlities will shortly go down to standard prices in Russia. People feel safe, they see that in practice the Russian army poses no danger to them. The Russian army is not an enemy of the Ukrainian people and strives to minimize any losses.
- 乌克兰 Energodar 的人们: 一张俄罗斯军队的传单上写着所有的财政债务都已注销。俄罗斯军队控制了 Melitopol、别尔季安斯克和 Zaporozhye (中南部)的其他城镇。那里的平民生活正在恢复——人们可以回家,人道主义援助正在定期运送,商店开门营业,养老金和福利正在支付。消费者债务和公用事业债务正在被注销,此外,在俄罗斯,通用电气的成本将很快下降到标准价格。人们感到安全,他们看到实际上俄罗斯军队对他们不构成危险。俄罗斯军队不是乌克兰人民的敌人,并且努力减少任何损失。
International Child Sex Trafficking:
- Despite Shocking Verdicts on Horrible Child Abuse CasesWhile Delaware’s AG, Beau Biden’s Foundation Focused on Abused Children, Now Handlers Are the Only Ones Making the Money: 恐怖虐待儿童案令人震惊译者:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/despite-shocking-verdicts-horrible-child-abuse-cases-delawares-ag-beau-bidens-foundation-focused-abused-children-now-handlers-ones-making-money/
- 7 2021: Criminal network in Thailandprovides drugs, child prostitution and fetuses for Black Masses, complete with dead grilled babies wrapped in gold. (Satanic Black Masses)
- 2021年7月: Thailandprovides 的犯罪网络为黑人群众制造毒品、雏妓和胎儿,包括用黄金包裹的死去的烤婴儿。(撒旦的黑暗群众)
Humanitarian Projects:
- Rubber Crisis, Green Farms, Greg Oneil: 橡胶危机,绿色农场,格雷格 · 奥尼尔:https://rumble.com/vydhed-greg-oneil-of-white-tiger-farms-rubber-crisis-green-farms-and-more.html
“Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,”by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D.
《二十二张脸: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活内幕》 ,作者朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言作者: 科林 · a · 罗斯博士RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele原料: Colin Ross 博士-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4 Judy Note: YouTube has fixed these links so they don’t work. I suggest you goggle to connect to the link, or better yet use DuckDuckGo.
YouTube 已经修复了这些链接,所以它们不能工作。我建议你用goggle连接到链接,或者更好地使用 DuckDuckGo。
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
警告: Jenny 生动地描述了她如何在5岁时被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童祭祀,并且被神圣介入拯救,差点自杀-这和其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者似乎是由美国公司的中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王银行、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织起来的,一直到克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们是由管理我们全球货币体系的同一阴谋集团提供资金的——正是这个组织正处于因全球货币重置和恢复共和国的活动而垮台的过程中。难怪特朗普总统会说,“这些人都病了。”
Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,我一直应 SRA 幸存者勇敢的受害者的要求,对撒旦仪式虐待儿童进行调查,这些受害者目睹了撒旦领导人及其聚会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在的州的司法部长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀发生在国际组织的第九层撒旦教派,该教派在梵蒂冈境外。
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking,although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
美国联邦调查局(孟菲斯)(24小时工作制)(901-rrb- 747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip tips.fbi.gov.
提交匿名举报 tips.fbi. gov。
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form
美国移民/海关执法局: https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form
Federal Human Trafficking Website: https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
联邦人口贩卖网站: https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/
呼叫营救855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad: https://ourrescue.org/
地下铁路行动: https://ourrescue.org/
Saving Innocence: https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end
拯救纯真: https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4tmi8yxcu&feature=emb_rel_end
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
美国: 儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
USNCMEC 急救受害人24小时热线: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help
联系国际刑警组织: https://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol https://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime
欧洲刑警组织报警电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime
EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en
欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-Hotlines/national-hotlines_en
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers
全球: 人口贩卖热线电话号码: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers
Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/
人口贩卖的帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
英国: 儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线 BBC 行动热线
The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
让我们斋戒祈祷,为这几百万的小孩子祈祷,他们现在正从全球各地的阴谋地下通道中被营救出来,并且正在被隔壁的邪恶巫师所折磨和杀害。让我们也为世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祷告。古代的禁食和祈祷的教义在10:30:32马可福音第十章第五 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks 中有解释
Judy Note:I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
一个巨大的感谢你给那些献身和勇敢的情报提供者谁希望保持不为人知; 我们的天使玛莎谁工作24/7揭露什么是真正的发生; 谦虚的野火女士谁是善于揭露真相; 布拉德谁做了伟大的研究; 邦尼 b 谁暴露了什么是真正发生的根本原因和肯揭示几乎无限的恋童癖情报帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义努力中一切顺利,并期待着在另一方看到你们,我们将共同努力,使所有人的生活更加美好。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
耐心是一种美德。拥有美德是一个好的道德存在的标志。善良的道德人有能力战胜邪恶,改变世界。我们会的! ! !朱迪