通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告|2020年9月3日星期四

2020年9月4日09:15:42大揭露通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告|2020年9月3日星期四已关闭评论5895字数 14734阅读49分6秒阅读模式

通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告|2020年9月3日星期四


Source:Dinar Chronicles



Judy Note:As of today Thurs.3 Sept.high up US Treasury and Banker sources reported that they would start our Tier 4b 800#s notification any time between 1 pm EDT Fri.4 Sept.to Tues.8 Sept.

朱迪注:今天星期四。93日美国财政部高层和银行家消息人士报告说,他们将在美国东部时间94日星期五下午1点到98日星期二之间的任何时间开始我们的4b 800通知。

Some banks have announced that they would be in a blackout period with no monies transfers for the ten banking days between 1 pm EDT Fri.4 Sept.to Mon.21 Sept.(You were advised to be prepared,though be aware that this appeared to be the same period as our exchanges/redemption and you could leave your appointment with debit cards and up to$14,000 in cash.)


The deadline to do exchanges/redemption at Redemption Centers at the Contract Rates was Mon.14 Sept.On Tues.15 Sept.the General Public would begin exchanges at the new International Rates.



1.This week Deep State hacking interference was still going on against major banks trying to fully utilize and be able to execute money transfers through the new QFS system.

1.本周,深州黑客组织(Deep State)仍在对试图充分利用并能够通过新的 QFS 系统进行资金转移的主要银行进行干扰。

2.The schedule that was set by Trump and the Department of Defense Security Teams on Mon.31 Aug.had to provide time this week for all the lead banks to use and test the QFS system in order to plug any remaining holes through which there could be Cabal attempts to hinder the RV Shotgun release.If successful,the Cabal could stop our Tier 4b exchanges/redemption cold.

2.特朗普和国防部安全团队在831日制定的时间表,不得不在本周为所有牵头银行提供时间来使用和测试 QFS 系统,以堵住阴谋集团试图阻止 RV Shotgun 发布的任何剩余漏洞。如果成功的话,阴谋集团可以阻止我们的4b 级交易/赎回。

3.On Tues.2 Sept they paid 7 SKR's of DINARES in the HSBC bank in London.By video an acquaintance in London showed me his account with USD$43,000,000 for the exchange of his Dinar with SKR in HSBC London.

3.92日星期二,他们在伦敦汇丰银行支付了7瑞典克朗的第纳尔。通过视频,我在伦敦的一位熟人向我展示了他的账户,里面有4300万美元,用于在伦敦汇丰银行与 SKR 兑换他的第纳尔。

4.Our guy said these tests have been going on this week and moving forward with the Shotgun release timing,partly depending on progress on Thurs.3 Sept.of lead banks being able to successfully utilize the QFS--without Deep State interference--to securely transfer funds.

4.我们的人说,这些测试本周一直在进行,并随着霰弹枪发布的时间推进,部分取决于周四的进展。93日,牵头银行能够成功地利用 QFS——没有深层国家干预——安全地转移资金。

5.This was a large part of what has held us back–the war going on–it was not Trump and his advisors who have held us back.


6.On Tues.1 Sept.Charlie Ward alluded that this week they have to ensure that Deep State interference would not keep the banks from securely using the new Quantum Financial System in order to execute the Shotgun Start earlier than later.

6.91日,星期二。查理沃德(Charlie Ward)本周暗示,他们必须确保深州的干预不会阻碍银行安全地使用新的量子金融系统(Quantum Financial System),以便尽早实施"猎枪开始"(Shotgun Start)

7.US Treasury and Banker information was that they would start our Tier 4b 800#s notification any time between Fri.afternoon 4 Sept.to Tues.8 Sept.

7.美国财政部和银行家的消息是,他们将在94日星期五下午到98日星期二之间的任何时间开始我们的4b 800通知。

8.He again repeated that This Is It.Trump,the RV Teams and banks have to finish not only us in Tier 4b redemption,but also the General Public Tier 5 this month of September in order to be ready for the Thurs.1 Oct.full online functioning of the QFS for global business and full online use of the asset-backed USN for the Restored Republic federal govt fiscal year start also on Thurs.1 Oct.

8.他再次重申,就是这样了。特朗普、RV团队和银行不仅要完成我们的4b 级赎回,还要完成9月份的第5级公共服务,以便为周四做好准备。101日,全球商业 QFS 的全面在线运行,以及恢复共和国联邦政府财政年度的资产支持 USN 的全面在线使用也将于101日开始。

9.Governments around the world were fully expecting the global asset-backed QFS system to be ready for global government business and private business by Thurs.1 Oct,which was only four weeks away.The landing strip was IN SIGHT!

9.世界各国政府都充分预期,全球资产支持的 QFS 系统将在周四前为全球政府业务和私人业务做好准备。降落跑道就在眼前!

10.For these and other reasons continued prayers were appreciated and necessary to bring this Shotgun Release in for a landing this week and over the Labor Day Weekend.



On Wed.26 Aug.Q quit posting after making reference to Satanic symbols in DNC logos:https://qmap.pub/Major arrests on global and political elites were believed to have begun.

826日星期三。Q 在参考了民主党全国委员会标志中的撒旦符号后停止了发帖:https://qmap.pub/针对全球和政治精英的重大逮捕据信已经开始。

On Fri.30 Aug.many banks worldwide including all in the UK,closed and then opened up again on Tues.1 Sept.–the same day the Quantum Financial System took over the old Cabal SWIFT System.South Africa and most other countries were in the process of nationalizing their Central Banks(owned by private individuals of the Rothchild Banking Empire since at least 1913).The Rothchild Central Banks would go bankrupt as leaders of various countries took over the banking system using gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System.That meant The People were claiming ownership of their own monies.

830日星期五,包括英国在内的世界各地的许多银行关闭,然后在91日星期二重新开业。同一天,量子金融系统接管了旧的 Cabal SWIFT 系统。南非和大多数其他国家正在将它们的中央银行国有化(至少自1913年以来由罗斯柴尔德银行帝国的个人拥有)。随着各国领导人使用黄金/资产支持的量子金融系统接管银行系统,罗斯柴尔德中央银行将会破产。这意味着人民要求拥有他们自己的钱。

On Mon.31 Aug.in a meeting with RV Teams Trump approved the liquidity Shotgun Start and set the schedule for the RV rollout for between Tues.1 Sept.and Tues.8 Sept.


Overnight Tues.to Wed.1,2 Sept.the new currency rates were locked for Tier 4b exchanges/redemptions.

隔夜星期二到星期三,91日,2日新的货币汇率被锁定为4b 级交易所/赎回。

On Tues.1 Sept.gold/asset-backed currency(including the US Note)Quantum Financial System became the sole financial online platform for all 209 countries;behind the scenes all 16 NESARA/GESARA measures began implementation and the new currency rates appeared on Bank Screens.

91日星期二,黄金/资产支持货币(包括美国钞票)量子金融系统成为所有209个国家唯一的在线金融平台;在幕后,所有16 NESARA/GESARA 措施开始实施,新的货币利率出现在银行屏幕上。

US Treasury and Banker sources said that they would start our Tier 4b 800#s notification any time between Fri.afternoon 4 Sept.to Tues.8 Sept.

美国财政部和银行消息人士表示,他们将在94日星期五下午到98日星期二之间的任何时间开始我们的4b 800通知。

Some banks have announced that they would be in a blackout for ten banking days from Fri.4 Sept.at 1 pm EDT until Mon.21 Sept.


On Tues.8 Sept.the new US Treasury Note(USTN)was expected to be publically acknowledged.


Fri.11 Sept.was the 19th Anniversary of 9-11.


Mon.14 Sept.was the deadline to exchange/redeem at Contract rates at licensed Redemption Centers through appointments obtained by calling 800#s.

914星期一是兑换/赎回的最后期限,通过预约800#s 获得许可的赎回中心按合同汇率兑换/赎回。

On Tues.15 Sept.the General Public Tier 5 could begin exchanging at the new International Rates,plus the NESARA debt forgiveness programs would begin.

915日星期二,第五层公共机构可以开始按照新的国际汇率兑换,另外 NESARA 债务减免项目也将开始。

Thurs.1 Oct.was the beginning of the new fiscal year for the Federal Govt,plus the beginning of the US Restored Republic and return to the original Constitution.


On Thurs.29 Oct.according to Q,there was going to be an event called the October Surprise.


From Oct.2020 to Oct.2021 USD currency notes would be exchanged for the new USN currency notes,with the fiat US Dollar no longer valid after Oct.2021.



On Wed.26 Aug.Q made reference to Satanic symbols in DNC logos:https://qmap.pub/,and then quit posting until Wed.2 Sept,when they listed 89 Democrat/Republican politicians charged for Crimes Against Children,saying there were more to come.Major arrests on global and political elites were believed to have begun.https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/09/poetic-justice-james-obrien.html#more

826日星期三。Q 参考了民主党全国委员会标志中的撒旦符号:https://qmap.pub/,然后停止发布,直到92日星期三,当他们列出89名民主党/共和党政客被控犯有危害儿童罪时,他们说还会有更多的事情发生。据信,针对全球和政治精英的大规模逮捕已经开始:

This past week the CDC Admitted to Inflating the COVID Death Count and it was revealed that former CIA Director John Brennan was arrested on May 6–charged with alleged involvement in multiple homicides including those of Jeff Rich and Judge Scalia;alleged to be behind several attempts to murder President Trump and allegedly blackmailing Obama and John McCain to get his CIA job.

在过去的一周里,CDC 承认夸大了 COVID 的死亡人数。据透露,前中央情报局局长约翰布伦南于56日被捕,被指控涉嫌参与多起谋杀案,包括杰夫里奇(Jeff Rich)和斯卡利亚法官(Judge Scalia)的谋杀案;被指控参与多起谋杀特朗普总统的企图,并被指控勒索奥巴马和约翰麦凯恩(John McCain),以获得他在中央情报局的工作。

D.***必须看电影***量子金融系统(QFS):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE_qBX-PnRk&feature=youtu.be Converting your fiat dollar bank account to a gold/asset-backed–completed by Oct.2021;No need for banks;Countries not participating in the QFS system would be left out of International Trade.Trust the Plan,Q.


***必须看电影***量子金融系统(QFS):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE_qBX-PnRk&feature=youtu.be Converting your fiat dollar bank account to a gold/asset-backed–completed by Oct.2021;No need for banks;Countries not participating in the QFS system would be left out of International Trade.Trust the Plan,Q.





https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/nbspcharlie-ward-on-redemption-centers"Charlie and Colleen Freak,Part 3:The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan(Part 2)"by Kat-8.6.20

1.The panel spoke about the next two weeks being intense so it's good to find peace,stay home,reflect.A great deal is happening…behind the scenes.


2.1:12:55 Rachel Hamm gives a very interesting description of Chinese Railroad Bonds.

2.1:12:55 Rachel Hamm 对天朝铁路债券做了一个非常有趣的描述。

3.1:13:01 Charlie Ward:They're setting up Redemption Centers,so they don't set them up for nothing…it's to do with the Redemption of Bonds,Bank Notes etc….There was talk,originally,about 800#s…and then there was question marks because a number of 800#s were set up as SCAMS…so they were talking about setting up secure websites to register with…I haven't heard the final way of doing it yet but I know Redemption Centers are being set up as we speak.

3.1:13:01查理·沃德:他们正在设立赎回中心,所以他们不会无缘无故地设立这些中心......这些中心与债券、银行票据等的赎回有关......最初,大约有800#的谈话。.然后还有问号,因为一些800#s 被设立为 SCAMS......所以他们正在讨论建立安全网站注册......我还没有听到最后的方法做到这一点,但我知道救赎中心正在建立,因为我们说话。





数千名医生揭露 cv19骗局:


CDC Admits to Inflating COVID Death Count The Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that only 6%of the number of people who supposedly died of COVID-19 actually died of that disease.And the other 96%died of other diseases and co-morbidities they already had,but they were counted as COVID-19 deaths to generate a greater feeling of panic.


https://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2020/09/cdc-fauci-confirm-covid-19-scamdemic-was-a-hoax-2759432.html The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has admitted on their website that the entire coronavirus scamdemic was a huge lie and massive mainstream media hoax.Only 6%of COVID-19 deaths reported were actually from the virus.Dr.Anthony Fauci also had some interesting remarks about asymptomatic carriers too.Fauci said asymptomatic carriers aren't the problem either,and that has never been the case EVER in any epidemic.(Notice how no one is calling this a pandemic anymore.)

美国疾病控制和预防中心在其网站上承认,整个冠状病毒骗局是一个巨大的谎言和大规模的主流媒体骗局。在所报道的19例新型冠状病毒毒肺炎死亡病例中,只有6%是由病毒引起的。Anthony Fauci 博士也对无症状携带者发表了一些有趣的评论。福奇说,无症状携带者也不是问题所在,而且在任何流行病中都从未出现过这种情况。(请注意,现在已经没有人把这种疾病称为流行病了

Fauci 博士同意非症状不会传播,没有必要戴口罩




德国发现了一个有3万名成员的恋童癖团伙:https://neonnettle.com/news/11943-germany-uncovers-major-pedophile-ring-with-30-000-members The justice minister said he was deeply shocked and appalled at the depravity that has been uncovered."I felt sick when I heard it but it has also made us more determined to pursue this inquiry…I fear it is going to be more than 30,000 suspects…Victims included babies…We need to recognize that child abuse is more widespread online than we previously thought."










Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy



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