video : https://odysee.com/@jardindespleiades:a/interview-chamber-tachyons,-2:8
Rhona:Hello, everybody. I’m Rhona from Eric’s tachyon chamber near Poitiers in France. We’ve already spoken. We’re gonna have this interview today as our second installment on tachyon chambers, where we’ll continue to make progress understanding tachyon chambers. We suggest people who’ve heard the first interview… who haven’t heard the first interview in fact, to listen to the second one before listening to this one, and the link will be given after we’ve finished. So thank you very much for accepting this interview on tachyon chambers, which will be divided into two parts, history and Genesis, and how it works and the treatments. So let’s begin. How long have tachyon chambers existed in the universe?
Cobra:The tachyon chambers have existed for hundreds of millions of years at least, since the time when the advanced cosmic civilizations have discovered tachyons and utilized them for tachyon chambers.
柯博拉: 自从高级宇宙文明发现超光速粒子并将其用于超光速粒子室以来,超光速粒子室至少已经存在了数亿年。
Rhona:Okay. What different civilizations of galactic beings use tachyon chambers?
罗娜: 好的。哪些不同文明的银河生物使用超光速粒子室?
Cobra:I would say all galactic civilizations that reach a certain threshold of evolution, spiritualy and technologically use tachyons, because tachyons are the particles that are very much directly connected to the Source and are actually first manifested matter in this universe.
柯博拉: 我想说的是,所有达到一定进化门槛的银河文明,在精神上和技术上都使用超光子,因为超光子是与源头非常直接相连的粒子,实际上是在这个宇宙中首次显化的物质。
Rhona:Okay. And at the moment, what does using a tachyon chamber do for individuals, knowing that they’re operated by these very spiritually evolved beings?
Cobra:It helps in a spiritual evolution of those individuals that use the tachyon chamber. And of course, it also helps with healing of their situations, their bodies, their emotions, their mind, their complete makeup.
柯博拉: 它有助于那些使用超光速粒子室的个体的精神进化。当然,它也有助于治愈他们的情况,他们的身体,他们的情绪,他们的思想,他们的完整的构成。
Rhona:Okay. Do tachyon chambers vary dependent on which different galactic civilization uses them?
罗娜: 好的。超光速粒子室的变化是否取决于不同的银河文明使用它们?
Cobra:Of course, the actual design can vary, but the basic technology, there are few principles based on advanced physics that do not change.
柯博拉: 当然,实际的设计可以有所不同,但是基本的技术,基于先进的物理学原理很少有不变的。
Rhona:Okay. When did the first tachyon chambers arrive on Earth?
罗娜: 好的。第一个超光速粒子室是什么时候到达地球的?
Cobra:Actually, they were here also hundreds of millions of years ago, when there were previous cosmic civilizations visiting Earth. But more recently they were present here in Atlantis.
柯博拉: 事实上,它们在数亿年前就存在了,当时有先前的宇宙文明造访地球。但最近它们出现在亚特兰蒂斯。
Rhona:Okay. What civilizations brought them to Earth?
罗娜: 好的。是什么文明把他们带到地球上来的?
Cobra:Both Pleiadians and Sirians have brought them to Earth in Atlantis.
柯博拉: 昴宿星人和天狼星人都把他们带到了亚特兰蒂斯的地球。
Rhona:Okay. And where, where could it be accessed? In what type of location?
罗娜: 好的。在哪里,在哪里可以访问它? 在什么类型的位置?
Cobra:They were used in healing temples, in initiation temples and also in some private homes.
柯博拉: 它们被用于治疗寺庙,启蒙寺庙和一些私人住宅。
Rhona:Okay. Did they disappear when the quarantine was established?
罗娜: 好的。隔离区建立后,它们消失了吗?
Cobra:Basically what happened was that the quantum link between the surface of the planet and the tachyon field was severed. So that connection was gone and tachyon chambers were not useful anymore. Since the quarantine was established, there were still some partially functioning tachyon chambers, especially in the temples, but all this has gone, all this has been completely destroyed about 2000 years ago.
柯博拉: 基本上发生的情况是,行星表面和超光速粒子场之间的量子连接被切断了。所以这种联系消失了,超光速粒子室也不再有用了。自从隔离建立以来,仍然有一些部分运作的超光速粒子室,特别是在神庙里,但这些都消失了,所有这些在大约2000年前被完全摧毁。
Rhona:Okay. So let’s move on to the subject of pyramids. Are there any pyramids today that have a certain percentage of activation?
Cobra:I would say the pyramids, which were built in Atlantis, for example the Great Pyramids in Egypt, they still have some residual connection with the tachyon field.
柯博拉: 我认为建于亚特兰蒂斯的金字塔,例如埃及的大金字塔,它们仍然与超光速粒子场有一些残留的联系。
Rhona:Do the tachyon chambers connect energetically to pyramids, temples and other constructions that are strong energetically?
罗娜: 超光速粒子室是否与金字塔、神庙以及其他能量强大的建筑物有着能量上的连接?
Cobra:All tachyon chambers that we build are connected to the planetary Light grid, so they’re all connected also to the temples and pyramids and other locations.
柯博拉: 我们建造的所有超光速粒子室都连接到行星光网格,所以它们也都连接到神庙、金字塔和其他地方。
Rhona:And, and what’s the goal of this?
罗娜: 那么,这样做的目的是什么?
Cobra:To strengthen the Light grid around the planet.
柯博拉: 加强行星周围的光网格。
Rhona:Okay. In connection with tachyonic energy, can you tell us about the Mayans and other connected civilizations? What is or was their connection with the Source and tachyonic energy?
Cobra:The Mayans were connected with the Pleiadians and they knew to a certain degree about existence of the tachyon chambers.
柯博拉: 玛雅人与昴宿星人有联系,他们在一定程度上知道超光速粒子室的存在。
Rhona:Ah, okay. So they were connected. At the moment, what’s the link? The energetic rule between the tachyon chambers and Agartha?
Cobra:In the Agartha network, there are many tachyon chambers quite active right now and they’re supporting the planetary Light grid.
柯博拉: 在阿加森网络中,有许多超光速粒子室现在相当活跃,它们支持着行星光网格。
Rhona:Okay. And is there a certain type of tachyon chamber in Agartha?
Cobra:They’re using some tachyon chambers based on old Atlantian technology, and there are, in few rare occasions, there are also Pleiadian tachyon chambers existing there.
柯博拉: 他们使用一些基于古老的亚特兰蒂斯技术的超光速粒子室,在极少数情况下,也有昴宿星的超光速粒子室存在。
Rhona:Okay. And what’s the interaction between the tachyon chambers on the planet’s surface and the portal at the center of the Earth?
Cobra:The tachyon chambers are connected both with I would say source of tachyon field high up in the sky, and are also connected to the portal in the center of the Earth and this creates a pillar of tachyon energy, which flows through the chamber.
柯博拉: 超光速粒子室连接着高空中的超光速粒子场源,也连接着地球中心的传送门,这样就形成了一个超光速粒子能量柱,流经超光速粒子室。
Rhona:Okay. Well, thank you for the first part of this interview, and on to the next, which will be slightly longer. So how it works and treatments. Tachyon chamber technology, as you’ve just said, is very ancient. So why was tachyon chamber technology only made available recently?
Cobra:Because humanity was not ready before. It was actually offered to humanity before, but there was no interest. It was not, there was no receptivity. So as soon as the consciousness was ready, tachyon chambers could spread around the world.
柯博拉: 因为人类以前还没有准备好。事实上,以前也有人提供给人类,但是没有人感兴趣。没有,没有接受能力。所以一旦意识准备好,超光速粒子室就可以传播到世界各地。
Rhona:Logical. So when, on another subject, when a cintamani stone is buried, an angelic being is also anchored there, what’s the role difference between these two types of angelic beings? The one in tachyon chamber and that of a cintamani stone?
Cobra:Angelic beings working with the tachyon chambers are focused on healing of a human being, being subjected to the healing process in the tachyon chamber. And the cintamani stone angels are more focused on anchoring the Light into the planetary grid.
柯博拉: 在超光速粒子室中工作的天使生命专注于治疗人类,他们在超光速粒子室中受到治疗过程的影响。而如意宝珠天使们则更加专注于将光明锚定到行星网格中。
Rhona:Okay. And what is the role of the tachyon chamber and Mjolnir technology?
罗娜: 好的。那么超光速粒子室和雷神之锤技术的作用是什么?
Cobra:It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.
柯博拉: 这不是回答这个问题的最高目的。
Rhona:Okay. So I imagine that tachyon chambers on Earth are connected. What’s the purpose of this connection, and is it something like the link between Buddhic columns?
Cobra:As I said before, the purpose of this connection is to strengthen and enlarge the planetary Light grid. Yeah.
柯博拉: 正如我之前所说,这个连接的目的是加强和扩大行星光网格。是的。
Rhona:Do they also connect to the other tachyon chambers throughout the galaxy?
罗娜: 它们也和银河系其他的超光速粒子室相连吗?
Cobra:Yes. All the tachyon chambers as part of the planetary energy grid are vertically connected to the tachyon chamber network, or I, I would even say, to the galactic network of Light, which is existing throughout the galaxy.
柯博拉: 是的。作为行星能量网格的一部分,所有的超光速粒子室都垂直连接到超光速粒子室网络,或者我,我甚至可以说,连接到光的银河网络,它存在于整个银河系。
Rhona:Okay. And how do tachyon rooms help beings from the invisible world?
罗娜: 好的。那么超光速粒子室是如何帮助来自无形世界的生物的呢?
Cobra:Yes, beings from the invisible world can sometimes connect to the tachyon chamber. But since most of those beings exist far away in nature, far away from human settlements, it’s not that often.
柯博拉: 是的,来自无形世界的生物有时可以连接到超光速粒子室。但是由于这些生物大部分都生活在自然界中很远的地方,远离人类居住地,所以这种情况并不常见。
Rhona:Hmm. Okay. The tachyon chamber is technology. It could be considered as the adjustment of very delicate, precise clock. The guardian of the chamber is the guarantor of its, it working correctly by not touching anything that’s in the chamber, and by not adding any other elements, once that’s done, the chamber functions perfectly. Can a tachyon chamber be corrupted by the dark, and if so, how?
Cobra:The tachyon chamber, if you don’t modify it in any way, cannot be corrupted by the dark. But if you change any of the elements of course then the basic protection of the chamber is gone.
柯博拉: 超光速粒子室,如果你不以任何方式修改它,就不会被黑暗破坏。但如果你改变了其中任何一个元素那么密室的基本保护就没有了。
Rhona:Yes. Logical. During a session, does the tachyon chamber remove the following entities: reptilians, disembodied souls (human and animal), entities related to witchcraft, thought forms, egregores, elementals, entities related to disease, the invisibles on the mind plane? Are there any other entities that can be removed by the chamber?
罗娜: 是的。合乎逻辑。在一个疗程期间,超光速粒子室是否移除下列实体: 爬行动物,无实体的灵魂(人类和动物) ,与巫术有关的实体,思想形态,恶魔,元素,与疾病有关的实体,心灵层面上的无形?是否还有其他实体可以被商会移除?
Cobra:The tachyon chamber can remove all those entities during the healing session. And this is one of the strong points of the chamber. This is one of the most important aspects of the chamber healing.
柯博拉: 超光速粒子室可以在治疗过程中移除所有这些实体。这是密室的强项之一。这是腔内愈合最重要的方面之一。
Rhona:Okay. So flaws that we have in our various energy bodies, that allow these entities to hang on, are not closed during a session. So one session’s not enough to protect us in the future from being attacked again. We have to keep working on ourselves regularly. Do you agree with this?
Cobra:Of course, one healing session cannot solve all of our problems which have been accumulated through this lifetime and past lifetimes, but if you take a few regular sessions, you will definitely experience quite a bit of an improvement.
柯博拉: 当然,一个疗程不能解决我们这一生和前世积累的所有问题,但是如果你定期进行几个疗程,你肯定会经历相当多的改善。
Rhona:Wonderful. Our energetic memories, our low frequencies, present life, past life, transgenerational collective consciousness, exert an energetic attraction. Once transmuted, these attractions no longer take place. In this way, we influence a more positive future for ourselves. Is this correct?
柯博拉: 是的。
Rhona:Okay. So after a session in the tachyon room, our own energy is increased. What level can we reach?
罗娜: 好的。那么在超光速粒子室的一次疗程之后,我们自己的能量增加了。我们能达到什么程度?
Cobra:There is no limit. It’s up to us, up to our free will and up our willingness to accept the healing.
柯博拉: 没有极限。这取决于我们,取决于我们的自由意志和我们接受治疗的意愿。
Rhona:Okay. So do all the people who use the (tachyon) room contribute to elevating the vibration of the Earth and its inhabitants and also to its liberation?
Cobra:Yes, of course.
柯博拉: 是的,当然。
Rhona:Wonderful. So, out of curiosity, what if we were to do a tachyon session for a person who’s left the physical plane a long time ago? How can the tachyon chamber work with them?
Cobra:That is possible. That disincarnated person can seek for the healing in a tachyon chamber, for example if he has or she has trouble crossing over to the higher planes, to release attachments to the Earth and to resolve inner issues, that can help as well.
柯博拉: 有可能。那个去世的人可以在超光速粒子室中寻求疗愈,例如,如果他或她在穿越到更高层面时遇到麻烦,可以释放对地球的依恋并解决内在问题,这也会有所帮助。
Rhona:Oh, so, so how can this be done?
罗娜: 哦,那么,那么怎么才能做到这一点呢?
Cobra:You can, you need to do a ceremony before or a short meditation before the healing session, and invite that being if you know, if he… one of the, of your loved ones, which has died before, you just invite him or her to the, to the chamber at a certain appointed time. And the chamber will do its work.
柯博拉: 你可以,你需要在治疗之前做一个仪式或者短暂的冥想,然后邀请那个人,如果你知道,如果他... 你的爱人之一,已经死了之前,你只是邀请他或她在一个特定的时间到房间。密室会发挥作用。
Rhona:Would the person be in the tachyon chamber with the deceased or would the deceased be alone?
罗娜: 这个人是和死者一起在超光速粒子室里,还是只有死者一个人?
Cobra:Both options are possible. It’s up to you.
柯博拉: 两种选择都有可能。这取决于你。
Rhona:Okay. So what happens during a person’s very first session and the very first connection with the room?
罗娜: 好的。那么在一个人的第一次治疗和第一次与这个房间的联系中会发生什么呢?
Cobra:In the first session, usually the Light being scan the energy field of that, and the physical body of that person and adjust the healing frequency and do the first healing session.
柯博拉: 在第一个疗程中,通常光正在扫描那个人的能量场,以及那个人的身体,调整疗愈频率并进行第一个疗愈疗程。
Rhona:So is this potentially why people in the first or second session very often give feedback that this is when they have the strongest feelings, but sometimes that’s not the case?
罗娜: 所以这就是为什么人们在第一次或第二次治疗中经常给出反馈,说这是他们感觉最强烈的时候,但有时情况并非如此吗?
Cobra:Usually people have not been exposed to tachyon energy for a very long time, and the first exposure is of course usually the most intense one. It’s like you were not drinking water for a few days, and the first drop of water is of course the most intense.
柯博拉: 通常人们已经很长时间没有接触到超光速粒子能量了,第一次接触当然是最强烈的一次。就好像你好几天没喝水了,第一滴水当然是最强烈的。
Rhona:Okay. So during the session, the person contacts the different light frequencies. Can they easily reconnect with this by meditating or by letting go emotionally and mentally? In the future?
Cobra:They can to a certain degree, but without the assistance of the chamber, they will need some time, some practice, regular practice of meditation, for example, to keep that frequency.
柯博拉: 在一定程度上是可以的,但是如果没有密室的帮助,他们需要一些时间,一些练习,例如定期的冥想练习,来保持这种频率。
Rhona:Okay. A comment from our friend, Dr. Mac Namara. He says, I’ve seen miraculous developments with some people, and there seems to be a change in the gravitational field, and even the timeline that the client experiences, time seems to speed up or slow down significantly, even after just one session. People seem to glow a lot more and have sparkly eyes. Can you tell us about extending the time in the chamber with people for serious illnesses? And if it’s possible, how long would you recommend?
罗娜:好的。来自我们的朋友 Mac Namara 医生的评论。他说,“我见过一些人奇迹般的发展,他们的引力场似乎发生了变化,甚至客户体验的时间线,时间似乎明显加快或减慢,即使只是一个疗程。”。人们看起来容光焕发,眼睛闪闪发光。你能告诉我们如何延长与患有严重疾病的人共处一室的时间吗?如果可能的话,你建议多长时间?
Cobra:Usually I would not recommend this because the allotted 20 minutes is the optimal time for human beings to integrate that amount of tachyon energy. So I would not recommend extending this.
柯博拉: 通常我不建议这样做,因为分配给人类的20分钟是整合那么多超光速粒子能量的最佳时间。所以我不建议扩展这个。
Rhona:Okay. Okay, perfect. So, concerning animals, can you explain to us how they work energetically in relation to human beings?
罗娜: 好的,好的,非常好。那么,关于动物,你能向我们解释一下它们是如何在人类身上发挥能量作用的吗?
Cobra:Can you rephrase this question?
柯博拉: 你能重新措辞这个问题吗?
Rhona:But animals, when they do a tachyon session, they seem to, there seems to be a different energetic reaction or a simpler one, but have you, have you had any experience with this?
罗娜: 但是动物,当它们做超光速粒子时,它们似乎,似乎有一种不同的能量反应,或者一种更简单的反应,但是你,你有过这方面的经验吗?
Cobra:Yeah, usually the mental body of the animals is much less developed and they are much more in contact with their emotional bodies. So in a way, they are able to feel the energy more directly and more clearly and more simply, and they have less or, or almost zero psychological defense mechanism. So healing for animals is usually easier and shorter.
柯博拉: 是的,通常动物的精神身体发育得不太好,它们更多地接触自己的情感身体。所以在某种程度上,他们能够更直接、更清晰、更简单地感受到能量,他们的心理防御机制更少,或者说几乎为零。所以动物的愈合通常更容易,也更短。
Rhona:So what do they get out of being put in the tachyon chamber?
罗娜: 那么把他们放进超光速粒子室能得到什么呢?
Cobra:Again, it restores their physical health, vitality and energy field gets balanced.
柯博拉: 再次,它恢复他们的身体健康,活力和能量场得到平衡。
Rhona:Okay. And how does it work on the level of the group of animal souls?
罗娜: 好的。那么它在动物灵魂的层面上是如何工作的呢?
Cobra:If an animal of a certain animal soul gets into the chamber, this assists the evolution of the whole soul group of that particular animal.
柯博拉: 如果某种动物灵魂的动物进入密室,这将有助于该特定动物整个灵魂群体的进化。
Rhona:Okay. The situation here on Earth with implants, black holes and the primary anomaly is holding back our progress, our healing. It is as if some of our work is being hoarded. Once the event is taking place and implants have all been removed, will we finally have access to all the fruit of our heart labors?
Cobra:Yeah. Finally, after the Event or when things get improved, finally we will get some tangible results. And all the, the work we have done has not been for nothing.
Rhona:Can you explain how dark forces hinder our healing process? When in some cases we have reharmonized certain frequencies?
罗娜: 你能解释黑暗力量如何阻碍我们的治疗过程吗? 在某些情况下,我们重新调和了某些频率?
Cobra:Usually when we reach a certain level, they try to attack to lower the vibrational frequency again.
柯博拉: 通常当我们达到一定的水平,他们试图攻击,以再次降低振动频率。
Rhona:Okay. And do tachyon chambers exist on an etheric plane or on an astral plane?
罗娜: 好的。那么超光速粒子室是存在于以太层面上,还是存在于星体层面上呢?
Cobra:The tachyon chambers of the advanced civilizations exist both on physical, etheric, astral, mental planes.
柯博拉: 先进文明的超光速粒子室存在于物质层、以太层、星体层和精神层。
Rhona:Okay. And how are they different from the tachyon chambers we know on Earth?
罗娜: 好的。那么它们与我们在地球上所知道的超光速粒子室有什么不同呢?
Cobra:Okay. The tachyon chambers we have on Earth is the, I would say the easiest, simplest version of the tachyon chamber, which is suitable for the stage of development of the surface planetary situation. The tachyon chambers that the Light Forces have are usually much more advanced.
Rhona:Okay. And can our astral bodies go into these chambers while we are asleep?
罗娜: 好的。那么我们的星光体躯体能在我们睡着的时候进入这些房间吗?
柯博拉: 是的。
Rhona:Marvelous. In a tachyon chamber following a session, a person expressed the fact that they’ve never seen such a pure channel. Can you explain the purity of the power of the channel for the chamber to the Source?
Cobra:Yes. It is actually the purest channel possible because it is based on quantum connection between the Source, the source of the tachyon field and the chamber, so this is the purest channel possible at this moment on the surface of the planet.
柯博拉: 是的。它实际上是可能的最纯粹的通道,因为它是基于源头之间的量子连接,超光速粒子场的源头和腔室,所以这是目前地球表面上可能的最纯粹的通道。
Rhona:Okay. Some tachyon chambers guardians add a quantum fluctuation resonator and/or a Pleiadian Stargate during the session. They’re the only additional objects that can be placed on the floor of the room. What does working with the quantum fluctuation resonator bring to the session?
Cobra:It harmonizes the quantum field, which to a certain degree increases the efficiency of the chamber.
柯博拉: 它协调了量子场,在一定程度上提高了腔室的效率。
Rhona:And what does working with the Pleiadian Stargate bring to the session?
罗娜: 那么与昴宿星门一起工作会给会议带来什么呢?
Cobra:It brings additional Pleiadian energy to the session because the tachyon chamber itself is a Pleiadian technology, and the Pleiadian stargate makes it a little bit more efficient, so this is also recommended.
柯博拉: 它为会话带来了额外的昴宿星能量,因为超光速粒子室本身就是昴宿星的技术,而昴宿星的星门使它更有效一点,所以这也是推荐的。
Rhona:Okay. Why do you recommend not doing any preparation just before, during, or just after the session?
罗娜: 好的。为什么你建议不要在治疗前、治疗中或治疗后做任何准备?
Cobra:Before the session you can do a preparation if you wish, like a short meditation. But it’s not mandatory. People can use their own guidance about this.
柯博拉: 如果你愿意的话,可以在开始之前做一些准备,比如短暂的冥想。但这不是强制性的。人们可以利用他们自己的指导。
Rhona:And do you advise people not to do other treatments the same day, even a few days before or after, or is it not a problem to do different things on the same day?
罗娜: 你是否建议人们不要在同一天做其他治疗,即使是在治疗前后的几天,或者在同一天做不同的治疗不是问题吗?
Cobra:It is not extremely recommended, because the tachyon energy has full efficiency working by itself. But if you have to do other treatments, that’s okay, but just don’t do them… I would say allow at least a few hours for the integration process to be at least to a certain degree completed before doing other treatments on the same day.
柯博拉: 这不是非常推荐的,因为超光速粒子的能量本身就有充分的效率。但是如果你不得不做其他的治疗,那也没关系,但是不要这么做... ... 我想说,在同一天进行其他的治疗之前,至少要有几个小时的时间让整合过程至少在一定程度上完成。
Rhona:Mm-Hmm. Okay. Many tachyon chambers around the world have had a very sharp drop in patronage recently, since about Autumn 2022. Do you know why?
Cobra:Yes, there was a strong attack of the dark forces against the tachyon chambers, because they were really getting very successful and they tried to diminish the number of visitations because people were getting healed. Problems were getting resolved.
柯博拉: 是的,黑暗势力对超光速粒子室进行了强烈的攻击,因为他们真的变得非常成功,他们试图减少探访的数量,因为人们得到了治愈。问题得到了解决。
Rhona:And are the Forces of the Light aware of this and what actions have they taken or could they take to help us resolve the situation?
罗娜: 光明势力是否意识到了这一点,他们采取了什么行动,或者他们可以采取什么行动来帮助我们解决这个问题?
Cobra:Yes, they are aware of this. They’re giving guidance to some people. And one part of this guidance is this interview because it’ll bring a more clear understanding of what the tachyon chambers are and people can make more informed decisions about the tachyon chambers.
柯博拉: 是的,他们知道这一点。他们在给一些人提供指导。这个指导的一部分就是这次访谈因为这会让我们更清楚地了解超光速粒子室是什么人们可以对超光速粒子室做出更明智的决定。
Rhona:Thank you. Now, let’s look at med beds for a moment. Once the Event is over and they’re available, who will look after med beds? Will it be individuals who would like to, or specialists such as doctors, galactic beings?
Cobra:Okay. The first med beds will be introduced after the Event, and they will be given to, I would say, qualified personnel. They will go through some short training and they will be checked that their… I would say personality structure will be checked against inner corruption and in such a way, this network will grow exponentially until it reaches the critical mass. So people on the surface can get some real healing.
柯博拉: 第一批医疗床将在事件发生后推出,它们将被提供给,我想说,合格的人员。他们将经过一些短期培训,并将被检查他们的......我想说的是人格结构将被检查,以防止内部腐败,以这种方式,这个网络将成倍增长,直到它达到临界质量。所以表面上的人可以得到一些真正的治疗。
Rhona:And in what type of structures will they be available?
罗娜: 在什么类型的建筑物里可以使用呢?
Cobra:Can you rephrase this question?
柯博拉: 你能重新措辞这个问题吗?
Rhona:Will it be in hospitals? Will it be in special places? Will there be medical centers or will it be completely apart?
罗娜: 会在医院吗?会在特别的地方吗?会有医疗中心吗? 还是会完全分开?
Cobra:This will go through different channels. It’ll go through official channels, through hospitals, through healing centers, through spiritual healing centers, to private homes, to private companies. It’ll be a combination of all of this.
柯博拉: 这将通过不同的渠道。它将通过官方渠道,通过医院,通过治疗中心,通过精神治疗中心,通过私人住宅,通过私人公司。这将是所有这一切的结合。
Rhona:Okay. We regularly talk about the work with the tachyon chambers on the harmonization of our different energetic bodies. So let us now look at what the chamber can bring us from another point of view. For example, some people mentioned during the session or even after the session, that they receive information downloads, but that they have the feeling that they can’t access it. Can you elaborate on this?
Cobra:Okay. The tachyon healing session, the Light Forces are trying to create an energy channel with that particular person. And sometimes they’re trying to send information and based on the consciousness of that being that that person is being healed, it determines how successful that person will be in receiving the download.
Rhona:And what can the room bring us beside physical improvement?
罗娜: 除了身体上的进步,这个室还能给我们带来什么呢?
Cobra:It can bring emotional healing, energetic restoration, clarity of the mind and spiritual connection.
柯博拉: 它可以带来情绪治疗,能量恢复,头脑清晰和精神连接。
Rhona:Thank you. So, at the moment there are numerous earthquakes all over the world. There’ve been two in Turkey, one in early February and the other earlier this week. And at the end of January, you informed us that the ancient Atlantian Light grid was being reactivated. And that a very important aspect of this process is the reactivation of the ancient Atlantian Goddess vortexes and that they’re connected to the ancient Atlantian equator. Are the earthquakes in Turkey related to these reactivations?
Cobra:This is one aspect of this. They are connected to this and also to some geopolitical situations. And of course, unfortunately according to the sources, they were not taking place naturally.
柯博拉: 这是其中的一个方面。它们与此有关,也与一些地缘政治局势有关。当然,不幸的是,根据消息来源,它们不是自然发生的。
Rhona:Okay. So, can you explain what’s happening with the hot air balloons in North America and China?
罗娜: 好的。那么,你能解释一下北美和中国的热气球是怎么回事吗?
Cobra:It’s a geopolitical game to engineer the right climate and conditions for the World War. This is what they want.
柯博拉: 这是一场地缘政治游戏,目的是为世界大战创造合适的气候和条件。这就是他们想要的。
Rhona:Okay. So, thank you very much. This is the end of the end, the interview. Do you have a message for us and for the spring of 2023?
Cobra:Okay. The spring of 2023 is an extremely challenging time and an extremely promising time. So let us all work to anchor as much Light as possible so that the maximum positive timeline gets manifested. Big things are possible, but we need to keep our focus. And Victory of the Light!
Rhona:Marvelous. So again, many thanks for you taking this time with us. I’d like also to thank Gwen from jardin des pléiades in Bretagne, France, for organizing this second interview. Eric for the technical support from the tachyon chamber near Poitier in France and all the tachyon chamber guardians who are working to bring the new world into being. Speak to you soon, Cobra. And we’re gonna end this with some music.
Cobra:Okay. Thank you. Bye-Bye.
Rhona:Thank you.