Ep. 3232a – Argentinian People Surround The [CB], It Has Begun
阿根廷人民包围[CB] ,战争已经开始
Ep. 3232b – [DS] Projects Cyber Attack, Countermeasures, It’s Time To Liberate America From The [DS]
[ DS ]计划网络攻击,对策,是时候将美国从[ DS ]手中解放出来了
X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 10, 5:15 pm EST
X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 10,5:15 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月10日下午5:15
The people see clearly, those fake elites tell the people one thing and they do another, watch their actions not what they say. The economy is worse than it looks. The people of Argentina are now ready to remove the [CB]. The people know, it has begun and it will spread.
人们看得很清楚,那些虚伪的精英告诉人们一件事,他们做另一件事,注意他们的行为而不是他们所说的。经济比看上去要糟糕。阿根廷人民现在已经准备好移除[ CB ]。人们知道,它已经开始,并将蔓延。
X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 10, 5:45 pm EST
X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 10,5:45 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月10日下午5:45播出
The [DS] indicted Hunter to get out of the House subpoena, they also started the process to remove Biden from office, change of batter coming. The [DS] is now projecting what they are going to do, they released a film on how the country is going to have a communication blackout because of a cyber attack. Countermeasures are already in place and the emergency alert system has been tested. The [DS] will attack the US like they did in 2020 but this time it will be used against them. Trump says it’s time to liberate America from the [DS].
[DS]起诉亨特,以摆脱众议院的传票,他们还启动了将拜登免职的程序,换人即将到来。[DS]现在正在计划他们要做的事情,他们发布了一部电影,讲述这个国家将如何因为网络攻击而陷入通讯中断。应对措施已经到位,紧急警报系统已经经过测试。[DS]将像2020年那样攻击美国,但这次将被用来对付他们。特朗普说,是时候把美国从 [DS]手中解放出来了。