Ep. 3158a – Right On Schedule, Biden Says Economy Strong, The Silent Economic Plan Continues
Ep. 3158b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Renegade, [DS] Will Be Brought To Justice
X22 Report
Streamed on: Sep 7, 7:45 pm EDT
流媒体: 9月7日,美国东部时间下午7:45
Climate scientist are now admitting that they overhyping the impact of global warming on wildfires. Climate change is a hoax, the climate always changes. The system is rapidly falling apart and Biden is right on schedule letting everyone know that the economy is strong.
X22 Report
Streamed on: Sep 7, 8:15 pm EDT
X22报告流媒体: 9月7日,美国东部时间下午8:15
The [DS] is now ready to change things up, this is going exactly the way the patriots want. The change of batter is on deck and the patriots are ready to expose the truth. All roads lead to [BO]. The information is going to be dripped out and the fake news will either ignore it and when they can’t the platforms will be shutdown to hide the truth. In the end the [DS] will be brought to justice.
现在[ DS ]准备改变事情,这正是爱国者想要的方式。换人准备就绪,爱国者们准备揭露真相。条条大路通[ BO ]。这些信息会被泄露出去,假新闻要么会忽略它,当他们不能这样做的时候,这些平台将被关闭以隐藏真相。最终[ DS ]将被绳之以法。