X22报道|第2730集: 中央银行使用70年代的剧本,爱国者正在努力结束邪恶

2022年3月21日16:25:45最新动态X22报道|第2730集: 中央银行使用70年代的剧本,爱国者正在努力结束邪恶已关闭评论4161阅读模式


X22报道|第2730集: 中央银行使用70年代的剧本,爱国者正在努力结束邪恶

Ep. 2730a – Banks Accumulate Gold, The [CB] Is Using The Playbook From The 70’s

银行积累黄金,[ CB ]正在使用70年代的剧本

Ep. 2730b – The Patriots Are Working To End, Evil, Expect A Lot More, Panic, Not As It Appears


X22 报告发表于2022年3月20日


The [CB] has fallen in the 70s trap. They are now using the same playbook, they are telling people not to use their cars, they are talking about lower the speed limit. Banks are now accumulating gold, why now, is something about to happen.

[ CB ]已经落入了上世纪70年代的陷阱。他们现在正在使用同样的剧本,他们告诉人们不要使用他们的汽车,他们正在谈论降低限速。银行现在正在积累黄金,为什么是现在,是即将发生的事情。


The [DS] is being called out, the hid the [HB] story from the public and now the people see the truth, it was a lie. The walls are closing in on them. The [DS] has already lost the Ukraine war, the control belongs to Putin, next up Taiwan and Iran. The patriots are in the processing of removing evil, expect a lot more, nothing is as it appears, enjoy the show.



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