
2021年7月27日22:00:04最新动态X22报道|第2537集:[DS]准备[FF]s,平局正在转向,人民的崛起,镇压叛乱已关闭评论7886字数 1781阅读5分56秒阅读模式



Ep 2537a–The Infrastructure Deal Is An Inflation Bomb,Trump"Don't Do The Infrastructure Deal"

Ep 2537a-基础设施协议是通货膨胀炸弹,特朗普"别做基础设施协议"

Ep 2537b–[DS]Preparing[FF]s,The Tied Is Turning,Rise Of The People,Counterinsurgency 

Ep 2537b-[DS]准备[FF]s,捆绑正在转变,人民的崛起,镇压叛乱

The[CB]infrastructure bill is going to be like a nuclear blast of inflation.People are already experiencing inflation but if the deal is made it will be something like we have never seen before.Trump is warning against this,a crisis is coming.Credit Suisse says it's time to buy gold.Bitcoin rises sharply,[CB]trap.



The patriots are in total control,the election forensic audits are going to be presented to the people,more and more states are signing on to have their states audited.Most likely in the end every state will be audited.The[DS]is now preparing to stop this at any they can.They are now setting the stage for a false flag.The pandemic is disappearing the FDA and CDC have changed the tests,they will now use tests that will distinguish between covid and flu.Covid will disappear while the flu reappears,the[DS]knows that this is their last push to get everyone vaccinated,they are now at the stage where they will be forcing it on people.The people are rising up,they don't want vaccines or vaccine passports,the counterinsurgency has begun.

Ep. 2537b - [DS] Preparing [FF]s, The Tied Is Turning, Rise Of The People, Counterinsurgency

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