Sunday,9 May 2021,15:30 2021年5月9日,星期日,15:30
Carolyn Bassette-Kennedy Telegram 5/9/21
The financial system is based on a fraud.Set up to steal from us.It takes the money we work hard to earn and gives it to a tiny group of individuals.With the infinite supply of money we have allowed them to take they buy influence.
The"good guys"who are with us r applying pressure on this financial system to end it once and 4 all.And it's happening now.The banks don't have any money,the Federal Reserve no longer exists,the bad guys are panicking and fighting back in many ways including cyberattacks.
It is very clear the head of the snake is the financial system.The whole point of finance is to indebt,slave,what is a mortgage?What does that stand for?It's a death grip.You get a mortgage and you are in a debt grip,you don't even own the house.You are not going to believe or like what I'm about to post but someone has to say it.The power grid is a target.Buy the power pro generators for$45,or equivalent,by LED bulbs for the generator,they charge phones and more.Buy peanut butter,crackers,etc..
protein bars,lots of waters,emergency heaters used for camping,your necessities.They will find a way to hit those power grids be prepared.It's not as expensive as you think.Research because your life may depend on$200-300!We are at war with the financial system.
Biden,Harris,Pelosi and others will be gone soon.Once the financial system collapses they have no power and will flee.Look at the trillions they are stealing from us,sending it overseas.They will be held accountable.
They are trying to bribe us with another stimulus in July to buy more to to chip as many as possible and steal as much as possible.The Military knows this.The Military knows Trump won.The Military is ready to take on all enemies foreign and domestic.Borders will be shutdown.
International news is very important now.The Cabal doesn't want you to know about it.Their media doesn't cover international news.Lots happening countries going bankrupt and leaders removed.Our Military is knocking back the Cabal.Trump knocked them back 4 yrs
Trump set many things in motion before he left office.Missions the Military is carrying out now.