
2020年2月20日10:02:31最新动态注意大浪即将来临——ECETI新闻已关闭评论1.5K16字数 3489阅读11分37秒阅读模式




Heads up big wave coming.Many have asked why the numbers 2/20/2020 are popping up everywhere what is the significance?The 22nd of February is also appearing in visions and meditations.We were told on high there would be another big wave of energy coming through usually felt a couple days before and after.The sun is poised for a major event having astronomers baffled as to what is coming next.Is this wave coming from unknown sources as before,originating from some far-off distant galaxy or is it the sun flares or coronal mass ejections?It could be all the above time will tell.The Mayans talk about the 9th wave of Unity Consciousness coming through in these times.I believe it is a series of waves increasing exponentially.These waves create social economic changes,changes in relationships,severe weather and can often create an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity.Also the Schumann resonance just spiked.This event on the 20th/22nd I feel will not have such an impact as previous waves but it will be noticeable.If you did not release the past,forgive and gain the wisdom from experience the last waves brought up expect things to become more accelerated,more intense.

注意大浪要来了。许多人问,为什么2/20/2020这个数字到处都在冒出来?这有什么意义?2月22日也出现在异象和冥想中。我们被告知在高处会有另一股巨大的能量波通过,通常在前几天和后几天都能感觉到。太阳即将发生一场大事件,这让天文学家们困惑不解,不知道接下来会发生什么。这个波是像以前一样来自未知的来源,来自某个遥远的星系,还是太阳耀斑或日冕物质抛射?这可能是所有上述时间将告诉。玛雅人谈论在这些时代中出现的第9波统一意识。我认为它是一系列的波指数增长。这些波浪造成了社会经济的变化,人际关系的变化,恶劣的天气,经常会造成地震和火山活动的增加。舒曼共振也达到了顶峰。我觉得这次20 /22日的活动不会像之前的几次浪潮那样有影响,但会很明显。如果你不释放过去,原谅并从经验中获得智慧,最后的浪潮带来的期望事情变得更加速,更激烈。



Fox predicts more uprisings in the months of February and March,and partially credits them to Aquarius,one of the more intuitive and disruptive signs on the chart.This is predicted to begin when Saturn(the planet of"karma,restriction and obligation")enters into Aquarius on March 22nd,immediately following Mercury in Retrograde.


"The Mercury Retrograde period in February through March occurs in Pisces and Aquarius,so spiritual awareness may come together with more practical forms of protest,"Fox explains."This will be a time of uprising and upset from the masses which will highlight the power of online groups and social media throughout 2020 and the following year.""Kelli Fox"


It is imperative that we go within,look at our past with brutal honesty.Ask ourselves has this happened before,what is the reoccurring theme.We need to take personal responsibility for people and events we drew to us show us the wounds,traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences.Forgive ourselves and others for the cocreation,gain the wisdom from the experience and allow it to settle in the soul as wisdom.We also have to surrender the need to be right,refrain from projecting and blaming others,that is disempowering.Have the courage to feel each event in its entirety,no walls or sweeping it under the rug.As we said the waves are reoccurring,increasing exponentially eventually bringing everything that needs to be healed to the surface.Things are not as your ego sees them.Put your monk robe on,get out in nature,try to find quiet time to process away from the drama and psychic turbulence.Remember this to shall pass.


James Gilliland




ECETI Stargate YouTube



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