This is a horrifying story and I make no apologies for opening the post with it. Please pass it on. Almost ONE MILLION jabbed people in UK have died since 2021 compared to 61,000 un-jabbed people. It is official data backed by comprehensive graphs.
What is interesting about the data is 30% of UK people did not get jabbed. When the jab was being pushed heavily here in NZ, I estimated that about 25% of New Zealanders did not get jabbed. Yet every night on the complicit corrupt NZ MSM television news - BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER - a banner streamed across the bottom of the screen showing that up to 98% of NZers had been jabbed. That heinous lie contributed to many reluctant people giving in and getting jabbed.
有趣的是,有30% 的英国人没有被注射。在 NZ,当注射被大力推广时,我估计大约有25% 的新西兰人没有被注射。然而,每天晚上,在新西兰 MSM 电视台的腐败新闻——由 PFIZER 带给你——屏幕底部流动的横幅显示,高达98% 的新西兰人被刺伤。这个令人发指的谎言促使许多不情愿的人屈服并被戳伤。
Anecdotally I am hearing stories of people who now deeply regret getting jabbed. This 'jab remorse' covers all ages groups from teens to elderly. Why? Because the health issues are appearing now, as we were warned would happen two years after being jabbed. Top of the list is turbo cancers, followed by heart attacks and strokes - in ALL age groups.
Change of subject...
Heads up, I have not listened to this ground-breaking interview featuring Elon Musk and Alex Jones - but I will be. Elon Musk launches straight in with a question for Alex Jones about Sandy Hook. BOOM (1 hour 35" video).
注意了,我还没有听过这个由埃隆 · 马斯克和亚历克斯 · 琼斯主持的开创性采访——但我会听的。埃隆 · 马斯克开门见山地问亚历克斯 · 琼斯一个关于桑迪 · 胡克的问题。BOOM (1小时35分)。
Elon Musk's opening words in the interview: 'These are tumultuous times, wild times indeed.'
埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)在采访中的开场白是: “这是一个动荡的时代,确实是一个狂野的时代。”
He is spot on there.
I have been meaning to discuss a long-standing 'spelling error' by President Trump. Remember, President Trump only ever misspells deliberately as a form of code. It is the misspelling of STOLLEN for stolen regarding the election. STOLLEN is a German Christmas bread. Light Warriors are pondering whether there will be USA snap election before Christmas. Hey, why not...? Let's do it.
我一直想讨论特朗普总统长期存在的“拼写错误”。记住,特朗普总统只会故意拼错密码。这是 STOLLEN 的拼写错误,关于选举被盗。STOLLEN 是一种德国圣诞面包。光明战士正在考虑圣诞节前是否会举行美国提前选举。嘿,为什么不... ?开始吧。
Great stuff, Roseanne Barr.
干得好 Roseanne Barr。
A lot of TRUTH in this meme.
Speaking of Elon Musk's wild times, right now here in New Zealand most of the country is experiencing wild winds, thunder and hail storms. Our Spring weather can often be unpredictable but the current weather patterns are off the charts. I look forward to the end of weather manipulation so we can enjoy blue skies and balmy weather.
说到埃隆 · 马斯克的狂野岁月,此时此刻,新西兰大部分地区正在经历狂风、雷鸣和冰雹。我们的春季天气往往是不可预测的,但目前的天气模式是非图表。我期待着天气操纵的结束,这样我们就可以享受蓝天和温暖的天气。
I am going to end on a light-hearted note. Blog reader Cosmic Custodian left such a funny comment - I was thinking about it and chuckling on my morning walk. There was a discussion about our Light Warrior meeting Upstairs, where we volunteered for this Earth mission. CC said to his mates Upstairs during the meeting...
我要以轻松愉快的方式结束。博客读者 Cosmic Custodian 留下了这样一条有趣的评论——我在早晨散步的时候想了想,咯咯地笑了起来。我们在楼上讨论了光明战士的会议,我们自愿参加了这次地球任务。CC 在楼上的会议上对他的同伴说..。
'I've been there (to Earth) thousands of times. Don't be pansies, it can't be that hard...'
我去过(地球)成千上万次了。别娘娘腔了,没那么难... ..
Well, guys, we certainly aren't pansies but in the end it WAS that hard - and some. It's good to laugh, isn't it...? Thanks CC.
好吧,伙计们,我们当然不是同性恋,但最终这是很困难的-和一些。笑起来很好,不是吗?谢谢 CC。
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light